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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. yeah it is absolutely about the time zone differences. i noticed that was happening long time ago. i even noticed that in pms, i mean when you are in a conversation using pms, and suddenly i see that i answered his question before he send it to me . it is kind of confusing and funny in same time. but in threads i noticed that is happening only recently, so maybe you could fix it opaque in some how.
  2. anwiii, again you are making a wrong calculating in here, because according to you, all my posts are equal in size and numbers or lines and this is not true as you know. i could get 10 cents for a post about 2 or 3 lines but i would definitely get about 50 cents for a post about 10 lines. therefore your math here is wrong because you use wrong data, all your inputs not equal therefor your output shouldn't be equal too . as you know not all my posts containing only "thanks for sharing" .
  3. i tried them, both the site and the forums work fine for me. and both load very fast. so i thought that maybe the website and the forums are using some features that not supported in your browser like javascript, both of them using javascript so check if javascript enabled in your browser. other than that i can't think of any reason. and i don't think they ban your IP because then you won't be able to enter the whole site i guess not loading it slow.
  4. i think if you used any programming language before then you can understand the structure of ajax, if not then try to know a little about how javascript works. about ajax, ajax is a way of developing web application that combines, XHTML and CSS, interacts with the page through DOM,interchanges data with XML and XSLT,retrieves data with XMLHttpRequet, and connects them all together by JAVASCRIPT. and these are some tutorials for beginners http://www.intelligentedu.com/blogs/post/Best_New_Training_Sites/493/Top-20-AJAX-Tutorials-for-Beginners http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ good luck.
  5. good one anwiii, i never heard it before. thanks for sharing
  6. never been happy more :) :) thank you opaque and thank you mycent system and anwiii, you have a bad calculator hahaaa, just kidding, i know you would beat the others if the mycent system counted you but you won't beat me
  7. thank you for telling us that ash bash, and thank you opaque for your hard working . i hope things will be better from now on. all of you enjoy your new amount of mycent .
  8. he was the first one who accepted my challenge deadmad he could read between the lines, and knew i dared others to post in here now hope more to contribute too.
  9. you can call me that honey , and you are a flower living between dogs god help you.and i really liked your reply you, rpgsearcherz and anwiii, you guys made me look bad by my short list , but i like your replies anyway, thank you. this is so funny deadmad:P i liked it a lot, as expected from you of course ,thanks for adding spice to my topic. and hope more to accept my dare in here
  10. ABSOLUTELY couldn't be more better. i do like it so much, it is something like entering our own community, well it is so it fits the situation in here so much. another good decision opaque keep going we support you completely.
  11. i FULLY agree with you,this community in spite of everything gives us a lot, and we always have to do our best to keep it going and developing more and more. just like mahesh said once, it brings joy to our lives, where we don't have no life. well, i have a life but i needed to be part of something this good, and i know even i get along with my life, and get busy but i will never leave this community, because for some odd reason, this community attracts those who are educated and had good heart to help and support and those who are full of acknowledge and have a deep thinking mind. all these make this community so special and unique. and this is exactly the beautiful image i see in here, it is like a garden full of different roses each one different from the other but all blend together to give an amazing image . sorry for guys for calling you flowers .
  12. i am really amazed with your dedication, soviet. you are still there in the IRC trying and trying in spite of all the mess, thank you soviet really you are doing a great job.P.S: if you have the same dedication in everything you do in your life,i am sure that someday you will be a great man
  13. i hope you another year of happiness and joy...another year of sweet memories and surprises...another year that mix together to give a new rhyme of your life...


  14. thank you anwiii and chini for your replies. and right , my topic is about showing appreciation and bringing happy memories between us .and i hope more members will join us here, I DARE YOU GUYS TO JOIN ME ...so could you??
  15. yeah it is a double post but we won't ban you since it contains happy news for everyone . and aging you did a good job, do your best to finish it soon, thank you.
  16. good job opaque, these are great news. keep on going and we will waiting more of news like these, thank you for your hard working.
  17. hmmm, i was wondering why you want the banner in php and not using flash? and according to what you listed, do you want to take only the image without the text? i didn't get you fully n here.
  18. hi forums...hi friends...hi mates...WB COME BACK AGAIN...missed you all...happy to be in here again...

    1. deadmad7


      @_@- hellooooooo!

    2. Hurt4love


      Hi WD Welcome Back!!! We missed you too. I hope your vacation was great! Did you enjoy yourself? Speak to you soon then :)

    3. web_designer


      waiting for you honey...

    4. Show next comments  99 more
  19. i know my topic's title looks weird, but let me please explain it to you. it is kind of a game, or let's say, stating facts about everyone in this forum but in a fun and nice way. my point in here, is to bring up the beauty of how individuals could be part of a big community and what that brings to them. and i used the word "beauty", because it is really a beautiful image to see a wide varies of people who even don't know each other, and didn't see each other and help each other in so many ways. so, all i want from you, is sharing us your experiences in this forum, by writing the name of ever member who helped you in here, and what did he do for you. if it is kind of private thing then just write his name and add something like that ( ). i know helping others is the core of the forum, but away from generals, still there are some special things that others did them for you, and they should be since you still keep them in mind, right? i really think it is fun, and refreshing thing to do, and will bring good memories. now, i will start, i will try to remember everyone, but if i forgot someone please forgive me. and if i remembered anyone else i will repost again: - mahesh2k, he shows me the steps of a domain migration, he even bothered himself to find some good links to show me how . - anwiii, he helped me setting up my site on my new domain, i remember i almost drove him crazy because i was about messing things up . - saint_michael, he gave me some good advices about how to charge a website, and he was incredibly right. - baniboy, that young man helped me to use a better font in my blog, and helped me fix my blog in opera, and he was really good at that . - opaque, well he didn't do anything for me , NO he did,i am just kidding. all i will say i asked him for a favor, twice, and he never let me down ( ) well, it seems i can't remember more, but i will repost if i remembered anything else. and in advance, thank you for sharing .
  20. HAPPY BIRTHDAY...i really hope you stop running, and enjoy another great year of your life...have fun...

  21. can i touch there...thouch you deep inside...can i touch your heart...the way you touch'in mine!!!

    1. chini13
    2. Hurt4love


      Miss you WD :) Hope your trip is going great :)

    3. web_designer


      hi girls..i am come back again...

    4. Show next comments  99 more
  22. ok, even i wrote before that i will respond to this topic when i come back, but god i am getting frustrated when every time i open the topic and find more and more discussions.and the worse, all of it leads to absolutely NOWHERE, so i seriously will pm mods or admin to close this topic, things getting more worse and WE ARE LOSING EACH OTHER IN HERE.and this is truly isn't my intension when i started it in the first place.my last word is, i know that anwiii was harsh and blunt in that topic, and he uses some bad words in there, and everyone know i am always against using such words, but in the same time, i am absolutely against the punishment he got...this is all i am gonna say for now, hopping the topic will be closed before anything more will be told.
  23. i do really miss my forum...

  24. GREAT, now things are going even more worse.I AM TERRIBLY CONFUSED NOW, BECAUSE I KNOW FOR SURE THAT NOR ANWIII OR OPAQUE WILL LIE TO US,so where is the truth then???unfortunately, i just arrived to my destination a few hours ago, and right now i am so tired to think, and i am more stupid to open the forums to see what is going on here even i am in a vacation.i really can't think any more,but i can say, i am happy that anwiii could post again and opaque take care of my topic and post a reply, and really i thank you all about your replies and stating your opinions. i think i will state my opinion when i come back.
  25. sorry, you missed my point in here, i am not talking about opaque in here, in fact i met opaque in the chat room after anwiii posted his topic, and when we asked him about that topic he said HE WILL NEVER BAN ANY MEMBER BECAUSE BEING HONEST, and this is one of his best quality i think, being wise and patient and deal with things very smartly. but i am talking here about how buffelohelp ban anwiii because he stated his opinion about sky's topic and here is the link of the topic http://forums.xisto.com/topic/72419-10211-you-may-only-use-up-to-2-urls-in-your-signature/ and still say, RULES should be applied fairly not randomly, or IT WON'T CALLED RULES ANYMORE.
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