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Everything posted by webishqiptar

  1. I agree to you, but the problem is that real music is not gaining such a success when it comes for commercial purposes, and such bands like 50cent or any similar are being famous. Being able to make music is such a difficult work, which needs lots of years of education and dedication through theory and practice. And yet you need to have lots of talent to create music. Creating music is a thing I can do for certain, but I mean music that can sell discs and earn real cash.
  2. Well, you can't be sure if the problem relies to the forum, but I have to ask, does your site encounter any problems visually rather than on the cpanel and host?I had tremendous trouble with some kind of viruses, on my computer, and so you have to be careful with this, as it is not easy to remove some spyware.
  3. adpics img { border: 1px solid black; /*padding: 10px; background-color: #FAFAFA;*/} You should change this one to: adpics img { border: none; /*padding: 10px; background-color: #FAFAFA;*/} And check any place where you find an img selector and change it's property value to none And try to undo what you did before. I suggest you get some tutorials on css, because css is fundamental on building a website or, at least help at designing a website properly, or how it appears to others. Check w3schools for better understanding of css or try to make a psd to xhtml tutorial, as it help a lot with css learning.
  4. Cms means content management system, like wordpress, joomla, and drupal. I don't see which is your website amongst them, please refer to your website and I can help, with what you need..
  5. What kind of cms is that could you tell, is that your website??
  6. yes sure sql injection is possible, but what kind of website do you have??Do you use a cms or what??
  7. This is a very hard work done by you. But why do all this when you can find lots of addons and firefox extension on their website. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/ In the link above you can find anything about mozilla addons use them. Maybe a review of best extension could be helpful.
  8. i think that you should, first register at Xisto - Support billing account and then try to make cents. As far as I know Mycents are updated every 5 hours, but check this for more information: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/61592-credit-system-v30-online-resolved-free-web-hosting-domains-dedicated-ip-digital-certificate-managed/ So try to read some of the rules and information on the left side of the forum, I think you can find them easily because they are written in bold.
  9. hey frozen fish, why don't you try virus scanner on the Advanced Part of Cpanel? I guess you are hosted here at Xisto - Web Hosting right?Just make a scan..and share here the results..
  10. Well, what do you mean by electronic, because we have an electric guitar there and if is this that you mean, than the answers are different. In my opinion, to see a real force or power of a band is their ability to play music live from concerts to show. It is possible to make listen to the studio version of a song and like it very much and then listen to the band live and feel awful.I prefer lots of artists such as Jimmy Hendrix, or John Mayer, Guns n' Roses, and the sound of clean guitars and creative songs. Yes, there might be some kind of amazing electronic or computer made songs, but live and original songs created by instruments give you some real good self satisfy. I play guitar myself and I preferably like guitar based songs. Imagine some songs such as Nothing else matters just nowadays sound cool.
  11. Did you mean, the game Max Payne. I played this one and liked it alot, but could not finish it all, ah I am sorry.
  12. I once contacted a website, because I wanted to translate some articles in my own language, but they did not send me an answer about the problem. So everytime I make a translation I cite the source, or sources. But something I am not familiar with, or I am not sure about is that about sources, do I have to take permission for every piece of articles/sentence I have to put in my work. Let us suppose that I am writing a book, and that I have included several reference authors to my book, so should I take permission from everyone of them.This copyright work, is the most uncommon case. I am not totally familiar with.
  13. best way, in my opinion is to have a website, where you sell your products, you don't have to bother to create lots of content.
  14. I think Bush is the worst president that Unites States of America ever had, and this is because he is so tremendously stupid in my opinion and he seems to be a player or a doll that other people command or use. He did so many mistakes, and his stories are so funny and I think the period of United States with George Bush as a president, is some kind of dark age. I can remember the scene from the Iraq Tv news where he was shot from an Iraqian journalist with his shoe. And all he did was to bend down to prevent the shoe from hitting him. But he had some strange popularity when he came to my country, Albania, because people were so much in love with him, and I don't know why. Maybe because United states of America helping so much in the case of Kosovo and so the president of this country can normally gain popularity.
  15. Wow what a nice tutorial. Are there any other places where I can learn to make web applications using Visual Basic. I wish I had some time because I like this stuff a lot.
  16. Ok thanks dude,I will give a try...Is it difficult??
  17. I saw that video, and it is very demonstrative. These are studies that show that how relative the human being can be, and this video links to the relativity theory of Albert Ainstain. I saw the other video on youtube about the time dilation invented or discovered by same Albert. I think that time slowing down this way is just a matter on how we see things, or how our brain is perceptible about phenomenons that occur in the environment around or about the chemicals that are released. But this has nothing to do with time slowing down, it is just how our brain reacts due to different circumstances. I mean if someone could make a possible break down and slow down the time then we could live in different moments or different ages. Imagine if I slow down the time and you live in the same place as I do, this means that you will see the sunset before me, and this means that these two people live different realities. And this can't happen in just normal reality. As far as I know time, time can be relative when moving with the speed of the light and to prove this you can check this amazing video. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ All about the video explains is that, with high speed of light the time slows down, and this happens because the time has to travel at higher distances. This means that one hour fly with the speed of sound can be hundred of years to the point of start( or earth) and this means that when coming back to the same place, we could return to the future(a hundred years after) .Amazing right?? Albert really was a genius.
  18. I am not totally a begginer, because I have some previous basic or intermediate knowledge of php and some javascript, but I need to create a toolbar..so you think I should I try c++, well..do you know any good place where to start learning the basics.??
  19. Wow, great notice, I liked office 2007, and finally a new office for windows 7 and Vista. This is such a good news. Hope it has new and great features. I prefer office 2007, and I don't understand some people who don't like office 2007 and prefer to use office 2003.
  20. Wow, that is an impressive story, but should I ask, if you studied medicine or just know all this information because of you suffering such a bad disease( that mostly got soldiers returning from Iraq). You have such an accurate information about the disease etiology, pathology and case studies. All of this is so feeling sorry, or bad because you see people used from their countries for oil purposes and they submitted nightmares and unbelievable stress during their war days. I have written some stories about soldiers in the Arabia, during the period of beginnings of the Islamic culture. Soldiers were promised to receive or to go to heaven if they felt martyrs and this motivated them a lot. And no one of the soldiers had such problems, that nowadays soldiers have. But I know that Islamic believers think this world is something that is not permanent so they believe in other eternity life. This belief motivated them to be martyrs and not to be afraid of death.
  21. I have read that Google uses MYsql, and I am pretty sure about this. I am not sure what kind of cms they use.
  22. I submitted a support ticket to the Xisto - Support, because I wanted to change my paying from monthly to quarterly. They asked me if you want to pay for the next 3 months or want to create a cycle for paying quarterly. I decided to pay the fee quarterly, and so one or two days before the my first invoice was off, the payment was done for the other 3 months. So I guess they are doing this manually.
  23. Should I use C or C++ to create a toolbar, can anybody tell me what programming language should I use to create a toolbar and a place where to start learning this kind of language..
  24. I saw softaculous already installed in my cpnale, how is it possible or did you arrange a deal with Xisto - Web Hosting owner.
  25. Hi dave, welcome to the forum..I am too a self taught webmaster( its a big word but nevermind),hope you enjoy the stay here..
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