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Everything posted by serverph

  1. for what purpose is this login system anyway? as you are having a hard time creating one, why don't you just use ready-made scripts for this? you may try scripts from http://www.opensourcecms.com/ for your particular requirement. CMS stands for "content management system"... and if you are creating something you want for online use -- be it a blog, a portal, a forum, or whatever -- you can find open source scripts there. any standard CMS you can find there comes with a complete login system, mainly for admin purposes, but is also used to register new users if you want. the main selling point for these scripts is that you can easily manage your content, and have a ready support system if you run into trouble, since these are widely used online. you can just drop by their respective online communities or forums to ask for assistance if you run into trouble. plus, these are regularly updated because of the development teams and users behind them. but then again, these would require your understanding of the databases involved, be it PHP + MySQL or ASP + MS Access. and since it seems that the database is your primary stumbling block, i suggest an alternative which uses "flatfiles" or just a basic text file as your database. if you need help with that flatfile system, just ask for it in that thread assigned for it. good luck! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  2. here is a COMPLETE Login System using PHP and MYSQL: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/7247-complete-login-system-with-php-mysql/ still another SIMPLE User System (also PHP and MYSQL driven): http://forums.xisto.com/topic/46278-simple-user-system-php-mysql-driven/ if these two don't fit the bill for you, head on to our TUTORIALS section, and look around for what you require. it may already be somewhere in there; you just have to dig for it. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/169-tutorials/
  3. your hostname would have to be: localhost as for your database name, it is up to you. via your cPanel, you have to use MySql Databases to create your database. then you have to manage the permission rights for your newly created database, by assigning a user and password for your database. also read the note which says "The database name you enter will be prefixed with _______", the blank space being your cPanel name. hence, your database name would appear as follows: yourcpanelname_yournewdatabase. just so you don't get errors when you forgot to include the prefix.
  4. the message on your "hacked" site seems to be updated as of last time we checked. anyhow, i remember some guy on the shoutbox asking about your thread here about your site getting "hacked". i'm thinking he's the same guy you are claiming to have "hacked" into your account. the short of it, he says that it's not true (as what appears on your site now). he's saying that you have your access details in a "text file" which you "gave" him, thus he was able to access your account without any trouble. apparently, the way i see it, this is a friendly prank on you, ghostrider. as you have an inkling of who the person involved in the "hacking" is, better to just confront him in person to ask for an explanation. sort it out in a civil manner. tell him, in friendly terms, that you dislike the idea and that you expect him not to spring this on you again in the future. if he does it again after you have confronted him on this, then it's the time to think of legal means to stress the point. in the moment, just take it in stride, and learn from it. secure your scripts (can be as easy as not leaving a "text file" with your login info on it), change your login details, imprint your access info in your brain (not on any paper or digital equivalent), and don't hand out your files (or copies of them) to people you don't trust. then move on. let this little episode be just part of your online history as we all go through this stage, one time or another.
  5. 1. what is your newly-purchased and newly-pointed-to-Xisto-dns domain name? and when did you make the DNS changes on your domain control panel (from your domain registrar)? just for counterchecking...2. add-on/parked domains are your options if you still want to retain your original yoursubdomain.trap17.com. if you want to get rid of your original Xisto subdomain, and instead use your own domain, then that's the time you can use the provided form to do that... just that you have to spend credits. 3. for more info on Domains, Settings, Blah Blah! Etc. Read This. 4. Configuring Dns Settings For Website, Nameserver, A-Address, DNS configuration.
  6. a quick whois and a brief ping shows your domain is now pointed to Xisto servers, masugidsk8r. albeit, a browser check simply shows a "blank" index page, so you may have to work on building your clan site now. although you may be already aware of it, this is to remind you that you can upload your pages/files under the public_html or www (alias to public_html) folder on your hosting space. just so you will not run into any problems whatsover, like others who incorrectly upload their files somewhere else. we'll leave this thread open for a little while more, so you can give us feedback from your end.
  7. on Xisto.com free hosting servers? any staffer (admin or moderator) may correct me if i'm wrong, but i believe GZIP is not currently enabled on our servers. the reason i seem to remember is because of the extra load (however small it may be) on the servers when multiple members use it on a shared system like ours. enabling this would surely help in lowering the bandwidth usage of members and make pages load faster, but then again, admins will have to give this option a GO signal by enabling it on our servers before members can even benefit from it. bandwidth is cheap, but server resources are not as i understand. --- EDIT (two days later): i stand corrected! it seems that Xisto can already execute GZIP at this time of edit. i independently verified this with a new member account i encountered just now. coincidence? a fluke? a wish come true? anyhow, this resolves the issue now, and hope it can be useful to all our ever-loyal Xisto members.
  8. liquid near your laptop or desktop PC is not advisable. who knows what can happen, you might even short-circuit your system. plus the cable increases the risk of accidental spillage of your drink, when for example you have to reach for something like some paperwork, or a ballpen, or whatever and your USB cup warmer + coffee is nearby, and you accidentally trip your arm/hands/elbow on the cable. hehehe? i'm just a worry-wart, so i'm just ranting the possibility of this happening. this is why i alway keep any drink on a separate table when i'm working on my computer. this will not be something i'll be using any time soon, but that's just me.
  9. you really need to work and reinvent the thing? coincidentally, i've been thinking on doing the same thing just last week, but i found that others have attempted to make an embedded FLV player which anybody can use online. much easier, i suppose. i am toying at the moment with this script: https://www.jwplayer.com/ alas, until i get to have a faster-than-dialup-connection, i can't test it extensively as much as i'd like to. same reason i simply download youtube videos instead of streaming them. but that's another story. for purposes of your inquiry, i suppose the above stated script will not disappoint you. you can customize it according to your tastes by tweaking certain aspects of the script. it also includes the source FLA file if you need to dig in much deeper into it. tell us of your exploits next time. would love to hear other insights on this topic too.
  10. just the two to choose from? perhaps you're forgetting Harry (coming back to the big screen this july)! highly anticipated as well for this year. zap jack and spidey, harry!
  11. super-mushy! lolz just kidding! i'm happy it worked for you. good music do really works wonders. it's also one of the "tricks" i keep handy when trying to woo a girl i like. back during the napster days, i have a repertoire of songs which she adores so much, i burned it on CDs too to give her. and since we're coworkers too then, with a computer assigned to every employee, i usually slip in "new" songs in her computer for her to listen to while she's doing her work (i administered the office network so it's easy for me to do this ). and sometimes, i replace the windows music which greets her with a song that i know she'll love humming for the rest of the day.
  12. better yet, use site:Xisto.com +keyword1 +keyword2 +keyword_etcetera to do your Xisto forum search on google. it's what i've been using to circumvent the limit on minimum number of characters while doing a forum search.
  13. an old post, but deserves an answer nonetheless. the sport you are all wondering about is SEPAK TAKRAW. the basket-like ball is made from rattan. and i know it because it is native to our part of the world. (i know the answer, but i just chanced upon this thread just now. better late than never. )
  14. our best regards to your "moving out" to your paid hosting, MO. keep us posted of your developments in your new host. good luck! Xisto will always be a home for you if you need one.
  15. i'd say that would be a negative. fantastico can be setup/enabled/disabled on cpanel by hosting admins only. what SM is trying to say is, if it would take long to have fantastico back on our hosting cpanels, then it would be better to just simply install the application you intend to setup via fantastico -- on a manual basis. that is, download the application from the source, upload files on your hosting, create your database (if it needs one), and setup permissions and configurations accordingly. for example you'd like wordpress installed; instead of waiting for fantastico back, just go to wordpress.org, download the latest release of the script, upload the wordpress files on the server, setup a database that it will use, and configure it. the same goes for other scripts you'd normally auto-install via fantastico. it would have to be done on a manual basis until the time fantastico goes back up again. if anybody struggles to have a script installed the manual way on Xisto servers, just ask for support by creating a thread in our forums here. do a search as well, as it may have been tackled before already. we'll be glad to assist if we can.
  16. query resolved. @blogmaster: it wouldn't take a month for hosting application to be approved as long as you have sufficient amount of credits, quality posts, and no grave warnings. it may take a day or two, or even just hours depending on admin availability to approve your application. and make sure you don't forget our forum rules & Xisto TOS so you'd get hosted easier. hope to see you belong in the [HOSTED] group in the near future.
  17. i wish i could help. same 404 error on access of fantastico on my cpanel, that i can confirm. let's wait for admin resolution on this, as this concerns cpanel and features set up on it.
  18. first, let me just say that was a "short" story. as for your concern, i'd say you're giving us all a moral dilemma here. if we show you how your dad does it (ways of "catching" you), you will just find a way to circumvent your parent's wishes for you to avoid watching bad movies (i don't want you to elaborate more though we get the drift.) should we help you or not? ;)on a technical note however, jlhaslip's reply regarding keyloggers could be it. and then there's the more classic "undelete" tools you can find which are widely used for data recovery. those 1's and 0's your deleted file used on your harddrive is hardly gone with a simple delete command. traces of it can be found, and easily recovered even after some time.
  19. the simple fact is, most people don't know any better so they just make do with what they have. if some people consider firefox as the "alternative" browser, i consider it as my "principal" browser. IE comes third to me (Opera being the second ).
  20. glad you have it all sorted out. as a rep points substitute, you can add a shining commentary on my profile if you want. not entirely necessary though, as your thanks here would be enough. just happy to have helped you.
  21. symbian would be it for your cousin's nokia. what media player are you using now to play your 3gp/mp4 videos on your k750i? i'm not particularly familiar with your phone model, but try to open your 3gp/mp4 file in your media player (not from the file manager) and press joystick right (to fast forward) and left (to rewind). does that not work?
  22. you're welcome. :) nah, didnt make it, just googled it. :D

  23. where's the cake? all gone? happy birthday, BH! and lots and lots more to come. a video greeting for you (plug it in your browser, media player pops up, and stream away ): http://www.mojoflix.com/Embed/Happy-Birthday-To-You.asx
  24. you could try booting up in safe mode. then do your stuff while in safe mode.
  25. for all intents and purposes, it's mostly administrative, you can bet on that. you'd be surpised how many hosting applications are denied because of warnings. and if you're already hosted, well... it could mean the end of your hosting privileges if warnings indicate repetitive forum abuse.
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