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Everything posted by serverph

  1. moved to introductions. moving on...awe-inspiring narrative you have there, coolduck123456. if only your friend lou didn't pass on to the great beyond, i'm sure he'll be so much prouder of you sticking up with him, and taking a "slight" name against him as your own badge of honor, even in the digital world today. the "cool" monicker is not lost on you.
  2. i'd hate to pee on IE's parade... BUT Firefox 2.0 had over 2 million downloads in the first 24 hours alone, with a peak rate of more than 30 downloads per second! with IE, it's just an average of 750,000 downloads per day in a spread of 4 days. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/? as for extension updates is concerned, i'm still missing the Tiny.pl and the ImageShackright-click plugins, which definitely helps when i need to shorten a url (tiny.pl) or upload an image direct to imageshack with just a right click. maybe a couple of days for the update still. the SessionSaver and TabX plugins which are my favorites before, are now included in the firefox 2.0, so less plugins there to install. DownThemAll, another useful extension, is compatible with 2.0 also. conclusion? firefox 2.0 rules!
  3. windows resizer is just redundant if you already installed the web developer toolbar extension. under web developer options, you can set additional resolutions in addition to the default 800x600 already in place. what i added in mine is a 1024x768 resolution (since i'm working with a 1280x1024 screen resolution). you can set it to change viewport upon selection, so your firefox browser expands and/or collapses to your resolution of choice. (see image below, encircled in green, which shows the icon to change window size with the web developer toolbar.) one other thing i did is streamline my icons by right-clicking then customizing toolbar, and dragging my webdev items from it's original toolbar position (above the tabs) -- and placing them beside the menus. (see image below, encircled in red.) it would leave you with a blank webdev toolbar, so you have to hide it (by right clicking on the space above the google search form in the image, then disabling the webdev toolbar). when you're done, you will have a much bigger window space to see more of the page you are browsing, as opposed to the webdev toolbar eating up space which could be used to view a page. (click to enlarge) measureIt is also redundant if you have the webdev toolbar. you can use the Display ruler feature in webdev to measure the dimensions of anything on your browser. CSSViewer and HTML Validation would also be redundant with the webdev toolbar, although if you go for the "cute" factor, CSSViewer foots the bill. you might find other redundancies when you get to install and test the functions available in webdev toolbar. if you're going to use FireFTP as many of us here do, you can complement it with the FireFTP button (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/). this button you can add as an icon in your firefox browser (see that small blue seahorse somewhere? ). easy access for your fireFTP, with just one-click, instead of looking for it under tools menu). hope these additional tips help. lesser extensions = faster firefox.
  4. just to clear little bits of info, as written about in previous messages, the attacks made by spyhackerz.com is not concentrated on Xisto member sites. although there have been attempts and subsequent success in defacing member sites here, it is not limited to ours. here is an extensive listing of digital attacks the group has accomplished to date, on varied sites: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ affected sites on Xisto subdomains are filtered here (though the earlier ones are not by spyhackerz.com per se, only the most recent ones which thankfully ceased on 10/10/06 [let's keep our fingers crossed that those will be the last]): http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ naturally what are listed attacked above are just those under Xisto.com, as that's what the search filter is defined to search. you may want to try your own domain name to find out if any of your pages have been defaced (if you haven't discovered it by now), by replacing Xisto.com with your own domain name in the search above.
  5. serverph


    any other details you want to share, like your interests, hobbies and pasttimes? maybe later. for now, welcome to Xisto, rob/went, and hope you enjoy it here!
  6. did you implement a bridge component for joomla & smf? line 6 of that config.smf.php is basically just this: ?>
  7. a default windows xp installation would really crawl on a slow machine. one way to make it run faster on slow machines: CUSTOMIZE! and here are two methods you can try to make your winxp run as you wish: 1. nLite - freeware - http://www.nliteos.com/nlite.html 2. XPlite - commercial - http://www.litepc.com/xplite.html any of the two methods above will give you the ability to strip DOWN installation, for a blazing windows xp experience. one reportedly made a "tiny" edition, after much tweaking, to come up with a 400MB fully installed version, and running sweetly under 40MB ram (39.5MB to be exact).
  8. as it is, it's already good. then you winked at me, and it became very good! if you're still gonna modify it some more, maybe experiment on applying multi-colors on your wings... just to add to the details. but then again, as i said, it works well as it is.
  9. it's a rand function in word used to create dummy/sample text in a document. here's the explanation from microsoft knowledge base: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/212251 some think of it as a "virus", especially to those unfamiliar with word. others label it as an easter egg.
  10. you can start with "real life" people you know with creative inclinations and with sufficient gray matter to participate in your forums. it's really hard to reach anonymous people inviting them to join, short of spamming, but with a core group like friends and acquaintances, you can expand on your forum's content and conversations. you can just keep your fingers crossed that others who drop by your site will entice them to register and stay.you can brainstorm with others too on what extra special your forums can offer. and when your visitors chance upon it, hopefully it will appeal to their creative id. i am not creatively charged right now, but i know you and others can think of something, anything. work on your forum theme too. any reason why it looks gloomy and foreboding? something psychological, but it may help if a more lively visual environment is there instead. "artists" your prospective members may be, who are more brooding and moody in nature, it is much more enticing to provide a change of scenery when they are in your forums -- in contrast to a real life environment which they may be experiencing. just a suggestion though. :PPS: add your forum URL in your Xisto signature. there are lots of "creative" people here, it can help drive traffic and prospective members to your site.
  11. did you really mean to make it as if she has some skin disease or something? i like the scar on her cheek, though. a touch of imperfection works good on a beautiful model.you may want to work on the lighting though, as the foreground image of the model is a stark contrast to the background. work on the interplay of shadows for both foreground and background, so it would mesh together as one, and not appear as an amateurish cut & paste work. :)work on the texture too for a richer experience. :Pi suggest you add a title next time for your image, so it can give us an idea on the concept you want to achieve. by and large, with some enhancements, this will make a good wallpaper for anybody's desktop.
  12. you mean your own template design for mambo? you may want to check the tutorial linked in this post: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/26600-mambo-templates-best-templete-sites-how-to-make-own/ when you get to create your own template based on your design, you can add and remove items according to how you envision your mambo-powered site to look like, including the removal of the mambo banner on the bottom of the page (i imagine the default mambo theme has this).
  13. check the requirements against your own setup. see what you may be missing. some basic product requirements as listed on creative.com: also, it may just be loosely connected to your PCI slot. but then again, i figure this won't affect your system from booting up, if ever. most often, it would simply just be unrecognized and not be identified properly in your device manager. if your computer will not work with the new card installed, yet will resume functioning properly when it is removed again, then it could likely be a hardware conflict of sorts.
  14. how many do you need? since you are already hosted with Xisto, check your cpanel for the number of mysql databases allowed for your account. it it says "unlimited", then that basically answers your question.
  15. none of that sort, irmlm. no referral links to boost up your credits here. it will solely be your post contributions which will help you earn hosting credits here.
  16. you can opt to sign-up for a link exchange with other sites if you want. there are several offers for this kind here on Xisto. browse through the threads here: http://forums.xisto.com/forum/116-banner-exchange/ there's also the Xisto link exchange you can try. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ for instructions, read this: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/37011-Xisto-link-exchange-script-introduced/ for an image rotators in php, here is a tutorial you can use: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/7647-simple-image-rotator-randomly-rotate-images/ if that doesn't fit you, there are others here.
  17. well, you can pick what you want from the 50 or so channels from this hypothetical provider, can't you? this leaves you the option to watch whatever you want, from the available choices. if you limit yourself on the channels you can have access to, it defeats the purpose of having the bundled channels for your widest leisurely pleasure, doesn't it? on a given day, your mood might strike you to watch animal planet instead, leaving national geographic for a while. at least, with both of them readily accesible, you can switch channels to whatever your mood dictates. furthermore, you can always set your remote to remember your favorites -- something akin to having your main channel/s for quick point-and-click access! :Por am i getting your point wrong for the idea you posted?
  18. thankfully, this doesn't seem to be affecting us in metro manila, here in the philippines. metro manila is geographically north of our archipelago, and although we are part of southeast asia, the source of the forest fires in indonesia is too far for us to experience it. and maybe the winds are helping too, since it may be forcing any of the smog created by the fires out of our way.often times, these situations as forest fires can be prevented. news reports say the fires could have been accidentally set about by plantation/agricultural companies or farmers who are clearing lands, most likely commercial purposes. meaning, it's all economics -- be it high-profit margin for the companies, or small-profit margin for small farmers. we can't help much if small farmers do it, since slash-and-burning to clear out land for cultivation could be their only means of livelihood. however, it's no excuse not to be careful about such method, since as what happened, the fire got out of hand. for big-time profiteers, well they should be ready to compensate all those affected by such actions. it will hurt their pockets the most, and hopefully they will stop it altogether, if not driving them to total bankruptcy. in short, they should stop doing it the EASY way (big or small timers), since a minor human error could spark a raging fire which cannot be controlled without much difficulty and has a wide ranging effect in the region. and the government of indonesia should assist the small farmers who practice the slash-and-burn method, by giving them alternative sources of livelihood so they will not return to this practice anymore.hey, darran, hopefully the haze will soon start to dissipate and eventually disappear in your part of the region. and hope indonesia would get to control and extinguish the forest fire, without waiting for the monsoon rains to lick it. it's not only the people of the region which gets affected, but their very own people most especially who get the greater part of the health risks, affecting even overall tourism which drives the economy of much of our region. not to mention, trees help our planet survive. let's keep our fingers crossed that this ends soon.
  19. my vote goes to samma. i like the level of detail that is apparent in both foreground and background. not too smoothened out or blurred. plus, there is an economic use of space in his creation, for both image and text. not too tight, and not too loose.
  20. you may want to check out this page for a list of softwares (some free, some are not) which can be helpful in customizing the look and feel of windows. http://www.wincustomize.com/explore that will give you a start. will check if i can find other tools you can use.
  21. you might be a hacker... if you dream in 0s (zeros) and 1s (ones).
  22. and at the end of the article, it says: clearly, it was a "hoax" from the start. here's an official statement from spiegelmock from the mozilla developer center.
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