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Everything posted by webishqiptar

  1. wow, what a shame of a website. Seems like satellite tv that doesn't work and doesn't have properly installed codes. Yes but that website has a good aim, they will try to put Jesus to our hearts and so you should respect it . Well, I think that the time when the website is done, must have been time of web -2.0. :XD:
  2. me once had some kind of problem with viruses, and I saw some really weird pages(porn and spam) getting indexed with my other site pages, and I found those and removed manually through ftp. I am not sure, what happened, but maybe you should try to get a good Antivirus on your computer such as kaspersky and also a good spyware, and never go to lots of sites who contain crack things or similar behavior software. And since I upgraded to Vista my computer has always less problems regarding security, viruses, spyware.
  3. This is not something that you can do by posting a question on Xisto forum and so you will find for an answer or a bunch of drugs to use. I believe and most people do, that being tall as you mention is inherited genetically, and you can do nothing for that. I have read about the case of Lionel Messi, a football player who was so short that he was treated with hormones to get some inches plus. But this is something done only if you have problems with hormones responsible for growing.So what I advice for a better life in general. Do exercise and play sports, different sports. Because you will improve your body metabolism and muscle structure. But yo would better get a professional advice, by a real doctor who will check if your shortness is something related to pathological condition, and the doctor will give you proper advice on what to do to solve your problem. But in general, playing sports improves your body metabolism and your muscle development, so be a sportist.Or if you feel this thing, is a social problem, you must check your school psychologist, to give you some advice for social better supporting. Don't forget that some people get taller when they are 17 or 18 years.
  4. I am sure that health, will not be disregarded and this is why you should be careful and take care about these things. I know from microbiology that some kind of flu virus killed millions of people worldwide in the years 1900. Hopefully a new vaccine will be available in october this year, I heard about this in the news.
  5. Well, I am not properly sure who is the best or who deserves to be the best, but I can tell you which is the most popular to me. I have been an active member of hi5 firstly, when I was a teenager, but now Facebook, has gained so much popularity. It has a pagerank of 9 and I saw a video where 100 million users where online at the same time. Imagine what kind of servers they must have to face this tremendous amount of data. Check a list I compiled: YouTube is the biggest video sharing network on the web published online since 2005 . It reaches millions and statistically saying, approx. 20% of the worldwide Internet users daily. Users can upload (must register) view and share their videos worldwide. Videos uploaded are made possible to watch using a Flash Player technology( you must install Flash Player plug in in order to watch videos) and can also be downloaded and viewed at home using VLC media player. YouTube is available on Apple TV, iPhone, mobile and videos can be embedded on your website with HTML markup codes/snnipets. You can also comment, rate, top favourites and create channels for distinctive sharing of common interests( musicians, comedians..etc). MySpace is a social network based on an online community connecting with each other through the web. It was launched in 2006 and approx. 7% of all Internet users view it daily. What makes MySpace special is the fact that many music bands or musicians create their profiles and upload their music trying to make popularity over the 110 million registered users. In addition, MySpace is a giant site offering a member the possibility to blog, rank music, promote books, chat, watch just lauched movies trailers and comedies, participate forums and groups, play games, check news and horoscope and much more. Facebook is a social network/utility that connects people of same interests/school/nationality together. Created since march 1997 Facebook within a short time flourished in popularity hence getting even more page views than Google. It reaches a 9% of all web users daily and has over 70 million registered members. What makes it special is that Facebook allows outer companies (like Slide.com) to implement special applications that makes user communication more funny and exciting. In addition Facebook has added a marketplace where members can buy and sell their products. Orkut is the official Google social network mostly popular in Brazil and with over than 100 million member registered with a daily reach of 3%. Typical social network where a user creates his profile and communicates with members by writting messages, participating groups, uploading pics, scrapping...etc. What makes it special is the largest amount of communities about every topic(over 40 millions) created by members. Hi5 is a worldwide social network popular amongst teens which is generally famous in Sud-America launched in 1996. It reaches a 2.6% of all Internet users daily and over 80 million registered members. What makes it special is the romantic online atmosphere that hi5 creates members by comments, photos, videos applications, scrapbooks, fives, groups. It is also available in multilanguages and requires sign up. Flickr is a social network where you can upload, organize your photos and share them online with millions of users. It has a daily reach of 2.1%. Flickr is free to register but still is limited and you can go to Pro account by paying. You can use these features: create an album, embed photos from Flickr to your website, photostream, copyright photos you make, create slideshows, blog photos, upload vidoes and innovative Guest Pass, geotagged and share all of these no doubt. Friendster is a global social network developed for friendships online since 2002. It reaches a 1.5% daily views of world wide users and has over 50 million registered members. Connects to friends and broadly through adding to your profile photos, music, slideshows...etc. A very special feature is the Developer Corner where every developer can have the possibility to create and add to the Friendster Platform applications using an API key. SkyRock is a Social network made popular mostly in Europe and with a daily reach of 1% and over 20 million registerd users created since 2002. Primary initiated from a local radio in France, SkyRock is popular for Skyrock_blog (over 16 million blogs), blog stars(hall of fame),music blogs, videos and chat. It is a multi language network and also called the "French Myspace".
  6. That's art of cropping . Well people try to be innovative, and try to fill all the spaces properly, You know what I mean, he did a couple of big photos, which are terrific, beautiful, original, but still remain just two photographs. So he divided them- maybe in proper quality- and filled a full page.I like what he did, but sometimes when you have nothing to do, you try to be innovative. The art of cropping, did I call it properly??? :XD:
  7. That's not abnormal. It is something that could happen . I have seen a girl on youtube, she played guitar ten or more times better than I do, I really was impressed. So there are lots of girls who are good gamers I guess.
  8. Well,it is not bad I like the forum, but it can be done better to my opinion, or improved better, if anyone pays me some good hosting I would work with desire for a new look or layout.
  9. I think this is done automatically, but there might be some kind of software or router to do this for you..why don't you make a query to your friend Google.
  10. I love cpanel -fantastico too, but why use this, if I have a hosting account...When I need dedicated hosting than it is ok??..does trapp17forum offer dedicated hosting??
  11. I am not sure, but databases are good because you can export them to different cpanels. Then flat files are not so popular, and so you have to invent by yourself lots of things, You need to be a good coder.
  12. very helpful article, but I doubt if changing work places very often will lead you to anywhere. It's better to focus on something and concentrate on it so you get the best from it, unless you don't have talent on doing that thing. There are poeple who can do lots of things in the same time, but this will keep them unconcentrated and they will not be leaders on a particular thing.The best way in opinion is to finish school, check for a stable job, or concentrate for some job or some profession and become a professional so if something happens to your company you can find another job in easy way. Sure , experience is the key to success.
  13. I heard that Myspace is having problems seeing the popularity of Facebook growing on. Yes I liked myspace for some things, but I never registered and I think it is a place where teenagers tent to see their music idols and where musicians try to make marketing and get famous in a free and cheap way. Though very successful social network in America and USA, but not in Europe. I think Facebook rules, in my country and over the world. I see facebook continueing to grow on popularity through the the best webmaster/toolbar Alexa site and I see no track of Myspace in the top-ten chart of Alexa. In my opinion it is not a good thing to check others privacy and or use your profile data on Myscpave as a CV for a job. It is very surprising to hear that. Is it maybe a marketing method used by Myscape chief border to reach their audience after the big fall??
  14. That was a very funny description and I totally admit. In my opinion atheism is a way that lazy, unsatisfied people use to believe to explain their accidents or their shares in life. People who loose their nearest persons try to convince themselves that no God exists because they cannot explain their loss or deprivation. I believe this is the cause many people switched to this pseudo-religion I guess. Human nature is created and needs the help of Someone, and this has spiritual meaning. There are lots of people, saying that there is no God, just because they don't see Him. They become sarcastic when telling you, if you meet the God. These are things that led the world to degradation and degeneration. Atheism is denying that there is a God, and therefore negating to be a religion and rules to obey the God,and so on, no spiritual or moral rules will ever exist and people will be free to do immoral things in a unscrupulous way. If religion exist there will be life still in earth I guess. And when people try to make immorality so open and in the middle of the day, in the middle of the people and without being ashamed...that's some sign that Apocalypse is near, or The Final Day. I don't know how people can believe to atheism and how can't they see, that everything around is is so perfectly built so that no such a human hand can do.
  15. Oh, in my country the min age for getting a driver license, is 18. I doubt if you could get it to 21. But accidents happen even if you don't have normal or strict police rules. People are going crazy, I don't really understAND what is so nice to go so fast as to kill someone or yourself. Well, people drink, and lots of accidents happen because of people being drunk and driving the same time.
  16. The fact is that Marijuana causes effects to the centric nervous system, and people behave strange and make weird actions. I see the problem here. If people would smoke it and enjoy it by theirself while not disturbing the others, this is a problem of them then. I believe that Marijuana should not be made legal. Because making it legal would make it easy to use and than addiction to it will be more devastating and difficult to avoid. I see people doing and smoking marijuana into hidden places, and this is good. I've tried it myself and I think Marijuana creates addiction, it is expensive to buy, and me and my friends always cause problems with neighbors and the fact is that we seem stupid to the eyes of others. So I think anyone must try anything in life, but smoking Marijuana period should be very short to me.
  17. Did you check iconspedia.com or iconlook.com. These are free icons which you can modify on a GPU license and feel free to use on your website. I always tried to find free icons. Oh I remembered, check at smashingmagazine.com because they often release free stuff icons.But sure if you want a great logo, you can pay for.
  18. I have decided to buy a new domain and transfer my forum files from the sub-domain to the domain of the same aaccount on xisto Xisto - Web Hosting. So my question is, do I have to create a new addon domain or, a parked domain..can anyone tell me??
  19. Success is some kind of aim in life, so it gives aim to your life. Belief structures share a method for success because, religion believes that Creator knows everything, and so the method and measure for that is true and the right path.Time is something used to create order in our lifes. But time is age too. That is why beliefs use predictions because different ages come with different structures and civilizations.I think that conflict, is the real answer or reaction of our consciousness toward outside impulses. And I believe this is normal to my opinion as a human being. Not all religions pray for breeding wars, but in general religion tent to be right, and to pray peace. But religion tent to help the person feel good, and this is done by acting good, which is the opposite of bad(war, condemnation, discrimination.etc)
  20. what kind of contact form, in php or what? Building a website is not easy, building a contact form is easy in general, but making it secure is difficult..
  21. Yes, it seems logic to include 3d objects with movement in 4th dimension or to create the fourth dimension. This is a good start. I like these kind of things including dimensions and spacetime. What about fourth dimension being something between our imaginative borders like heaven or hell??
  22. there are several ways to make money online, and lots of are scam. But making money online is more difficult as you see. I earned money online from lots of services I did to the buy, sell or trade forum on digitalpoint.I posted on forums, I converted psd to xhtml, and lots of different things, I don't remember well. I earned about 50$ and I would be earning more unless paypal limited my account.
  23. Wow, how to difficult to support University in England, what about other post-graduation course for International students for foreign students, I mean if I finished dentistry in Albania, what should I do for a course, on one of the branches of dentistry?
  24. I don't know if there will ever be peace in the world, but I am sure that we cannot live without religion. Here you are totally wrong because you link religion to mass, or to violence. Religion is about individual belief, and support from God. If you think you are as good as to need no help, you are wrong. Everyone, even he is the richest, or the cleverest in the world needs some support, and support comes from God, and from religion.Human nature, is conflictual since early days of human life, I guess you know what I mean. If we get back and think of the wars that happened the recent years, you will see all about wars is power, money and oil. So everyone is fighting to declare his power or to steal someone's resources.What can religion help? Religion tells to help poor people, to be a good person, to respect your parents and lots of other good stuff that can be classified to goodies toward peace. If no religion was conflicts could arise and morality and dignity would not exist.
  25. I mean should I be adding funds(with myCents normally) to get my invoice paid automatically??
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