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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. i added some more violent in there , made that robo holding two knifes and a hammer. haha, i started with roses and butterflies and end up with knifes and a hammer , this is your faults guys
  2. hey, take it easy there. it is nice to do all that and you are still young. so when people get impressed by your achievements in life, just smile tramposch, it is what you gain when you work hard to learn a lot and put your heart in doing all these. well, i don't know about your family but i say i am proud of you and i am sure many other members in this forums too. you are so talented in so many ways and you know how to use your time, when nowadays you can see teens who exactly in your age do nothing in life, wasting their time on doing stupid actions and even worse being addicted on alcohol or drugs, therefor i still say i am proud of you young man .
  3. GOD deadmad, your skills are advancing so fast. i do like your last two signatures. they are so unique and proficient. i like the mixing of colors in the background and that lamp too, the render is so fit with everything. for the first time, i thought there's a dragon in the background . good job deadmad, i am really impressed. i rate it 9/10 waiting for more. p.s. stop making more signatures and make some tutorials
  4. hi bloggenuis, welcome here with us in Xisto community. our community is full of geniuses and you will find out that very soon . also being a good listener is a very good quality i think. anyway, hope you will have a great time in here, and i will be looking forward for your next post, enjoy.
  5. i agree with you that both women and men want the perfection in their partners, but wanting things and believing it so different and i stated that before. i think we should believe that our partner is not perfect, because he or she is a human and humans are not perfect. but what i am talking about in here, is men who order their women to be perfect for them. for example she should do some plastic surgery just to please him even she doesn't like that. or he may order her to give away her job or her study because he thinks she should be in the house for him. maybe you didn't hear of such things but it is happening in this part of the world and ALL THE TIME. and that what really drive me crazy, a selfish men use their ability to control women, and if she denied they start threatening her in so many ways, financially, when she depend on him or by divorcing her and took the children from her, or even hitting her. it is a fact still happen even we are in the twenty one century. oh chini, you are so right, the majority of men in the middle east want their wives to be educated and decent but when they want to have fun or want to look cool they decide to be with a girlfriend. therefor, they think when they get married then their days of fun and look cool are ended hahaa. but you know what, there is another good side, they search for a respected and reputable girl from a well-known family because he wants to respect her and cherish her and absolutely he will interest of getting a good and smart girl first then he will interest in beauty because he wants his children to be educated and growing up in a good family. and here i think that her part starts, she should do her best to look good to prevent him from feeling sorry for himself that his days of being with beautiful girls are gone . now i remember once when a woman was going to shopping with her husband and picked a very beautiful dress but when he saw it on her he refused to let her put in on and go out because she looked very beautiful, and he just said do you want people say i am walking with my girlfriend not my wife??!! .
  6. haha, i hope so... never, not after a million years . yeah, it feels good and evil, i didn't do that to anyone before, but i started with anwiii, and he liked them all the time which makes me feel good . now, i love when...i cook something and not burn
  7. ahhh..they are great ...i love simpson...:)...

  8. i would love see you play deadmad, and lose . i love it when, i took some photos and i look great in them .
  9. deadmad..thanks for the comment, you left me in my blog...that was so sweet :)...

  10. sorry deadmad..i hate arthur and hate arnold...

  11. hey, this is unfair, you just asked the same question i wanted to ask the guys in here . but ok, since i will get the answers in your topic . anyway, for me i always stick with nokia, so any telephone that nokia release is the best in my opinion. especially those two you mentioned in here, about samsung, i don't think so, i know someone who tried one of samsung phones a couple of years ago and it wasn't that good. the charger port broke down suddenly. so, i think you should pick one of those two nokia phones you mentioned. or you could start thinking of iphone from apple, i do now , but not quiet sure yet,so maybe someone here gives us more information.
  12. im going out of my mind..and even though i dont really know you..and plus im feeling im running out of time..im waiting for the moment i can show you..and baby girl i want u to know, im watching you go ,im watching you pass me by...its real love that that you dont know about... Baby i was there all alone..when you'd be doing things i would watch you..i'd picture you and me all alone..im wishing you was someone i can talk to..i gotta get you out of my head but baby girl i gotta see you...

  13. oh mahesh, you are so right in many things, i do like your post, even i can't agree on your percentage rate (99%), but i agree that most of women are picky too when they want to marry, especially when love is not counted. but the only difference that most of women after they get married they don't demand to obey or order her partner to do what they want, maybe they use another ways but not this way. about the love marriage, it is a whole different subject. people when fall in love they can't see the bad qualities in their beloved person, they only see what they want to see, and some even worse, lie to themselves and pretend they found the perfect soul mate when he is not even close. but after a while when they start to expect certain things from their partner and find out that he or she is not perfect as they think, they take a big shock and feel disappointed. thank you for your suggestion, i will keep it in my mind. and mahesh, according to your opinions in here, i am not surprised for you being a lonely wolf , but i hope, you could meet a woman from these 1% you mentioned before. @ rpgsearcherz, agree with you completely, marriage or relationship needs a 100% giving and sacrificing from both sides, if only one of them did that then they would lose each other and walk in different directions.
  14. alright, i will try to fix things. i merged them together. and deadmad refresh next time before posting, even i can't blame you because it happen to me a lot when i took time in posting
  15. haha, i knew it, i knew you gonna write something like this. an since this is your opinion, i will say, i made this female devil especially for you anwii. enjoy, she is your future bride . p.s: don't invite me to the wedding, i am not that fan in horror movies . and guys add some more to turn that image to the most ultimate horror in here.
  16. oh rpgsearcherz, i do hate cursing, but i don't mind calling one of my best friends a stupid when he/she acts like a one i love it when...i enter the forums and see members talking in a warm and a funny way , i really love it and this brings joy to my heart for hours.
  17. hey deadmad, it is cute and weird!!but i like it really i love the colors in there, the background is strange in a way that gives the signature a unique look. and he is so cute , who is that character? now i will rate it 8/10. good job, and thank you for sharing
  18. ok, i started it this time, and i transformed that desert to something a little more better, so no one of you will ruin it this time hahaha
  19. oh noooo...now you ruined bani's image in my mind...evil deadmad...i hate that cartoon...

  20. ok guys, since you already ruined this cute image, then i decided to take my share here is what i did to that poor girl see anwiii, she is not a girl, she is a devil disguises in a girl shape .
  21. god chini, it is right, and makes me feel sick. i don't know why these kind of men have a lot of self-esteem and think it is their right. and she should give away all her dreams and ambitions just to please him and guarantee his desire. but i really think the big part of men thinking like that is what they get from their society, their family, the beliefs they grown up on. nowadays, a lot of families arise their children in a different way, but in the same time much more returned back even more. it is real and sad at the same time. i agree on this, a lot of expectations will bring frustration and disappointment. which finally will kill everything beautiful between couples. each one of them should know that there's a limit to everyone and shouldn't push her to her limits, or expecting more than she could. if men could understand that, then they won't expect a lot of their women, and be satisfied with her as she is. the real problem is they EXPECT a lot from her, and DEMAND that from her. they demand to give away her dreams, her carrier, her study, and be there for him 24/7.and this is just unfair and unacceptable, but how many women could stand up for their life and fight for it without loosing their partners or ruining their life?? i doubt there are many.
  22. bani???

    and what is the connection between bani and arnold???

    noooo...don't tell me he looks like him...hahahaaa

  23. oh, chini i love shopping and having new cloths. so maybe we could go shopping together, someday now, i love it when, i open my wordpress dashboard and find a nice comment from a reader,this really make me smile .
  24. come on guys, you are completely ruined it. she was an innocent girl and now turned to a creepy monster with a cigarette and a weird sun glasses with a smoke mounts from her head!!! . but i should admit it looks funny and creepy haha , now i won't touch it .
  25. noooo...arnold avatar...do you like him??

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