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Everything posted by webishqiptar

  1. If I add a forum what happens and I have lots of traffic. Will the regular plan keep the forum high stats??
  2. No I have not been able to modify from cpanel too. I deleted the file(.php extension) and then reuploaded with ftp filezilla again. It worked fine. The file was stuck at 644 and won't change I don't know could you suggest a forum for my site? I tried this Vanilla, but was not such as good. It had problems with extension compatibility. Should I use phpbb??
  3. I recently installed a Vanilla forum on a subdomain on my hosting account supported from Xisto forums. But I have a problem I cannot change files permissions of a file so I cannot change it. The only solution I found is to delete the file than re upload the changed file from my computer. Any ideas??
  4. There will always be alternative ways to replace oil dependence. One of the most popular I think is Hydrogen source. I have been listening to lots of predictions about oil resources, but nothing is sure. One thing is sure, that population is growing while the earth on a while won't be able to fill the needs of all humans. This will lead people to becoming eager toward each other for seeking the goods of this world.
  5. I am not sure but you can't live longer without water. Maybe you can resist without food but with drinking water for several days. I think for 2 or 3 days max.
  6. -I'd raise a business and make many children to share the richness -I'd start making fitness -I'd say to my brother "congratulations" :XD: -I'd say "Mom you are wrong" So what will you do if: -You find yourself in Iran? -Tina Turner asks you to marry her? -Michael Jackson wants to adopt you? -Bill gates offers you a job as mucker?
  7. Making money online is not impossible. I have read about Dp forum owner who earned about 10 000$ from Google Adsense everymonth. That is a very serious forum. Let's take a simple website tutorial programming guide such as w3schools. They took about 90 million page views in a month. Imagine how much you could earn if using Google Adsense. If you have a good website, with updated, original and quality content you could possibly earn.But you need to be a proffesional in another thing rather being a good webmaster. If you are a good webmaster you can create a beautiful website to see, but websites need content. So you must be a proffesional in order to create good quality content e.g a latin proffesor and create a website about Latin language.
  8. My favorite drink changes from summer to winter. I like Orange juice with ice if it is summer. And love red bull + vodka on winter.And mostly I prefer water if no other drink is present
  9. Yes I like some of their songs, but not to say a fan. They are a great British band, but their music is very melodic, or to much melodic and I don't like this. I am fan of dire straits and jimi Hendrix. I like this kind of music.
  10. This too subjects are the most important things to mention for a better and happy life. I would certainly love to have and receive much love and earn money to be able to keep this love in stable conditions. While money alone cannot bring happiness to me.
  11. Well i recently downloaded and installed a new software, called notepad++, cause Dreamweaver is too high for my computer, though I guess it is the best for beginners.
  12. This is a very interesting topic. If you see from another point of view, I would add that every language evolves, and evolving means loosing some characteristics or features and gaining new ones. So I think languages are set to this rule. This means that from time to time we loose words and gain new ones. So some names that we used to give or call our grands are not used anymore at recent times. So spoken language can change and evolve and so do the words.
  13. I prefer Nokia. Always liked it. Recently I am using a Nokia 3 61 20 classic whith 1gb integrated memory card. Great experience and no problems although I don't have a wireless point so I can access Internet. But don't mind about that because I hate navigation on internet through mobile phones, it's not comfortable at all. But in the meantime if you want to buy a new cell phone don't be afraid to buy Nokia, cause you won't regret.
  14. If you see my garden, you would be surprised. I have planted lots of flowers, and trees, like peach, apples, peanuts, etc. But it is quite green, and we as a family take care of it very often cutting the grass. Well, if you look around my garden you will see just open areas without greenish style. I am glad to have a house and garden like this.
  15. why you need such a plugin for making Wordpress themes really. If you are a Wordpress coder and know php well, coding themes at wordpress is not dificcult. Though if it was free I would give a try to it. We cannot afford buying it.
  16. I have windows vista, and want to install windows 7. How to do this, could anyone explain in simple steps, should I create another partition for Windows 7?
  17. I am not sure. I am a fan of Barcelona, but if Manchester plays the ugly match that Chealse did, I guess it won't be as much as difficult to beat Barcelona.But in my opinion Barcelona will win, they had a good session, and everything goes fine until now. Manchester has a great team, but not yet as perfect as Barcelona. Though it will be a match to be seen. Great final, it is good to see such big games again.
  18. Sinusitis is often caused by bacteria, infection or inflammation originated from teeth. The apex of roots from premolars and molars are positioned right above the caity of nasal sinuses, which problems found on those teeth can lead to sinusitis.
  19. What is the story about Sri Lanka? Why are you having some war against terrorists? Why are they fighting SRilanka what do they seek?
  20. well, I used to earn 25$ from surfing that pays..and as a result I bought my first domain...It is just a study and something that is real. There are lots of places that pay you to do things, like here. You get paid to post in a forum, I get hosting from here..
  21. Revenue sharing Social Networks These kind of Social Networks share most of their revenue(from 50% to 90%) with their members and this acts like their marketing strategy because the increasingly number of Social networks improved the method to attract audience. Most of these social networks use motos like these to draw new members: Yuwie: Where it pays to socialize or Apsense: Get Paid to Promote your Business...etc. How do they differ from non-sharing social networks? Earnings. In terms of social networking service, nothing changes, they are the same. These social networks implement a script that measures or counts the page views a user's profile has achieved plus other activities such as the blog/videos/groups and depending on a variable(which can be unchangeable)like earn per pageview (i.e, 0.1$ per pageview), calculates a member's earnings. Attendance. Hence to get in or participate in these kind of social networks no skill at all is needed-that is webmaster skills like programming or previous knowledge of markup languages for building web pages are not required(maybe optional). The only thing necessery to take part is having human communication abilities(non-social people are dangerous in a social network). In addition, talent to create profiles, blogs,discussions,videos may vary between people and that is the main feature defining earnings. Features. Some paying social networks like Dada.net have evoluted and have enabled members who at the same time are publishers(have their own Google pub-id) to place their publisher-id number and get the earnings directly from google while owners share a percent of the clicks with members. Programs. Some kind of script or feature that makes paying social networks differ are referral programs. That is, a program which is counted by levels and works in this way: You are given a referral link which you show to your friends and if they join, they join after your referral link and are counted as your first level downline. The same thing your friends can do with their friends and so on. In this way you can create a deep level downline and earn a percent of their earnings ( this is defined by the social network e.g, level 1: 15%, level 2: 10%, level 3: 5% and so on...). How do you get paid? The most used payment processor is PayPal but as if Paypal isn't an international company - that is not all countries are allowed to receive money through Paypal- paying social networks pay their members via check. But previously you should verify if your bank can transfer the company check into your bank account. In addition, you must be aware that all social networks have a minimum reach before you can get paid and this varies from 10$ to 100$.
  22. I have some Conceptronic router and want to update firmware version, which currently is 1.00. I am using a Pppoe and I am not sure if upgrading will loose my data and I will have to call Isp to provide them again. Any idea how you have done this for your own Internet Connection?
  23. What's that on the left of the home page, where I see recent articles and how many people read them?
  24. maybe I left something unsaid, you can research and add some other blog types.
  25. yes I tried my self. Nice thing by Google. Well I think webpages are becoming larger and larger so some kind of intra search from search results is a great tool. I know you can pay for some kind of intra search engine of your own site.
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