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Everything posted by serverph

  1. hope these are not just photoshopped images. (just kidding! ) looking sleek so far. but how current and past applications would run on it would be a different matter altogether. anybody able to test this release who can give a first-hand account of his/her experience?what i'd like to know is how many showstoppers, and priority 1 and priority 2 bugs they have now on a daily basis for this latest build. and another release candidate in the works pretty much indicates that a lot of debugging still needs to be done by the windows vista army of coders before it goes to "ship mode". hope they make it to their 2007 schedule. i also hope that they are concurrently "eating their own dog food" (that is, they are running their own work on their builds to test it thoroughly). and that there's not much gaping security holes which can be easily exploited by malingerers before they make it available to the public. $400 is not loose change, to say the least.
  2. worth a try! though the connection speed could simply be superficial. using the suggested AT&FX fix, it shows in my modem that i am connected at 115.2 Kbps, but using the speedtest above, it gives me 37.8 kilobits per second. without the AT&FX setting, i am connected at 50.6 Kbps, and the speedtest gives me 41.5 kilobits per second. still slow speedtest results (well, dialups are slow ), but i will make further tests when i'm online a little later for a longer period of time.
  3. wappy, the best thing for you to do right now is to TEST your index page with the most commonly used browsers: FIREFOX & IE. TEST ten times over if the redirection you are claiming will properly work for the aforementioned browsers. at the moment, the redirection you set up seems to be broken, as it simply prompts for a download of the wap index page instead, and no redirection going to your under construction web forums is processed.i understand your insistence on viewing your wap site by OPERA since it will work best with that without any apparent problems. but the admins have already pointed out that for administration purposes, you need to work out the kinks on your site for counter-checking so you don't get permanently suspended.and now that you have regained access to your site after getting a brief suspension, make sure to backup your files and databases regularly if you are keen on not having to lose them again, and permanently, in the future. good luck.
  4. his parents should have been the one instilling discipline for this dude. i'd say this is typical for a college guy living on his own, but i'd be doing a disservice to all other college guys who are responsible enough not to be doing the things he has done so far. i can't begin to imagine how to knock some sense into this guy. :Dif your friend and her family is serious on selling the house, it would be easier to simply rent a place for the brother and refurbish the house so they can finally sell it in prim condition. it would have been cheaper anyway in the long run if they had rented a place for him in the the first place, considering it is not the first time basing on your story that such an incident of him "housesitting" which turned "ugly". and maybe having a realtor take care of the house for sale should be easier too. but first, boot out the dude off the house. :Dalso, cutting back on his allowance or some privileges (like car, if he has one under his care) may do him some good. ought to teach him to be responsible for a change.
  5. this is already tackled in this thread here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/30159-how-to-delete-an-undeleatable-file-on-your-computer/ and obviously ALL of the suggestions posted by cheese above are rehashed from the same suggestions posted by other members. didn't think you'd get caught CHEESE? CLOSED. WARNING SERVED.
  6. by the looks of it, your crush definitely took your forum name to heart. proves that a bit of courage helps, just couple it with sincerity and honesty and you'll keep the fire burning, hotchick2121! my best wishes to your blooming relationship.
  7. i've been holding back on this topic in my mind for quite some time: why are some people so afraid of mascots? you know, like Ronald McDonald and his friends, etcetera. :Di have this officemate who is so afraid of mascots, that she always tries to hide behind anybody walking along with her when she sees a mascot nearby. and she shrieks in fear when the mascot even remotely attempts to approach and get near her.i don't understand how even after reaching way past adulthood (she's in her mid-20's), she could still not brush away her phobic reaction to mascots. i can understand kids still not in their teens harboring a natural fear of a huge mascot, but not adults. a traumatic past? but she insists she has none of such kind as a kid, it's just that she is afraid of them for no apparent reason. of course she knows a human/person is inside such mascot and it's just a costume, but she can't shake away her fear.are you afraid of mascots? what's your explanation?
  8. i have not been online that much and missed this piece of news. we feel your loss of a friend, opaque. let's just remember him for his life and the best of times he shared with his friends and family.
  9. if you have any other questions with regards to hosting with Xisto, simply read the Xisto README provided (link in my sig below). or use the SEARCH function of the forums (most likely it has been asked before, and answered/discussed thoroughly). or if it's a new query with no apparent info from the readme and search results, just open up a new topic.
  10. other members, please SUSPEND your comments on this topic until the issue has been sorted out by the admins. you have all been jumping to all sorts of conclusions and ranting about Xisto admins as if they have no consideration whatsoever for a member's hosting account and as if they go on a spree suspending accounts without any valid reason/s.wappy, please wait for an admin to take notice of this thread of yours. don't fret too much, it is already reported for admin attention. and it will be properly addressed by admins in the loop.closed in the meantime, until an admin responds and re-opens it for further discussion.
  11. if i "found" it, it would mean somebody has "lost" it. perhaps i will first attempt to find out the person who has lost the million, then return it. of course, i'd be very careful to evaluate the identity of the claimant, if he or she really is the one who lost it. i will not be saying the exact amount, for one. i'll leave it to the claimant to say it so i can establish the fact. a million is a lot to lose, and i think it is not ethical to claim it as "finder's keepers" just because i found it, without even trying to know who owns it in the first place. it may be for some thing like medical expenses for which the million will be used by the owner, and i simply would want it returned.if after some time, the owner does not show up, or i have doubts as to the claimant, i may put it in a bank for safekeeping until the proper owner is established. after a year, perhaps, that's when i'd even begin thinking of spending it for my own if all attempts at returning it fail. first on my list would be a franchise for a business... i'd like the money to earn for itself. then from it, i can set aside the million thenafter (from profits) to donate to charity. i'd still have the business, and the millions gets turned over for other worthy causes.
  12. when you get cornered about your previous statement on who you are going out with, by your "crush" or anybody else, you can always brush it off as a joke. this will almost always ease the apparent tension, for you and the one asking you. and in case it was your crush who decides to confront you on this, this will give you an opportunity to build a relationship: simply add that it may be a joke then, but counter-ask if it would be a bad thing for him if it were true? you can go on from there, basing on his reaction. he may opt to be just a friend for now, but who knows in the future, right?
  13. it is always a good thing to have "old" members come back to Xisto and be part of the community again. there are others who get hosted elsewhere, or moved to paid hosting, but still they come back here time and again for the camaraderie. and to anndi, you will always be welcome here hosted or not. drop by anytime you have the free time, and be part of our discussions.
  14. how does the installation of the teamspeak work? is it installed as a service (like an executable which runs off the server). or is it simply a php script which you can install on your own?if its the first one (as a service), i don't suppose Xisto would allow that since it would mean tinkering with the server with administration privileges. this would only do for dedicated servers which you can administer on your own, and where you are free to install executables on it as much as you want.if it is just a php script, then simply upload it to your hosting space at Xisto, then install according to their instructions. as for bandwidth, teamspeak usage will count towards your monthly bandwidth allotment.
  15. please check again after some time. this apparent "database deletion" as reported by cpanel is mostly experienced when the mysql goes down. however, the database is not exactly deleted... only that cpanel reports that there are zero (0) databases present. when the mysql goes back up after mysql problem is resolved, then it will again show in the cpanel.i am not aware of the mysql going down for member sites since i just got back online again after a brief absence in Xisto, so if it is in case actually deleted on your end, please report your problem to administrator BuffaloHELP to verify it thoroughly. i am hoping it is just a case of mysql going down for a little while, and that it still exists now that mysql is obviously up (just checked my cpanel and my sites using mysql and it works).
  16. problem resolved. closed as per thread starter's request.
  17. interesting, BH! mentally bookmarked for online purposes in case i may need it when a suitable image editor is not available within reach (like when i'm away from my OWN pc or when i need to suggest it to a friend needing it). (although for this forum's purposes, this may not be needed any more in the future once the new BBCODE under development for image resizing is in place. right BH? )
  18. good heavens! what would you do with a family of toads when they start to breed and propagate? hope there is a market for toads so you can be profitable in the future at least! hehehe? kidding aside however, saving that toad from being prematurely swallowed into the food chain is commendable. keeping them as pets will be good also, and i hope others will share your enthusiasm in keeping pets of whatever kind of animal -- even a toad. a pet is a pet no matter what kind it is, and as long as it is properly taken cared of by the owner, then its good. as for names, how about TREVOR for the male one (yeah, from harry potter -- neville longbottom's pet )? and PEACH for the female one (princess toadstool of super mario, anyone? )!
  19. it can be done as what D.BOY wants it. i've done it several times successfully. first thing to do is make your image available online. upload it somewhere, like http://www.imageshack.us/ for example. if you uploaded it in imageshack, get the direct link of the image and paste it on your browser. here is a sample image i uploaded so you can test it yourself in the next steps: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png once its loaded in your browser, drag your mouse across the image so the whole image gets selected or highlighted (it would turn dark to indicate that it is successfully highlighted/selected). don't miss that part. then while it is selected/highlighted, right-click your mouse over it, then from the menu which appears, choose COPY. go to your GMAIL account, then COMPOSE MAIL. use RICH FORMATTING instead of PLAIN TEXT. then press CTRL-V to paste the copied image in your message body. the image will then show and appear embedded. fill out the recipients of your email, then send away! of course, your recipients should be online to be able to view the image (in GMAIL, they should choose to DISPLAY IMAGES BELOW when they receive your email with embedded image). if you doubt it, test it first. if you cant replicate what i've done PM me with your GMAIL address, and i'll send you an embedded image as proof myself post your results below. btw, it will not appear as an attachment as it will directly access the online image from where you uploaded it when recipient views your email with embedded image.
  20. plenoptic's advice is what you should follow, shadowx. dont even risk posting your referral link (even in the non-credits forums) since it will simply be removed, and you get warned as a result.also, since you're a hosted member already, you can simply make a page for that in your site, and post your referral link there in case visitors who pass by your site would be interested. but here in the forums, it would be frowned at. we would not want to allow it since then the forums would be overrun by people who would come here and post the same kind of links as yours (SPAM in short).
  21. be strong, opaque. and to derek's family as well. i fervently hope and pray he can get pass through all this and have a normal and longer life ahead. we share your emotions, opaque, and we wish every ounce of hope is not lost on your friend, and that he may well recover still. keep the faith.
  22. as we imagine black holes to be (trapping everything in it, including light), it is still mostly a theory. BUT, it is possible (at least again, in theory) to "recreate" black holes -- here on earth. it technically is an electronic black hole which can trap electrons in it forever (as opposed to gravity black holes). yet we can still be all safe in knowing that it will not swallow up our planet and all of us in it since other particles and light would still pass through it. or are we? things you need for a home-made black hole: a Van de Graaf generator, a metallic sphere and a supply of electrons. wanna try? tomorrow's headlines: "A Black Hole Swallowed My Planet!"... yet there will be no one left to read it since it would take an hour at best before earth is gone and replaced with a hole in space and time . heheheĆ¼ freaky.
  23. i would bet the ancient egyptians used papyrus! seriously, here's a more extensive history of toilet paper and its use throughout the ages. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toilet_paper now, we'll have less to wonder about it.
  24. merged three other treasuretrooper thread here.
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