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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. hey bloodtake, welcome here. and please wait a little more, i mean for a few days . if i am right you just registered two or three days ago, so you should wait for a week or about and keep on posting, when the mycent system was working properly we all could see mycent after 10-15 posts and about 3-4 days if i remember right, and this was when the mycent updates instantly. and now you should wait more since the mycent updates every 2-3 days or maybe more sometimes, it is still in beta. so please wait for more days and you will get yours.
  2. hey, why i end up sitting in same class with britney and the president!!!thanks god there is bani with me or i may hide under my chair
  3. congratulation chini...your first wisdom flag is shining like a star...hope they will be 100 not 1..:) good job girl...

  4. thanks rvalkass , now we get rid of the horror in here. let's stick with BBC weather and add more fun stuffs to that class room.
  5. well am not sure how the mycent system is working now. but about me, i was earning about 3$ when i post daily. about two weeks ago, i didn't post much so i earned about 2$ and the the last week i didn't post anything for days so i get nothing at all . the past three days i post some posts so earned a bout 1$.
  6. yeah guys i won't like more horror and violence images, so i decided to ruin things on you have fun
  7. hi GianFaye, welcome to Xisto community. your introduction is very interesting. well i am interested now ;)according to what you stated about you, i am sure now you will have fun here. just share us your opinions, contribute in discussions and enjoy earning knowledge.
  8. yeah you can't so be creative and give poor britney some accompany or she will die from boring .
  9. ok the argument here is heating up, but i prefer to answer the main question. for me i think i have my own balance in life. although i always believe in giving poor people and who are less fortune in life some of what we have, but i do that in a balanced way. for example, let's say i need a car to go to school or my job or for my family, so if i have money and i know that a neighbor needs some money to fix his roof for example. then i will buy a car for me, but a good one that covers my need not a fancy one and leave some money to lend it to that neighbor. another example, if i have about 100$ and i should buy grocery, and i saw a poor guy who didn't find something to eat then i could buy grocery in about 50$ or 75$ and give him the rest. because i really believe in helping others in life and sharing them our money will bring us more money in the future, to help even more people and make their life better. it is a kind of cycle that giving money to people who help others who don't have money to let the goodness in life continues and the hope of its presence exists. add to all that, when we help others in a way or another then someday when we need for help or someone to lend us a hand we will find someone to do that for us. i really think it is kind of repay for good people who have a good heart.
  10. you are not asking for a certain script. you need a whole project to do all this work. and i suggest you to walk with it step by step. for example you should use a script for user login and use cookies to check it later when that user wants to make a folder or save its own resume, of course you will need a database in here to save the information of each user in it. and you will need a form with check box and radio buttons ..ect to allow the user to chose how his resume will be. and a script to upload images to the user's folder...ect. i hope i could make things clear for you now, good luck.
  11. ok, i added some special student join us guys things getting funny here
  12. agree, enough horror in here, or i will get nightmares for a long long time . i hate violence and you guys dragged me to this, evil trappers .
  13. Loneliness is always looking for a friend..It found me once and it has been around since then..Loneliness is never waiting by the door..It sweeps right through and it will never be ignored..Why, why was I chosen? Why am I left without? The love of my life, the love that I need..The love that they say is in life for free..The love of dreams, the love that I want..Loneliness knows me by name...

    1. chini13


      beautiful but sad words .

    2. anwiii


      sad words as usual....

    3. web_designer


      sadness is walking with us the long road of life..sometimes we just walk with it..sometimes we just ignore it..sometimes we have to hold it inside..

  14. GOD sheepdog this is really scary, i am really glade you are fine honey. take care next time please, fire is the worst disaster we may deal with inside the house. i remember once i saw the fires getting out from my pan, real high. i was frying something but it was small fire according of what you experienced. but i really freaked out and couldn't move. hope things will be fine for you from now on, again please take care next time.
  15. hi StormComes, welcome in Xisto community, we are always glade to get new members here with us. i hope you will have a good time posting and sharing others what you think of. about why the site offers a fee hosting or a free domain name, it is because we exchange things in here. we post good quality posts that make the forums always popular and rank #1 in search engine and get mycent in return that allows us to buy a free hosting or a free domain name. so start posting to earn your mycent and then you could get your free domain name. enjoy.
  16. hi babydog123, welcome here in the Xisto with us. we are all here like to help and support each other. so if you have any questions, please feel free to ask.and have a good time posting and sharing others your ideas and opinions, enjoy.
  17. i find this a weird question too. but i believe that things are mixed in here. so to clear things a bit, as ravlkass said serial numbers are used to complete the installation of a certain program, usually you get your serial number when you bye a program. otherwise you should install a trial version of that program which is obviously will work only for a couple of months maximum.
  18. welcome here with us lilc800 in Xisto. we are always happy to get new members. try to read the rules of the forums first and have a good time posting and sharing your ideas with others.
  19. web_designer


    welcome here 8ennett in knowledgsutra community. i hope you will have a good time posting here, discussing your ideas with others and get knowledge. do your best and enjoy.
  20. i support ravlkass in here, W3Schools is the best place to learn HTML on line in a fast and easy way. you can get it from this link http://www.w3schools.com/ they also provide you with live examples to see how to use tags and elements of HTML. good luck.
  21. the most common animated image format for me are either GIF or SWF. i must say that gif is easier to make but their colors and brightness not always perfect like swf, but swf format is harder to be made because it requires more professional skills in adobe flash.
  22. hi RajanDezego, good work. i liked it so much and good choice for the name. it is really reminded me of four seasons. please keep posting more of your art work in here. i will be waiting for more. and thank you for sharing.
  23. just tell us please what are you needing help in? i mean you could be more specific in here. like in a certain language or web design or in some scripts. if we don't know then how we could help you?? right?? we are always glade to help new members, just post your question more clearly please.
  24. hi xXGlitterXx, welcome here as a member of Xisto. if you want a free hosting and a domain name then you are in the right place. even with some mess in here because the forum is still not working smoothly because the mycent system is still in beta, but we are eventually getting our mycent that allows us to support our free hosting and domain name. so don't have any doubts, this is a professional site that gives you a free hosting and a domain name just for posting here. BUT you should first sign up in xisto.com with exactly the same email you used for signing up for the forums, and start posting. after a few posts, your mycent will start to appear and every 1$ will be added to your account in xisto and will be shown here in your profile just for you. when you could collect at least 2$ from your mycent then you could get your free hosting ( this is the cost of logic plan- the minimum cost for a free hosting, there are more of hosting plans but they will cost you more) and you could check it from your xisto account. same for the domain name, when you collect about 10$ from your mycent you could get your free domain name (10$ is the cost for the .com domain name, other domains may cost less) and you can check them too from your xisto account. about how many mycent you will get for this post? i am not quiet sure. the new system depend on many things. but i can give you the key for the fastest way to get your mycent in here. keep on posting good quality posts that benefit others, and try to post some tutorials in the tutorials section. do your best and have fun .
  25. i like what you added here Shahrukh, i always loved the sketch lines. common guys join us to add some more to this image. even i admit that it didn't make any sense right now. a lot of things that not connected to each other with anything , but this is the fun part is, right?
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