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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. to start this topic in a fair way, i will say i am not talking about ALL men, i know not ALL of men are like that, but let's say 80% of them are . at least in this part of the world.now really, i keep on wondering why men always EXPECT their women, like wives or girlfriends to be PERFECT. she should know how to cook, how to clean, how to be beautiful ALL the time, in a good mood, educated, wise, funny and cool...ect. so why are men so picky? they want everything, they wish their women to be the woman in their dreams, she should change herself and make sacrifices, she should always be there for them. no matter what she thinks or feels, either she is depressed or not in mood or even tired of him and of everyone else. this is REALLY a horrible situation that every couple will be in after a while, only those men who are wise enough and smart enough to deal with these problem when it starts to happen. personally, i do believe that every couples are different from each other no matter how they think they are the same, even if they have the same interests, the same ideas, loving the same music, movies and food, or they are from the same level of education or the social class, or they have the same backgrounds or personalities, but still different. all these things could make them understand each other better and get along together, but still not make them the perfect couple, because simply MEN see thing differently from WOMEN. and as soon as they could understand that about each other, then they could understand each other more. and i truly think that these kind of men who are understanding and looking with respect to women needs, are the men who worth to change myself for them, i don't mean changing my personality, but changing my habits, my behaviors, or my plans for future to make the life more easier for both of us,but IN RETURN, i will expect the same from him, if not then really the whole thing is not worthy. this is exactly what i am talking about here, the majority of men expect women to change for them, they expect a lot and demand a lot without feeling they should do the same. it is a completely selfishness and non observance to others feelings and desires. and the worse is happen when if she argues with him, he never understands and think it is his RIGHT to expect that from her!!! yeah he thinks it is his RIGHT...unfortunately, this is one of the horrible problems now, especially in middle east. it is common to see men are ignoring women's right to choose their life, to build their future, to get a job, to study, to even dream of a better life sometimes. instead they only see THEIR RIGHTS, and what they expect from her. and give themselves the right to judge her and limit her, depending on the fact that the society rules and the traditions are support them, and give them the ability to control women's life. this is the sad fact, that always leads either to break up or to divorce, just because men expect PERFECTION from their women!!!thanks god, there are some men who could understand and support their women or life could be unbearable...so anyone agree or disagree with me??
  2. right now...completely out of speech...no words could represent what i want to say...

    1. deadmad7


      void... hmmmmmmm

    2. anwiii


      zippity doo da! that's what i say when i can't think of anything to say...

    3. web_designer
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  3. hmm, then i think i misunderstood what they meant about the creative common license in here, i remember you told me once that i can't post anything here in my site even my own posts before i give a notice first to the author. therefor i assumed everything in here is fully protected. but it's ok, according to your explanation it is partially protected. but still i think posting his work in his own website is the best way.
  4. i always stick with three media players, REAL PLAYER, GOM PLAYER, and JETAUDIO. in these i could play and watch almost everything i want, if not just installing a simple codec and everything work fine.
  5. i just read your lyric, they are in this link, please check it http://forums.xisto.com/topic/72530-free-for-all-blah-blah/ and in our community there is no way that anyone will lie to you or steal your songs. the moderators and administrators here are so strict about the rules and respect all the members, they even add a copyrights for the topics in here, after the upgrade of the forum, that means if anyone wants to post something in his site that you wrote, he should ask first for the permissions of the author "which is you in your case". so please keep in mind that you are in an honest community with a real rules. but if it happened and you lost a post, then be sure it is a kind of bug in the forums, unfortunately that happen from time to time because our admin is still working on the code after the upgrade of the forums, so for the better, copy everything before you post please. another advice from me, you are writing a very good poems or songs and you should work more on preventing them from been stolen, posting here is a way, the other way, as i stated before, is to create your own website and post there your lyrics, this way you will get a proof and a copyrights to your lyrics. or at least save a copy in your computer of what you wrote.
  6. i personally use this site http://www.4everproxy.com/ this could open any site that forbids from the server, but for youtube, it could open it but not allowing me to download any video, just watching the videos but lately a friend gave me another site that allow me to download videos from youtube, this is the site http://www.4everproxy.com/
  7. if you posted your poem here for getting a proof that you are the owner of them and to make sure they won't be stolen? then it is a good idea, but not completely. if you write poem regularly or even from time to time, and you want no one steals them, just create your own site and post whatever you want in it. you could even prevent others from copy your text by adding a simple script. this is my advice to you, because you write a very good poem and if you put your heart in it you could do a lot using these words, good luck and thank you for sharing.
  8. me? no you misunderstood me in here, read my previous post please i already argued with rpgsearcherz about how opaque owes his members. and i do believe both of us we "the members" and opaque owe each other to do our best for this community.
  9. as i look into your eyes..i see all the reasons why..my life's worth a thousand skies..you're the simplest love i've known..and the purest one i'll own..know you'll never be alone..my baby you..are the reason i could fly..and 'cause of you..i don't have to wonder why..baby you

  10. i agree with you on this, complaining all the time and about everything won't do any good but make things worse. i truly think that the forum in here is going for the best even in slow steps. and hope everyone see things just like me.
  11. Come on, i understand what are you talking about in here. but REALLY, he is a human and we should give him the time to breath. he is just finished from the mycents problem and he is still testing it. let's giving him a time to relax and think, we can't keep on complaining and pushing him with error after another. there should be breaks so he could rearrange his ideas, and fix things step by step. i am quite sure he is aware of everything happening in here, so REALLY we don't have to keep on complaining BUT we could do better than that and point the errors and be supportive. besides, what is the damages if mycents won't update regularly for now, after the system is back, we all got a big amount of mycents to cover our hosting for two months or more. so no one will be in need to mycents for the next couple of months and till then opaque will fix things and everything will back to normal, and eventually everyone will get his mycents, and already have enough mycent to cover his hosting. so really no need to complain right now. no rpgsearcherz, i disagree with you here, he owes us to build a good forum and offer us a good hosting, he should do that since we are here for him and for his site. it is kind of an interrelationship between us, that has been build on two main basis: -first: the business, we feed his forums, keep it active and full of information and good quality posts, and he gives us a free hosting instead. - second: the loyalty: a lot of members are not here not because of mycents or to get a free hosting but because they love this forums and care for it. they give a lot of their time in here because they trust and respect the admin, the mod and the other members and they know they are respected too, so their time in here is worthy, so they are still loyal to these forums, and this is exactly what opaque trying to build in here. these two factors are the main reasons that make opaque owes us just like we owe him a lot. it is an interrelationship between we and him, if any part of this is lost then the other will be too. btw: if opaque was from that kind of persons, then me and a lot won't bother themselves about the forum, but i know he is trustful and respect his members, also he already promised to keep this forum till he pass it to his son jack or jimmy, i can't remember .
  12. i am sorry for that truefusion, we carried away in here. i won't do that again, i promise. sorry for making your job harder.
  13. HUNTING FOR BLOOD DIAMONDS!!!!! oh no,no,no, thank you, i am not interested. and apparently, you are a guy, so took the other guys and go for hunting,me and the girls will stay in the coffee shop. and if you've been eaten by a wild animal. you can blame the math that brings you there .
  14. oh great so we end up in africa, hahaaa. not bad, but i think it is so hot there, so anwiii, hurt4love, bani and you will melt . i don't know about magnafrost, where he or she from? so maybe he or she will melt too. and me, opaque and chini will be the only survivors. in fact i can't stand a lot of sun so i will be like a shadow there, whereas opaque and chini will drink coffee and have a good time .
  15. GREAT IDEA, this is the best idea i've heard till now . ok so we will go to a nice coffee shop or a library, me, anwiii and you,hmmm i will invite opaque too to help about the mycent how it work. and i will invite bani, chini, and hurt4love too (the whole gang ) and discuss about that and drink coffee and latte . i am sure it will be the best time ever. btw: i should invite other people to avoid us me and anwiii from fighting there, and avoid myself from using my PHP book in a wrong way , because i will bring it with me. and all that will remind me with the seminars in college, when the evil teacher gives us a program to do or an assignment and tell us to discuss and get him the solution. but i am sure this is will be much more fun from these boring seminars . anyone else want to join us??? hahaa, this is so funny deadmad,and this will be a version of a horror movie . no, i invite you to join us in the coffee shop or the library but please don't wear a potato sack or you will scare everyone else.
  16. i can understand what you've been through, i can understand you fully. because i was in a similar situation before, and it really left me frustrated and feeling so sad. i don't know in the first place why all these things happen, but it does. so you should deal with it some how. in your situation, i suggest you to act very natural but avoid her as much as you can, and if she tried to talk to you, you should be aware enough to know if she is in her normal mood or acting weird. if you knew sh is acting weird then stay away from her or she will make a scandal there and ruin your other friend's wedding. if she was in her normal mood, then talk to her normally without bringing up anything happened between you two, to not give her a reason to turn to that weird person again.after that, either you spoke to her or not, you should stay away from her, don't talk to her, or email her, or call her. and if she admire your friendship, then eventually, she will know what she did, and come back to you asking for your forgiveness. if she doesn't then you should know that she doesn't want you in her life anymore, and you should do the same too.sometimes when leave that close person alone and stop arguing with him, that what will bring him back, not the discussion or trying to prove who is wrong and who is right.in my opinion, mostly the reasons behind such behaviors, either jealousy as chini said before or love ownership. sometimes when one of close friends get married and get busy in his life then his close friend would miss him a lot and get angry because his friend is not with him completely any more. but after a while this kind of problems between friends will be fixed themselves and everything return to normal but if the reason is jealousy then there will be nothing to be fixed and unfortunately everything will be ruined.hope you a good day and everything gonna be fine.
  17. well, i really think it looks more better now, at least his face is more clear and your iron man doesn't seem like covered with fog. but i think it stills need more work, i think you should make these spots of light in a lighter color to give it more sparkle.but after all, it is better than before, and you are the signature pro in here .
  18. agree with you rvalkass, i tried it too, it just made them read and keep them there. so the best option for me as i stated before is deleting them. so i do that regularly to get rid of them, if anyone have any other idea please post it here.
  19. I can read your mind and I know your story..I see what you're going through..It's an uphill climb, and I'm feeling sorry..But I know it will come to you..Don't surrender 'cause you can win..In this thing called love..When you want it the most there's no easy way out..When you're ready to go..and your heart's left in doubt..Don't give up on your faith..Love comes to those who believe it..And that's the way it is...When you question me for a simple answer...

    1. web_designer


      hahaaa....you are right...

    2. anwiii


      wd would never sing in public in front of people haha! although i have sung some karaoke before when i feel like clearing out the place.

    3. web_designer


      you don't know me...i always sing outside...this is one of my bad habits..

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  20. hi mahesh..check this link to know why your posts in profile more than these show in the forum...http://www.knowledgesutra.com/forums/topic/71921-knowledgesutra-forum-upgraded-to-version-3/page__st__75

  21. yeah i agree, and thank you for being a good and silent spectator being there to follow the discussion is better than close the topic i guess i know a lot get bored and did that .
  22. really? thanks for telling me that now i will search for that check box and sign in, in invisible mode and do whatever i want to in the forums without letting anyone to see me i will spam you guys .
  23. i COMPLETELY agree with you simpleton, a late update is much more better than no update at all. and to be fair, really i don't see there's anything in mycent system to complain about. at least now, the mycent system is just came back to work a few days ago, and it is in beta and opaque still testing things here with the new script for the better of everyone. so let's be patient in here, and let everything take its time. and never forget that we waited the mycent system for more than two months to back to work, so let's give it more time to work properly.
  24. i checked the site too and everything work fine. so please try to log in now and if you couldn't post here again. i think it happened before, some of server error i guess.
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