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Everything posted by serverph

  1. most likely your cousin is using SmartMovie for his nokia unit to play AVIs. compatible devices for the application however does not seem to include SE mobiles though. i believe you can't play videos other than 3gp & mp4 on the k750i. btw, why not just ask your cousin yourself what app he's running on his phone? would be easier if he can just forward you the file he's using so you can test it on your unit.
  2. what kind of integration? user db integration? or template/theme integration? i see you have wordpress and smf. maybe this discussion on the SMF community forums can give you a start. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ caveat before you attempt any integration of your active blog and forums: BACKUP, BACKUP, BACKUP.
  3. at the moment, you have -14.04, which means you just need to raise up your credits to unsuspend your account. your site and your files would still be residing in the servers since you have not yet reached the 30 days inactivity period (-30) when a hosting deletion is activated whereby you lose your existing site and files. once your account is unsuspended your site will be back as usual. (normally it's +4, which will trigger the hourly unsuspend script; but try to raise it to at least +5 to +10 so you'll have extra day/s buffer). for more on Hosting Credit And Your Hosting Account: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/8717-fair-warning-is-given-to-all-hosted-members/
  4. what's on your line 13 on your radio_stats.php? (use code tags when you post it here ). also, can you verify if you have used the correct IP and port there (
  5. in an earlier PM, you stated that this problem (redirect to old host) occurs with the presence of WWW typed in along with your domain, and that your domain alone minus the WWW is the correct instance of your website. i've confirmed this problem on my side as well before when i tried your domain, with and without the WWW. your recent update (dropping the domain from old host) has resolved the problem with WWW redirection to old host, at least on my end as i tried it just now.i can now see on my browser that with and without WWW on your domain, the domain now falls on your website hosted with Xisto. try pinging your domain, with and without WWW. you will see that it resolves to the same IP address now, unlike days ago, when they resolve to different servers (yourold host, and Xisto).try to clear your cache, reload your browser, and then visit your site again -- with and without WWW. press CTRL+F5 to refresh your site every time. you still having the problem? update us again, so we can lay this problem to rest.
  6. i'm still on the integration phase of my forum and wordpress, where i will re-start a version.2.0 of one of my sites. and i'll still look into the prospect of customizing my wordpress theme --- and then when i'm satisifed and have every aspect of my new theme working, i'll be taking some of your creations for a spin sometime later, m^e. GARR and LiveSIG appeals to me this time, so i'll try them first. on a sidenote: can you consider porting an ajax shoutbox plugin for wordpress from the one we have here at Xisto? i've been searching high and low for one that is as efficient as this IPB ajax shoutbox... all the others just fail in comparison. thanks in advance.
  7. that's really odd. and to think that those posts bearing your screenname and attributed to you are quite old, all under the general talk forums, and were marked as guest posts (even though i read in one thread you are assigned as administrator). what fluke could have resulted to this, like some other forum database was merged to ours here at Xisto? :(anyway, welcome to Xisto. if you're looking for hosting via posting, this is the place to be.
  8. can't pinpoint the problem, samifx, sorry. if your original domain is still binded/bound on your old host, you can try dropping it from there. if your old nameservers appear in your list of DNS, (ns1.oldhost, ns2.oldhost, etc.) apart from those from Xisto, delete those old nameservers for your original domain (although a whois report on the domain in question is okay, since i last checked).try as admin BH advises. it may work. tell us how it goes.
  9. the gamingcentral.Xisto.com you have is just a subdomain, not a domain. you can't transfer Xisto.com, a top-level domain, to invisionfree either. if invisionfree is allowing domains to be pointed to your forums there, you need to purchase or own a top-level domain of your own; a domain which is under your control so you can be free to direct it to any server/host like theirs. if you wanted instead to make gamingcentral.trap17.com to point to your invisionfree forums, you may just have to use a meta-refresh like the one below inserted in between your head tags: <HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="1;URL=http://z4.invisionfree.com/gamincentral/index.php?act=idx"></HEAD> or you can use frames: <HTML><HEAD><META NAME="description" content="><META NAME="keywords" content=""><TITLE></TITLE></HEAD><FRAMESET ROWS="100%,*" BORDER="0" FRAMEBORDER="0"><FRAME SRC="http://z4.invisionfree.com/gamincentral/index.php?act=idx" SCROLLING="AUTO" NAME="bannerframe" NORESIZE></FRAMESET></HTML> the first one is a redirect, with your invisionfree link showing in the browser. the second one will retain your gamingcentral.trap17.com URL in the browser, but will frame your invisionfree pages. and i may just have to remind you that you can do this if you are sure of dropping the activity in your existing gamingcentral.trap17 forums, since both methods will end up on your invisionfree forums instead.
  10. i suppose you mean tiddlywiki? yup, it is dynamic, and can be easily modified with a browser. it's originally used for personal entries, with just your basic tiddlywiki html file (with css + javascript) and a browser, simplifying data entry without the use of a database. mostly used locally (client-side only), like in your own USB drive. it has been adapted with recent improvements to include plugins for use on a server-side environment, like the venerable wiki, but more compact. a short entry of tiddlywiki can be found at wikipedia. advantages are ease of use, portability, and simplicity. the only disadvantage i see is when you use it for a server-side application. as you may know by now, it can even be used to create your own blog/website, as others have done. and with the dynamic nature of server-side capable tiddlywikis, the one-page html would grow in size as fast as data is entered. you will not begin to notice it at first, as additional entries (or tiddlers) slowly trickle in... but in due time, it will become a bandwidth-hog due to the increase in page size. i don't know if this is addressed in recent times, but i'm thinking doing otherwise (like splitting tiddlers into separate files?) would run contrary to a self-contained unit. you can check out the original http://tiddlywiki.com/ site, so you can try it for yourself.
  11. via your local ftp client? try to refresh your directory; you may just be viewing a cache. or better still, try to manage removing it instead via your cpanel > file manager.
  12. it's a "socket error = #10054", upon enlargement, jlhaslip. and relevant to your ftp client, SamiFX, possible causes and resolution of which is fairly documented here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  13. it would really help you if you have a larger copy of that image. if not, you can create an enlargement so you can have a bigger canvas you can work with. if you are not that familiar in enlarging images without much loss in quality, i affix herein something i came up with. (click on thumbnail to enlarge) then proceed in erasing the background as you wish. you can try darran's method above. if you're interested in other techniques, you can google search for "photoshop masking tutorials". here is one involving masking out complex objects. you can find much simpler methods, or something which would apply to photoshop CS specifically, although i would suppose you can grasp and adapt the general idea of the technique for use in photoshop CS if ever the tutorial you found is for a much earlier version. after you have finished erasing the background you want to eliminate, you can them simply resize the image to the size you want and add your own background in a separate layer. happy photo editing!
  14. is that in U.S. dollars? that's insanely expensive for one-month hosting, unless of course if it's an ultra-premium dedicated server which will allot you a mind-blowing high-speed processing unit, a gigantic memory, a humongous web space, and excessive bandwidth. if it's a business hosting, i would understand the cost. but if technical support suffers with that prohibitive cost, i can only sympathize with you. and if such support is what they can give their customers, it's their hosting business which would surely suffer at the end of the day. you should really consider changing hosts if that's the case. they might just fold down one day without notice.
  15. that sounds like a bad predicament. nothing to help you remember what password you used, like a code to remind you of the password in the filename? looks like you have to do a bruteforce technique, or a trial and error of the most common passwords you usually employ in securing your files. or you can use several softwares to decrypt your password-protected pdf file. haven't tested one personally, but googling "pdf password recovery" yields a bundle of results. some would depend on the complexity of your password (numbers, letters, characters), the length of your password, or the type of password (if it's a "user-password" or "owner-password" or both). you may just have to try anything you come up with until you're successful. good luck.
  16. it is an occasional thing, to be expected of free hosting with lots of hosted members on the server, but always kept at a minimum as much as possible. re:quote tags - just reminding you on that. no warning this time.
  17. serverph


    glad to have you here on Xisto, spitix. and from your earlier posts, you seem to have a penchant for graphics. any others? join also the discussions on rest of the forums, we have a wide variety of membership here, some of which may share your interests.
  18. it's over two years already, CinnamorollTK, and it was on a free image hosting. since the image is now broken, and outdated, this is now closed.
  19. looks like we all have to disable javascript temporarily until this can be sorted out. we had a similar case of this error before, with the use of a customized bbcode in our forums. the error was not forum-wide though then, and it kicked the error only when viewing the profile of member who used the bbcode. if it's the fault of the same bbcode, and how it affected the whole forum, we still have to investigate.---UPDATE: javascript turned back ON again. Xisto admin and staff will have to review the archives of the shoutbox, to determine if the bbcode in question as pointed above is the culprit. after some bumping of shouts in the shoutbox, it seems to have been resolved. we'll all give you a report on this later. you can all safely turn back your javascript again...
  20. i could only surmise that your network is not properly resolving your domain. i went to your site, got greeted by a joomla splash/maintenance page with a link to the forums, proceeded to your forum, refreshed every 5 minutes jumping from page to page, and all were still working after i did the cycle for 30 minutes -- and on a dial-up to boot! Dean (of D-Scripting), even extended a congratulatoty note for the successful installation of your new shoutbox! in between i check https://www.siteuptime.com/users/quickcheck.php for your domain uptime (http, ftp, smtp, pop3, https, ping and dns services) and all are green/okay. likewise the delta server status i viewed via http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ are green/okay as well. hence, your site is up which means the Xisto - Web Hosting delta server is doing great and working with no hitches. it is hardly a server error (on the part of Xisto - Web Hosting). the screenshot from your dnsreport didn't even remotely pose a problem in my ability to access your site, a multiple number of times. we need to settle first that it's not a Xisto - Web Hosting server error, agreed? since you weren't able to include a screenshot of the error, other than saying "I get a standard error instead or a redirection to MSN saying cannot find site because of whatever error or DNS errors or something like that.", i could only guess you get one of any of these messages displayed on your side: any of these can be attributed to any of the following causes: possible solutions? since you're on a network: Tools > Internet Options > Connections > LAN Settings: uncheck automatic detection. try also to revert to default settings for: Tools > Internet Options > Advanced > Restore Defaults Tools > Internet Options > Security > Default sometimes a page refresh will do. instead of the refresh button, try pressing Ctrl + F5. and then there's your network firewall/s. try disabling everything then reenabling them one by one, testing your site along the way. this is to rule out conflicting settings. if you still feel it's a DNS error, you can use fixed DNS servers. a list of "open DNS servers" can be easily found with google.
  21. vmware comes to mind (it's just been in the shoutbox minutes ago, that's why). although it may be a tricky (read: painful and troublesome) one to setup. you may have to google for step-by-step instructions on using vmware to virtualize vista, or seek help on their community forum. you may also want to try microsoft's virtual server 2005 R2 (ssshhh, it's free), to see if it can do what you want: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  22. as this is a Xisto - Web Hosting issue, it would help if you state what server you are hosted in (alpha, beta, gamma, theta?) and your domain name/URL as well. we need to clear up a few things though. i read that you say that it is a DNS error, but what exactly is the error, the verbatim error which shows up when you're trying to access your site? how did you determine for certain that it is actually a DNS error? via DNSreport? did you tweak anything on your DNS records recently? the most recent Xisto - Web Hosting issue reported here is this, but it appears to have been resolved within the day itself with no recurring complaint from thenon. the downtime is not attributed to any DNS error however. note that his site was apparently incorrectly hosted in the gamma servers (which is used for Xisto.com free hosting accounts), which is experiencing some administrative server clustering on the side by that time, but has since then been moved by opaque to the server dedicated for paid accounts where it should belong. when you encounter any problems again, it may also help if you compare it with other sites hosted on Xisto - Web Hosting (one of which is sonorama.net from the link above) to see if it's a Xisto - Web Hosting-wide downtime. if it's only your site, then it would have to be a problem on your side which can be caused by anything from your ISP/network, your browser, or as you mentioned your backend scripting also. it would be good to see if you are able to replicate your problem also outside of your college network, like your friend's house as you indicated in your post above.
  23. see if these instructions from the Xisto readme helps. alternate methods of accessing cpanel are detailed here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/3438-instructions-settings-for-hosted-members/ please make an update here to let us know of your attempts, and if you still can't get through your control panel.
  24. there are existing threads on this topic in our forums: Free Forum Software http://forums.xisto.com/topic/45743-free-forum-software/ Free Forum Hosting http://forums.xisto.com/topic/45332-free-forum-hosting-free-forum-hosting-with-a-lot-of-mods/ it may also help you by doing a search in our forums. alternatively, you can check the similar topics which appear below. closed.
  25. check this post: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/45680-help-with-using-cpanel-resolved/ take special notice of the number 2 in the checklist. update us of your situation after.
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