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Everything posted by webishqiptar

  1. I have read some words on some wall on a weird dialect saying that the owner of this place is x person. That make me laugh because you can't write something on wall stating that: "I own this"....
  2. What did you graduate for??Was it difficult? Share some experiences if you are so excited! Though graduation is a little process before getting out in the wild world.
  3. If I want to get my other cycle get paid automatically without needing to worry if my host account will be closed and deleted or something similar? How should I do this? or How is this process done??
  4. In my opinion to learn a new language, best way is to write it. Let us give you an example, if you want to write a story about something the best way is to make search about that story, learn and translate from dictionaries the words, and then go down and write a good summary. This takes you time, but will improve your grammatical and writable abilities drastically. This is hard and difficult but the best way to do.But before you try to do so, you must have previously, very well learned grammatical concepts. This is the key, the sentence and grammatical theory. If you know the basis on how to build a sentence than everything else is just words taken from dictionary and than learning an language becomes a matter of knowing more and more words.And if you think clearly, this is the best way because people tent to forget what is learned mechanically. If you learn something in a logic way, you will it remember for a long time.
  5. Mozilla is good for webmasters, but most of the people I know prefer using Internet explorer because of things being simple and easy. I am trying to write a tutorial on my forum for this browser and what to use. I hate other browser rather than firefox because they have problems with site compatibilities. That's why I always liked Firefox and I used it as a point of reference. I mean when I build a website or a design I built it in firefox and then try to make css hacks to solve problems with Iexplorer problems. Though Internet explorer 8 is better than previous release.I am currently using mozilla, with sparky extension- the new version of alexa toolbar is called sparky- and also Google Toolbar, Firebug Console. I always stay upadated with its latest versions and have deleted all other browsers. I have used Opera but I channged back to using firefox because of low extension capabilities.
  6. What a guy :-)..well he can remember lots of bad things..lots of wars during a lifetime...I myself would not prefer to live in times where the world wars were held.
  7. No site can be customized to get proper browser compatibility, You must use css hacks for that. But you must pay attention to monitor sizes and the way your site appears in different monitors.
  8. -Lots of content, or better say, quality content, rich content bring lots of traffic, this must also be mixed with good search engine optimisation, I would suggest to read Google webmaster guidelines. All you get from search engines is called orgaic traffic and is the best traffic for contextual advertising such Google Adsense.-Than you could get lots of traffic from referral sites, and I can mention only some such as facebook and other similar networks, or forums where your exposure of signature links brings free traffic to your site.-Other than getting free traffic you could pay for traffic and use Google Adword, great program for selling products.
  9. I have been for some medical visit in MonteNegro, where the doctors seem to be more professionals that doctors in my area, and she gave me some medications. As far as I remember, it was a anti acne soap called SebaMed. But I have had troubles from acne and lots of other problem lots of time. In my experience you can do nothing to prevent them, because they are all hormonal, and we cannot command hormonal releases of our body/organism. But something to mention is that all you need is a good washing of your face and body everyday and reducing fatty food and diets. That keeps you healthy anyway.
  10. Well, I had some issue when at first registered here, I did not receive my host package details via email. But someone told me to check my email at my billing account at Xisto - Support. So you'd better check that email.
  11. If you really want to make money online you really need to get some lections, by starting reading on marketing. best way to earn is traffic, and traffic comes from quality content. Try creating a website instead.
  12. Oh please, are you still trying to make money this way. You will only spend time and earn nothing and if you'll be earning any money it will be too less.
  13. Maradona is my favorite, I always preferred him. Pele is a big selfish soccer man. I don't like him.
  14. So how to resolve this, I have done lots of research but not good effects. I only got back some of my memory by using Ccleaner. But still it doesn't convince me, how can the computer eat up 8Gb u just one day??
  15. I am not sure, but I have always been using cable modem. ADSL is used by lots of my friends but it is a matter of fact that there lots of problems with a adsl from our phone company.
  16. what do you mean?? I guess crisis is evident everywhere but let's not think about it and work, because if you work hard then you will generate money from your own website and it won;t be necessary to get paid to post. I find this forum here great and cool enough to maintain my website. Xisto has a 2707 alexa rank at the moment..this means it is great..:-)))There are several opportunities falling down, but this comes from disability to do certain moves to prevent crisis effects.
  17. Nice film, nice car, and nice everything about that film. While I was reading wikipedia about John Mayer's desire and interests, he stated that was inspired the great guitar cover in part two( i guess) of the film Back to the Future to start learning guitars. This is great, I am going to look back to that scene now and try to learn that part as I remember now.
  18. I just cleaned and got back about 4gb using Ccleaner, which emptied the browser cache. I gained only 4gb from both accounts. I made a scan with a software(forgot the name) and it said that my computer had 44.5gb unscanned areas.I don't have tools, I am using vista..it only says administrative tools..
  19. Whose idea is this?? Yours? I would say that earthquakes are the most terrific and horrible nature events on earth, but though it is not so easy to predict.Nice idea but seems quite impossible.
  20. web design is a good but difficult thing..I say learn css and javascript well and you will be fine..
  21. What the hell is wrong with you guys, what are you waiting for if you like her. All you have to do, is bring her out make some fun, I mean go to parties, to cinema or don't know what is the thing that you do to have fun. So after that when you bring her home just kiss her, if she likes you I am sure she won't do anything to prevent this ..and if not you have nothing to loose. There are lots of girls out of there waiting for us man to get them..So wake up and hurry..
  22. I don't know about others, but Gmail is best to me. They recently added the chat and this is great, we can communicate even through gmail. But generally every service that Google produces is fantastic.
  23. Such a difficult question to decide because I love lots of pretty girls, but maybe you can make it ease by adding a poll and suggesting some celebrities we can choose.Though I could give you some of the masterpieces I adore. No doubt for me Jennifer Connelly, this is a very very hot girl. It is present in the film "Hulk" if you remember. Than I prefer Sharon stone, Salma Hayek, Halle Berry and lots of more.
  24. I live in Albania. Living here is improved dramatically recently and I do not intend to go elsewhere, but I have heard for people saying that Germany is fantastic place to live and work. While living in the U.S.A is as hard as living in Africa as I heard from people currently living there. And something else about living in Europe, Italy is a disaster. You must not visit this year.
  25. I have this problem, that my Vista eats for me 8GB this weekend. I had about 135 Gb free and now I have 127Gb suddenly. I didn't install any software or downloaded any files in the meantime. I disabled system restore points( so it is excluded). Any ideas?I am trying to download a software which checks for hidden files on my computer. I am using Vista Home Premium 64-bit with SP1.
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