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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. i just checked if i could log in to xisto account and i logged in directly, so that license validation error maybe happened because of some of the temporary error in the server, i think it happened before. so please check it now and if you could log in. submit a support ticket and they will fix things, good luck.
  2. recently, i noticed a strange thing is happening in here, even after mycent backed to work a lot of errors are fixed, but sometimes i can't see all the members that are signing in online, they don't show up in the bottom of the forum that they are online but suddenly i receive a pm from them or see a post they made. so anyone experiences the same error or it is just me?
  3. hmmm, this is weird too i guess. but since you asked for changing the username and password and when entering them you received the same error, then the problem as simpleton said, either in your browser or in your keyboard . so try the options that simpleton gave you and as a last option check the capslock in your keyboard if it is on.
  4. well, in general all the entries are good. tramposch, your entry is good but you do better than that usually, deadmad's entry is better but too much lights make it look a little fade, and rvalkass's entry in spite of all these fires is the best in my opinion so i will vote for rvalkass. good luck for everyone.
  5. yeah i know that simpleton, and thank you to pass by even when it get you boring , just kidding. but really even i won't argue more, and it seems like the topic will end like that: every one have his own point of view and insist on it. and that's make me remember what one of my teachers told me before, he said that math is like a maze so confusing and long way to reach the end but finally all the ways lead to the end.
  6. me too,i can see the unread notifications still show up there even after i read all my messages, and they are really annoying. then i click on the pull down list and click on anyone of them. and when the messages page loads the unread notifications disappear and return to 0 again. another way, go to you stetting > your notification > check them all and delete.
  7. now reached 900 posts ...i hate that number ...but i like 1000...so wait for me 1000...it is only a matter of time ...

    1. mahesh2k


      lol wd, is your forum count stat accurate ? mine is flawed :/

    2. web_designer


      well mine shows a different no. of posts in profile than that shows in the forum..i reported that before and someone answered that the numbers of the posts that showed in the profile shows all my posts even those that are in the "no post count" categories, so the real posts then in my post profile...

    3. anwiii


      yuck. i don't like the one you're stuck on right now. "911"

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  8. well, i did, but you already said that i am silly and childish in the first and explaining later that my topic is childish and silly make things even more worse. and if you think so, please re think again because in this forum i wrote some silly topics that lead absolutely FOR NO WHERE, but i never called them silly because i should respect other people's opinions and thoughts even if i thought they are useless but they did make sense to them. so, if i can't respect their ideas then i shouldn't expect them to respect mine.
  9. well, i don't know about you guys, but i received an email from xisto when the mycent system is back and my mycent was about 0.0$ dollars, and after that i received another email about updating mycent in here.
  10. hmmm, it looks good chini, even i am not that kind who like to cook but i will give it a try later. at least to see the taste of mixing ginger with onion . i like mixing different things and get unique taste. but i don't think i have all the ingredients for example, turmeric, so can replace it with another thing? and thank you for sharing.
  11. i can see it now, sorry about before maybe the error in my browser, and thank you for the link. i like it, it is so touchy with these fire effects . good work rvalkass.
  12. god anwiii, why can't you understand what i am talking about, if you said it is a kiddie math then you should understand it. and i told you i didn't came up with these values according the highest but you keep on repeating that i am. BUT I AM NOT. and why you keep on digging in small details to prove i am wrong? it is called hypothesis, and hypothesis created to prove the wrong and the right of the formulas, and in hypothesis we use general information and factors not digging for every single detail. and your example about flipping the coin is COMPLETELY not related to the whole subject. because flipping coins results only two option either head or tail, and there's absolutely any other factor that will change the result so no similarity in here at all. whereas i took the calculating the student degree for example because it is the same data. a student has many subjects and each subject has a certain amount of hours that differs from the other subjects, to calculating the average we should took those hours in consideration. same as the example here, we have posts that have different amount of lines in each post which should took in consideration when we calculate the average. this is the similarity between them. AND REALLY, if you still look at it as a kiddie math, then this is the end for me here and i won't reply anymore. i PROVED my idea and i have nothing to say more. i am magnafrost, i won't explain anymore because I EXPLAINED ENOUGH AND PROVED WHAT I MEANT, and thank you for your help in here. yes simpleton, it is all about math but we took mycent as an example so it is obviously to talk about mycent right and sorry if this discussion bothers you, i told everyone in the beginning that this will give you a headache . said that between us anwiii when we wer chatting, and i said it to state a fact that i know what i an talking about and one of my majors was the math but i never taught math i only taught computer science. but i was calculating students degrees that way, it was a long and complicated way and i hated it but it was the way for calculating the averages of students in college, so don't take it personal please i never underestimate you i know you are smart enough to discuss with me here, so don't take it personally and this is THE END for me now. things getting out of control in here. i stated what i believe and that's it. i will only reply to anyone else who will ask something about my math.
  13. EXCUSE ME, YOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS NOT PAYING ATTENTION IN HERE.i already answered your questions, in here. i said that before and i will repeat it, SINCE THE NUMBER OF LINES IN EACH POSTS IN A GROUP ARE DOUBLE THAN THE PREVIOUS THEREFOR I DOUBLED THE RATIO EACH TIME TO BE(0.5,1,2,4). and i didn't came up with this ratio according to the highest number, but according the logic of double in lines = double in ratio, and YOUR RATIO PROVE THAT I AM RIGHT, bear with me hear, you suggested to change the ratio to be (0.25,0.50,1,2)and get these results if you continue then you will get THE SAME RESULTS AS MINE. o.144*17.50 = 2.52 0.144*100 = 14.4 0.144*100 = 14.4 0.144*60 = 8.64 and these are EXACTLY THE SAME RESULTS I GOT for each group and which they will equal finally 40$ same as your second ratio (1,2,4,8) 0.036*70 = 2.52 0.036*400 = 14.4 0.036*400 = 14.4 0.036*240 = 8.64 also EXACTLY the same value that i got for each group, and their summation will be approximately 40$. the difference in value of each post every time because YOU USED DIFFERENT RATIO every time but THE RESULTS ARE THE SAME because you are standing on the same basis in here. and all these ratios lead to the result that i want to prove which is if i wrote a post from (group A) that's mean a post from 2-5 lines this post will equal or earn mycent HALF the post from group B and quarter the post from group C and quarter the quarter the post of group D. foe explaining in another way, writing 200 posts from 5-10 lines will equal 100 posts from 10-20 lines, why? because the value of the posts from 10-20 lines is double the value of posts from 5-10 lines. and the posts from 10-20 lines earn mycent double what the posts from 5-10 lines earned. i hope that PROVED my idea, and i hope i made myself clear.
  14. welcome Shahrukh in Xisto, we are happy to get another creative member with us i can see that from your site even it needs more work. so do your best, join the community and have fun, good luck.
  15. well, you know what i am trying to prove and i SAID and PROVED everything i want to and when you get that explanation from the professor just post it here, and i will argue about it too if it didn't convince me, i used to argue with my teachers all the times . but i won't argue about that with you anwiii any more, because it seems you taking things personal whereas i don't, and if you see our discussion as a kiddie math then forgive me i don't do that math anymore, so this is the end for me in here. whatever...
  16. ok anwiii, you said i have flaws in my math, i say the same about yours and i will show you how. first: your assumption here is wrong because when i say (lines from 2-5) means a post that its lines the minimum is 2 and the maximum is 5, so you can't do that 2+5/2=3.5 it is wrong from the beginning, if you want the average of lines of group A then it should be 2.5 not 3.5, same thing to group B the minimum of lines in group B is 5 and the maximum is 10, and so on. so all your average of lines are wrong. also, why should i calculate an average of the lines in each post, i already give it a value which MAKES SENSE because the post from 2-5 lines i give it an initial value as 0.5 and because the post from 5-10 lines are OBVIOUSLY DOUBLE IN LINES from the post from 2-5 lines therefore i MULTIPLY IT BY 2, same for post from 10-20 is DOUBLE in lines from the post from 5-10 so i multiply it by 2 and so on. so it is make sense and absolutely i don't need to count each line in each post, or else why they invented the ratio. and because you calculated the wrong average of each lines in each group you get this error in here and here each line? why should i find the average for each line? i thought we made agreed on each posts, you are turning in circles in here. now don't you think that you get the same result i get for each group SOME HOW which prove my math was right which i proved that earlier too here is also the same result as MINE for each group and i really think that this step is not needed, because you already calculated the average or each group when you multiplied the amount of mycent for each line (00965)*(245 or 1500 or 1500 or 900) because each of those is the number of lines IN THE WHOLE group and consequently by multiplying each or them by the amount of mycent for each line (00965)then you will get the average of mycent of the 70 posts, 200 posts,100 posts and 30 posts. so really this step is no needed, if i missed something please explain more. can you tell me please how you calculated the percentage of each group, as i know group A contains 70 posts which equal 17.5% of 100% group B contains 200 posts which equal 50% of 100% group C contains 100 posts which equal 25% of 100% group D contains 30 posts which equal 7.5% of 100% so how do you get these percentage for the groups? again the same results as mine, now really i think you are turning in circles, or else why you still getting the same values each time? now if all that doesn't convince you i really don't know what will more. @magnafrost thank you for your reply you get me fully in here . and by the way,if you are really looking at this discussion like this then please tell me to stop replying. i am not trying to make you look wrong or i want to teach you it is only a discussion about math in here. if you look at it as a competition or a way of offending you then sorry for that and i will stop till here.
  17. @ magnafrost , thank you for your explanation you are FULLY understood me in here. deadmad, i didn't start a topic to prove that anwiii is wrong, this is too childish and silly. do you think i am a child or silly? it is a discussion to exchange knowledge, maybe i am wrong not anwiii, we are discussing to get the right way to get the average this way, and again please pay attention, it is all about math not abut how mycent works? i don't care how it works but i care the way we doing math in here, so i hope you get me in here, and thank you for your reply. i will try to answer you here, and reply to your other reply latter, to explain things step by step. i assumed each group worth twice as the previous because it is a WAY to give a certain value to each group to distinguish between the groups it is something like the subjects in college, the major subjects may multiply*4 and the elective subjects may multiply*2. and why should i take the exact numbers of lines, i already give it an estimate range for each group, and i think this is more than enough. also can you please tell me from where did you get these numbers 3.5 and 7.5? you didn't explain that. and 555 is not the number of my posts anwiii, you completely missed me here. it is the a new value for HOW MUCH THE POSTS COUNTS OR THE VALUE OF THE POSTS, it is something like the points for posts, points i give it to each group (0.5,1,2,4) to get a new number according the value of each post in a group. it is the same when we calculate the GPA of students, we multiply each subject with the number of its hours a week and what we get is the points of that subject, and i will use that points after that regardless the ACTUAL DEGREE OF THAT SUBJECT and why do that? to give a certain value to each subject according to its hours a week. so we will use the new points we got NOT THE ORIGINAL GRADE, just like i did i used 555 not 400. because 555 is the points of posts not the number of the posta. so you missed that, give it another though. and again 0.072 is the average of each post ACCORDING TO ITS VALUE OR THE POINTS I CALCULATED not the number of posts, you multiply 0.072*400 = 28.8, and this is exactly what you did before when you get 0.10 cents, if i wanted to calculate the average of ALL POSTS REGARDLESS THEIR VALUES then i won't bother myself and do all this math and just followed you way, RIGHT . as i said before i will reply to your other reply soon, just wait for me .
  18. rvalkass i can't see your image, even i tried to download it but i got an error, so please re uploaded it, or check it and tell me what you see, maybe it is just me i don't know. @deadmad, i hope you could participate i would love to see what you will post in here, do your best.
  19. i am suffering from this weird status just right now , i am out of ideas and i should make my own portfolio as soon as possible, therefore i am trying to feed my imagination with some good designs to get inspired again, these are some good sites that i liked their portfolio. they have a lot of unique designs i liked them a lot. - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - http://www.nisgia.com/ - http://www.jessewillmon.com/new_portfolio - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ they are very inspiring and the designers really did a great job. i like the colors, and choosing backgrounds and how they mixed the all pieces together to look like this, i even like the effects even they are making the site loading so slow.
  20. i know there are many other factors in calculating mycent in here , and i said i am doing math not about mycent system in specific or how to work, i am just stating a way of calculating the average when we have different factors affect the values. thank you for replying.
  21. @sheepdog, you are so funny i liked what you said personally, i really think that vegetarians live long and healthier, i remember clearly i watched an episode of the oprah winfrey show, and she was with dr.auz, he brought a kidney and a liver of a human who eat unhealthy food, he showed how a lot of fats, sugar and cholesterol affected his organs and Deposited in his arteries. adding to all that the disease we get from eating meat like heart diseases, kidney and liver disease mostly are caused by eating meat, i didn't heard before a vegetarian suffer from heart disease. also meat need to be digested much more than vegetables and fruits. therefore not well cooked meat is forbid to those who have problems in their stomach. it is like we use our body to its limits. and i am sure that most of the proteins that our bodies need are found in vegetables too. at least i experienced that personally, i couldn't eat any meat for about a year and i asked more than one doctor and they are all advised me to eat legumes like beans as substitution for meat. therefore, i believe that being a vegetarian is more healthier and helps us live longer. and i am really thinking to reduce eating meat when i am getting older to be a vegetarian or at least eating just white meats.
  22. so this is who i am..and this is all i know..and i must choose to live..for all that i can give..the spark that makes the power grow..and i will stand for my dream if i can..symbol of my faith in who i am..but you are my only..and i must follow on the road that lies ahead..and i won't let my heart control my head..but you are my only..and we don't say good bye..and i know what i've got to be..immortality..i make my journey through eternity..i keep the memory of you and me inside..

    1. Hurt4love


      you seem to like Celine Dion's songs WD :) I don't blame you she is one of my favorites too

    2. web_designer


      she is the best...i love her angelic voice...

    3. chini13


      even i like her :P

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  23. hey, don't say that, right i didn't follow the matches fully this year, but from what i saw, brazil played well, maybe the players didn't put all their effort and didn't do their best but still they played well, don't accuse them in front of my face , just kidding. but i am sure they play well but not the best way they could.
  24. yeah hitting others with big and huge books is always work to deal with stubborn and annoying people , and i agree that phone book with all these pages is the perfect option, hahahaaa.
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