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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. in general, i agree with you that adding a footer is depending on the site itself. but i still thinking it is all about a "touch of art" which gives your site a special look, in spite of what it contains. about your site truefusion, i think you are right, it is like an official site or a reference for Christian, so maybe no need for a footer, but if it was mine i will add a wide footer contains a big image for Jesus Christ and some quotes from the bible .
  2. if i remember right, then you don't use a CMS. so i will assume that you use just html and i will show you how, but it is kind of boring long way. the whole idea that you divide your text manually, for example divide each 50 lines in a page. to clarify more, let's say you have a text about 250 lines, then you should divide it to five pages: page1, page2, page3, page4, and page5. put your text (50 lines) in each of them, and add links to the other pages, just like that: <html><head></head><body><p>your text in here.....</p><a href="page2.html"> page2 </a><a href="page3.html"> page3 </a><a href="page4.html"> page4 </a><a href="page5.html"> page5 </a></body></html> this code is for page1( page1.html), and for other pages you only should change the page numbers. i hope that what you want, and feel free to ask anything more, good luck.
  3. Sorry, I never told you, all I wanted to say..... Now it's too late to hold you...... ' Cause you've flown away, so far away..... Never, Had I imagined, yeah, living without your smile..... Feelin' and knowing you hear me..... It keeps me alive. Alive! .... And I know you're shining down on me from Heaven,.... Like so many friends we've lost along the way,.... And I know eventually we'll be together.... One sweet day.....

  4. GOD...change it anwiii..change your avatar ...god i even can't look...

  5. another good one deadmad, good job. this is much better than the last 2 ones i think, and looks like you put a lot of work in it. so i will give you 9/10 this time, it deserves it. keep on the good working. waiting for more mate.
  6. thanks for suggesting that to me opaque, it really looks a good book. i will put it on my schedule to read it as soon as i can. but tell me, did you really read that book, or just know about it?
  7. simpleton, which browser do you use? i got all these errors pages, lagging in chat room, my post get lost when i click on post button and when i return back the posts disappeared, when i was using firefox.but now i switched to opera, and things are much more better. the chat room working fine without lagging. when i post and disappears i just click on back button and i found my post there so i just repost it again, even i copy it anyway.so switch to another browser and see, if you are using firefox, stop, even i like firefox but it woks weird with the forum.
  8. yeah i did, i told you DJM, they you "REALLY MADE A WRONG DECISION", because anwiii is the bigger hacker in here, . i am sorry for scaring you but you really should be more careful, next time. you are lucky that anwiii is a trustful person, other one could mess things up. anyway, i am really happy for you, your site is up again, and you learned something new. as anwiii said, if you have any more questions just post and we will be happy to help, good luck.
  9. ok, you like to be on the net wasting your time here and there , me too . then open the net , posting, searching the net, or do whatever you want BUT do you work at the same time. how? for example, open your browser and posting here, and make you video tutorial at the same time, if you get bored from making the tutorial, post in here, if you get bored of posting here, return to your work. this way you will do both, finish your work and have fun. i do that all the time, or else why do you think i am always online .
  10. i couldn't find any syntax error in this code, so please post the whole code in here, usually this error message generates from an sql query that doesn't done correctly. therefore you should search up and down the error line that is given in the error message.
  11. You hear what you wanna hear...Blink once I could disappear.... Some rules to the game of me... Get it right for both of us... Just say what you wanna say .... I've got it to give away... We both want to make it last... So keep your eyes on me, your eyes on me....

  12. well maybe, but i do find a lot of answers when i relax like that and think anwiii, and that helped me many times before.
  13. well, you are suffering from the same problem as many have. so i think you just need a schedule. make a schedule for yourself and try to follow it. put the most important things you should do first and add time to the work you should do. be sure to make this time short to trick yourself to do it and not escaping from it. just like that: Sunday: ? ? ? ? ? video college ? ? ? ? ? 1 hour Monday: ? ? ? ? ?my website ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 hour Tuesday: ? ? ? ? ?e-book ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 hour you should make sure, to do a little every day, work for a short time like 1 hour, it is something psychological to trick yourself to do things and when you like what you are working on you will work more ? and don't forget to not do the same thing day after day to not get bored. finally, you will find that this everyday little work will make all work done. this schedule works for me many times, i hope it will for you too, good luck.
  14. ARE YOU SERIOUS, i am not going nuts yet, you know . now really, meditation is what i do all my life, i could sit and travel with my thoughts for hours, so why do you think i always burn my food . but talking to myself, no. not yet, when i reach this level, i will know that i am loosing my mind, hahahaa. i always like, to sit in a garden with a cup of latte or hot chocolate where the breeze is cold and refreshing, and think deeply about many things in my life, people i know, things happened, dreams, hopes, anything that could pass in my mind. and believe it or not, i always find out new facts or get a new explanation.
  15. well i couldn't find out if that "thank god" means you are happy or sad . but both ways, it seems you will have much more work to do. and i know you can do it, so thank you for keep us informed by the news. do your best and everything will be great. good luck opaque.
  16. well, i didn't checked it here yet, i only checked it on the net. but why it costs four times in your country than USA? shouldn't the price be the same every where? and yes i stick with nokia till now but i like to change to another brand. and i think that apple is a good brand. but why did you say that i should still using nokia, is it better than apple?
  17. i will try to explain a little in here:- a render is when you have an image and you take the foreground out of the its background. and latter add effects , lighting or colors to it. ?i don't know what do you mean about why they are so large in size, because it depends on the render size i guess.- about brushes, you always need an external brushes. because the brushes that are built in with photoshop are so limited. so you always need to find new brushes and add them to your collection of brushes to get a new designs every time. and you can edit them from the brush options and change their size.- of course you could use images from outside photoshop, like personal photo, nature photo, anime images, logo or anything you want. just drag that image and drop it in the workplace, or from file> open.?- you can enlarge any image or photo in photoshop without loosing its quality. i don't know which version of phtoshop you use, but i use photoshop cs3, and you can enlarge images from image> image size and set the desired size for your photo.hope i could help, and good luck.
  18. this is happened to me either the last two days a lot. but it is not a new thing simpleton, i reported before, it starts after the forum upgrade but i think opaque fixed it because i didn't see it happening again for a long time till the last two days. maybe opaque editing something in the background. so let's wait and see. and simpleton, do just like me, i copy anything i write before click on post button, to avoid anything get lost. this is the best way to deal with this bug, but you should remember to do that first .
  19. just today i was searching the net for the new iphone from apple, any passed by this topic in the forum. well i always buy only nokia, so i don't know much about apple. as i think this is a good offer with good features, but really make me think why did they do that? is it because of the competition in the market place?any way, i hope there's someone in here, who have one of this new iphone of apple, and tell us more about it.?
  20. tomorrow!!!! so you are really get inspired deadmad, if you continue like that, we will have about 10 signature by the end of the month or maybe more. so why don't you offer them to the poor members who don't know much about photoshop and want a signature. this way you will have your own touch in here .
  21. if you live in a house, all his sides are overlooking to one direction. and you saw a bear, what his color then?

    1. deadmad7



      if yours own the n. pole, if you look at each side, its facing down, so they are all the same sides. and all the bears in n. pole are white, polar bear!

    2. web_designer


      good job deadmad..proud of you...

    3. anwiii


      are you trying to be deadmad now? :)

    4. Show next comments  111 more
  22. hi all,i have this idea about FOOTERS in websites, and decided to share it with you, to see who agree with me and who is not.my idea is, the footer is one of the important parts of any website. it contains the copyrights, the designer name or the owner name, more info about your website and about you, and add to all these it could portray the designer himself. how?as a designer, ?i always try to make the sites i ?make to be suitable for both: me and the reader, i always put that in mind when i choose?colors,background, effects. but the only area that i could do whatever i want in and portray my personality is the FOOTER.why? because there, whatever i did, i won't affect the readers, in the contrary, i may take their attention if i made a unique design for the footer.most of the readers reach the bottom of the page and think there are nothing impressive more, well, i want to shock them their and give them a special thing to look at. this is my idea about footer, and this is why i spend a long time to find a unique design for it. and this is why i check the footer of every website i visit. so anyone here agree with me?
  23. unfortunately, your hosting website is blocked from my server and my antivirus, so i couldn't open it. but i remember this site, it supports PHP and MYSQL. anyway, i checked it through the net, and i found it supports CGI, Perl, PHP, MYSQL. so the error then in your files.?now i don't know why you are insisting that your index file extension to be .html or .htm. just change it to index.php and use the include function and everything will be great. this way you don't have to use .htaccess file.try it please and inform me the result.
  24. well asterisk if i could participate and you could too i guess, it is an open game for everyone. so just check the rules that tramposch mentioned before and have fun.
  25. yeah DJM, please check if your hosting supports PHP or not, if you like, just give us the link of your hosting and we will check it for you. and really don't panic. i am sure it is a simple thing you missed there, since anwiii tried the code before and everything worked fine for him. just do your best and things will be fixed eventually.
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