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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. well, i can say one thing that he and everyone who stated their opinions in this topic, were and still very supportive since the upgrade of the forum and till now. they were always around even through the worst times, but now they lost their patience, so i give them an excuse for that. and anwiii was doing the same thing by stating errors and encouraging members and dealing with new members even when he was a moderator. so if he and others get sick of all that then that's ok, since they are loyal and talk for the sake of the forum. even i agree that this topic contains a lot of strong words but it is the fact and we should deal with it and support the administrator more to fix all this mess. and at least complaining is better than giving away and leave the forums as many members did. and still say, we are building TRUST in here, opaque is building TRUST in here. trust the forum, trust the administrators and the moderators and trust each other. we have a great community here, one of the best i ever saw. all that done by being supportive and honest with each other and that how things should always be.

    wish your next year be more joyful and successful than the previous...

  3. well, as i can see that you are an old member, so you must know anwiii's way of writing and stating opinions. being hostile no, but critic, and pushing others to do their best and he always has a good intentions. when i joined the forum i was afraid from his opinion more than buffelohelp or truefusion. he is always there and digging for the errors and and bring them up. opaque thank you for your explanation, we were waiting for it. do your best.
  4. I'm scared, So afraid to show I care..Will he think me weak, If I tremble when I speak.. Oooh - what if There's another one he's thinking of..Maybe he's in love..I'd feel like a fool, Life can be so cruel..I don't know what to do..I've been there, With my heart out in my hand..But what you must understand..You can't let the chance, To love him pass you by..Tell him, Tell him that the sun and moon..Rise in his eyes, Reach out to him..And whisper,Tender words so ...

    1. chini13


      hey i Pm u yesterday..did u receive it

    2. web_designer


      no chini...i got nothing...


    3. chini13


      hey i don't know what is happening..i Pm u yesterday and the day before it i pm anwii i guess both of u got nothing :(

  5. i will give it 1/10 well he is cute but flat, and drawn by a bold black pen!!! come on, you are a graphic man. make it 3D, and add some color, and i will make it 3/10 hahahaa. good luck next time .
  6. thank you for that anwiii, i know you understand me fully and why i am saying that. i only try to show another point of view in here to make a BALANCE. and i am not that good deadmad, again i am only making a balance. i admire your way of thinking deadmad and give you all the right to be upset. and i am not supporting anyone here, i just understand what the both sides say and agree or disagree with them. and sorry for you because you are feeling mad but the truth is, it is his site but he should always respect members opinion and ideas and try to make things easier for them, but still he is the only one who will decide finally. and btw: he pays me for supporting him. no, just kidding , again i am standing in the middle not supporting any one but bring things up to make you all see everything clearly. now we are friends again.
  7. well do you best then, flat signature young man. and from now on i will rate everything you make and use even that sponge pop avatar, i gave you 5/10 on it, hahaaa.
  8. well really i don't know about you guys. but about me i got errors in posting and my post disappears but not for the whole two months, that's what i am sure of. this problem is happening from time to time but certainly not the whole two months. but i can say that i switched to opera instead of firefox because the forum works fine on firefox and the chat room too. and deadmad, i am expressing myself here by stating my opinion. and i am not happy about what is happening in the forum but i am patient and see things from another point of view. and i am completely calm deadmad, do you know why? because i keep on coming to this forum not because only posting or sharing ideas or getting mycent. but also because i have friends here, i want to see them and know how they are doing and talk to them, and i will keep on coming here even if this forums mess thing up much more. in the same time i am trying to understand opaque and what he has been through for fixing the code, i understand him fully because i was there before, where i should finish a job in a specific time but the code messed up and i should repeat everything from the beginning, so i was stuck once or more with a lot of errors in a code and everyone around me were complained and wanted results. and believe me this makes things even much more worse. i couldn't concentrate, and had to deal with the directors who still asking for answers even they don't know how the database works. it was really a bad time, therefore i understand and give excuses. are you hating me now , and i though we are getting along well.
  9. hmmm, you are really in a crappy mood today . i know the forum s in a mess for whole two months anwiii. and i know you wouldn't talk like that if you don't care about the forum and everyone in here. but the problem of couldn't posting properly started a few days ago, before i could post properly. i know your point anwiii, and what are you trying to do, and i really admire your intentions here, you and everyone else who still in the forum in spite of all the mess in here and errors, because all of us we can only leave the forum and not post until things fixed again. like many do and did and they have all the right to do that. but still say, we should calm down and deal with things in more patient. and keep on do our part even in the hard way and expect opaque to do his too. we can't accuse him saying he is wasting his time making balls or moods signs, we both know it won't take long to be done. and i am sure he added that mood signs to make things more fun in here for us, who are still in the forum till now. but in the same time, we could push him and encourage him to do his best, and of course posting our opinion honestly to annoy him . also, i do agree with you on moderators privileges should be return as soon as possible. this forum can't be run properly only by two administrators who may enter the forum once a day. and opaque should 've been known that.
  10. i said that before anwiii, most of other languages give them a gender. only english and maybe a few more language don't. and never mind calling a baby by "it". they deserve it, they are naughty most of the time . and i still say, i call the sun as "SHE" and the moon as "HE".
  11. calm down guys, the forum in a mess the last three days, almost because opaque edit or adding modules in the background. and i know it is frustrating and annoying to deal with that, especially for the new members. i ?had a bad time posting here too, ? i even couldn't send pms yesterday? but i always save things by copy the post or the pm before click on the post button? . a little trick used to do.??keep on this thread up to make opaque see it and give us an explanation.
  12. hey, mine is much more better. and if you want me to rate this i will give you 3/10 , hahaaa. no,i will give you 4/10, it really looks flat and nothing special in it. you didn't do much this time. maybe if you made it in 3D and added some shadows to the letters then it will look better, fix it deadmad and post it here again.
  13. sorry deadmad, i replied but forgot to rate your signature. but i think you could figure out what it is from my reply???.but anyway, i will rate it, i will give you 9-10. so keep going.
  14. i asked the same deadmad, but no reply till now. let's wait for tramp to reply when he come back from his vacation.
  15. of course they have feelings, towards us and towards each other. i remember once i read about a Rhinoceros that suicide because his female died. they were living in a zoo, and after she was dead he stopped eating till he died too, therefor the scientists their wrote a topic about that, and this was just amazing.
  16. well, since you can't lift anything heavy, so your only choice is to do some light sport that don't require any lifting or straining your wrist. the best option you have is the aerobics. they are usually a sequence of ?repeating moves that not strain you wrist at all. you can find it in the net either as pictures or as videos, good luck.
  17. i reached 800 posts.....beat you all who under 800....:)...

    1. web_designer


      i will...just one more month more...

    2. anwiii


      ok. it's an average of 6 posts a day.....get crackin' :)

    3. web_designer


      not big deal....

    4. Show next comments  105 more
  18. well,i didn't talk to a duck anwiii but a doci, means doctor . also during that whole year they were three doctors, and they are all said the same thing to me. and they are all specialist doctors. in fact i am also that kind who don't trust a one doctor word, so i visited three doctors to make sure. where is your sense of humor anwiii, i was kidding there.... and to fix all that, i will do some researches too, to find out the real rates. so do your best and i will do mine, DEAL.
  19. now you make us look as cannibal anwiii . and in the contrary, i remember i watched some movie documentary about people living long, 80% of them are vegetarian. also, meat contains protein that we need it for our bodies, but at the same time red beans, white beans, and other legumes contain EXACTLY THE SAME AMOUNT OF PROTEIN in them. and we can substitute meat with beans and still healthy. and i am completely sure because this is what the doctor told me once, when i couldn't eat any meat for about a year. so seems you and your sister will live the same amount of years after all .
  20. yeah sorry , i should explain more. this river runs along the city, i really like it too? . well, i always look like that. and i see a question mark over people's head when they already saw me took some a few days ago, but who cares!. i love photography. flies anwiii!!! flies? ok it suits the cows town you live in, and you should wear a hat to avoid them or just put a plastic bag over your head when you go out? . now i will explain more about these photos: the first: it is in the central city, where the river starts, they made there a big ?round square with a golden sculpture of a dolphin ( you can see it the back) and there are gardens and trees on both sides along the river? . the second: ?was for a garden in the middle of a wide street in the city. the third: some trees around the river edge, but ?i like them, they have a unique green color. the fourth and fifth : another garden in the middle of the street, and i do like that girl riding the fish? . the sixth and seventh : picture for the river where the gondola and the boat? anchor, they used to make a tour along the river. the eighth : this is the park where there are the a lot of dogs? . and bani, DON'T steal my words, putting them in a different font don't make them yours, they are mine? . "thank you for sharing guys and chini"
  21. thank you rvalkass for the information,even i thought i checked all the options in the settings, but never saw this one before . although i said before that i like the first topic appearing in every page because it shorten time of navigation for me, but i should admit it is boring to see it there too .
  22. hi james, welcome here, i do really think you will have a great time here posting and contributing the discussions. so just do it, have fun, and keep that high spirit of yours . i recommend you to read the rules of the forums first from here to avoid dealing with moderators here, sign up in xisto with exactly the same email you use it for the forums and start posting and enjoy.
  23. i agree with you chini, it is really a horrible thing to be done for a human being. starving till death??? OH GOD...i really don't know how a religion supports someone to kill himself, whereas religion should be a set of rules that bring order to our life, to protect the human life and property. not encouraging killing and suicide.i only hope that the new generations there will think and make decisions and choose to fight these rules that made by human not god. because god never let man kill himself like that.
  24. it is scary deadmad, but i like it. it is good just like your last one. and after all these details you wrote, i know now how hard ?you worked on it, and ?still say i admire your hard working? , ?thank you for sharing. please deadmad make a tutorial about this one, i am curious now? , and keep on working.
  25. i got the same error when i edited my signature the last time. but finally i could add a link and a picture. and sky, you can put your system specs in one or two lines and separate them with colons and use one image and it will work. if you want i can send you the code i used.
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