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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. recently, i see this weird problem in OPERA 10.10, i use this version of opera and it stills in beta but it was working fine till a week ago. after that it started acting weird, it shows my site one day perfectly, and the other day is not. it doesn't read the background image of my site. so when i open my site in opera it looks like this in the same time, i check my site in firefox and internet explorer and it looks fine in both of them. so anyone notice the same in opera??? or it is just me.
  2. you dislike footers??? what? are you a footer hater? i really love footers and think they are a very important part of the design rpgsearcherz. i really wonder why you don't like footer? they are the most personal part that could connect you to the reader. there, you could show yourself as a designer, or a developer, you could add an important link, you could add icons or anything you want without affecting your site. i never leave a site before scrolling down to the bottom to see its footer and if i didn't find a one i really disappointed. next time you make a site, send me to create a special footer for you , and i am sure you will change your mind .
  3. thank you for your help little asterisk, but unfortunately the first two links are broken links, so please if you could fix them. the third one is interesting, i like it, but in my opinion it is not a site, but it is a cartoon movie . how they could do that? it is a lot of work but make the site loosing its meaning. anyway, i liked the effect but i think it is not suitable for a site but more for a show contest. now since you mentioned that you have a lot of good sites that you bookmarked them, so, could you please upload some that using ajax or Jquery?? i will appreciated.
  4. i checked that dance track dodgy phil, and download it. it is awesome i like it. thank you for introducing that for us, and thank you for sharing.
  5. interesting work DisturbedGoddess. i like the last one the most and i think it is the best one too. the first ones need more blend and more work on the background. but the overall work is good. waiting for more from you, do your best.
  6. welcome here in Xisto community czone. i hope you will have a good time with us, you could learn new things, refresh your information and have fun in the same time. there are a lot of categories in this forums that may interest you. good luck and enjoy.
  7. really??this is the first time i hear such a thing. could you please give us a link or tell us your source of getting these information. i am so curious now.
  8. so almost an A, great deadmad. good job, proud of you mate about my signature, take your time i am not in a harry. as you know i have a one, just wanted to know how are going to present me in a signature . so don't worry i will wait.
  9. i like this feature, i use google search A LOT, especially google image search. so adding anew feature will make things more fun and easy, as i hope. but not more slow loading. i already have a slow internet connection. anyway,thank you for sharing little asterisk .
  10. haha, great idea sheepdog i really hope that people show their faults to others and be honest. this could fix a lot of troubles in this world. but unfortunately, very few people do or believe in that. sometimes i hope that we can use Polygraph before marriage. so everyone will know a lot about the other one
  11. for me, this isthe most common lie i say, only people who close to me know i am lying in here Q:are you feeling ok?A:yeah i am.
  12. first, i thought you are not serious in here or you are bringing up some big issue that related to eating chalks, but seems i was wrong and you like eating chalks!!well, in my opinion, everything that not made for eating then we should not eat it. if it was a food or possible to be eaten then they wouldn't use it for writing right??so you should stop doing that and see a doctor, he will know better than us all.
  13. i used EBUDDY before, it is so useful, free to download and easy to work with. i was using it to open my messenger from the mobile phone, so it was so beneficial when i was outdoor or don't have an internet connection.
  14. hi DisturbedGoddess,welcome in Xisto community. we have the best community ever as you will figure out so soon . we help each other in so many ways and all the members here are smart and creative, everyone in his own way. so join us with your ideas and good quality posts and have fun. waiting for your posts, and good luck.
  15. cool deadmad good one, i really like it. you are doing better day by day. i hope magnafrost will like it, and i hope you good luck in your summer school. now all that enthusiastic me, i am really wondering if i asked you to make me a one, how it gonna looks like?? so, i will say "I want Deadmad's Recommendation signature cuz hes cool!" i trust you creative eye deadmad, so let's see what it gonna bring up this time about me .
  16. I AM HAPPY...life will give me one of its gifts two days more...i am grateful...and feeling great...

    1. anwiii


      how can you two be sisters if you don't argue once in a while??? haha! you're odd :)

    2. web_designer


      how could you think sisters could argue after long time not seeing each others...this is odd...

    3. anwiii


      she's already kicking you out of your own kitchen hahaha!

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  17. i will try just respond to my pm please...

  18. hey deadmad..so you opened a shop now happy for you mate, you earned that by your hard work. anyway, i just passed you by to say HI and GOOD LUCK and maybe someday i will ask you to make me a signature too. p.s your signatures shop looks cool .
  19. haha, it happens to me all the time, sometimes i search for my glasses and found it above my head . i love it when...i pick up the phone and hear a happy news, nothing could turns my mood so fast but that.
  20. cookies are sent via HTTP header, and you already sent header by HTML tags. therefor you can delete HTML tags and make sure that there is no any white space before PHP tag ( because white space turns into echo statement that prints out a blank). now your file should be like that: <?php // Setting a cookie// setcookie(name, value, expiration);setcookie('test', 45, time()+(60*60*24*7));?> and save file as php, i mean the extension should be .php, good luck.
  21. GOOD IDEA DEADMAD, i really think this will be a great plugin to be added and it isn't that expensive or ruin anything in here or in the phone. besides it may be a great way to post when we are out, well i plan to buy an Iphone just to enter the forum when i am out . so i agree, it is a great idea and thank you for sharing deadmad.
  22. so you stopped lurking ...and be visible again...:)...

  23. just like me, i am always looking for comments in my blog, and buying more cloths . i love it when... i wake in the dawn and could here the birds singing.
  24. well, even i don't look like a religious person to others or even believe in god but i am. and more than others could imagine. i believe in god completely,and from all my heart. ten years ago, i was a believer too but less than now i didn't have a reason to be a one in fact or trust the power or god. but through these ten years , a lot of things happened in my life, i lost dear people to me, family and friends, i was in a true horrible situations that i couldn't depend on any one to fix just me and god. i remember once i prayed from all my heart asking god for help, and my prays granted. the same happened after a while, i was in a trouble, and i prayed again and everything fixed just like magic. since then, i became a true believer, from all my heart. because i knew that there's someone watching after me, and will help me when i need him, someone more bigger than me and you and everyone.
  25. Dizzy....Dizzy...Dizzy...i see the world dancing around me...or maybe it is???

    1. web_designer


      yeah ...seem i should to...:)..

    2. Hurt4love


      Hope you feel better :) Maybe you should start eating more ;)

    3. web_designer


      no it is low blood pressure h4l...even so i eat better these days ...thanks honey

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