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Everything posted by serverph

  1. how long is the installation time for this? it may be a while before i can get to play with vista, it will still take me at least a year to upgrade my PC to something which can fully run this OS as intended by microsoft -- even with the barest of requirements.
  2. tragically, it can result to death, obviously. until the time of course when a bullet-proof head encasement is made available (imagine a bullet-proof fishbowl you can wear ), or when humans have evolved substantially to magically repel any bullet on any part of the body.
  3. hooray! the xisto network keeps getting bigger and better, day after day. these changes are always welcome, which means opaque is working very hard for all of us. thanks, opaque.
  4. your hosting credit is at 4.09 as of this posting. once you get hosted, the system reverts back to a default number (which i believe is 3) regardless of how much credits you have amassed previously. from then on, each day that passes you lose 1 credit. from what i see from your post contributions since you got hosted last january 5 (taking into account that each day you lost 1), that remaining figure (4.09) is just about right.
  5. as already suggested, try using iframes. search Xisto forums regarding iframes, i believe there's a bunch of threads on this regard.but better for your domain, is to have it parked/addon in your host (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) so that it gives you frusciante.net without a trace of locborg anywhere in your site links. (parked and addon domains have been extensively discussed in Xisto also, so it might help you search the forums if you want). to do this your host has to support adding/parking a domain via cpanel, so consult with locborg if this can be done.
  6. branding-wise, i'd go for migue's designs too. looks like migue was reading into a lot of web 2.0 design style guides lately, with his use of BIG, clear, bold, strong text logos.
  7. interesting thread. mine, i concocted by fusing a hosting-related keyword (server) and my country of origin (PH = philippines). not much story there though unlike most of the replies here. i use this exclusively for Xisto forum, and it has spawned to include my professional webdev correspondences. for private and personal stuff, i use a separate nick widely unknown here or elsewhere.
  8. too late for christmas 2006, too early for christmas 2007? i cast my vote for MIGUE2k7's sig. the pulsating star atop the christmas tree did it for me. not to mention a contemplative santa, deciding if you've been naughty or nice.
  9. ei, delivi! double-check on your links also... there are some links which are apparently "broken" or were not properly linked to. i'll leave that for you to find out hehehe? as there are just a few pages you have there for now.
  10. maybe a graphics card driver update will fix the problem... have you tried it yet? or maybe a higher version of DirectX. or even perhaps a bigger RAM. or there could be some interference if you have any onboard graphics which is still showing in your Device Manager other than the 7600.just rambling about possibilities here since i haven't tried playing F.E.A.R. as of date.
  11. hello Red_Virus i believe google adsense can be used on gallery sites, so there seems to be not much problem there. but it would be best to contact google adsense directly so you have nothing to regret later. don't just take our word for it. also it would help if you have your gallery pages SEO-friendly, with relevant titles/keywords and descriptions/captions, to help adsense in serving relevant ads which would in turn translate to adsense clicks if your users see them as worthy of a click. how you drive traffic to your site and page ranking in search engines should also be a concern. with nary any additional content, aside from just images, it may be a tough decision on your part to add adsense in your gallery. my suggestion, don't stick with just images... add useful information for your site visitors. as for what to use, joomla or wordpress would do fine. it just depends on which you are comfortable with. or you could try a gallery script you can google and test which would fit your requirement.
  12. there seems to be nothing much there yet... as i understand from the homepage that it is still under development. in any case, at it's early stages, i have observed some minor things which may need improvement: a: spelling -- for your site to have a more professional personality to it, double-check on spellings. on your homepage, i believe Amatures is supposed to be Amateurs. b: grammar -- relative to spelling and projecting a professional site is grammar. "...will be availabe for the public with a few weeks" would be better with slight corrections, namely available and within. i understand that english is not likely your native language, and a little editing help from someone familiar with the language is worth a try. or maybe run your text in MSWord to get a visual prompt of what needs corrections. c: redundant page contents -- as of this time, privacy.html and terms_of_use.html bear the same content. as they are separate page links, i see your intention is to have separate content for each. maybe just put "Content under development" for the page which is still pending instead of having your site users see the same content on both. or you can decide later on to merge these two together later on as one page, and just modify your links on your site. d: design -- design-wise, left and right margins seem to be too wide, as compared to the top and bottom margins. unless of course if you intend to add additional content on the left and right margins later on, which would compensate for page balance. keep us informed on future updates. and good luck with your site.
  13. what is your browser? could be a browser caching issue. make sure that the temp files you are clearing are specifically for the browser that you are using. what i see when i go to your site is the page with the "ENTER" link which goes to your home subdirectory.
  14. did the spell-check do this? i believe it will be Hallows instead of Hollows. although it would make sense if JKRowling uses the latter, with the mention in previous books in the series about Godric's Hollow -- where Harry's parents James and Lily last hid themselves away from He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. i'm pretty much excited about this final installment in the harry potter series myself -- to read how JK Rowling would tie up all the loose ends in the previous ones, like how it would be explained who really died first (James or Lily) as exhibited in the scene when Harry battled with Voldemort and the "souls" of the people killed by Voldemort's wand were spouted from within to help protect Harry (the sequence of which runs opposite to what JK Rowling wrote beforehand). anyway, that's just a minor point and there are much more exciting adventures, characters and scenarios to watch out for, like Professor Snape's true personality which we all encountered as seesaw-ing between good and evil. inspite of his bad reputation through the eyes of Harry (and others), i hope he will be redeemed in this final book and not be one among the two significant characters who will eventually meet his/her demise. i also wish Dumbledore gets "resurrected" in this book seven (i don't believe he actually died in book six... there are some tell-tale signs dropped in the book by JK Rowling which may hint on his being still alive). and hey, there are all sorts of MAGIC abounding the series, so this could be one of them.
  15. i'd be joining you, that's what. as to why, well, i have the same concerns as you, though for such a business venture like clean energy, it would take years even decades to even recoup the investment and realize profits (all businesses have got to have profits, as we all know ). and it would still be costly for consumers... although it's for the best of everyone concerned.if i were a businessman, i would have to be a tycoon operating a chain of shopping malls in every part of the world. just build a colossal structure on an area with huge and booming urban population, rent the place out for stall owners, and rake in the cash. and start up a manufacturing base for consummables that are in demand in the market -- like food, clothing, appliances, et cetera.that's what i learned from CAPITALISM II (if you have not played it, maybe you can grab a copy online [that means, buy it ], and start your own virtual business empire.
  16. topic resolved as per thread author. closed.
  17. hahaha? worth the wait of download on a dial-up connection would have been cool to be part of the crowd and witnessing every pedestrian reaction as it unfolded.
  18. i'm as confused as kdr_98 above. is it just a partition format or a full HD format? if partition format, is the "old" win2k OS still residing on the non-formatted partition? if a full HD format, is that a bootable win98se installer cd you got there?i'm not familiar with the laptop model you got there, nor if there is any difference when trying to get into the BIOS for different systems. i'm used to repeatedly pressing the DEL key while "booting" to setup my BIOS. did your access to the BIOS fail also?if you have a bootable win98se installer cd, and you got access to the BIOS, you might want to check if booting from CD-drive is made available in the sequence of boots on your laptop (mine is set to boot on CD first, then on HD if no bootable CD is found). if everything else fails, try booting from a floppy drive as already recommended. then install your "new" win98se OS from there.
  19. the opinion of the great stephen hawking is not without basis, nor is it not without merit. the only way humans can survive in the future is to colonize other habitable planets, or at least make room for more without (as opposed to within) planet earth (think "halo" - the game ). at the rate of the population growth globally, and the rate of (mostly negative) environmental impact population has over the planet earth's resources, it will be in the next millennium or two when earth will eventually wither and die. but moving the rest of humanity (and all other species -- animal and plant life, plus the collective knowledge of generations of our specie) towards a more suitable habitat would be a huge undertaking, something which not one country alone can do on its own. we'd all have been reduced to fertilizer ourselves (food for worms ) by then. but it would be to a good measure if we think about these things in our time for the sake of future generations. with less likelihood of success is tackling this issue of transplanetary/transgalaxy migration by devising and implementing things so that humans of the future don't have to leave dear earth instead.
  20. is it just the video which goes slow? and it seems to be synchronized with the audio (meaning, video doesn't seem to be longer than audio, or that they both end at the same time when finished)? could be memory-related. see to it that there is as much memory available for your media player when trying to watch them, by turning off other programs you may still be running when attempting this. or you can add more memory on your system. in cases of downloaded videos, it could be that it was originally encoded that way and not fixed by the one who uploaded them.
  21. i thought it was a joke too at first. but having gotten the chance to read the article attached, i'm pretty much impressed with the technology. i believe it will gain wide acceptance once it is available publicly -- data storage is really a big thing in this time and age, even with ordinary "computer-literate/techie" people. i just wish that there can be ways to make the data withstand the test of time. having "precious" data stored on paper is sometimes "tricky": it can get wet, it can get burned easily, it can get torn with small effort, it shrivels and get cracked with age, small pieces can be easily misplaced, and many other factors -- which can potentially make it quite problematic to restore/retrieve data stored in them. nonetheless, i suppose these can be overcome with proper care of these huge-data-carrying papers.
  22. i concur with your decision, nigai. you should be looking out for YOUR OWN BEST INTERESTS first and foremost. it seems you have already weighed all the factors you need to make the right decision. just make sure that you will be happy with the work you get into next; and make the shift final (that is, finalize your resignation) when you are already certain in getting BETTER employment elsewhere. loyalty can only go so far to consider staying, so don't let it hinder you. if the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, go for it! :)and it's okay to be scared of the shift. just don't let it petrify you into not doing anything for your own good. i'm quite sure you will make a good employee (with a better employer) because of the work ethic you are showing in your current job. and ask also if you are qualified for hazard pay and night differentials (or if any are offered) especially if you still are going to work during midnight shifts. stress is normal in any work, but if you find something which you can enjoy, then it won't be more play than work -- and it would be less stressful. as for luck, i wish you all the best.
  23. oh, we have a new "Potentate of the Rose" in Xisto. yeah, heard of that many times, but it is always fun to be reminded -- especially of the anecdote relating bill gates with the game/puzzle. don't worry kkrizka, they say the longer you solve it, the smarter you are -- something to do with the vast amount of information/knowledge you sift through in trying to solve it.
  24. you'll be setting your forum into a spammer's paradise? one of these days, you will regret it, when spam gets unruly -- even within the non-spam designated sections of your forums. but to each his own, as they say. so good luck. my only qualm is (not that i'm going to spam anyway), why set a limited period for the spam?
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