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Everything posted by webishqiptar

  1. 10 Blog Types you want to start Before explaining in details the blog features, it is advisible to have a deep look at blog types. This is important because later on you can choose what kind of blog you would like to start or better fits your talent/passion and hence choose a related directory(to subscribe your blog) or blog service(to host your blog). 1.ArtLog - ArtLog is a kind of blog based on art which aims to connect people through art & culture, and which can be comprised of pictures, paints, designs, museums..etc. Related sites: artLog| razorberries| delusionalAngel 2.PhotoBlog - Photoblog(also sketchblog) is a kind of textless blogging,which publishes/shares online photos, expressing feelings. This kind of blogging became popular due to publishing photos online from mobiles. Related Services: photoBlog| photoBlog.net| Related Directories: photoblog.org| coolPhotoblogs| photoblog-community 3.Vlog - or VideoBlog is a kind of blogging through video medium. Video blogging is concepted widely through podcasting, which is a way to deliver video in a syndicated way to the world using Atom or RSS feeds(also called syndication protocols and can be read by aggregators[feed reader]). Related Communities: youtube| google Vlog| yahoo Vlog 4.Mp3 Blog - Mp3 blogs contain or are created for downloading mp3 music files. Recently aggregators (i.e, elbo.ws) track mp3 posts(not mp3 files) and display the hottest mp3 blog posts. Related aggregators: elbo| hype Machine| 5.Linklog - Linklog is a blog compound of hyperlinks(URL's) and short posts with little or no description. Related sites: linklog| Related service:linkwalla| 6.Tumblelog - or Tlog is a short-form blog using mixed posting media types such as links, photos,videos, comments, quotes. They are being generally used from artists to publish their creations and discoveries although they serve as places to compilate links and online experiences. Related platforms: tumblr| tumbl.us| project.ioni.st 7.Moblog - Moblog blogging is a advanced tech feature including photo cellphones using mobile Internet connection for publishing photos, text or vidoes online directly from your phone using some moblog software. Related Software sites: clicky| stoik| Related communities & service: moblog:uk| moblog.com.au | busythumbs 8.Corporate Blogs - are blogs used by corporations either for marketing or branding purposes or for open and public discussions.Such blogs can be also internal - that is, blogging between corporation employees. Related blogs: Boeing| Monster| Googleblog| Kodak| Yahoo 9.Splogs - or Spam blogs are blogs created by users with the aim to increase the strength of a page due to blog service quality backlink, influence pagerank, promote affiliate programs, or for search engine indexing purposes. 10.DreamBlog - is a kind of special blogging that records dream experiences into a blog. These blogs can be preserved studied and furthermore used for scientific searching purposes. Related blogs search: Dream Blog These are the main blog types that you could not be familiar with, but certainly there are lots of blog types that can also be categorized differently under other standarts. Literally speaking, immediately and above the blog type definitions are some associated links anchored there with the purpose to link blog concepts with real blog appearances. Normally you will encounter different kind of blogs such as: personal blogs, dating blogs, travel blogs, sport blogs...etc. But these kind of titles seem familiar to anyone.
  2. If you really earned those money honestly without trying to cheat Google, I guess you will get the money. I myself have 20$, too little but my local advertisements do not pay much money. I get an average of 150 impression everyday, and maybe 1 or 2 clicks worth of: 0.01$ -0.1$, not more than this.
  3. I would feel better if had something more than just a simple walking. Though I don't understand why you feel shy? Where are you living?
  4. Well, let's say it is right. But not only blogs index faster, other websites too. It depends on search engine optimization. You should follow Google webmaster guidelines to get your sites indexed by Google. Regularly updated content is something to take in consideration.About blogging, I advice very simple blogging software like Wordpress. It is very simple but has lots of features.
  5. Well, I have heard about a poll in U.S where people were asked if they were afraid of AIDS. And the results told that people are no more afraid of AIDS. As far as I know AIDS is caused by a virus and is not killing people. It is killing the white blood cells, which are responsible for fighting against germs and infections. So any kind of simple infection that reaches the body is lethal. I don't know if there will be a cure for AIDS. But prevention is a good cure.
  6. I agree to mahesh. If you have some good topics out there, then it would be nice to talk and discuss. I once opened a thread about swine flu and it created lots of debate and I wasn't thinking at Mycents at all. Just enjoying the debate and trying to support my arguments.
  7. How much should I pay for a SSl and what language should I learn for using that?
  8. I am a member of both these forums, I mean actively and not just as a number. I would like to discuss this here the pros and cons of these both sites. They seem similar to me. Xisto forums give you the possibility to earn money: you know how, by free web hosting and Kontera publisher network This is what I like about Xisto forums, but there are lots of subforums and don't know where to concentrate. Digitalpoint forums gives the possibility to earn: by sharing Google Adsense revenue with members, and the buy sell or trade. So what is your experience or what you think about these two sites??
  9. Online Social Networking Online Social networks are networks created to gather people of generally same interests for sharing their ideas, knowledge and experience online. This is made possible by web-based services which tent to make users communication much more dynamic and interactive. Such innovative web-based applications are chat, messaging, file sharing, blogging, groups…etc. The first steps of Online Social networking were websites such as Classmates.com created on 1995 and SixDegrees.com (1997), which aimed to maintain connection through former school mates. But online Social networking and social networks begun to prosper in terms of popularity and user reach with the creation of MySpace and FaceBook on 2005 while getting millions of page views. This raised the attention of giants like Yahoo and Google who in addition created Yahoo!360 and Orkut respectively, hence so including Social networking as an important component of internet business strategy. Social Networking Models Social networks are built in a way that allows members to create a profile of their own where they share their interests whith other members. There are typically to models: Internal Social networking whom users are invited to join a group or community by invitation only. Internal Social networking can exist inside a social network while External Social Networking are public and opened for all users. A simple example for External Social networking could be MySpace or Facebook and private groups or communities created by members of the social network would represent Internal Social Networking. Social networks can evolute to business models. That is, a social network with millions of visitors can generate lots of targeted online advertising. This comes from users sharing similar common interests which leads to targeted advertising. A pure example of this would be MySpace which is fairly a promoting social Network for musicians which gathers music fans together. This can be converted to targeted online advertising for your company which can advertise i.e music business products to this huge community such as MySpace. Some other Social networks such as Linkedin gather proffesional business users who share their business skills and products. This types of social networks offers payable memberships for their service.
  10. I doubt swine flu is killing as fast as AIDS. However something we have to concern about is the number of deaths cancer is causing. I have read that deaths from cancer will be the leading in the next years, surpassing deaths from AIDS and other disease.
  11. I don't know but I don't like your site. I can't understand what your site is all about? Maybe Google Adsense needs a website full of content. I advice to go and read Google Webmaster guidelines, and you will find really helpful information.
  12. Google Adsense versus Yahoo Publisher Network(YPN) There is no doubt these are the best two publisher programs offering website sharing revenue. Publishers over the years have concluded the main differences between these programs. Who Pays more? Publishers report that clicks that come from YPN ads can bring much more dollars on Pay Per Click, but they give low CTR(click through rate) due to low ad targeting. Yahoo Publisher network has a less sophisticated way to target ads due to your site content, resulting in a low CTR. By the otherside Google Adsense pays less per click, because of smartpricing, and will show regional ads and in that case PPC may depend on visitor IP. But Google CTR is higher because of relevant ad targeting. This means that visitors that will come to your Flower Site, which is using Google ads, will see ads showing Flower advertisments and probably click your ads. This might not happen with YPN because of low ad targeting. Can non U.S publishers participate? Google Adsense program is international and everyone from all over the world can have an account. On the contrary Yahoo Publisher Network accepts accounts either from U.S members or by invitation only. You are required to state your U.S address and your tax ID. There is no official announcement when YPN will become international or come out from their Beta version. What is lacking? Google Adsense - Does not provide RSS feed ads! - Image ad stats not provided. - Publishers cannot block low paying ads( advertisers can set the price per click). - Does not pay for PSA ads(public service ads). - Cannot transfer Adsense account balance into Adword balance. Yahoo Publisher Network - No image ad formats, no ad links! - YPN does not pay per thousand impressions(CPM) - No ad preview - Channel update hourly(they update daily) Which are the best of Google Adsense? - Excellent ad targeting due to content/keywords(influences clicks) - Great CTR( influences your revenue). - Detailed reports and statistics(Google analitics,Webmaster Tools, Channels, Templates). - You can download CSV files and create charts to compare your earnings. Which are the best of Yahoo Publisher Network? - YPN for RSS feeds included(showing Yahoo ads on your RSS Feed) - No penalty on self clicks(filtered automatically, you get 0$) - Revenue per click(RPC, chart to view your revenue). It would be better to not mention the disadvantages of each these networks, but instead I will give you some advices on what you must absolutely avoid. Note that: 1.Sometimes you may see Google public service ads(PSA) showing at your website, which count as impressions but you don't get any revenue from their clicks or their impressions. The reasons for this maybe considerable and I consider not relying much on webmaster sayings but check this Google article taken from their support center:Why am I getting PSA's?.
  13. I would better prefer associating your blog with google adsense rather than payperpost. If you are a good writer and have something interesting to tell people that's the right way.
  14. where do you think? just created it myself. Some good research and the web is full of sources. I will post some other tomorrow, maybe not about blogging but something similar.
  15. Blog - Definiton A blog is an abbrevation of the phrase/term weblog, which refers to a website, domain or subdomain talking about personal experiences, news, events, sports, technology - almost all categories - maintained by a person or a group of individuals which publish/share their ideas using World Wide Web. Blogs generally, are short online stories/publications/experiences - you can define lots of similar terms - updated regurarly which can be arranged using text, images, videos, comments, feedbacks, linking, feeds,...etc. Other terms similar to, you could possibly encounter are: Blogger - A person who creates and maintains/keeps a blog updating it in a regular basis. Blogging - A verb used to describe the action of making a blog, for example: "I like blogging". History of Blogging The very first blog was created on 1993 by a student of Swarthmore University(Justin Hall) called http://www.links.net/. Justin Hall created a web-based online diary where he offered guide tours on the web. Later on, in December 2004 he got awarded from "New York Times Magazine" as the "father of personal blogging". Blogs at first were called weblogs(Jorn Barger was the first to use this term in 1997) hinting for logging into the World Wide Web. Then the term evaluated to blog by Peter Merholz who separated weblog to we blog and then including it to his website's sidebar(he did this for joke in 1999). Blogging started to raise in popularity slowly until blogging software and dedicated blog hosting services became available, giving common people - that is, with no programming abilities - the chance to start their own blog. Blogger.com (now acquired by Google) created in 1999, was the first blogging service allowing common people to sign up and create their blogs under a subdomain (e.g., example-example.blogspot.com). Then other blogging services such as Movable Type, WordPress, LiveJournal and much more were created establishing a new medium/community for online publishing and advertising. As millions of blogs were just online and thousand of others launched everyday Blog Search Engines were created to store blogs in their databases and index them for search. Such search engines are Amatomu, Bloglines, BlogScope, IceRocket, Sphere, Technorati( as June 2008 indexes over 100 million blogs). As of 2002 blogs became a political force because of the ability of bloggers(who are mainly professionals such as journalists for instance) to bring up facts and criticism to different political views and political attendance. As of 2004 blogs became a mainstream source because of its popularity, dissemination and influence over the mass. This was massively used by politicians/organizations as tools for opinon outreaching, making polls on different crucial cases such as wars, racism or to create online communication with their audience. In addition, blogs turned into business solutions and marketing service. Hence, in 2003 Google incorporates Google Adsense ads to their blog service Blogger.com. In a negative view, blogging caused many employers to get fired because of revealing companie's secrets or publishing restricted data on their personal online blogs. (Mark Jen - was fired after 10 days employment on Google for revealing corporate secrets on his blog, Jessica Cuttler - was fired from being a congressional assistant, because of blogging out her sex life with her chiefs.) These examples(there are much more) raised a crucial debate about personal blogging versus employers responsabilities and rights and attracted media consideration. In addition, many similar cases ended up through courts and seu processes. As of nowadays, blogging has become crucial and fundamental. Many companies, corporations, medias, social networks make available and reserve a special space to their online visitors for blogging as a process of deep review, feedback and communication through out the Internet.
  16. while for me time is 1:03 am..How weird??
  17. You could spend whole life in education. Here in my country which is Albania we spent about 16 years for school education. But college or University education has some high cost, not because of charges being high(It's up to 120$) but because of good education Universities in Tirana. Tirana is the capital and it is very high standard living place, so for a student and his family it is not easy. Though in general Universities are not very strong, if students will they can get good degrees. I always preferred education outside in Europe. England or U.S but it is to heavy for me.
  18. It is the second time it happens I guess. All other websites were working fine while Xisto.com was not.
  19. Have you tried a full scan? Maybe a virus is causing this.You can try a adware spyware removal tool. Does the windows startup show any special event, such a file missing or windows error screen reporting that something is going wrong( not that receovery error report)?I had some problems recently on a computer of a friend who had a amvo and avpo trojan who infected registry editor. I removed them manually.
  20. As far as I know this can be done using a router. Otherwise you can use Internet Download manager or Dap which are software which gather internet sources from shared Internet connections. So you could gather the Internet connection speed and cheat your little brother who likes to watch stupid cartoons on Youtube( I previously had to deal with a cousin of mine who blocked my Internet connection by watching stupid japansese cartoons).
  21. Time is a sequence of units used to measure things, compare events and intervals between them. As of physics time is classified as a fundamental quantity. Time has been a matter for such fields as Religion, Science and Philosophy. One unit such as the second is defined as a standard for cyclical events such as the passage of swinging pendulum. In physics space time is a mathematical model that combines space and time into one continuum. Time traveling is a concept of moving between different moments in time, analogue to moving from one point to another point of space. That means moving from present to past or future. You have read some concepts taken from the web.
  22. Could you provide the link? I would like to see that video on Youtube. Global warning is maybe the most crucial problem worldwide. Other similar problems are to me: AIDS and cancer.
  23. I am not an expert to give such conclusions, I am just trying to give some detailed information so that people don't get panic. In very rare cases the virus can spread to people who work with pigs. So after the virus enter human body, it could have been transformed(or adapted) into a new kind of virus, which now has the ability to spread from human to human. This is something that generally happens with bacteria and viruses. Let's mention here the gained resistor that bacteria adapt against antibiotics. No a vaccine cannot be irrelevant, but simply it is not produced yet and needs time. A vaccine can be a weakened version of the flu virus. Tamiflu is an antiviral who can treat swine flu but cannot prevent it. This is something else. Me neither eat ham. But we must mention that the virus is not termoresistent and can't be spread this way. Maybe, I am not pretending to know all of this. I think that virus is not as dangerous in pigs as in humans. Yes this is true to my opinion. Vaccines can cause allergic reactions.
  24. I heard about his some hours ago. Pentagon spent over 100 million$ to repair cyber attacks. Well If everything is going to based on net applications imagine what could happen if attacks happen. Imagine the Net world war could happen. Well I think they do well, that spent money on this critical issue.
  25. I tried it several times, but did not work. Very weak translation tool, but it is still in beta release. I have heard of some other software, lec power translator, but I am not sure if it works for albanian language. I use dictionary Lingvosoft and it works really fine, but I need a good sentence translator. Let's wait for their full release and see the results.
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