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Everything posted by serverph

  1. here's a video presentation from one of the engineers behind Gmail, on why you should use Gmail. presented in four-acts, through the magic and wonder of theater. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ for more google-related videos to be found on youtube, check out the official google channel, where else but on youtube of course!
  2. i'm still tied up to a dial-up, since it is the most cost-efficient option for me (compared to other accessible options i can choose from, like cable, DSL, and WI-FI). and download managers play a major part in my online life as it is. it's not so much the ability to resume disconnected downloads for me (though it's a major plus), but the ability to queue my downloads as long as i want. i always maintain a long list of downloads (like youtube videos ), which i activate when i go idle from time to time, like this time, when i'm taking the time to a reply to a thread here on Xisto. i do this so as to maximize the connection that i have, slow as it is. when i'm ready to submit a post, i deactivate my download manager again, back and forth and so on day in and day out. given the luxury of high-speed broadband connection, i'd still be using a download manager, just without the on-off routine i have today. i'd be simply having it running in the background, with all the multi-tasking stuff i do online: chat/IM, email, forums, googling, etc. besides i have a 120-GB HD to fill (and that's just one of two i have connected on my system right now) lolz and don't strike out download managers in the near future either. here's why:
  3. i'd still prefer the default template. my eyes hurt with dark backgrounds. and i may end up cross-eyed reading stuff in this section isn't there a drop-down option to be able to choose an alternate (ie, default) on a user-to-user basis? i remember we have this somewhere at the end of the page when we're having shoutbox issues before. not a priority issue for me though at this time, since this skin is not yet final anyway.
  4. i happen to have the brainwave generator which has also been documented in the wiki link in the first post. and one of several presets available is that for lucid dreaming. by playing binaural beats into your ears, and changing your brainstate to create a suitable mode for lucid dreaming, it is fairly easy to induce lucid dreaming. i can generate a 30-min audio file which anybody can use to help in your quest for lucid dreaming. but more easily, you can simply download the brainwave generator software here, and download the lucid dreaming preset here. it's the one i use for lucid dreaming (among other things which the brainwave generator is used for). to add more info on the different issues which cropped up after the initial post, and to give a more concise and brief account on the topic: http://www.lucidity.com/LucidDreamingFAQ2.html
  5. don't drool on this like i do. :D

  6. jlhaslip is correct. and just in case you didn't save a copy of your original config file: the constants are in bold, and the values you need to adjust accordingly are in italics.
  7. sniper bullets are not that easy to procure, especially in higher levels. besides, the topic is a "human" and "covenant" weapon combo.
  8. Help me count... please.... how many people are here in this picture?
  9. nice to hear you had at least one problem figured out now. i'd recommend you contact your domain registrar (where you bought your domain), to dig deeper on this www issue. i have a gut-feel this has to do with how your domain is configured on their end.
  10. notice the member numbers? i'm third oldest in Xisto membership next to opaque and wassie (as far as i know, who is still active), and third to know this new venture. coincidence? back for good, wassie? welcome back!and more options for those looking for web hosting out there, opaque. let's keep them all in the family of xisto.
  11. it seems unanimous that your black and white design stands out the best from the group. the color combination you came up with is likewise appealing, but just not rightfully executed in the design to create the impression you want of children reaching towards each other. the font used is a bit off for me too, only because the letters are not spaced uniformly. the letter S is so thin, compared to O and M. if you have "Luxury-Gold" in your font list, try to substitute it for the one you are using now. quite similar, just more uniformly-spaced. if you don't have it, i can email the OTF file to you. and since a picture is worth a thousand words (too bad it doesn't count for hosting credits ), i cobbled up the changes i visualize. nothing major, hope you don't mind me making the changes to illustrate it. i just rearranged the colors to allow the vision of children more prominent (and did away with the black text altogether). font in image is the substitute i used, Luxury-Gold (horizontal and vertical guides in light blue are shown to mark the height and width of the letters, for a more uniform spacing). a render in grayscale is also provided (which works better than black, although all-black would still look good). you can switch the blue and green colors alternatively, so you will have a more striking set of grays (from light to dark) in the figures of children, with the text the darkest, when you convert to grayscale. black design: 8.5/10 color design (no gloss): 7/10 color design (with gloss): 7/10 [i would agree with others for you not to use any gloss at all]
  12. several factors: 1. you may not have uploaded the images in their correct folder/s. a 404 error is found when viewing your header banner directly. simply correct the folder structure that is required by your template, then your problem is solved. 2. if you have edited template image files, you may have improperly linked the images (though you seem to have ruled this out). 3. you may have misspelled the filenames of the images you uploaded, and does not conform to the filenames you used in your template file -- or vice versa. double-check spelling. 4. if your hotlinking protection is enabled, simply add your url to the approved urls allowed to access your images (though it seems this is off on your cpanel, or you may have already added your url in the list, since other images appear to load). as for your www problem, i can't tell for certain... possibly a domain registrar issue. some do not set up both WITH www and WITHOUT www in their domain's DNS.
  13. anyone with extra moolah to burn (ONE MILLION US DOLLARS!) can NOW buy her authentic shaved hair. http://www.buybritneyshair.com/ well, they can always use her locks of hair to clone her.
  14. welcome to Xisto, mr ? impressive. from the shoutbox, i gather you're a runescape "grandmaster". we will be thrilled to hear more of your other interests though so we can know you better. enjoy your stay with our forums.
  15. now that speculation is over, and iphone is now in the offing for public consumption, this will be closed. a more updated discussion of iphone can be found here: http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?sho7&hl=iphone
  16. above replies just about covers it all, jlhaslip. [mine goes: start > control panel > system > automatic updates] and here's bill's email.
  17. perhaps a quick call to a GENX distributor in your area can help you get the current retail price. there's an address and telephone number you can contact from their website, that is if you are in Algeria.
  18. maybe this open-source full-featured friendster/myspace/orkut-like script can help you: http://ww12.phpizabi.net/ it's highly-scalable and modular (just like joomla, etc.) so you can easily customize it according to your alumni site requirements. i'm quite sure these following built-in features will be useful for your plans on your site: extensive enough? i'm pretty sure most other members here who would like to set up a similar social networking/community website like you would find this a treasure as it is. a little limited in the modules department though, especially the FREE ones; however, the paid modules are inexpensive enough and light on the pocket if you really want to really enhance it further, the way you like it. it's a fairly good and promising script for your purposes, so give it a try, then tell us of your experience. hope this helps.
  19. how funky-looking is your ergonomic keyboard? what i use is an "A-shape" key layout designed for anti-RSI (anti-repetitive strain injury) by A4 Tech. the way it looks is with the keys not normally square-shaped as the conventional keyboards. the keys are somehow slanted, with left-hand keys slanting to the right, and vice-versa for the right-hand keys -- forming an "A-shape" key layout like this: / \ how your fingers & wrists are positioned when typing with a traditional keyboard layout can be illustrated here: with the "A-shape" design, this is how your fingers & wrists are positioned: download & experience A-shape 1:1 keyboard layout (click on image): see how your fingers & wrists will react with the image above. the whole keyboard is not malformed the least (it remains rectangular), not like how other so-called ergonomic keyboards are shaped, usually bent oddly. where to buy? just search google for "anti-RSI keyboards", and shop for availability and best pricing.
  20. a welcome development, i would say. although i've been ad-blind for quite some time already. GO Xisto - Web Hosting! here's another THANK YOU to Opaque!
  21. Read This Before Applying For Hosting! HIGHLY IMPORTANT! and make sure you understand the Xisto forum rules & terms of service by reading in detail the Xisto README. Click Here (default Form For Hosting) For Free Web Hosting: Xisto Free Web Hosting Request Form - FILL OUT THIS FORM after submitting your hosting request, your posts will be reviewed by a Xisto staff. hosting will be approved/denied by the administrator (depends on availability of admin; it may take some time, so please just wait).
  22. wanna add MY DAILY GOOGLE READ to your blogroll, musiconly? (others are welcome to do the same) after you add it, click on it, and you'll soon see your site added to my listing as can be seen on my webpage. it's dynamically generated so referrers to my page gets listed automatically, and stays there for up to a week as long as someone clicks on my link from your site. the more you get people to my site, the longer your site stays listed.
  23. no mac users? i wish i can help personally, but i have no access to apple safari to do your request. however, i can suggest an online resource website which you can use to make the screenshots yourself. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ though it's a paid service, there is a FREE 24-hour evaluation period which you can avail of to do a cross-browser check of up to 200 pages. i suppose it won't take you more than a day to do your testing of pages you want to see on safari. for a complete list of features they offer, click here. hope this helps.
  24. during the heydays of the dotcom bubble years ago (before it crashed ), i have dabbled in several traffic generation programs. i would agree it's just a waste of internet time, and a waste of bandwidth. it simply inflates the amount of traffic you receive, with no eyeballs really connecting to your website to spend time in it and make it fruitful for you. in the end, you will just consume all your available bandwidth with nothing to show for it. i've wisened up over the years, and no longer rely on traffic generation programs for my sites... i just "let it be" and simply rely on word-of-mouse and word-of-mouth
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