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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. As of today, except for a few villages/towns there is no place where Sanskrit is used as a first-language. It is still used only by literary enthusiasts and although the main language itself has diminished, it's derivatives are still very popular - Hindi, Telugu, Kannada, etc are all derived from Sanskrit and they're not difficult to use
  2. There are terabytes of music content available today and every genre has a large fanbase and personally I feel it won't be fair to criticize other genres based on our personal taste - since we have so much choice why don't we just live and let live? Just enjoy your kind of music and let others enjoy their taste.....
  3. Just be a little patient - the mods must be busy - and the concept sounds interesting although I'm not a real fan of any version of MSN - prefer to use pidgin for all accounts
  4. There are thousands of languages in this world and there are thousands of language-enthusiasts who are always seeking out new, strange languages to learn. These polyglots naturally pick up the language by imitating the natives who speak the languages. For example, by watching a dozen or so French movies, anybody can pick up a few words/phrases immediately. This applies to almost every language, including tough ones like Japanese/Mandarin.But I was wondering if there's any such language/dialect in this world which even the natives have trouble using. I heard that Swahilli is a tough one to master? But I'm sure the natives are quite comfortable with it. So, heard of any peculiar language(s)?
  5. Hi there templehost and welcome to the forums professor It's good to have you here and I hope you enjoy your stay here. I've noticed that in just three hours of joining the forums you've made 25 posts, but you've also accumulated a lot of negative myCENTS That means a lot of your posts were edited by moderators. As I'm typing this I can see that you're having a hot debate with Baniboy over the issue of putting content under quotes. Well there's no denying that you are posting original content, but it's already been posted on another website and putting it here without using quotes will lower the forums' SEO ratings and it's a great loss to all the members indirectly. I understand that you need to get some myCENTs soon but do try to get some fresh content as it's good for both your account and the forums. Please don't take this in any other way - I was just trying to tell you the effect of what happens if you don't use quotes for old content.Well it's good to have an active member as yourself - I know you'll become an integral part of the forum soon Have a good time!
  6. Hi there Eaun and welcome to the Xisto forums I hope you enjoy yourself over here and rest assured that you will get some quality webhosting for free! Just avoid making one-line posts and you'll accumulate enough myCENTs to buy a hosting plan with/without a domain. All the best and have a lot of fun Btw, which state are you from?
  7. well the linux community is pretty large as well so they might make something out of this - it's still very new and I'm yet to find someone who has used it in a big way...
  8. wow and I thought I held the record for most ancient computer over here! Aren't you planning an upgrade soon?
  9. No problem - it's never too late to catch up Google's Summer of Code 2010 should begin in March or somewhere near so keep a look out for that!
  10. Sorry if you didn't like my post anwii, but I mentioned in the very first line that this isn't a full review at all - this thread would have made more sense in the "VENT" section rather than here so that some of you could stop assuming this as a review of the movie. Apart from many websites, I've seen a lot of people in chatrooms, forums and websites discussing the same thing - this one certainly didn't live up to its expectations. Apart from the title of the thread, I haven't specifically said anywhere in my first post (it's not edited so you can check ) that people shouldn't watch it. I just said it's not worth watching and I have the backing of hundreds of people (from those sites and forums I mentioned) who have the same thing to say. Just because there's a thread saying "Don't Watch 2012!" in a forum on the internet, the movie's not gonna lose any revenue, nor are people going to stay away! The hype building up till the release of the movie was too high so I'm sure a lot of people will watch it at least once no matter what they read on the internet.... I hate it when that happens too, but I think you just stumbled onto the wrong reviews at those times
  11. I can't believe I didn't hear about this event till today - it's been alive for five years already! I wanted to know if any of you over here have participated in this event till now....in 2009 Google spent approximately $5,000,000 to fund open source projects through this event. It's a boon for the student community, who receive a stipend of $5000 if they are approved for a project! Here's a brief intro of this event I got from the official site of 2009 : If only I had known about this a little earlier I could have focused my time on learning programming - now I'm feeling that I've wasted the best years of my life I think I can reach the level of this event only in 3-4 years So does anyone have some experience in participating in this event? If so I would love some tips from them - I do hope to make it to this event in the future - oh I'm just so excited!!!
  12. I understand how busy mods are with their schedule over here - I guess it isn't fair to ask them to create more threads - they're helping out a lot more with their useful replies so sorry to the mods for asking such a question in the first place!
  13. GO - hmm that's not a bad name for a programming language but this isn't the time to think about names - it's time to think about how good the language is! Go is the new open-source programming language developed by Google and is available at https://golang.org/ I'm still taking my first steps in the programming world so I'm not ready to try this out yet, but I'm looking forward to some reviews from some of our experienced coders "GO" now!
  14. @FouGilang: The list that shadowx has provided has given me another idea which I would like to suggest: WINE is able to emulate the popular WoW game so why not offer that to your customers? It sure is played in a lot of countries, right?
  15. People who buy those accounts are bound to stay loyal to rapidshare and are not likely to switch any sooner. And if you do a quick survey of warez sites you'll find that 90% of the content that people are looking for is hosted only on rapidshare - so if they switch to another file-hosting site they won't get what they're looking for But I do agree that people who use file-hosting sites for legal purposes better stay away from rapidshare - it's not worth it!
  16. Yes, apparently. Google sends a wave to your inbox which prompts you to invite others - you just have to wait for that wave of approval!
  17. This is a funny story that I came across in a magazine recently. A South-African IT company decided to hold a race against their country's (the article didn't mention the country's name) DSL broadband service. Representing the company was a homing pigeon, whose task was to deliver 4GB of data(sotred in a flash drive) to a destination 95kilometers away from the starting point. At the same time, a computer with a broadband connection was used to send the same data to another computer located at the same destination. This race was held by the company as a protest against their country;s poor broadband speeds, and they proved their point - the pigeon won!The pigeon managed to cover the distance in 2 hours and the data reached safely. But after 2 hours, the computer had uploaded only 4% of the data! I always keep complaining about my connection's low speed but this story really opened my eyes!!
  18. I own a pretty ancient computer with 512MB of RAM, Intel P4, and 160GB HDD, and running Ubuntu Linux along with Windows 7 RC. Thanks to the extremely high amount of RAM I have () Windows 7 takes 120 seconds to boot up (compared to 35 for Ubuntu) and so I use it very rarely and only for gamin. I usually boot into 7 and then go out and come back in 10 minutes, by which time it finally becomes responsive While using Ubuntu, however, my computer functions at maximum speed and I absolutely love this OS. It's free, and has got tons of free software, and has a replacement for almost every piece of Windows/Mac software. The downside, however, is the lack of quality games for Linux, which, actually is the developers' fault, who do not bother to release a Linux version along with the Windows/Mac versions
  19. It's unfortunate that game developers still don't port their games to Linux even though it is getting more and more popular by the day This is really a sad situation where you really have no option but to get Windows for the gaming...I have a small suggestion - try to get the RC version of Windows 7 if someone you know has it - it is fully functional till April 2010 and if I remember correctly it will expire in June 2010 by which time it will start shutting down after every 2 hours. Also, each copy of the RC can be installed on 3 PCs so it's legal too Then by April you could try to raise some money to buy XP or maybe even 7 for all your PCs - all the best for this project of yours!
  20. File-hosting sites are certainly appealing to the people who don't know/can't use torrents but this has unnecessarily encouraged a lot of duplicate sites all hoping to make some quick money by selling "premium accounts"
  21. The movie is releasing tomorrow (13/11) in Italy, right? Well trailers are meant to make the movie feel good, aren't they?! I mean...look at Roland Emmerich's previous movie - 10,000 B.C. From the trailer I imagined a lot of fights with the mammoths and tigers but what did we get???? Here too the best scenes were put in the trailer but the rest of the film does disappoint So anyway, all the best with your downloading I never said I didn't like disaster movies - this particular one was not that good and reminded me of the previous movies (the "forming a group and surviving" part). The Day After Tomorrow was really very good but it's hard to believe that the same director made this movie. But as you said, it's personal choice but as I said before the general opinion is that this one is a flop.
  22. Okay let me tell you right here this is not a full-length review - I can't bring myself to recollect the crazy story, plot and characters of the eagerly-awaited movie 2012. All I can do it to advice you not to watch it in a hurry. This movie is definitely not worth watching in the theatre - I think it would have been more bearable on a computer/DVD player, coz I could at least forward the scenes a bit!!! The only positive part of the movie, as anyone could guess, is the huge amount of special effects it has utilized. But they aren't too realistic and you can easily tell that what you're being shown is pure animation. And I think audiences around the world are used to watching similar scenes in other movies so they won't be too impressed. I don't think I need to emphasize on the story - it's almost like all other disaster movies - there are random characters and they somehow end up forming a group and fight for survival. I won't go into the "finer details" of the story (if there are any). For that you might want to wait for a more professional review () - anyway, from what I've been reading on the net, the general review is that this movie's gonna be a dud. The only consolation for me was that since I couldn't get tickets for the English version I went for the dubbed Telugu version and some of the localized dialogues were funny - but that doesn't mean this 160 minute movie is even remotely bearable I would like to sum it up in the style of comic book guy (from The Simpsons): Worst-disaster-movie-EVER!
  23. I don't know about the final version, but the RC version has slowed down considerably after using for two months - I've removed almost all the programs which might make it bloated but even after doing so the speed refuses to increase
  24. I've seen you mention this in many other places and while it's true that SMF has good smiley sets, it shouldn't be the only factor while judging the software. Smileys can be added from an external source to any software including IPB so t's not that big a factor in my opinion. And I agree with TheDisturbedOne - the ones in RC2 are really much better!
  25. Many people, including me, have asked this question and the answer is always the same - SMF! The biggest advantage SMF has over the other free forum packages is that it lives up to its name and is really simple to use. I tried phpbb only once and didn't even get to install it completely - so a software which is confusing to even install will definitely be more confusing to use! That's why SMF gets the vote all the time
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