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Everything posted by serverph

  1. best weapons i've ever used to get me through each level is a combination of these two: M90 Shotgun (short-range) and the Plasma Pistol (long-range) the MA5B Assault Rifle does not work very good for me, since you can't easily damage a covenant enemy with it. you need to fire a lot of bullets to effectively kill an enemy. it's better to use the M6D Pistol instead of the rifle if you need to be on target, and not exhaust too much bullets. the S2 AM Sniper Rifle and M19 SSM Rocket Launcher are needed in special cases, but in instances it's necessary to carry one of them, i always make sure that i have alternative weapons nearby which i can immediately swap with in case i need the main weapons of choice i dropped.
  2. it's hard to suggest a name for too broad a website subject matter, although you may want to stick to something like ALL THINGS BIG as you want your site to be about. what is the specific thrust of your website, like a niche you want to fill in? if i were you, i'd play around with keywords i like then punch them in an anagram generator like: http://www.sternestmeanings.com/ you'd be surprise what names will come up which you can use for your website. example: ALL THINGS BIG BY KING = Glibly thinking bags
  3. yup, TypoMage. i understand the sneering and snide remarks she may have to battle and go through once it gets VERY public. it still is manageable, it seems. i just hope the people who have known about joelle's situation that they'd listen to your pleas for them to stay quiet about it, and that they can accept her the way she is no matter what. at the moment, just ask her how she wants to deal with it first, then take the next step from there. perhaps there is no need to be so anxious at this time yet.
  4. what's the problem that personally concerns you about the situation? by the looks of it, it's her choice to divulge her sexuality to another person. is it something that she wants to keep for a select few individuals? then she should have considered first who she tells about it. the fact that the other person she told about it ratted the secret out to other individuals is something she should confront on her own. it is her trust which has been violated on that account. have you talked about this with her, if she is okay about other people, not of her own choosing, know about her being BI? maybe the situation calls that she simply stand by her position with regards to her sexuality, and just be honest about it with others. there will be people who will take it against her, but who cares, right!? as long as she is not hurting other people, then she has the right to be happy with her sexuality the way she wants to. and if people come to you to confirm the "rumor/gossip" they heard about your cousin, just tell them to confirm it directly from the your cousin personally as she is the one concerned. that is until you have conferred with your cousin about how to deal with it. she may decide that she wants you to just keep quiet, or alternatively she may decide that it matters not if other people knew about it from you. the important thing is to just stand by your cousin, and support whatever decision she makes about it.
  5. BE MY VALENTINE! Just Say YES... ---- hehehe? freaky valentine!
  6. over the holidays barely two months ago, it just occurred to me that some of the theme and amusement park attractions that are available everywhere are just too boring for me. there's the usual bump cars, the carousel, the ferris wheel, the roller coaster, etc. it's so "been there, than that"! isn't there anything exciting left for me to experience? ever since, i've been mulling over what kind of theme park attractions i'd like to see. so with my "thinking cap" on, i imagined myself as an amusement ride designer. ;)one attraction i think i would like to experience (virtually of course) is falling from an elevator. not that i'd like to experience it FOR REAL, but just a virtual one. you'd see them in movies and television, when with the magic of special effects, a character riding inside an elevator plunges down to the ground from high above within the building. you see the rapid fall, you feel the cold beady sweats, you hold your breathe in suspense, and you'd think would it really feel that way falling from an elevator? in comes amusement rides. maybe to satisfy a morbid curiosity, without the tragic results, there should be an amusement ride simulating this experience. of course, the dimensions of a regular elevator should be maintained, something which can simply accommodate a handful of people. the more enclosed it would be to contain up to 10 to 15 people only, to elicit a sense of claustrophobia, the better. i'd design it to be made entirely of glass walls (thick ones), which can project a pre-programmed scenery of what you can see outside a building while riding in a glass elevator (like those in expensive hotels). as i'd like it to be ALL virtual, there is no actual ascent/descent, but just a simulation of it --- from an audio-visual point of view projected on the walls. the "elevator" will slowly make it's ascent, creaking noisily, and once it finally "reaches" the top-most floor already, the "cables" will break with a loud snap, THEN do a HIGH-VELOCITY FREEFALL. this can be done with hydraulic manipulation along with the audio-visual stimulus. to heighten the illusion of danger imposed on a rider, this elevator will not have any handrails you can hold on to, so once you experience the fall, you will have nothing to hang on to, except the other occupants of the "elevator". :Dwhat do you think of it? would you like to ride in one? i'd also like to hear your ideas on what theme park attractions you'd like to see. maybe somebody reading this will "adopt" it in the future in theme parks nearest you, who knows!
  7. although some people may not approve of it, turn images OFF in your browser. that should make your page access faster, but not make your internet connection any faster more than it is.
  8. i'm thinking this isn't the same as GOGGLEBOX TV.... right? there is a website for a downloadable application using that name under http://www.goggleboxtv.com/ though i'm pretty confident that that is not a product of google, so i'm guessing that's not it. just for the heck of it, i downloaded it though, updated my microsoft .NET framework installation (which is required to make it work), and tested it. unfortunately, what i am just getting is a JIT-debugging error, which i haven't figured yet to resolve, so no luck here. if anybody knows how to deal with the error, PM me, please. i've been reading youtube comments on "google tv" videos posted there, and there are hoax claims and dubious confirmations -- which makes it all the more confusing to determine the veracity of this google product. then there are cases of reports that google has clamped down on the beta registration, owing to a deluge of people trying to get it. there's also reports of google just making it harder to make the darn thing work. which is which? has it altogether stopped, or is it just harder this time that more people know about it? i'm still figuring out if this is for real or an early april fool's joke myself (although a confirmation from electriic ink above is good enough, i'd like to be able to satisfy my curiosity first-hand). any other confirmations from this forum is appreciated though, but mostly an official confirmation from google themselves will more than suffice (links, anyone?).
  9. there's a new kid on the block dealing with this one: http://www.midomi.com/index.php?action=main.noscript just visit the site for more details on site description. and it's not limited to classical tunes either, it has a much wider range of music you can search, even the contemporary ones (or so it seems). well, it's a community too, so it will grow with time.
  10. have any of you watched the presscon the two "culprits" had? they said they'd only answer questions about hair in the 1970s, and when reporters asked about something regarding the case, they'd reply: "I'm sorry, that is not a question about hairs." i just want to share how ridiculous it must be for both sides in this incident. a marketing gimmick turned into a full-blown bomb hoax. but we can't blame the citizens who reported it as such, afterall it could have been major havoc once more if it were real, if no extra precaution and eternal vigilance is exercised by boston residents. it's just that it would have been better if it was handled by authorities discretely so as not to cause alarm and panic, just as they did in other states where the marketing gimmick was also in play. on the part of the marketers themselves, they should have exercised more brain cells to have not pursued it the way that it is to be mistaken as a bomb, owing that the general public would perceive it as such. but hey, they seemed to have that in mind altogether -- and they have succeeded in generating public attention to their stunt -- but it is such in bad taste still. more fodder for late-night shows, though.
  11. Eat My Nose For... hehehe? gross? somebody sent it via SMS to me, thought i'd gross you out as well. LOL
  12. welcome, roseysaidwhat. what's the story behind your forum username? tell us more about yourself, and don't be shy to drop in in any of the forum discussions here. don't forget to read Xisto README for forum rules & TOS. we hope you enjoy your stay with us. WELCOME to the fold!
  13. perhaps he's got multiple websites and got approved by the google adsense team for one of them. then he just simply used his existing adsense codes (search bar, referral buttons, text ads, etc.) dedicated to that one you saw. it is highly unlikely that he got approved for adsense the first time if he simply has no sufficient content on a site like the one you saw. for first-time adsense registration, a content-driven site is a must. for such purpose as you mentioned in here, it is best to simply contact google to avoid any future problems, just to be assured of compliance with their TOS.
  14. as this has already reached admin BH's attention, and a new advisory released (Hosting Approval And Activation Suspended) related to it, i will now close this topic. just wait for further advisory on this regard, when it's finally okay to (re-)activate your hosting. thank you.
  15. you changed your default site index already, right? i accessed your site url and it says: if it doesn't show on your side yet, it could most probably be a case of your ISP not resolving to your site yet because of late domain propagation. it usually takes 24 to 48 hours for a complete domain propagation. wait until your ISP updates to resolve to your new hosting with Xisto.
  16. not sure about that.... for one thing, i believe google search bar and adsense prohibit soliciting of clicks from their text ads and search results.
  17. set volume level to MUTE. or use headphones instead (the variety without microphones included, as it may pick up the voice commands because of the proximity of the microphone to the sound source).
  18. NEWSFLASH: VISTA EXPLOIT FOUND! Vista has speech recognition hole but of course, microsoft downplays vista's apparent security threat as outlined in the article. anybody has vista, can you test deleting files via speech recognition voice commands in mp3 (perhaps just record some commands on your own)? then tell us of your experience.
  19. i'd give it a 9/10. i'd rather you have maintained an all-black background when you tilted your images, instead of having red in some corners jutting out. and yes to ffanatics comment too on blending the images more by some minor blurring here and there.
  20. BOOK UPDATE: "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" will hit the shelves on July 21, 2007. here's a pseudo-breaking news screencap
  21. topic title modified as per thread author's request.
  22. yup, it can be done in adobe imageready. open an animated gif (like the sample i provided below) in imageready, and you can view the layers of the animation. you can then work your way around the layers (or individual frames) and do whatever you want with it. at least, this is what i think you want, right?
  23. a windows vista upgrade decision flowchart can be found at BBSPOT to help you decide what to do now that vista is finally out in the market. (for mature audience only ) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  24. "elective" is the correct word, for those who would really want a choice on what language to take up. i for one took up german as an additional language elective, even though i had spanish already as a required language in our curriculum back then. though there may be courses wherein a particular language is required, like ours before, we have lobbied for a change in curriculum to make them language electives instead. thankfully, our college listened to us. it was a benefit for future enrollees in our course, since they have now an option to take up whatever language/s they'd prefer to learn. i don't believe learning another language is a bad thing nor is it a waste of time, especially in college. although it may be just an introductory language subject, it still gives you good grounding of communicating with others, providing a rudimentary set of knowledge to strike up a conversation in another language. no matter if one thinks if one thinks a "foreign language" is not helpful for a future career one fancies, learning a foreign language (of one's choice) should still be part of college life. as it goes, college paves the way to provide the BASICS of a whole-rounded development of one's intellect in dealing with the world, and that includes learning a new language even though it's just the basics. just as i took up subjects in higher mathematics required for my course, even though i don't believe it would be of any help on my philosophy course (as a pre-law course), still it forms part of higher learning. that's just the way it is, though i'd like to re-stress the word "elective" when it comes to language subjects.
  25. looks like your phpmychat directory has nothing in it. i checked your http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and did not find even an index page. so linking it to phpMyChat.php3 will give you nothing if no file with that filename exists on your directory. try uploading your chat script files first, install and configure it as per information provided, then let's test it if it works.
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