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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. yeah anwiii, getting warnings are the worst thing here, and thanks for decreasing anwiii's warning level mod, whoever you are . and anwiii, getting warnings is what going to ruin your reputation as a good guy , because either you are acting evil or good you are the good guy in here, but in your special way, i always think that you are like the godfather of the forum so you like it or not you are the good guy in here . but getting only 2$ for the whole four months is a bad news, i will share you mine if that will please you, because i know you posted as much as i did, hmmm i will find a way.
  2. no soviet, these products are important. especially to those who have a very sensitive skin, like me i have orders from doctors for not using any kind of soap especially to my face, in fact i didn't wash my face with soap for about 10 years. i only use cleaners and scrubs and should be with cream bar for not dry my face. so it depends on the person's skin after all.
  3. i can't see the image of deadmad is it only me? or anyone else also couldn't see it ??i really want to see what did he add to the image, that took him an hour to be done . check it please deadmad.
  4. good work rvalkass, i hate vista too thanks for changing it, and i really loved that KS you added instead of START in windows .
  5. it really looks delicious chini, even i won't take risks and try to make it because it really looks hard to be done. also i don't think i can find all the ingredient here. but i still say thanks for sharing a traditional dish with us chini .
  6. thank you donny for bringing that up, i share you what you feel about the circus. even i liked the shows of animals that i usually saw in the TV when i was a kid but later when i grew up and knew that they were locked in cages, and forced to do things to entertain people, i stopped watching them and lost my interest in circus. even when i like to see them doing all the tricks but i can't hold myself from thinking, how they forced them to do these tricks and how they trained them. and all my answers lead to one word "violence", they should hit that poor animal to do what they want him to do, in the best ways they will feed him and hit him to do the tricks. and this still unfair. since knowing that i lost my interest in circus, and now i know if i want to see wild animals then i prefer watching them wandering in their natural environment like "Nature Reserve". otherwise i don't want to see them doing tricks to entertain me but to see them acting naturally in their home.
  7. you are right ArcticCode, there is no end and this makes me use my imagination and come up with this, hope i didn't ruin the game on you guys
  8. then i should say that i accept the first one, but my acceptance of the second one depending on the situation. for example if i asked a friend if there is something wrong in his/her life and answered "everything is alright" then it's ok for me. but if i was in an airplane and we are falling and the staff said "everything is alright" then absolutely no i won't accept that one, they could be honest and say try to hang to your seats, we are falling .
  9. thanks anwiii, i will and try to beat you my friend..so be ready ...:)...

  10. WOW, finally 1,000 posts here in the forums and 15,000 hits in my blog...now officially i am the princess of the forum...:)

    1. web_designer


      no one see my big head but you anwiii...hmmm..i always telling you...go get a glasses...you can'r see well...:)...hahaa

    2. mahesh2k


      there is nothing like spamming on WD's status..i'm gonna make 1k spam status post to beat WD... XD

    3. web_designer


      haha..evil mahesh...you will never beat me in spamming the forum..:)..and i finished i will spam you then ...:)

    4. Show next comments  78 more
  11. thank you for explaining that rpgsearcherz, i really didn't get the meaning and i hope those two lies are false, because both of them are horrible lies .
  12. this is a horrible words come up of a person in your age sky . if you don't like your life, then do something. get a job, get a new friends, learn new things, do new activities, experience more and adventure more, make it worthy to live. new beginnings are always good for changing your life, do something better than said " i don't care". it is your life and YOU SHOULD CARE, because no one will do that for you if you don't do it for yourself.
  13. great reply amalfitravels, and you are right. not many people notice or even use smilys whereas they are a great way to tell a lot than words do. therefore i like the moods in the forums, they can speak for you and tells others what you are really thinking of without saying a word. besides paying attention to those little things will warm the lonely heart and feed the soul with a little bit of joy that you may in need for it . but first you should learn how to enjoy those little gifts in life and not turning your back for them.
  14. music instruments!!! and vegetables!!! hey mahesh, the topic is about the gender of our natural resources, not music or vegetable haha but this is funny. now we could start arguing about the gender of tomato and banana .
  15. hmmm, i am wondering what that suppose to mean??? and i really tried to find another common lie i say but couldn't find a one . when i will remember i will post it here, but first i really want to know what that means NNNOOOOOO, i hope you can explain more, i am curious now .
  16. well i am trying to be honest and i argue till the last breath to prove my point of view and there are many here who are just like me, maybe you will get shocked of that but in this way we exchange knowledge, information and theories. we are just like a big school that studies all kind of subjects . so i will say we are all students in here and we will keep on learning new things everyday from each other. therefor i think you will like the forums , enjoy.
  17. i can't accept cheating in all kinds or in any way. i know one fact, that if you are not satisfied with your relationship with your partner, either you are married or only in any relationship, then you should be honest with yourself and your partner and tell him/her how do you feel and try to fix things, if you couldn't then just leave him and find you a new life and let him/her to find a one too.but cheating is absolutely no, cheating will hurt you both, and will only left hurt and sadness. and worse it shows how you disrespect the other part and how much your relationship is weak. another point about cheating, if you cheat on your partner and felt guilty and knew you made something wrong then again you should be honest to him/her and tell him/her what did you do and why, this way you will give him the choice to be with you or not anymore, just like you made the choice of cheating on him/her. even that may destroy the whole relationship but better than live in a lie the rest of your life. besides if he/she decided to make a new beginning together then you will have a new life based on trust and respect, not on cheating or lies.
  18. welcome here missy2205, you are just in the right place. we are here like a big family, we help each other,respect each other, support each other and sometimes argue with each other just like real families. the forums here are full of information and knowledge just check the categories and this will take you days and weeks i think if you have any question feel free to ask me, i will be glade to help. so join us in discussions and have fun.
  19. thank you for sharing that leebliss09, but i think you should give us more information about what kind of skin do you have ?? because may be it worked for you because you have a dry skin for example, so it will not work the same for those who have oil skin.
  20. thanks for uploading that files for me you uploaded two files, and i really liked them both, good work. but i should say the first one is more harmony than the second. even you used only drums in the first one but it gives you more relaxing feeling when you hear it, the second one is good but need more work i think, i like the mixing of many instruments in it but need to be more neat. in general, i believe that you are creative and need to keep on working on your talent, good luck and keep on the good working. i will wait your new piece of art and thank you for sharing. p.s: i know someone who will be interested to hear your work i will show him your topic when he come back.
  21. oh no, i can't see it. is it a video on youtube??because i can't open video on youtube. so please upload it again on another site or just give me the link and i will find a way to open it.i really like to see your work .
  22. hi kirtya, i tested your code after the file you sent me and yes, it is not working properly. so i rewrite it and tested it and it works fine. <?phpif($_POST['username'] ==NULL || $_POST['displayName'] ==NULL || $_POST['password'] ==NULL || $_POST['password2'] ==NULL || $_POST['age'] ==NULL){ echo "please enter data ";}else echo "thank you.";?> please test this code and post the result in here. and i will try to find some good validation code in ajax or java script for you, good luck.
  23. i don't think there is a specific age for get education, but still depending on your country and the rules in there. so check it out first and then you could decide. after all i really think if you have a strong desire to study and finish your high school, then you will find a way, just go for it and good luck.
  24. in spite of all the flaws and hacking that i heard about facebook, i will still be in facebook using my account, using the application, chatting and everything there in so many ways. not because i don't care of my privacy, but because i have no other way to communicate with my family or friends. in facebook we share a lot, we have the chance to talk and exchange the news better than any where else. so if i get that option to delete my account or my information, then definitely i won't use it. but in the same time i think that people should be careful of what they write or say in there, not giving a lot of personal information and photos is the key to stay in the safe side.
  25. don't worry rob, even she did not notice this topic i will show it to her , i am sure she will be interesting and will feed it with more interesting and useful information.
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