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Everything posted by serverph

  1. is this some kind of virtual social experiment, something to test a person's psychology? in my case, if left with the three options for whatever reason -- like passing a military training or something -- i would choose to walk on poop. you can wash it immediately afterwards anyway. besides i have a low threshold for pain.
  2. thumbnails don't load for me either. but the popup images display alright when clicked. would have been better with the thumbnail previews.
  3. that site's webmaster is catching on (and ca$hing on) with the make-money ebooks phenomenon. and hugely discounted too! (but not with a real ebook though) LOLZ! a valid characterization and a witty crack at some people falling for get-rich-quick ebooks. and a nice placement of adsense ads (which all that matters for that page to make money anyway). nice share, trace-uk!
  4. could be that you have incorrect login details (username and/or password) so it brings you back to the login page? btw, what firefox version are you using. most of us here (which includes me) are using the latest version, and only when i entered a wrong username or password during login do i get returned to the login page. as for IE, never used it for accessing Xisto forums so i can't help you there.
  5. interesting pics. i never had the chance to experience the same, but i plan to in the future. was it just a leisure trip or an educational trip for you, brainless, when you tromped your way to an active volcano?maybe you can discuss here what precautions your group took on this climb... like, would you need a face mask or something, given that nauseous and/or noxious gas can be encountered?; or, what footgear is it you used (would plain sneakers/rubber shoes be enough? didn't it melt under your feet?)?
  6. notwithstanding the sentiment that a woman can and may be better presidents, it still will be racked with political maneuverings. we (philippines) had experience with two women presidents already (one ten years ago, and another currently) -- and it's not an easy climate for them, politically and economically. for one, they are highly susceptible to coup d'?tats brewing every time, trying to topple her presidency via a military takeover (they will always have a hard time reining in the military, without concessions made). and this always has a negative impact on the economy, successful or not the coup may be. performance-wise, they are not any better for the country. them being women is not a magic formula they can simply invoke to magically solve all the problems, some even spanning decades, of a nation. and they are not saints either, since they also make dumb decisions detrimental to national interests, and have personal and business interests as well they protect which makes them not immune to political attacks. at the end of the day, a good president one can be, man or woman, as long as s/he upholds the constitution and promotes national interests to the best that s/he can.
  7. this has been sufficiently answered already, from replies above. topic resolved and closed.
  8. the age you can vote for national leaders in your country should be the age when you can get to apply for your driver's license. i believe that if the government thinks you are mature enough to add your voice in the ballots, which will affect the course of the future of your country, then they shouldn't hinder you with age restrictions over and above the voting age by the time you seek a driver's license.
  9. made me grin from ear to ear, jlhaslip. indeed... PRICELESS! thanks for the laugh!
  10. what was the altercation all about? did the accountant say why she became mental on you? is it about you staying behind late? lucky for you in finding and working in a job you enjoy. that is one thing, but having an officemate who you can't easily get along with is another... may be a future reason you will come to dislike your job. good thing the big boss is looking into your situation personally. hope the matter is all settled by now or will be soon. anyway, what's the nature of your job now?
  11. would be great if you could share those settings modifications which will make firefox 2.0 better. i wonder what those could be, and what the benefits they would produce. hope to hear back from you bhavesh!
  12. voted YES for all categories. the more, the many-er (an english grammar pun joke lolz! ) guys and girls, don't just VIEW this thread. go where the voting is cast!
  13. there are some files for download you might have forgotten to link here. like the Joomla Extension for Dreamweaver and the Joomla template directory structure files set. at least you said a download is available from your tutorial above. would be more useful if you can link them later, as your tutorial defines. i have an ulterior motive in pointing this out. hehehe? i might want to create my own joomla template in the near future, and i would want the files ready at hand later. btw, is the DEMO template you linked in the end part of your tutorial working (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/)? it looks like it's still a default godaddy parking page at the moment... or is it not? edit: i think you ought to revise the link you have posted for the demo template. i believe it should have been http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ instead of .ORG. checked it, and your joomla installation is under Xisto.COM.
  14. more likely a recent urban legend gone wild. a monster corporation with deep pockets won't even consider that idea as a corporate policy, even if unofficial. it's corporate suicide. there are much better ways to rout pirated windows out there, but this is not one of them, if the big bosses at microsoft have their wits still with them.
  15. was shothost.com a PAY-for-hosting service, BH? if so it would mean that Xisto - Web Hosting has now a much larger client base? that's a very good sign for Xisto, methinks. thanks for the advisory.
  16. i got my first FREE domain 5 years ago. i got my second, and third FREE domains more than a year ago. so, yes, there are FREE domain registrations -- if you can find them. :blink:you just have to be on the lookout for DOMAIN REGISTRARS which provide these FREE domain offers, with a small catch -- you can have it only FREE for one year, then after the one-year period, you will then have to RENEW it for an annual fee. and it's not easy to transfer your domains you registered from them to another registrar that easily, in case you find a cheaper domain renewal fee offer from other registrars. more often, you'd pay a premium to be able to do that. that's the downside.but hey, if you want it FREE, then a year is better than nothing at all. in my case, after my free registered domains expired, i didn't consider paying the annual renewal fee. i can't stick with a domain i can call my own yet, which i'd want to use year after year after year. so until then, such free domain offers will be good for me. (but don't ask me where i got my domains -- the offers have LAPSED already. if i get wind of another, i'll be posting it here at Xisto )
  17. invite sent to paper_dolls_n_dreams (at) yahoo (dot) com. :lol:simply check your spam folder if you dont find the invite in your inbox. yahoo has this habit of filtering gmail invites before directly to spam. enjoy!
  18. cragllo would have known that by now. he was made moderator since, and this thread has long been forgotten since 2004.anyway, since this is an old post which has been answered already, this will be closed.
  19. everything seems to be back up by now. problem resolved. closed.
  20. didn't get to download it though since file download requires registration to a members-only restricted page... and i simply wanted to study the layers and filters involved in the production. anyhow, lovely preview. i like the earth tone colors, and the rather seamless blending. good work.
  21. screengrab works for me in firefox 2.0, didn't i mention it? just as long as you installed the correct compatible version. i guess that would classify myself as a "successful tester" albeit untested by developer himself (busy, as he said, for the time being). will check on alternative provided, to see which works better (at least for me).
  22. glad you like it, jlhaslip. here's a lifehacker feature on doing more streamlining for firefox, by digging into the innards of the chrome (control area) and tweaking it to suit your browser lifestyle. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ i'm pretty sure web designers and developers (like most of us, if not all) here can appreciate the attempt on making the most out of whatever screen space can be freed -- on firefox! and here's a bonus plugin for those of us who want to do screen grabs! instead of doing the ALT-PRINT SCREEN method, then pasting it on an image editor like photoshop or paint, then saving it -- there's something to minimize the steps, by doing a screengrab of a whole page or a window or simply a viewport, in firefox using java! more info on screengrab plugin for firefox here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ this can be useful if you want a screenshot of anything you're viewing on your browser, like tutorials, design inspirations, and whatever else you can think of! enjoy!
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