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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. If it's for a business environment , I wonder if it's possible to make a windows toolbar to have the same functionality, then it would work on all browsers?As I know, if you would want to create a toolbar for every browser, you couldn't create one toolbar for all the browsers, you would need separately create it for Internet Explorer, for Mozilla Firefox. Opera has widgets which you could develop and I don't know about chrome as I never needed anything for it, the lighter it is the better for me as I am using it as default browser to browse useless stuff and Opera for everything else not useless
  2. Here is one solution I've come across, even though it's a serious problem that you cannot write vertical text and only can rotate it, but it's do to support for certain plugins.1) Select your path tool (:unsure:2) Make a vertical path with it3) Type whatever you want normally with your text tool, and then click Text along Path.A much easier way to do this without spending a lot of cash on Photoshop would be to do this in Inkscape and then bring it over to the GIMP and continue working with GIMP. ;)Inkspace as I know is FREE and you can get it from here:https://inkscape.org/en/
  3. For the IDE, a lot of whom as I know on Linux loves to use VIM, but you need time to learn to use it.But for simplicity you could use gPHPEdit, it's light and you can get gphpedit If you want a much better IDE, you can always try Active state komodo IDE If your system is slow, you just could drop support for Apache and install light httpd or even better Nginx, which as said is much lighter and faster, but it also requires time to learn to use it. LAMP is easy to install, especially on a distribution like OpenSUSE, you just need to install the PHP modules you want and enable them, I think the best way is to use a step by step tutorial and whenever you get an error trying to run cakephp, just google that error and find a solution, as most of thsoe errors are common in my humble opinion.
  4. The best way to check if an email is valid is to send a confirmation email and if he got that email and will write down the confirmation email, you will know that his email is valid. Even though it's possible to check the domain and etc. I saw those kind of scripts, but I never used them, I've read they're much slower, so who cares? If the user wants to register and use the service, he will use a valid email, otherwise he won't and you don't really need to care about it, a regular expression to at least check if the email is valid could be like this: if (!preg_match("/^([a-z0-9._-pL](+[a-z0-9pL])*)+@[a-z0-9.-pL]+.[a-zpL]{2,6}$/iu", $Email)){// Error} This is one of the best regexp's I've found on the Internet some years ago, if someone is using not a regular email, it's his own problem. Furthermore, there are services like 10min email: https://10minutemail.com/10MinuteMail/index.html?dswid=-9675 With which you will go through a confirmation email, but later you won't ever send him an email, it's a users choice to use such an email, I use it myself, whenever I want to only once do something, download or read something and when I need to register to a service I don't care, I use this email and it's really comfortable, you could always write scripts to prevent emails from some domains which are used by this servers, but it's extra job for minor things.
  5. Even though mercy killing seems a good way to stop the suffering for some people, the only thing I am afraid for it to be legalized is abuse, I think a lot of whom will start abusing the system. Usually it's done illegally somehow.In the future, there is a possibility that suicide machines will be functional, whenever you will want to die, you may go to the suicide machine and end your live? Especially if people in the future will live much longer. It may sound like science fiction now, but in the future it's fully possible.
  6. Strange, so maybe you also have it disabled somehow? as I am on windows too and insert acts like that everywhere I write whenever I enable it Even though I agree that sometimes, especially in word processing documents you need insert key, for example whenever you need to write something in and you have ______________, it's much better to write it with an insert key and not write it without insert key and later use the delete button, like I would do, because I have the key disabled But rarely I do that, it's a matter of how you used to do things. I know people, who don't use the delete button, they always only use backspace, no matter what is the situation of the text There are nice shortcuts, a lot of who doesn't use them, but for example you can always use ctrl+backspace and ctrl+delete to remove part of the text from the cursor, most of people just presses the delete or backspace button for a lot of times. Or ctrl+left cursor, ctrl+right cursor to select text from the cursor, or for all the word just ctrl+shift+(left|right cursor) those in my opinion are very nice shortcuts, most of people I see stops writing, takes the mouse, selects that part of the text and only then does something with it. Even though I got a little bit of topic, I don't know why your insert key doesn't work, I guess with some drivers or software you disabled it and enabled it only for word processing documents.
  7. I also am using shell/command line at work and home, as I am used to it, but I confess that I prefer to use GUI applications if possible, especially on Windows OS, I used to use 7zip as command line or used to write a batch script for some frequently used operations But times have come, that I do a lot of mouse clicks to egt the same effect, sometimes a console is much better than GUI, it depends what you do though.Listening to music, watching movies and etc. seems to be much easier through an interface, like NUI or GUI.My colleague is still using an ms-dos like file manager/ftp client as it's much faster for him to do everything with the keyboard than with a mouse
  8. Nice work on upgrading the forum, both Xisto and Xisto look the same now, I wonder if some new logos will appear?
  9. I personally never use shift->insertBut insert button works everywhere, in IRC, Skype, this forum and in an IDE, not only Word?I use delete button a lot and sometimes you just push the insert button instead, so if I never use it, why would I need it. It just makes problems for me, but I didn't even know you can shift->insert something. What's the difference between ctrl->v?As I understand shift insert, ctrl insert are old stuff and later it was replaced with ctrl v and ctrl c?
  10. Yes, logitech keyboard and mouse suite lets you disable required keys (caps lock, num lock, insert, windows left and right keys and etc.) But usually, on windows it can be done through registry, I found a topic about it: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Or you can use some utility for that purpose, like SharpKeys http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ With it you can map any key like you want and change your keyboard layout
  11. Quatrux

    My Animals

    My wife has a Siamese fighting fish, it's about half year old and can only live alone in an aquarium, as it eats other fishes or fights with them But it looks nice and looking at it you may also relax, as it's quite gorgeous. Here is a link about that little fish: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siamese_fighting_fish The fish my wife has looks more like this: It lives for about 3 years. I am currently at work and don't have a photo of my dog, but it's not really a Schnauzer, it's a mixed Schnauzer with a mixed dog, as it has long tail and the body isn't like a real Schnauzer. Chinchilla I had was really fast, it could run with it's two legs from one room side to another really fast and could jump quite hight, over a meter, but it was afraid to jump down or from table to the chair if it's a bit longer distance, don't know why. But it was like that when it was young, later, it got slower, I guess due to it ate quite a lot and got a bit fat? and could jump like it used to before. It really needs a lot of space to run around and as most of it's live is in a cage and it only runs in the room for 1 hour a day, it's the reason it could get fat. My chinchilla didn't want to use the wheel to run, don't know why If you live it alone in the room without watching what it does, it might gnaw things, like my remote control buttons, my mobile phone buttons, wires and etc. Here is some info about chinchillas, my chinchilla looked similar to the first chinchilla photo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinchilla I used to have a web-page about my dog and my chinchilla, but they're off-line now.
  12. To tell the truth, in HTTP GET is like SELECT in DB, POST is like UPDATE, PUT is like INSERT and DELETE is the same DELETE.It's called CRUD (Create Read Update Delete)In WWW (world wide web) we usually use GET and POST for everything, but by standards and using RESTful services, you would need to use PUT and DELETE, but by most administrators they are blocked.Anyway, so how you need to use GET and POST in world wide web:1) GET is used for getting data from the server, whenever you need to show a page, you should use a GET request.2) POST is used to write data to the server, whenever you post user data from a form and you do an insert, you need to use POST method and insert the data and redirect to GET again.So what I want to tell you is you need to always use GET, when submitting a from with user data which you want to save, use a POST request and whenever you inserted the data, you need to redirect to a GET request on the same request and show that the data was saved or whatever, you need to avoid showing something to the user on page with a POST method.In this way, when clicking back button, you won't ever send a POST request again and won't need to resubmit data and lets say double post.That's the right way to use GET and POST.
  13. As I told in this topic, I used to use CDBurnerXP, but for over a year now I only use ImgBurn, which is also free and never had any problems with it. It has a quite easy gui, it's stable and fun to use. Also, if you don't know how to burn something with it, you can google how to do that or that with it and usually you can find your answer in the first page as it has a quite big community and a lot of who is using it. You can download it from: http://www.imgburn.com/
  14. It would be really interesting to travel to space as a tourist, even though quite dangerous, but you can take the risk, in the past it was interesting to travel to high seas, but now it's a normal procedure, so I really believe that in the future it will be quite normal too.
  15. As I know windows can have up to 26 drives and it appears to be the limit, due to drive letters assigned A: to Z:. There are alternatives to 26 drives that are, effectively, limitless. But it's not the same, it's the same as mounting drives in some directory as I understand, I've found a source about it here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/307889 Basically it says that you can map a drive to a folder rather than to a letter. But I guess for a lot of things at home and work 26 partitions is enough At least today.
  16. Nowadays, I think javascript without anything can be used only for simple things, I rather use a javascript framework for more serious things on any website, like jQuery. It has a lot of tutorials and a lot of good plugins and codes already written and it;s performance is quite good.Even though, if you need only simple things with javascript, it's not needed, just an extra overload, but if you plan that your website or project will get bigger, just use a framework and you'll be up to date
  17. On my keyboard I have a little led lamp, which is green when num lock is on, another led lamp for caps lock, which is also green if it's turned on and the same for scroll lock, so it's quite easy to notice when it's on or off.The same is with my laptop, it has a rather cool led lamps which indicates if those buttons are turned on. Moreover, I have logitech keyboard and mouse suite installed and I always get a notice on the screen whenever I turn them on or off, but personally I disabled the caps lock as it's usually just a pain for me.In addition about disabled buttons, I also have disabled insert button, as it's also a pain whenever you accidentally push it
  18. Quatrux

    My Animals

    I would like to reply to this topic too and share what animals/pets I have :)I like animals and pets myself too, even though I live in a flat, I have a dog, which is 10 years old now. It's a mixed Schnauzer, it's color is black with some white feet and white stomach. Also it has a long tail :)My wife has a small fish in an aquarium.Moreover, I used to have a chinchilla, two nice white lab rats, 3 birds and lots of cats :DChinchilla is really a nice pet, even though it needs a lot of space to run around.By the way, my brother has a snail, it's called Achatina fulica, it's quite easy to take care of it, it needs to eat something, calcium and water, it really likes water :DHere is how it looks: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Achatina_fulicaAs I live in a flat, I can't have a lot of big animals, so small ones are quite nice too, the main thing is to take care of them.
  19. To add my two cents I can add an alternative to Partition Magic I've found and started using a really good tool for playing with partitions, it's called EASEUS Partition Master. It can almost do anything you want and it their page they have quite good tutorials how to achieve a desired result. I've done some things and didn't need to do any recovery and didn't have any problems. For example, I had on one computer C and D disks, C was 10 GB and D was ~250 GB, due to I was out of space on C disk, and because it was a C partition on which windows is installed, I couldn't do a lot with windows disk management and etc. but with EASEUS Partition Master for free I could extend my C drive without moving the files and I only needed to reboot once as I remember or maybe I rebooted because I wanted to. To do that, I needed to defragment both C and D drivers, scan them for bad blocks and whole, the program later did everything itself, I've made my C disk 60 GB by taking that space from D disk and no files were lost It has moved D drive files to the end of the D disk and took the space from the D disk from the start and added it to the disk C, what I later have one is I defragmented both drives again. So it's really a powerful tool for FREE! If doing it the old way, I guess I would need to delete D disk and if possible extend C disk, I didn't find any program for free I could trust though, but EASUS worked and I am really happy about it, due to I was thinking of doing a complete format of that system to rearrange the partitions. You can download it from file hippo: http://filehippo.com/download_easeus_partition_master_home/ Here is a quote about it: I thought it would be good to add a list of partitioning software to this topic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_disk_partitioning_software
  20. Quatrux

    New here

    Welcome to Xisto forums
  21. Welcome to Xisto forums GaryHope you'll enjoy your stay here, at this community.
  22. Looks awesome, really good work, in some way it looks like it has been made with flash and not with css
  23. I remember I used to use google pages, it's not a hosting service, but you can create a fancy website quite easy, as I know all was merged with Google Sites. Google Sites is a free and easy way to create and share webpages. https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?continue=https%3A%2F%2Fsites.google.com%2F&followup=https%3A%2F%2Fsites.google.com%2F&service=jotspot&passive=true&ul=1 But it's not a hosting service like asthasot here
  24. I don't wear glasses, I always had good eyesight, especially when I was young, now I see that things don't look so clear like it used to, I see things quite well from long and short distances, but not as I used too 10 years ago and as I spend a lot of time near computer, I think in another 10 years I will need to wear glasses.I've heard and read that blueberries are good for your eyes, it improves your vision, increases the visual field and reduces eye fatigue.Moreover, I've read that glasses may also make your vision worse, when you wear glasses, with time you need stronger glasses? Of course maybe it depends on the glasses you wear, but I've read that glasses can make your eyes weaker...I myself try to watch somewhere else for several seconds, like through the office window while I am working with computer, due to always watching into the monitor isn't healthy for your eyes As I remember, there is a rule, 10-10-10, for every 10 minutes watch something what is as far as 10 meters for 10 seconds when you sit/work with your computer ;)Some people don't like glasses, but they want to see and look pretty, due to they think they don't look nice with glasses? So they wear contact lenses, which as I know are worse than the glasses.So, in conclusion, eat blueberries they're good for your eyes and remember that when you watch things at long distance, your eye muscles relaxes a bit.
  25. Hey Dyson,Welcome to the Xisto forums, I hope you will enjoy your stay here
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