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Everything posted by serverph

  1. halloween is fast approaching... and with it, halloween costumes in parties, etc. do you go out dressed in costume on halloween? wanna share your past experiences with halloween costumes here? and your plans of costume to wear this coming halloween? (note: this thread will only be about costumes, so DO NOT try to inject any religious discussion in here, as religion is not the topic.) and if you are one who is so engrossed in making party costumes for halloween, maybe this will inspire you: http://triggur.org/costume/mech/ a notable quote from the page mentioned above:
  2. Pacelman and Cellvader. "new games?," you may ask... but not really! these are simply variants to the classic games PACMAN and SPACE INVADER, and you read it right -- IN EXCEL! also known by other names, such as ExcelPacman, and ExcelInvader. reportedly, these will work on excel 97 and excel 2000 only, so if you want to try the games which can be freely downloaded, make sure you have at least the versions of excel as mentioned above. i'm pretty sure you'd be interested to find out how it was even possible to recreate these classic games in excel, so i'd leave you to download them so you can try it for yourself. download Pacelman/ExcelPacman: http://www1.plala.or.jp/chikada/vba/pac/pacelle_dl.htm download Cellvader/ExcelInvader: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (i could have easily linked the files for download directly, but i won't HOTLINK them [so don't do it yourselves in succeeding posts ]. just visit the pages instead, as the author intended it to be. just look for the word Download on the page if you get lost. ) note: tested to work on my end with excel 2000, with macro enabled.
  3. a noteworthy addition to the xisto network. :)this i've been meaning to ask, admins BH & Opaque: does the embedded imagefilez upload form above utilize java? it is just that i noticed it for days already (since the imagefilez form was introduced to Xisto forums) that java gets loaded in my system whenever i login here. i'm using firefox btw, and i see the java icon loaded in my notification area/system tray in my daily visits on Xisto.
  4. wondering what the END OF THE INTERNET looks like? Google Reader can show it to you! https://www.google.com/reader/about/ just one of google's easter eggs floating around.
  5. i have no first-hand experience with drupal, so i can't say for certain. ask me about joomla instead (i'm currently using this for one of my sites). nevertheless, here are some tips: 1. for the AOL user you said which cant receive his registration email, AOL may just be filtering it as spam. have you any other registrants with other email providers, like yahoo, msn, gmail for example? if it works for one, it should work for all. 2. don't forget to properly configure your user registration, as you require. 3. try to register a test account yourself, using an email address you own, so you can verify if registration works or not. 4. if in your own test account you registered yourself, you find you do not receive the registration email, then this might help: E-Mail from Drupal is bouncing or not being sent 5. if SMTP configuration via your php.ini does not work, try this: Configuring Drupal to successfully relay SMTP mail to an external mail server using smtp.class so far that's the research i have done for you. hope it helps. there maybe differences with how the linked suggestions above would work depending on your drupal version, so you may want to add that next time in here as well, so we can figure out a version-specific solution for you, if we can.
  6. your domain WHOIS seems to be in proper order. is it possible for you to access your hosting control panel? this is just a wild attempt to assist you, but if you can access your CP, perhaps parking your domain will help. i'm not familiar with how the "change domain name" script works, so i can't give a definite answer. perhaps wait for admin BH to drop by this thread for a more informed resolution to your situation.
  7. topic resolved, hereby closed. refer to link provided by rvalkass. just a suggestion to new members, familiarize yourself with the structure of the forums. browse the main forums page here and you will see that almost everything is covered by the varied sections Xisto has to offer.
  8. have you tried setting up your drupal-powered site already? most CMS would automatically configure this, especially the more popular ones like joomla, etc. i'm thinking drupal would do the same. drop your site link in this thread later on when you get to set up your drupal-powered site.
  9. have you read the "About Google News" page they have? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ here's a link on how google news works:https://support.google.com/news/?visit_id=0-636172734841137564-2286341688&rd=2 the publisher help page may also enlighten you on your query: https://support.google.com/news/publisher/ and specifically, on how does Google News get articles from a news site: https://support.google.com/news/publisher/?answer=40392 hope it helps.
  10. to answer your questions: 1) no matter what URL you use, be it a top-level domain, or a subdomain, it's up to you. SEO-wise, there isn't much difference if you use mysite.co.nr or mysite.trap17.com. what's important for SEO is the content you have, and it sometimes helps (though how relevant it is for google adsense, i couldn't say) that you have a descriptive domain/subdomain for the content your site has. for example, if your intended site is targetted to attract visitors for let's say "business", it can be helpful if your domain/subdomain has the keyword "business" in it, like businessathome.subdomain.com. but that's just an example. you can use relevant keywords for your subdomain/domain name relative to your content, to help in indexing your site. 2) nope. you would need an online site first (preferably with sufficient content that google adsense can review to see if it is acceptable to their TOS) before you can apply for you own google adsense account. you surely would have an idea what sites google adsense won't approve of: like sites espousing violence, warez, porn, etc. you get the drift... right? just review the google adsense site first so you would have a clear idea of the do's and dont's. 3) purposefully targetting your site with keywords to get the best-paying ads in adsense is something that is highly-frowned upon by google adsense. you may notice i used the word "purposefully". if you think it's a common practice, don't do it as it can jeopardize your account in the long run. "adsense farms" or sites whose only purpose in existence simply is to attract visitors and clicks via high-paying keywords gets blacklisted from their system, and eventually you don't get paid if click-fraud coming from these is determined after investigation. best way for you is simply to create content that your visitors can find useful or interesting, without giving much thought to high-paying keywords. just do your thing for content, let adsense sit on your site, let it show ads based on your content, and if users find the adsense results based on your content worthy of a click, then so be it. and avoid clicking your own adsense ads on your site, nor baiting your visitors to click on them. besides, it is my opinion that keywords are a hit and miss deal for adsense. it changes quickly over time depending on their advertisers, highly-paying today and low-paying the next or no revenue at all (especially if no sale is generated due to click-fraud and abuse). that being the case, i can't recommend a site with the "exact keywords" for "best paying ads". it might be useful for you to read the wikipedia entry regarding adsense for a brief explanation of adsense: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AdSense there's always the official adsense help center for more extensive explanations: https://support.google.com/adsense/ good luck with your adsense adventure.
  11. the music forums is under the ENTERTAINMENT section. likewise, a separate forum is available for music lyrics. as for those with active creative genes in their bodies, there is the creativity forums for your own personal poems, lyrics, and songs you might want to share to other members here. refer to the links provided above. topic resolved, and closed. if you need this topic reopened for further discussion, please PM a moderator.
  12. for me, i dreamt of becoming an astronaut back then. i had a keen interest in astronomy way back, and i read every astronomy book i can get my hands on. but then it dawned on me that it was not easy to become an astronaut, with all the physical trainings you have to undergo before even qualifying to go into orbit. and then as a kid, it always puzzled me how they get to do their daily chores in space (like disposing off their physical wastes, etc) with their bulky suits on. of course, i didn't know back then that they are able to move freely inside the spacecraft minus the bulky suits. it's just that the word "astronaut" imprinted in my mind a caricature and i never pictured them without the appropriate suit. :Pi had also my archaelogist-phase, since i always fancied the adventures archaelogists experience in their work, not to mention that i also like having the requisite tools they use and donning the outfits they wear for the job. think indiana jones, and imagine a kid acting like one.
  13. i don't understand it either, but there will always be misguided individuals who will act on such irrational ideas as these. in truth, those who perpetrated those "revenge attacks" are not truly "fans" of steve iriwn. they are simply blood-lusting individuals who have no intention whatsoever of living up to irwin's life and teachings when he was alive, much more emulate his love for animals. more likely they are just bored people riding on the media attention irwin's death was getting. i wish those who did these senseless murder and mutilation of the stingrays get caught eventually, so they can be meted with whatever penalty the law requires for such sordid acts.
  14. i've been busy "counselling" (sort of ) yume in her post #2, i didn't notice she had a lengthy introduction as post #1! :Panyway, let me welcome you formally to Xisto this time. and if you ever get to be the next jk rowling, dont' forget us when we ask for an autograph! we'll whisper "Xisto" in your ears, and hope you remember your encounter with us! enjoy!
  15. you're one tough cookie, and one not cut out from the common cookie-cutter! if you are not getting a nosebleed with Bethany's predicament, then i am with yours! lolzbest thing before proceeding is to take the courage to ASK the tough question to that "old" co-writer of yours. don't delay the inevitable any longer, it will just consume you and will just stifle your creative juices from running freely. then from his reaction, positive or negative, you can settle with finality what you'd do next: retain the original storyline, or rewrite the first generation of Bethany's character. since bethany is such a central figure in your story, and you are so passionate about her, i can only wish your "old" co-writer is not so obstinate as to impede your chances of finishing her story. :)and don't worry about being a major control freak and super-possessive about your writings. all writers are! they are your "babies" and being a "mother" to those works, it's just natural to be such. :Pnow, clear up your schedule and meet the guy for "closure"! a shoe ad says it best: JUST DO IT!
  16. this method has been a topic in Xisto from way back march 2005. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/8460-how-to-make-firefox-faster-if-you-have-a-broadband/ and it's uncanny how this and that old thread have similar phrases in them -- with some minor additions and omissions! coincidence? please resume topic on link provided above. this thread closed.
  17. serverph


    welcome to Xisto robbie! to answer your question: well, kinda... but more specifically, in this forum you can get hosting space for FREE -- which in turn, you can use to host your own forum to your liking. for your first post, i'd say you are on the right section of the forums. just take the time to roam the forums for a bit, to familiarize yourself so you don't get lost here. for more important matters regarding Xisto free hosting, kindly peruse the Xisto README found here: http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?actE=01&HID=18 hope you enjoy your stay here.
  18. interesting. let's cut to the chase: how many of the stories you collaborated with him to develop do you intend to continue? but it's just a rhetorical question anyway, since your answer to that will not affect anyway what my reply will be as follows. no matter how many of these stories may be, if you're worried about him staking claim to them in the future, just trash those stories altogether. OR drop out HIS inputs, and start afresh! i would think that in building a story, there would be scenarios which he contributed which you can throw away, wherein you can inject a different one. a creative person like you will not have so much problem creating those alternate scenarios which will eventually lead to the point you have developed without his contributions. it's like threshing out the pieces of his thoughts you don't want entangled with your own in your stories. they are better this way, IT WILL ALL BE YOURS. otherwise, you may want to opt in re-establishing your relationship (as friends) with him briefly just to see if he has "grown up" since the last time you had contact with him. maybe in the year that passed, he has matured to your standards, and then you can resume your creative collaboration again. if not, then just simply take the opportunity to poach the idea of you resuming your work on your collaborations -- but now simply on your own. it will just worry you no end, if you just assumed he'd want future claims on those stories -- UNTIL you finally got a straight answer from him directly. who knows, he could have forgotten all about them already and these stories are not the least of his worries, much so reclaiming them, from when you last seen each other! worst-case scenario? you share a byline with him for the stories you finished which you started with him! nothing much there but the royalties which would require you to deal with him ever again. and the royalties for the published work, you can always have the publisher deal with him! at the end of the day, whatever you decide to do from the above suggestions, you will still have written the stories you loved! it's a win-win situation no matter how you look at it!
  19. unless you want your credits to be purged as well, i'd say it's possible to implement a purge system. once a member is hosted, there is no turning back but to keep the posts in the forum or else it will screw up the hosting credits. then we'd all be wondering, "where did my precious hard-earned credits go?". still want it? we have a "secret" section where we hold spam, wherein we move spam posts, and still not affect hosting credits. as for old posts getting resurrected, i'd say we allow it IF AND ONLY IF new information is shared by member who replied on it, most especially if it's an unresolved issue/topic. and yes, i'd agree with Gyad, that members should please refrain from paraphrasing anything that has been previously raised already as replies UNLESS others have no idea what the reply meant and it needs to be made clearer and more comprehensible. :)as a moderator, and i speak for myself, i don't have so much the luxury to review old posts and close them since i have limited online time. but if members are willing to assist, you can always use the REPORT button if by your assessment a thread needs to be closed. your report gets distributed to Xisto staff (admins & moderators), and it will be properly acted upon after your report is reviewed. (addendum: don't overdo the reporting simply to ask that an old topic be closed though, so that we don't get flooded with them (take it slowly... )... we still need to read and review more recent posts which may need greater attention. but your assistance with your reports is highly appreciated, and we thank you all. )adding to Gyad's thoughts, please use the SEARCH feature of the forums before starting a new topic thread so we don't get redundant topics here. and if you use firefox, a Xisto search plugin is available (check my sig below for the link) -- makes searching a breeze.
  20. i was afraid he'd react in a less than civil way to the situation, as he did during your aborted discussion with him. and the gall of him to turn the tables around to call you childish and ask for you to ask him for forgiveness? i'd say, it's a classic.i would suggest that since he is now open to further discussion, to proceed with it -- BUT in the presence of the apartment manager this time. it's best to put things on the table in the midst of an arbiter. do you suppose the apartment manager could be sympathetic to you and adriana's situation, to agree to act as witness and arbiter? perhaps your apartment manager can have a solomonic solution he can impart to settle the impasse: hopefully to have him sign off both you and adriana's release from the contract so you can leave, OR more reasonably for you and adriana to sign him off so he can leave you all in peace. this would save you from the $2600 the penalty would impose on you, have him disposed off from your apartment with due process, and reclaim your space and peace of mind.but if this fails, when is your lease going to expire? would it still take several months? i would suppose staying out of his presence in the duration of the time before your lease expires is viable? what i mean is for you and adriana to leave him in his own space and "world" whenever he is around your place. minimize engaging him in person since it seems to lead into more trouble, without his medication. let him be, and ask that he leave you both be in your own space. i dunno if you'd still find it within your will-power to accommodate his quirks, but if you can, just sit it out the rest of the lease, and simply wait for the lease to expire so you can move on to a better place, minus david. i don't know if this "cold shoulder treatment" would do well for his well-being, but you have your own well-being to look after first and foremost.
  21. i am more concerned about you and your housemate adriana. david's behaviour is not really comforting to hear, and could lead to a more dangerous situation if you and adriana do not take steps to prevent it. who knows what's brewing in his whacked brains at any given time. and it seems that his condition is worsened by his refusal to return to his medications. and he surely needs some serious psychological help as well, apart from medications. i'd suggest you set up an intervention of sorts for david -- with anne, benn, adriana and you present to give him the rundown on your collective complaints and concerns (even if anne & benn do not live with you anymore, it is better to have them to back you up -- just in case david turns "ugly". there's strength in numbers.) discuss with him the list of things you and adrianna find disturbing in his actions and behavior, and that you want him to cease from doing them again. hopefully he listens and agrees to reform his ways so you can all live peacefully.otherwise, tell him that there is no other recourse but for him to leave, OR that you and adriana would leave. remind him that the contract you all signed for being housemates have been totally disregarded by him for so long that he needs to comply to it before he can enforce the same right on you and adriana in case you two decide to leave the apartment. you can also tell him the emotional toil that his actions have been doing to you and adriana, and that even though you are all friends, there could only be a limit to what you two, his roommates, can tolerate for so long. and if that you both feel that he is in someway endangering your and adriana's life with his idiosyncracies, it is better that he stays alone and you two leave with or without his consent.and lastly, tell him that it is within your immediate plans to inform his family/father of this situation concerning living with him... and that you're simply delaying the matter until the time you all have discussed ways he can reform before you and adriana lose your wits as well living with him.the above advice is only if you and adriana are still willing to make him make his amends to you both. otherwise, it will be more fruitful to directly bring it up with his father with no delay. and if it comes to having supporting claims to back you up, there will always be anne, benn and adriana who could attest to your side of the story -- even if david denies it all to his father. that dude really needs serious help, and if his father is blinded by his filial doting for his son, then there is nothing more you can do but leave the place before anything bad happens to you and adriana. let him take it up to the police if he wants to invoke the contract and insists on not letting you both go. the law will not be on his side if his behavior is leading to the endangerment of his roommates lives (ie, yours and adriana's).
  22. how old is your friend? just so we can gauge her level of maturity in dealing with the situation she is in right now... but methinks that she is mature enough to realize that in any relationship, there is no guarantee that it will last forever. i believe that you being there for her would be very helpful in order for her to cope up more easily. just stay put, lend your shoulders, and listen to her sentiments. perhaps there is nothing more that can be done to salvage the relationship of your friend with her boyfriend; and "it takes two to tango" as the saying goes... so it would be much better for your friend to let go and move on. ask for help among your group of friends as well to be lend their support as she goes over this episode in her life. i would like to think that you're just simply being "figurative" in saying that the impending breakup would "kill her", but to be on the safe (if your friend is harboring suicidal tendencies), advise her family of the situation also so they can be there by her side too to explain that life goes on -- with or without her boyfriend.
  23. can't it be fixed by some sort of superglue? oh well, just a suggestion.
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