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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. are you guys serious?? but you have an excuse because me myself sometimes i get lost in here anyway, i will help you, it is under GFX category, check this link please http://forums.xisto.com/topic/71938-design-new-forums-logo/
  2. well, i completely disagree with you here deadmad. loyalty is not confined only to human. you are completely wrong in here, animals could feel things more clearly than human, because they follow only their instinct, in the other hand, human have a strong feelings too but in the same time a strong distractions in life, work, family, study, problems....ect. therefor sometimes we can't understand ourselves and get confused. animals are not, they only follow what they feel because they have nothing to think of more. therefor they can feel the earth quick, the storms, the love from certain human, or the hate or fear. and thus they could be loyal and feel thankful towards people who take good care of them, or hate you if you hurt them. and if you are right about what you said about dogs, that they are stay only with the person who give them food and shelter. then why some dogs still with their owners even they don't have food to offer them, or give them a shelter, and even if that dog wants food, he will go find some and returns back to his owner house. i know i said before that i don't have a dog and even afraid of them, but i know many who have dogs and really get surprised of what they could do for their owner. why? because theses dogs love their owners and feel their love too. i remember someone i know told me he had to get rid of his dog for the sake of one of his family but he couldn't. because every time he try to put it in another house he come back. and the last time he could, that dog laid down his feet like begging him to not leave him. why? because that dog loves his owner and knows he love him too and he is loyal to him. or else he wouldn't care because he will get food and shelter in the new house too. if you don't name this LOYALTY then what you gonna name it deadmad???
  3. i saw this video and get shocked. a lion kissing a human who helped him 6 years ago. that wild animal remembered her after all these years and hugged her behind his cage. it is really amazing how wild animal has such a feeling of appreciation towards a human, whereas humans themselves don't feel the same towards each other. humans that supposed to have deep feelings and mind to think of better than any other creature on the earth.?maybe i am exaggerating here , that's because the sad truth shows itself somehow. in the same time i was watching this video, i heard in the news that a son killed his father for religious reasons, can you believe that??. hearing that made me wonder who is the wild here humans or animals??and that is really depressing knowing that these creatures that follow only there instincts, sometimes act humanity more than human themselves .?[media]http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png
  4. good job anwiii , you precede me of doing that for him, same idea was in my mind? . i hope it will work fine for you now dgm, and please don't call yourself dumb, you are trying your hard and this is away of being dumb i think. php can be confusing for someone who don't deal with it before, even me sometimes mess everything and get a lot of errors. so cheer up and everything gonna be alright.
  5. hi nnnoooooo,?ok first i will call you only "no" if you don't mind, you can't make me count three n and six o every time i write your name . and now let me say welcome here in Xisto community, you can start by signing up in xisto with exactly the same email you use for the forum, read the rules of the forum to avoid dealing with the moderators here?, and start posting good quality posts or contribute in discussions to earn mycent that allows you to get a free hosting or domain name.even the mycent system is not working now because of the upgrade of the forum but there is a script counts everything in here, so just be active, share your thoughts and have fun.?
  6. hi elmeento,welcome here in Xisto community, you can start by sign up in xisto with exactly the same email you signed up here, read the rules of the forums from "Xisto guidelines'", and start posting good quality posts or contribute in discussions to earn your mycents which allows you to get ?a free hosting or domain name. we have here a lot of categories, just choose that fits your interests and start posting and have fun.unfortunately, the mycents system is not working now because of the forum upgrade. but don't worry, just continue posting because every post counts , there is a script counts everything now. so when it comes back you will get all your mycent, good luck.
  7. well, i wasn't that angry, but couldn't hold myself from replying you know , in fact i like your topic, keep on posting such posts . anyway, welcome back simpleton, at least i will be sure that the few members who enter the forums daily increased by one now.
  8. don't worry simpleton, this happens to me all the time, when i open many tabs or even one tab, reply for something and leave the forums for a while then ?find out that i automatically logged out from the forums. also it happens when you stay in the chat room for a while and i usually open another tab for the forum, so when return to the forum i find out that i am logged out even when i am continuing chatting in the chat room. this began to happen after the forums upgrade and ?i reported that before,hope they will fix it soon.about that top poster, i also noticed that it is strange how he doesn't have a profile, after that i found out that he is a guest, BUT since the guest's posts need a moderator approval so, i almost have an idea who is he? .
  9. yeah deadmad, they look so bad really . but the good thing in here that your abilities increased a lot since then. you can see that from looking to these signatures and the two last ones you did. so keep on the hard working and your skills will increase more, good luck. p.s. now your last musical signature compares to these looks really magnificent .
  10. hahaa, now you made a better choice for bani, even i still think that he saya LOL a lot , but still think that giving opaque this face is a good option, since he get shocked a lot of the problems here every time he enters the forum hahaa. so i will edit them a little opaque since he gets shocked from our opinions and requests in here saint_michael :XD: always the evil mod anwiii always tease you and smile bani bani and his famous glasses deadmad always funny and laughs at something
  11. well, i really think that every web developer should know a little about web designing and on the contrary,every web designer should know a little about web developing. this way he will be the perfect web programmer.?maybe this is only my opinion but i really like to consider myself both of them as a "web designer" and a? "web developer", and i decided to study and know much about both of them because i really hate anyone to put his fingers in my design or my code. i always want to do everything my own way. therefore i work on both front-end and back-end, and use all my knowledge about designs and codes to get the perfect website. so i think knowing even a little about designs or codes will help you do a better work than know nothing at all.
  12. i like the idea of this wireless satellite speakers, it is really looks a good option when i don't want to use headphone all the time. especially me, i really like hearing songs or music when i work at home, but usually i play songs by using my phone, thanks god it is kind of ?having xpress musical edition so getting such a thing will be a good alternative to me. so i think i will check it out when i go for shopping next time, "thank you for sharing".
  13. hay good work guys, i like it, especially what saint_michael did. well maybe i will give it a shoot too. but tell me if there are certain rules of doing that or not, this is the first time i participate in such thing.
  14. thank you guys all of you for your help, i am really appreciated . till now i tried many of what you said but things still the same, i will try next the ubuntu live cd that bani mentioned, after that i will reformat again and see. and anwiii, about disabling programs in startup is something i do every time i install a program, to prevent this program to work every time my windows loads, and it will be a good thing to do if my OS working slow only when windows starts, but the problem is my windows work slow all the time. anyway thank you for mention that and it seems that i will reformat again and see.
  15. well i am sorry i am kind of loving the ones that give me a deep impression, but this one is beautiful but so crowded in many things so not impressed me like the previous one. in general, i like your work deadmad, i will wait your next signature, so keep up the good working .
  16. hay there, i was kidding, yes i like to be in top posters of the day but only when there's something worth to post, so don't even dare to tell me that i will post useless posts here to win anything . also, the whole past 2 months or more i was kind of wandering here alone in the forum with a few members too, so literally i was competing with myself here? . hay there you too, look who talking here the young spammer show up to give his opinion, you walk out of the chat room once in a month and come to tease me OK young man. i know i am killing you here because i will catch you in posts in no time? ?so don't panic and accept that. and "thank you for sharing" your ideas here bani? . i use this phrase a lot because they are nice words to thank others for their hard work in posting something useful, and from now and on i will use them even more? . thank you anwiii, that was sweet? ?now i will post more from? "thank you for sharing"? .
  17. web_designer


    as simpleton said, please start your own topic so that we can welcome you better and you have your own thread to ask anything you want in it, but anyway, welcome here with us in Xisto community.
  18. and this is absolutely silly, even i like put ting paintings in my house but never show up in front of others. this is a bad part of human being that they should get rid of it not show it more. and i really won't call them art lovers, they distort the meaning of art. the people who i will call them art's lover those who buy expensive paintings, keep them in their house and show them only to those who know the meaning of art, so that they can discuss and share thought with them not with everyone.
  19. exactly, i love to read members status everyday, but MEMBERS, people we know and see even from time to time. not people we don't even know who they are. especially when they post silly comments about silly things they did, like someday, someone post in his status about how he is drunk or something . i like this part too, hearing the news about our members and friends. and anwiii songs lyrics always have a hidden meanings inside them, they show the person status you know, COMMON just READ BETWEEN THE LINES .
  20. exactly, that's what i was talking about. they give some life to the forums and make it look more professional graphically. maybe this is just my opinion but i think footer is a very important part of any site, that you can put your special touch in it.
  21. soviet don't hate anwiii, he likes you too much that he wants to push you to read between the lines as he always says . i don't know why this guy always keeps on pushing people, we all will push him someday and VERY HARD . also, soviet promise me, next time you want to design anything just tell me, i am free nowadays and happy to help you. i know that 20$ isn't that much but this theme deserve 5$ the most, but it shows you how much you care and really who you are, i always say your good intentions and your good heart is amazing thing to see these days, proud of you mate.
  22. hi bandias, welcome here with us. knowledgeutra community always welcome the new members, especially who love ?guitars, i love guitar? .now, i hope you read the rules of the forum, to avoid the evil of our mods. and continue posts good quality posts because as i see you started already, so just keep on the good working.if you interested in getting a free hosting of domain name, sign up in xisto with exactly the same email you use it for the forum, to earn your mycent and get a free hosting or domain name. right now the mycent system not working because of the on going upgrade of the forums but there is now a script running that counts everything, so just keep on posting, have fun and good luck.
  23. well bani, this is really a good topic. because i get annoyed too by these nonsense status that don't relate to anything. especially when they are talking about personal things in their life, and most of these are not giving a good look about the forum especially for the new members. but as simpleton said opaque are busy now to notice that i hope the others could do something.
  24. i really think that the secret here is about the personal taste of individuals. some like art, some not. some like to watch it but have no intention to get it, some think that they should buy it. but after all it is HOW DO YOU FEEL about certain piece of arts. for example, i am a huge fan of painting arts, usually i like the realistic art, that represents the nature, human, and environment, but in the same time i like certain kind of modern art, this kind that represent a deep idea or give me a deep impression about something. therefore i don't get attracted to certain painting of certain artist, only see the painting and see if it affects me or not, i remember once i saw a painting represent a crying baby when i was young and till now i remember that painting and really want to get it if i find it somewhere.in the other hand, i believe that paying a lot of money sometimes in millions on a painting is a wast of money, even some consider it as investment but i am not, if i have a lot of money and want to spend it on something then i really prefer to donate them for some poor children or anything that could help others. even having a painting you are fond of and put it in your house is a great idea but still helping others bring more joy and happiness.?so i think i am that kind of people who prefer watching arts more than buy it.?
  25. common it is the best i saw till now soviet hahaha with all these little sweet emoticons konlwledgesutra will be funnyfacesutra hahahaaa, instead of get knowledge we will get fun.?but i will add something here. add the name of each ?popular member here under the smiley face that suits him, like ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ??:XD: ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?:lol:opaque ? ?saint_michael ? ? anwiii ? baniboy ? ? ....ectbetter huh, ?.
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