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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. i always believe in the eternal glory. and we should be a true believers or we won't deserve it. but unfortunately, being a true believer is a hard thing to do nowadays, we should read our holy book, understand it and try to follow what it says and be a better persons than we are, praying daily and helping people....ect. therefore with all the problems in real life, following the rules of our religion is hard to be done but still worthy to do and teach our children to do it. if not for the eternal glory it should be for feeling we are close to our god, and this feeling will save our souls so many times when we are in need to, because we will realize that there is someone is looking for us, bigger than me and bigger than you.
  2. glade to know that most of you guys didn't hear about this technology before, so it is a news-fir for you .and i agree with fermin25 and sheepdog about the damage that may this new technology bring. because i do believe that each new invention has his bad side effects that may show up sooner or later. and especially to such new technology that may emits some kind of rays that may harm our body in the long run.
  3. zanzibarjones, your work is very elegant and charming. i like it so much, it gives you a deep feeling of that little flower. you are doing great, keep on the good working. we will wait for some more form you.Maggot, your signature is good to even i think that the lights or white shadows for the second line are a lot. but in general t is good. and you should post it in another thread not here.
  4. When you try your best but you don't succeed..When you get what you want but not what you need..When you feel so tired but you can't sleep..Stuck in reverse..And the tears come streaming down your face..When you lose something you can't replace..When you love someone but it goes to waste..Could it be worse? Lights will guide you home..And ignite your bones..And I will try to fix you...

    1. web_designer


      good you kno this song then...we can make a duet now...

    2. anwiii


      i am not a fan of cold play. interesting words though

    3. web_designer


      yeah i hear him the first time..but i liked the words...

    4. Show next comments  66 more
  5. WOW little asterask, this is so interesting and useful. i wonder from where are you getting all these news?? do you have someone to pass you the fire news only for you ?? i really like what you bring us to here. thank you for your hard working and thank you for sharing.
  6. hmmm, this is make sense a little now but in the first i was confused by the title. thank you for the explanation rvalkass.
  7. welcome back...kob...long time no see...glade you make it back mate...:)

  8. the first thing to do, is to download a local server that support PHP files. the most common one and easy to use in my point of view is xampp. it is a package containing APACHE, MYSQL, PHP and PERL. you will get them all by only install xampp which is easy to install. and it is free and supports windows, linux, mac os, and solaris. you can download it from here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ you finished downloading it, you will get an orange icon "xampp control panal" every time you want to run php in your local machine you should double click on that icon and run mysql and apache, and there are other future you could read about them later. and you should write your php files in an editor that support php to reduce syntax errors and you should save your work in htdocs folder in xampp folder in your local C:, usually it should be in this path (C:\xampp\htdocs). for example if you create a php file and named it test.php, then you should save your file in htdocs folder. when you finished programming you can show it in your browser by typing this in your browser (LOCALHOST/test.php). that's all for running php in your local machine. if you have any questions feel free to ask.about the extensions, i think you should use .php either you use php4 or php5 for not getting any errors that may happening because of incompatibility.
  9. i have never use internet explorer to test or create my programs, in all his versions. so i suggest you to download another browser like firefox or opera. they are perfect with all their futures to support your work and programs. try them and see if your program will work on them, if not then you have a problem in your program. good luck.
  10. i am really sorry to hear such a horrible situation. which is mostly affected the daughter who has nothing to do with all that elder mistakes. now how she could cope??this is hard to be done but she should to. it is a complicated and sad situation that may affect her all her life. but in the same time she should stand for herself and make a decision to move on and learn from all those lies and irresponsible actions they made. there was a lot of selfishness, irresponsibility and lies in there. if she still thinking of all that she will ruin her life too. so in spite of all the pain she feel she should make a choice to herself to be a better person in life and move on. and let days recover her slowly and help her to forget. good luck for that daughter, hope she will see better days from now on.
  11. hi z6972233,welcome to our community. i hope you will have fun posting, contributing in discussions and getting knowledge. there are a lot of categories that may interest you, so just pick a one and start sharing others your ideas and opinions. enjoy and good luck.
  12. oh, this is scary. remind me not to be online with you in the future if such a device exists it will be more dangerous than funny i guess. if you could know what others are thinking you may use what you know against them or interfere in their life which mostly will bring troubles worse than it is. because the reality is only few people could do nothing or at least say nothing if they know certain things about others.
  13. well since i don't use widgets in my sidebar. then it is not an option i think, even it may make things easier for me but i coded my sidebar myself. not added a single widget to it. and i don't prefer adding a sidebar to my home page. especially my blog sidebar, because i have a different design for the home page which is will be similar to my portfolo. i would like to know what do you think guys about it. i will post it in the showcase and ask for feedback . and i already added a little lines about me, but not a picture or any personal information, even i must say that your suggestions are great, but i cherish my privacy . about the author thing i don't think i need it, since i am the only one who write in my blog . key points of mt topics is a great idea too, i never thougt about it before. thanks for suggesting that for me. and also thanks for suggesting the plugin about related topics for me, i was thinking of that a while ago but i was lazy to search and find a good one . same as updating my wordpress version. i should update it to the newer one but i was kind of busy and lazy the last month to do that. thanks for your help and your notes.
  14. thank you deadmad for encouraging me. i feel more confident now . well, either it is turkey or not. but let's say, in general, in middle east, there were less people talking English in about 100 years ago or more. not a 50 years ago or even 70 years ago. for example the average here of old people like my parents who are in 6oth age or more, are talking English. if not perfectly but the way enough to understand and react with others. they studied English since they were in 10 in primary school, not mention that all their study in colleges are in English too. and my father is a huge fan of tom jhons, diana ross and demis roussos. so the time you are talking about was about 100 yeas ago or more, because i remember clearly that even my grand father know some words in English. hmm interesting so i am not the only one who suffer to get a high score. it is relieving to know that . thanks for the suggestions, i do that already. even it is kind of hard to find many books in English here, because now i am living in a small city, not very small but smaller than Istanbul. so there are a few book shops that sell English books. but i order what i want through the net. and my usual way is to watch tv series without translation. there is a channel shows all tv series without translation, so i always watch what i want there even i may not understand a word here or there bit i always understand the overall subject. hip-hop music deadmad!!!! and you put funny notes about me when i post "don't stop the music" by rihanna!! and by the way, i only listen to English songs, well mostly English songs. and sometimes to French, Turkish or Arabic songs. thanks for your words and your suggestions, i appreciate them all.
  15. huh???...what is behind your back???

    if you mean anwiii and i talked behind your back then cheer up..that's means you are a celebrity now..since two popular persons were talking about you...hahaa

  16. thanks everyone for your reply. @Shahrukh, i though of that either. adding the latest topic from my blog and the latest design from my portfolio in the home page. thanks for the suggestion. god deadmad, you read my mind. i already did that but in a different way. i added two images of my blog and portfolio in the home page but i put them in photo borders and wrote on them, "my blog", "my portfolio" . now i am sure that you are working in CIA were you spying on me?? well i prefer putting both of them under one domain so i will point my domain to the home page and create two folders one for my blog and the other for my portfolio. i think this way the site will be more neat. and i thought of the static page in wordpress. but if i added the recent posts box an the recent design box. this way it will be dynamic unless i do the edit myself.right?? what do you think guys??
  17. thank you guys for your reply.@seankelly, thank you for the links you gave me i did what you said, i forgot about the applications. thanks god you reminded me. and checked that check box in account security. @maggot, and vhtortex thank you guys for your help. i changed my password already and now i can enter my account and nothing weird happened since then. i will keep what you said in my mind in case this will happen again.
  18. well my first words in English began when i was six, but i started it officially in school when i was 10 years old and continue till college. of course i was developing my language with reading English books and magazines and listening to English songs. in fact i know i don't have a problem in speaking English with others, because in my job i was speaking English most of the time when it was necessary and in my daytime too. but i don't know if you heard about the TOFEL test exam, it is so hard exam for those who speak English as a second language. it contains four parts, reading, writing, listening and speaking. i made the virtual test and i got the highest scores in listening and speaking even speaking needed more work and concentrate from me. because they ask questions like "Who would you like to go on a trip abroad with? Describe this person and say why he/she would be a good travel companion for you" and you should answer that question in ONE minute. 30 seconds to think of the answer and 30 seconds to talk. so i found that hard to be done because i am sometime out of ideas. it contains minimum about 10 questions and all of them the same 1 minutes to answer and think. all the other parts are timed too. the writing part is kinda good, the free writing exam is fine but there is another part that i found it a little hard, they give you a paragraph about 10-20 lines and you should read it and took notes because it will disappear from the screen in 3 minutes and answer questions about that paragraph. the reading is the worst part, they give you about 4 passages each one about 50-70 lines they are articles most of the times and we have only 20 minutes to read it and answer the questions which are mostly from 15-20 question. the hard part for me is that these articles could be talking about anything astronomy, biology, human resources, policy, anthropology, literature...ect. and there are many words that i never heard about them before especially in biology, since my major was in math and computer science so i am so far away from other sciences terms. add to all that they give scores for punctuations, like using semi colons and dots in the right place and using a capital letter for the first word of each new line ...ect. therefor i have doubts about my English, because i know i should learn a lot of new vocabulary to pass this exam with high grade or it will be worthless if i pass it in low grade.
  19. hmmm, maybe you should explain more please. i am lost in here what all those veritable for and what they mean? i am curious now, i will wait for your answer.
  20. really?? i thought it is a new news, for me this is the first time i hear about it. and i will hope that they are many like me who didn't hear about it before. and sorry for the old news guys .
  21. hi zanzibarjones,welcome in knolwedgesutra community, sharing ideas and thoughts is one of the main parts of the forums. we share, discuss and even argue sometimes, but we always respect and talk in a reasonable way. so start posting and you will find a lot who will react with you. have fun and good luck.
  22. i found this interesting video on facebook, and i wanted to share it with you. it is about an Indian genius guy who invents a technology called SIXTH SENSE. simply it is a wearable device that allows to interact between our physical world and the digital world. it is so amazing invention, and if everyone could use it then i think our life will be easier and more interesting. don't miss it, at any cost. http://www.ted.com/talks/pranav_mistry_the_thrilling_potential_of_sixthsense_technology
  23. These words are dedicated to my friend ..my dearest friend?you know who you are? Even sadness lies deep down inside you? Even clouds hold you tight? Even cold is surrounding you? And darkness is everywhere? But I will be there ? With a warm smile I will touch your soul? And bring back the happiness to your life? Long road.. and not easy to walk? But if we hold each others hand we will pass ? And reach the land of peace ? I know there is no peace with everyday struggle? But we could create our own image of happiness? Paint it with the colors of a rainbow bright ? Can you paint my friend?? Can you get out of your black and white image?? Can you join me to draw a new path?? I don't want to leave you there with dark colors? When there is nothing but sorrow?and pain? Tell my friend.. Will you join me, to draw a new portrait? Just like children sitting in a green grass.. Drawing their dreams in a sunny day.. No need to be alone? No need to paint alone? Let's go to the green field? Where you will find your friends ? Your true friends.. Waiting for us? To be there ? Draw?laugh and find a new meaning of life? those precious moments will be part of you forever? Because true friends like a piece of magic ? They add sparkle around you ? That only can be seen when the sun goes down in you?
  24. well i am not quiet sure but mostly i think that my facebook account got hacked. because i have two facebook accounts. so when i was in my other account, i saw a link posted on my wall from my other account!!!for the first few seconds i was like this because i can't be in two places at once, right?? and later i noticed that this link is posted on my friends wall too.so certainly it wasn't me, and my account got hacked and till now i didn't do anything but changing my password. so any suggestions or anything else i could do??thanks in advance.
  25. hi trappers, i want your opinions of what i am going to do. i have a blog and i am working on my portfolio now, and i noticed through my searching in the net that most websites that have blog and portfolio, have a home page that leads to both of them.so i decided to add a home page to my blog, but i started it about eight months ago, so i was just wondering is adding a home page that leads to my blog will reduce the traffics?? or make me lose my visitors??is anyone here have the same?? if yes please give me some tips and the advantages and disadvantages of that.thanks in advance.
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