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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. good mahesh, you added new things to give them genders, i will tell you how i call these new natural resources Earth: is a she. River: is a he. Ocean: is a he. Electricity: is a she. Meteors: is a she. Cold/winter: is a he. hot/summer: is a he. spring: is a he. autumn: is a he. and i will wait for you mahesh to remember more and post in here .
  2. nice topic rob, interesting and useful. i know very little about Canada, in fact i know only that Canada is a country near USA and has a very cold weather . now i now a lot, thanks to you . i am proud to say that i have two friends who are living in Canada and i get to know a lot about Canada from them. and now i love Canada more than before, and wish to visit this beautiful country someday. thank you for sharing rob.
  3. very nice topic ahahrukh,for me i strongly believe in treating everyone nicely, and when i say EVERYONE, i mean exactly EVERYONE. even if i know that this guy is a bad one, or treated others badly but still i believe i should treating him nicely. why? because i know that, no one is born evil or a bad guy, but his circumstances, his community, feeling insecure, lack of family presence, lack of friends,lack of education...ect. all those are the main reasons of creating the bad guy. even when they always have a choice of becoming good or bad but still it is hard to make a good choice when everyone is judging that guy, avoid him, or treat him badly. therefor i believe that a nice word, or a smile could give him some hope, and give back his trust in goodness in this world, and finally he will change or want to be changed.therefor i will never give up trying or changing my mind, i will always treat bad guys in a nice way, and talk to them just like everyone else. but i will do that in case he treat me back with respect, if not then i could give him an excuse one or two times but if i get always the same bad behavior from him, then i will leave him alone and not even talk to him again, because i will know that it is his choice to be the bad guy. and all my trying will be in a wast.well, till now in my life, i could remember many occasions when i had to deal with some people who assumed as bad guys from others. i remember i talked to them nicely and they reply me the same, in fact all the bad guys i met in my life and i was nice to them, they were replying me the same or were avoiding me, and in a very few times i was in touch with their bad behavior and even so they end up apologizing to me, thanks god for that. in the same time i should say that it is very hard to be nice with everyone, sometimes you could be afraid from that bad guy or aware from dealing with him, or worse you may hate what he is doing, but if you believe what you do is the right thing then you should do it no matter what. it is something like hiding your true feelings and reactions to offer something good for that bad person even sometimes you know he may not react to you or you are wasting your time. but i think the try is worthy to take chances, because your nice word or you way of treating him, may be a reason of changing that person for a better one forever.
  4. Buddy you're a boy..Make a big noise playin' in the street..Gonna be a big man some day..You got blood on your face, big disgrace..Kicking your can all over the place..We will, we will rock you..We will, we will rock you..Keep the beat up, why, I'm gonna turn your heat up..Gonna get you on the floor, gonna burn your feet up..Rockin' you, like I've never rocked you before..Like the way I do, got your screaming for more..We're causin' utter devastation..When we'r...

    1. web_designer


      hay they are great...and cool...and thanks for telling me that..i will toture you with my version..haha

    2. anwiii


      i was already tortured with it.

    3. web_designer


      then i will give you more every time you piss me off...:)

    4. Show next comments  81 more
  5. hi ChristianJames,welcome to Xisto community. in this community we exchange a lot, knowledge, thoughts and opinions, just try to join the discussions and write of what you are thinking of and you will get used to the forums. if you want any help, feel free to ask, the members here are very helpful and cooperative, have a good time, enjoy.
  6. i studied programming languages in college for four years, we learned a lot about how to program from scratch, how to find software solutions, how the data been read by the computer and analysis them, how to work with databases and data structures...ect. but were all those enough to work perfectly after college?? no they weren't. i have to study more after graduation, and know a lot of things, i have to search more and keep on studying to keep myself up to date with the new programming languages. now, could you learn any programming language by yourself? the answer is yes. but you will have to study more than who has a background on how to work with programs. because most of the programming languages have the same basis, therefor it is easier to learn new languages for those who already studied them, and in the same time it is possible to anyone to study any programming language by himself, but this will take more effort from him. i really think it is all about you, so put your heart in it and do your best and you will doing great. if you want tell us what language do you want to learn and we could help you find some good books and tutorials, good luck.
  7. oh bani...hope you having a good time..we miss you here young man..

  8. you welcome galexcd...

  9. hahaaaa, this is so funny sheepdog . i always waiting for your posts, every time you post something funny i laugh from the bottom of my heart, i like you sweetheart . well, about me, i did a lot of dumb things in my life ,that's because i used to do many things in the same time, but suddenly i lose my focus and start to do dumb things. the most dumbest thing i did, was someday i put the tea pot on the Stove, to make some tea and forgot everything about it and went to sleep . so i woke up after 2 hours, saw nothing but smoke, entered the kitchen and guess what, i found the whole tea pot turned to black and the its plastic parts melted . the smell of burning plastic sticked in the house for a week .
  10. great deadmad, i will wait for my signature, i am so curious to know how it will look like. and better be a good one deadmad . i am just kidding i trust your creativity, so i will wait and see, thank you deadmad.
  11. well harlot i will try to explain more about ASP for you: ASP is the shortcut of ACTIVE SERVER PAGES, it is a programming language that make you create dynamic and interactive web pages, just like PHP. a lot of applications and websites using ASP, especially now, after releasing ASP.NET which is part of MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO. it is so popular for those who use VISUAL STUDIO, and want to get a certification from micrpsoft. and just like PHP using MYSQL to manipulate with database,ASP using ADO to manipulate with database. also it could deal with AJAX, JAVASCRIPT and CSS just like PHP. hope this brief information will be useful to you.
  12. good idea rpgsearcherz , i support that. it is the best way to avoid confusing about that. maybe add the history of Xisto too and why the administrator changed the name, i think it is interesting story.
  13. hi kritya,welcome here, we are glade to get a another useful member in here , and we are all here like to help each other, so join the group. have fun and good luck.p.s.no one can post problems in here kritya, because this is the introduction category. but members post their problems in the right section. so just check the new topics and enjoy helping others.
  14. exactly kritya, it is all about what we like to work with. not what we know. i know both ASP and PHP, but i always prefer PHP. just like most of the members in here. as you can see from their replies most of them prefer working with PHP.
  15. I was waiting for so long..For a miracle to come..Everyone told me to be strong..Hold on and don't shed a tear..Through the darkness and good times..I knew I'd make it through..And the world thought I had it all..But I was waiting for you..Hush, love...I see a light in the sky..Oh, it's almost blinding me..I can't believe I've been touched by an angel with love..Let the rain come down and wash away my tears..Let it fill my soul and drown my fears..Let it shatter the walls ...

    1. Misanthrope


      You are so poetically eloquent. If you were to write a book of poems I would, by necessity, add it to my library.

    2. web_designer


      sorry..these are not a poem...these are lyrics of celine dion song "a new day has come"...but i am glade you liked them :)...

    3. Misanthrope


      No worries, Sweetie. My favorite song by this Deva is "That's the way it is." Man, what a voice!

  16. some people thinks they are not special...even they are...i wonder why??

    because they are not confident or because they are can't see themselves right...

  17. you mean an update for mycent???

    if you not getting it yet...just pm me i will send you some friend...:)

  18. yeah i know anwiii, you like to trust people unlike me, i watch my steps very carefully. and i agree with you, there are persons who are completely experts liars. in the same time, there are fools, who see lies in front of them but never believe they are lying at them, and this is even worse i think.
  19. nooo anwiii, i think it is nice to think that the moonlight is a SHE even whereas the moon is a HE. because moonlights is more soft and kind to be a HE, and don't messed things up in here, it is not about the absolute meaning of he or she, but how you look and feel of the gender of anything in the nature.
  20. welcome to the group anwiii, join us me and ravlkass. even when i answer that "i am ok" while i am not, is considering as a lie. but i see it in another way. usually i answer like that,when someone not close to me asks about me and i am not sure if i should trust him to talk to or even talking to him. then i won't say that in his face!! of course not, this will be rude. because he was kind to ask or sometimes curious, but i definitely won't tell him my problem just because of these. so i just say "thank you, i am fine". or when someone close asks me and i know he is already feeling depressed or has problems, but he was so caring to ask. and of course i won't let him be more tense to think of my problems too. this is just unfair in my opinion. so i also reply "i am ok thank you". hmmm rpgsearcherz, i am the opposite, i hate waiting the food to be done, or staying in the kitchen till it finished, so i just put it on the fire and go for doing something else. and mostly the food is burned when i was either here in the forum or in my blog . in general, when anyone ask me if the food is burning and i say "of course not". i say that with a big smile, and they know that i am lying because it is obviously that the food is burning from the smoke going out of the kitchen hahaa .
  21. hmmm, so it seems you are not interested in designs or graphics of websites, unlike me. i always want to know how did they do this and that and what they used . anyway, my offer still on, any time you want just pm me .
  22. i know guys, i was just joking there. i know the most important factor for the successful marriage is learn how to TRUST, and i am that kind of persons who are so hard giving their trust to someone, but if i did, i will never lose my trust in him. even if he failed in polygraph.
  23. good so we share this lie now we are buddies in lying for me, i am so convincing, so no one could know that i am really lying only people who knows me very well . another common lie for me: Q: did you burn the food again? A: OF COURSE NOT but i always do
  24. i like your way of thinking rpgsearcherz even it is not always correct, like Shahrukh said, men could also be nurturing and tenderness just like women. and especially for someone i know who thinks that women are destructive more than men . and Shahrukh, it is nice to think that MOONLIGHT is a she, i definitely think that too .
  25. thank you trufusion for your help, then maybe i will try to update my opera and see. well,rpgsearcherz. i think the issue of compatibility in the most common browsers is important, and from the beginning i made my site to be compatible in firefox, opera, internet explorer and google chrome. so it is disappointed to find some bugs now, especially now, after i switched from firefox to opera because of the forums. it doesn't work properly in firefox. so i think it is essential to be fixed in there, also my chikun count reports show that 7.92% from my readers are using opera.
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