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Everything posted by webishqiptar

  1. I have seen some videos on the public website of the new windows 7. It seems a very fast operating system. Though I have to ask for somethings?What are the requirements of the new Windows 7?I am using Vista right now, and I would like to upgrade to Windows 7 as soon the official release is done( I don't like Beta apps -cause don't have time to make experiments and feedbacks - I am not such an experience user so to help microsoft ), so should I upgrade anything to my computer..How about compatibility with software and web applications and programs?There are no such compatible software for windows 7 until now. Vista by itself had lots of trouble with issues regarding compatibility..This is new windows and you will find it difficult to properly install new software.Hehe, I still meet people complaining that Windows Xp is great
  2. I don't know. It is like asking someone what is your favorite team on soccer? You would expect all of the possible answers for all different teams on the world. So you could redirect your question to " What is your favorite job?" or " What would you like to do as a job".If working on something brings money, generally it includes passion and you like it. I have heard and seen some videos on people working on Google or Facebok, they had absolutely great workplaces with lots o stuff to do. It would be great to have a job like that.
  3. I would advice Google Adwords and expose yourself at forums such as Digitalpoint where a section of buy sell and trade is very famous. I earned several money there.Create a referral program and share your revenue. So other will have to find methods of advertising.
  4. I always loved Simpsons and don't like South park so much. They are so banal and offending. I prefer watching Simpson as they discuss everyday life events.
  5. I have heard that recently swine flu cases in Mexico are disappearing, while cases are doubled in Europe( but still no death) and the flu is moving away through Asia. I hope the flu does not get any transformation during this trip .
  6. Well it could, as now the virus transformed and spreads from human to human. If you feel sick and have no cause for that( or if you have been to Mexico recently)..you should do a lab test to confirm it. You cannot know by simple examination if it is normal flu or swine flu. You are wrong. A vaccine is not produced yet. It will need moths before it is ready. Avoiding eating ham is not recommended because the virus is dead from sterilization procedures( I guess)..and the virus spreads with air. You can worsen your immune system if:Take medication that "hurts" the immune system or Stay 3 or 4 days without sleeping If you keep washing your hands, you won't worsen your immune system..and don't say this to anyone cause will laugh of it.
  7. I don't know what to answer. I have heard people saying that : There are two disappointments in life..one when you reach what you always dreamed about..like being a successful musician and be famous and earn money...and one disappointment when you don't..So taken in a spiritual perspective, if you feel happy and feel fine inside nothing material can replace that, not even money or richness. I think that should be a purpose in life. How to achieve it? I don't know. Some believe religion and God and obedience to them. So I think everyone has different view points about this topic. You can't decide in one moment what your aim or purpose in life is. Maybe we are all so fighting for reaching the Goods in this life so don't have time to think about this.
  8. I have done some work on web design. Especially coding psd files to xhtml/css. I had several difficulties during my work. The hardest part is to create cross browser web design. I remember once converting a file very sucessfully and it appeared to work great on 3 main browsers, but not at different Os. So on mac Os browsers the pages seem to have problems. I admit not to be a proffesional. But if you want to do the job you need to work hard and concentrate. You can't do anything else.
  9. My primary language is Albanian. I use to study hard English since my childhood and probably learned Italian from Tv series and cartoons. I can't write to Italian but can manage to understand with someone who is coming from Italy.
  10. I thought to share with everybody something about the new swine flu nearby pandemic situation. I am not covering news here, but some general info about swine flu, symptoms, treatment etc..What is swine flu?It is an uncommon flu derived from pigs. It is uncommon because swine flu cannot be spread from pigs to human, except some very rare cases involving people working on pig farms.What are the symptoms?The same as human flu.How to treat?Spanish company produces antiviral Tamiflu. This company reported 240% increases on assets on the market.How to prevent?Avoid sick people and wash your hands regularly.
  11. I think that flat file cms are not famous and well known. So if few users contribute on flat file based cms no user improvements will occur over time. I always liked databases and prefer Mysql. I am quite used to mysql queries. But maybe flat file cms take little size and bandwidth.
  12. what's a map? Is it some kind of server programming language??
  13. My first time Internet approach was at college at year 2000. I don't remember very well, how I used to learn it. But as I was young and needed a girlfriend and chat rooms were quite famous those times between teens. So I remember myself trying to get friends on different chat rooms and my first social contact was hi5. Than I used Internet to find sources for better education and than started to think it as money opportunity.
  14. Check this link, it is a query to Google with Global warming keyword..you could use multiple sources for your essay. https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=xnA5VKWCIefY8ge2vYGQBg&gws_rd=ssl
  15. What's this about. Should we be able to use it as free calling service or what? What is Grand Central and what are the user of it? Can you give more simplified information, because I read about it in the google voice website..but did not understand much of it..
  16. I totally agree, better make some good posts and try to earn some money and buy yearly invoice.
  17. Why don't you learn a Cms like drupal or Joomla or Wordpress, or Blogger..it is much easier to understand the basics. I prefer to modify wordpress, and create what I like. I suggest you to get some books and start learning a programming language.
  18. yes very simple hit counter, but you cannot integrate it on every page. You need a new script for every directory, and I like hit counters who are integrated with databases.
  19. Totally agree. Music is some kind of thing that makes you enjoy life.
  20. For every 100 cents you earn you get credited on xilisoft billing account to one dollar. So you keep collecting points or cents and you can buy your hosting account. Check the link below for more information: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/61592-credit-system-v30-online-resolved-free-web-hosting-domains-dedicated-ip-digital-certificate-managed/
  21. Oh you are working against their TOS. You cannot generate self clicks or self impressions. There is a feature inside Google Adsense called ad-slot preview, where you can check your pages with ad overriding and impression won't be counted. I am sure Google Adsense will check your revenue, before they send you a check. So it is possible to earn money by impressions, I am sure it is.
  22. I have heard about Windows 7 release. Some of the reviews said it was faster than Windows Vista. But why so soon?? I
  23. Oh this is my favorite browser based online game. I play with it all time. Well I created a good empire until now.I have colonized some fields and trying to improve my empire, but though I have been attacked and lost some battles and my fortress being repaired several times I did not loose the concentration on the game.
  24. Hey good album metallica forum right? Why don't you pay someone just to add some functionality and articles. I could help you and you could pay me few pennies for such a band I really loved. Oh I just covered some of their songs. I think you have some problems with images loading on the menu. You should try to make an image and include all pieces of the menu images in it. So you won't have problems on those images on loading( I mean on hover)..
  25. Well I can offer help too. I am very good on CSS and Wordpress too. I have lots of experience on coding psd to css/xhatml. Then i have lots of experience on wordpress coding.
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