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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. hmm, more blood and horror, great now messed up that innocent image to the end , nice work Shahrukh, now i really can't think of anything more to add, we ruined it completely .
  2. Please don't say goodbyes…I truly hate goodbyes…Never thought it would be the word of my life…Once more.. I've been there …Standing alone.. Looking eye to eye to my beloved one…Saying the last words..Touching the last touch ..Feeling the last minute of your presence in my life…Passes so slow…So pain.. When my tears turned to rain..To feed up my empty soul with another sorrow ..When I have to be there …when I have to feel again the taste of your goodbyes…
  3. These words dedicated to my friend H4L... Remember my friend ... You can't be depressed with all the friends around you ... asking for you.. Thinking of you... Felling your pain… And hurting as you do... Even we may be far away.. In different places… In different worlds... But we are connected with you with souls and emotions... This bond eventually will make you feel better... Because someday you will realize that you touched others in a very special way… In a very deep way… So when you think you lost an important part of your life… The truth is you gained more new parts… Friendship… Is the other side of the love that never stainless…
  4. since we have titanic in here, i will add some dolphins to make things more interesting. i love dolphins
  5. welcome back bani...

    forums are never the same when you were away...

  6. hmmm...who are those in your profile deadmad?? you and your brother???

  7. hahaaa..you are right dreamad... i will and i will make fun of you when you become 30..remember that..:)

  8. hmmmm...you are right..we are miserable..i mean people above 30th..at least me..enjoy you life deadmad..and you reach 30 remember us and do the opposite..:)

  9. Even though you're near me,I need you far away..To be an ocean,To build another way..I'll be broken,And I know it..But I just can't seem to find,Another way..Though you want to,Though you try to..You can't stop the rain..For the first time..It's not you..Who can heal me..i need some distance,To find another road..It's not so easy,Sorrow, such a heavy load..I'll be broken,And I show it But I'm gonna have to live..Without you here..Though you want to,Though you ...

    1. anwiii


      good. stay not in the mood to rap. :) everyone will be happier for it haha

    2. chini13


      haha .. i would wait for her good mood

    3. Guest


      wats up people of vurtual world

    4. Show next comments  75 more
  10. you can request for a new banner from here, in the GfxTrap category http://forums.xisto.com/topic/219-request-free-sig-or-banner/ about the dimensions i am not sure, so for the best, check the pinned rules first and then post there how you want your banner to look like and wait for the reply. good luck and welcome back.
  11. this is so sad mandla, i heard about things like that happen in the other part of the world, but after reading what you wrote i feel even more sad. i can understand that all those rules that have been enacted to protect children from being abused or kidnapped or protect them from anything bad that may affect them, but still these rules limit people from acting normally or being themselves. it is something like preventing people from treating each other in a nice way. which is eventually will make them lose the meaning of enjoying the simple things in life, like a simple gesture of understanding that may bring warmness to a broken heart. and all that will make us forget about the free gifts in life and how to enjoy them. here in the middle east, we still have this spirit, thanks god for this. i can't count the times when i see strangers smile to a beautiful baby or give him chocolate or a simple gift or even spoil him a little, and always parents thank that stranger for being nice to their baby. i hope that will last forever in here, because it is hard to limit yourself like this and avoid yourself from being nice to others.
  12. you are not alone...i am here with you...thought you far away...i am here to stay...you are not alone i am here with you...though you far apart ...always in my heart...

  13. HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY trappers FRIENDSHIP DAY is one of the special occasion that only been shared between friends, and only good friends who you met in your whole life. either they are near, far or wherever they are they still be your precious friends that you remember them in such a day. therefore, i couldn't let this occasion pass without saying HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY trappers, HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY to you all. nothing compares of what i get from being a member of this community and get the chance to meet a lot of people here. i am really appreciated to anyone who took time from his life to help others or share others in this community, by doing that you added something special to this community and give us the chance to build something greater that just exchanging knowledge, by doing this we get the opportunity to get connected to each other in a way or another. i am really thankful to you guys and girls, without you i wouldn't meet new people and get new friends. and today, i am proud to say that this year i have more friends to congrats in this special day and share them the uniqueness of this occasion. so thank you friends, for being there for me, for supporting and helping me, thank you for listening and being part of my life. and thanks Xisto for making my life more interesting. and my friends in here, may life colors your good hearts with the magic of friendship.
  14. one of advantages of being part of this community, is meeting new people and getting more friends. even if they are far away friends, living in different countries or coming from different societies, grew up in different ways, believe in different religions...ect, but they will still near in spite of all that. because friendship is a spiritual connection that joined people souls together and make them understand each other, and be for each other when they need them. this community, gave me the opportunity to get more friends in my life, a precious friends i will never forget. i truly can't find words to represent what i want to say, more than thank you OPAQUE, thank you Xisto or Xisto for letting me meet the most wonderful, talent and interesting people i ever met in my life. thank you for being such a great community that bounds us in this special relationship
  15. yea anwiii, i got confused too in the beginning but later, i made an assumption of what is going on there. i remember that we had two mycent showing in xisto account, one is for the total and one is for the balance, and this what made me be confused first when i ordered for my domain when my balance was not enough . but later i understood the system. and now we have only what we get with no total. well i think it is better this way, because two mycent showing in an xisito account is confusing but i hope opaque make an announcement about that to clear things.
  16. always and always dear chini...

  17. happy birthday linekill...

    may life treat you right this year and all your dreams come true...

  18. happy friendship day h4l...

    even we know each other not for so long ..

    but i always felt like i know you for ages...

    i've been touched by your personality , sweetness and strength....

    thanks for being in my life...

  19. happy friendship day bani...

    you are younger than me but i admit i learned a lot from you...

    you are that kind of people when they enter one's life they never go out..

    because they are better than let go ...

    thanks for being such a great friend..:)

  20. happy friendship day anwiii...

    you entered my life in a sudden and changed it to the best....just like magic...

    thank you for being there for me...

    i will never forget what you did and what you shared with me...thanks for being my friend...:)

  21. happy friendship day chini...you were the warm as a sunlight in my life thanks for everything you gave me and share me...:)

  22. well mandla , i highly recommend you to pm opaque if you have any problem with your mycent. he told us to do that if anyone has any problem with his mycent, and no need to beg for anything, believe me, he is a great guy and he will pay attention for you. maybe he is disappearing for days sometimes but he always come back again. and after all it is your right to ask and get answers as a loyal member, and as you said before because this is a unique community then you should talk honestly and what you are thinking of, so just pm him mandla, and be patient because mycent is still in beta version. i really hope things will be fixed soon for the sake of everyone here, so we can all be happy and satisfied again .
  23. hi mandla i liked your HOT mood ..:)

    and if i remember well i think you live in london...if so then i will give you the excuse of jumping here and there like your mood does hahaa...

  24. then i should say, thanks soviet for mentioning these products to to us, even they are not for me but they may benefit others with normal skin . thanks for sharing, i will keep them in my mind.
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