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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. For me it seems that everything is quite ok, the pages load quite fast and nothing is messed up, but I noticed that the forums aren't really active here ;[
  2. You would require your own server to compile your own modified php version with those functions and it's not so easy, but why not just use a cache for your php game, like SmartCache? http://technologies.whitewhale.net/cache/ There are plenty ways to optimize PHP and make better performence, one of them is caching, of course compiled functions work faster than your own written, but it's not as simple as it sounds, writing a flashcache for an IS is hard to and requires a lot of expierence. You just could group your functions and not use one functions.php file, do you really need to use all the functions at one push? include only those functions which are required in that execution and if you ask me 1000 lines is not a lot of lines.. Also, as I understand you don't use OOP, if you would use class'es with it's methods, it would be better, but slower of course, I think you could group your functions and use cache like the project Smart Cache which can boost your performance a lot, especially if you have lots of requests in one second.
  3. Those are really nice backgrounds for mobile phones, I saved them all to my hard drive and will try to see how they fit, thanks for sharing
  4. At first I thought to just use an external hard drive and transfer the files using it, but if you're 1800 km away from home...So use the torrent and tell your parents to not turn of your PC?Is the limit only to the p2p? or the limit for upload is for ftp too?You could buy an usb key as large as required space or several half the space or an external hard drive and ship it? But maybe that's also not economical? But a new usb key/keys or an external hard drive is always a need, not like 18 DVDs which later won't be used anymore?Don't know about your ISP, but maybe there is an option to upload to some temp server or computer and get it faster from your home? Or maybe you have a friend with much bigger torrent limits who could help you transfer the files you require?Just my suggestions
  5. Nokia N900 review I've got this great device from Nokia almost a year ago. I'll try to present my experience with it throughout the year. I didn't look into smart phones despite all the buzz around them, especially iPhone and Android craze that swept our country (and it still continues). That is until my old trusty Nokia 6610i battery started to show its age. I've started to hunt around for information about various phones and trying to decide what I need from such a device. I've looked at friends Motorola Milestone and decided that I really want a proper hardware keyboard. Typing on it compared to touchscreen was awesome. Next was PDF reading capability. Going to work with public transportation wastes more than an hour a day. Device screen resolution played important factor. By looking at various specs, 800 x 480 seemed like an optimal resolution for this kind of device. GPS was included in all options and that's a good plus. So why Nokia N900 won my internal contest ? Hardware wise it included: large internal 32GB storage with optional 16GB microSDHC card, I could carry everything I need with me, including music, movies, documents; large screen with 800x480 resolution; slide out qwerty hardware keyboard; FM transmitter for those rides with tape/radio system in a car; internal GPS device; it even could be used to make calls Software wise it was an interesting find - a hidden gem for me. I, as a long time Linux user, was pleasantly surprised, that there is an operating system called Maemo. It is a full Linux stack which includes Linux kernel, X Windows, GTK, QT at its core (unlike Android, which doesn't have a lot of things in common with typical Linux userland). And most importantly, the system is totally open - no need to root or unlock it if you want to install or modify something. It is quite common to hear stories about successful iOS and Android device rooting. Maemo is a familiar environment for Linux user. Last, but not least - Maemo5 is feature packed and in some areas is ahead even today compared to other mobile OS. Useful software included: proper browser based on Mozilla Firefox, which renders websites the same way your desktop PC does; flash plugin is included, no need to have special YouTube app, although that one is available if you need it; awesome Skype, gtalk integration with one contact list together with all avatars and additional information about friends pulled from various online services you use; working video chat, voip through Skype and Gtalk, everything is beautifully integrated - you talk with friends from Skype just like with other GSM contacts, there is no difference; integrated Ovi Maps, although with limitations - routing needs active data connection, but it is enough if you just want to see where you are and where to go; python - you can easily create missing bits or other custom/useful programs just as you do on your desktop/laptop PC large selection of software in community maemo.org repositories; fully multitasking. Unfortunately Maemo OS that is made by Nokia is dead. It was mostly known when I bought N900, but all the features, possibilities to customize it the way I want and open source community support made me buy it anyway. And I don't regret it. Maemo has simple interface that has three screen levels: Desktop with widgets and launchers or active application.http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png Launched application selector with full app preview (remember that Maemo is fully multitasking OS).http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png Home screen with installed applications.http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png In first few months I've played with various screen widgets, but later found that some of them were waking CPU too often and decreased battery life. Right now I have only icon launchers for most used programs, birthday widget and 2G/3G data usage monitor. With little bit PDF reading, few browsing sessions and some GSM calls it can live without power source 3 or 4 days. With heavier online usage and music listening I need to charge it every or every second day. Sadly no difference to other smart phones. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png Maemo Media player is nice application and with additional codecs it can play all media files you throw at it and additionally it supports H.264 hardware assisted decoding, audio file information scrobbling to Last.fm service. But because audio files are sorted by albums and if you have some custom compilations and other broken ID3 tags, it becomes inconvenient to listen to music. It was one of the first applications that I wanted to replace. Sadly most replacement programs work in the same album style or they do not support scrobbling to Last.fm. But have no fear, Rockbox is here! There is a native Rockbox port for N900. It has its flaws - touchscreen accuracy is bad, so you need to use keyboard for navigation, but at least it allows you to play audio files by directories and supports scrobbling. Media Player home screen: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png Media Player Artists list: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png Rockbox on N900: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png Another disappointment was PDF reader. Don't get me wrong, it works, but doesn't have features I consider vital for such an application - it doesn't remember zoom level and page number when I open PDF second time. Community has done it again and created a port of Linux desktop PDF reader Evince. Although it has some glitches when scrolling in-page by using touch screen, but again it works OK while using keyboard. On top of that, Evince is faster. PDF reader Evince: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png Standard PDF reader: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png There exists numerous of free GPS software - Marble Touch, Modrana, Mappero, GPS Logger, but commercial application Sygic Mobile Maps 10 seems to be the only sane solution for turn by turn car navigation. It works offline, has quite good maps, thought out interface, awesome voice features. N900 lacks magnetometer, therefore sometimes it is hard to judge final destination on some complex locations where GPS standard accuracy is too low. Sygic Mobile Maps in unusual for N900 portrait mode: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png modRana GPS application: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png The camera on N900 is nothing to get excited about, although it packs 5MP Carl Zeiss Tessar lens and has LED backlight, photos taken inside or on lower light look kinda blue. I didn't expect anything from smartphone camera, sometimes it is handy, but it doesn't replace old Canon PowerShot A530 which has same number of MP (5MP camera). Photo taken on a sunny day: There are few games for Maemo platform. This does not only include Angry Birds, but 3D platformer Kroll, usual suspects as Chess, Mahjong, Solitaire, Snake and open source Tux games, Frozen Bubble, Doom, Quake and full range of emulators (NES, Spectrum, Amiga, Gameboy, etc). Most emulator games are not really touchscreen friendly and N900 keyboard is not made to play games comfortably, so they are mostly used to show off. Although you can connect PS3 joypad with Bluetooth and play games this way connected to TV through TV output.. Angry Birds: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png Kroll: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png If you're eager to try more touch based games, some Palm Pre games work. You just need to foul them by running predefined script and launch those games with that. Many users report success and there is even dedicated wiki pages on http://maemo.org/. I haven't tried it myself though. All in all, N900 is great mini computer with phone features. It has dedicated community that updates abandoned Nokia open source components by creating OS updates, others made working Android port, Meego port and even Ubuntu. Yes, you can boot into any OS you desire by using boot menu. Crazy, but true. Phone application in Landscape mode, call type can be Cellular, Skype, GTalk, etc.: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png I haven't mentioned all the features that N900 together with Maemo5 provide, but I hope this late review will raise more interest to Maemo (and now Meego) platform. You can find more information about N900 on Maemo dot org Official specs are available on Wikipedia about Nokia N900 Meego for N900 http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Android for N900 http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and http://wiki.maemo.org/NITDroid_Port It's really quite hard and takes some time to put all the pictures to the topic, but I think it's worth it, just hope that the image host won't disappear soon
  6. Well, as it was said, don't use WEP as it's really easy to crack, even though some friends of mine said, that they are using WEP, they thought it's save and I said to them to use WPA2, it's quite impossible to crack it, some people don't even use a password, as they forget it whenever you need to retype it when connecting to the wireless network.. Also I use AES.Also, it's really good to only allow connection for certain Mac addresses.
  7. Well, you can always create an index with a function, at least on oracle it's possible, don't know about mysql, on oracle you can create an index:create index my_idx on my_table (nvl(column,'null'));And you can force to use the index you want or the optimizer will choose for you and you can use it in the where clause of a sql query.Yeah, you can't compare null with something as you can't compare nothing with something, I can't really say, but in most cases nothing == something may return true and the statement will succeed?Usually in an array or a table when you sort it, search algorithms make null values being at top or bottom, it depends, but the column can be sorted even if it has a null value, you always get null values if you left join a table with other table and don't have all the rows, it makes it null and you can sort by it. -----------------It seems I can't edit my message, but maybe someone could merge it, but when comparing null with something you will get false in most cases, I said it could be true, but just tested it returns false and nothing never seems to be able to be compared and returns false? Notice from Yordan: I merged the messages
  8. For me NULL is nothingin most DB when you store a value like '' you will get a null, maybe it's good maybe it's bad, but for example as it was said, you can store '' an empty value, but you won't select it with the clause where something = '' only with clause where something is null. But maybe it's not on all databases.
  9. I agree that if most people will move to HTML5, it will be used much more widely, I usually do new things with a little bit fo HTML5 structure, but when I need a result, sometimes I just use HTML4 and it's enough, maybe it's a bad habit, but sometimes I even use tables and don't see anything bad about it ;)But I think with time I will stick to HTML5 structure and CSS3, but I still will wait a bit for it to get more popular.
  10. You can edit PHP with any text editor as it's a scripting language and it's interpreted by an interpretor and it doesn't need to be compiled like java or c++ So you can use Notepad++ or any other text editor, you can even use an online editor and edit the file through your browser text area if you want to, but mos of programmers who use PHP are using an PHP IDE I personally use PHP Designer 7, it's a really good PHP editor, I attached a link to it: http://www.mpsoftware.dk/phpdesigner.php
  11. I also read about this. Thinking in abstract, computers needs to be used as easy as possible, so Today it seems strange how can you use a computer/desktop without .NET, COM/WIND32, but I think it won't be strange after years and years, maybe it's a step forward to the future?But I doubt that things like that die soon, for example most of use programmers doesn't really use assembly anymore, but there are people who use it as they require, and even though html5 css3 is really slow comparing, but it's much easier to use them like a standard of some kind and it seems to work, it's structure is good in theory, time will tell .NET is really good, I personally don't see what's wrong with it to move away from it, frameworks are the way to go, it saves time, it makes the structure better. If I was a serious .NET developer, maybe I would talk differently and would say: "it's not possible" ".NET will be dropped?" "NOO"Microsoft Surface is something what I think will be the future versions of computers with GUI removed and we will be using NUI, I think it will the the next big move forward, as in ~1985 or a bit earlier we moved from Command line to GUI, with time we will move to NUI from GUI, but as today we have people using Console, I think we will stil have people using GUI, but NUI will be for major part of people, store photos, listen to music, browse the net, play games, watch movies and etc.
  12. I agree tha Vbulletin seems to be a very good forum software, whenever I browse vBulleting forum it seems it's so good and if the theme isn't ugly it's very usable, but yeah, it costs quite a lot and not everyone can have it ;)Invision power board (IPB) are also good and as I know it's cheaper, never would I use PHPBB again :lol:Also, it seems that for free SMF is rather a good choice? But I never really used it myself to much.
  13. I think people who are older and learned Perl years ago, can really remember it with nostalgia how they used it and how great it was and of course is, I know a guy who still prefers to use Perl for where he can, but usually at his office, he needs to use the technologies which he is told to use ;)I personally use PHP for web development, Oracle with pl/sql for things with DB and sometimes Java where needed, also I tried python and I really liked it, I think it may become the scripting language of choice as it's really good!Perl is really popular for regular expressions and manipulation of strings, PHP on the other hand is trolled by a lot of people that it's a strange language, it's purpose is for the web, yes, but it's structure is quite strange and not strict at all, function names differences and etc. it seems it's a language which copies everything from other languages as it's syntax can do that and that, for the same thing, it steals syntax from other languages and puts it in use? :lol:Moreover, languages like perl, php made Java usage drop by popularity a lot since the year 2000, if most of people used java for things on web and etc. a lot of who Today use PHP, Python and etc.
  14. Welcome to the forums,I hope you'll enjoy your stay here and will be active, I myself was quite busy and didn't post to much, but though to come and post a little. ;)so welcome to the forums of Xisto ;D
  15. I remember I just updated to Firefox 5 from Firefox 4, which I used to test pages and as I don't really use it, so I manually updated it to Firefox 5 and after some time I saw the news that Firefox 6 is announced and you can updated, I thought, so what is the difference between them, I can't see to much differenced between firefox 4 or 6, it seems that maybe it faster, but I don't feel it, I just guess it's more buggy and they can release Firefox 2000 or even 3000, but it won't make the browser better, it will still be Firefox :lol:Even though, I don't understand the versioning of software sometimes, but Opera has 11 version, Google chrome is 13 version, when I remember I used to use Opera 9 and 10 not so long ago, Google chrome 7 also not so long ago and I don't feel anything to much, the style usually changes a bit, but I guess browsers nowadays are just being optimized to be faster and that's really good, better algorithms! Better performance!Every half year firefox says, it's 20% faster, it's 30% faster! Try to download Firefox 2 and browse, so will it be over 9000 faster? I doubt it (trolling) maybe they buy new computers every year which are faster (trolling over)Also, it seems that Google chrome updates itself not even notifying about it you, firefox seems to moved this by default too, Opera also usually wants to updated next time without notice, but I always remove the check-box to do that Even though, nowadays it's maybe better to have the latest version of the browser, sometimes the new versions removes bugs in the old version, sometimes it offers you new bugs which can annoy you Even though, I think they have powerful testing units to test their software for bugs.
  16. I agree with starscream about google analytics, I don't use it myself anymore and don't suggest to use it for others too.Because google analytics is used so widely, almost every page has it and it can really trace from where and where you browse if it would really want to and you give so much information to it.Usually a host provides something like awstats, which I always try to look at, but services like google analytics and others offering similar services, I think it's best if there would be a lot of interdependent services like that and not one which all would be using, it would be much better for all the users ;)Sometimes where are problems with these kind of services when they trace the site with or without www in the url, which is sometimes annoying.
  17. Usually it means that something will be revealed, talking about spoiler alerts, people are alerted to not read that part, for example, if you're reading a book and you didn't finish it, and you read about that book on the Internet, it can have a spoiler alert where something is revealed...The same is with movies, games, puzzles and etc. it the same annoying thing if you want to watch a movie and someone says what's going to happen next or how the movie will end. ;)So I guess for people who will want to play Alpha Protocol themselves by reading this review, they won't read the part which is tagged with the spoiler alert :lol:IMDB has a good spoiler alert, you can't see it unless you move the cursor to it and read what's inside of it
  18. Facebook is only good for their user database, a lot of people use it, but when you think about it, there isn't really anything special about it, it's good to relate with friends and know how they live and where, you just get some info about them, their photos and events, but a lot of action in facebook is useless links and video links and games which just is addicting, but time consuming and you really don't get anything from it.Like all those games from Zynga, you just click click click and what's the point? I rather buy a real GAME of some kind and play it on PC ;)Anyway, I removed google buzz from my account as I didn't need it, I don't have a lot of friends also using gmail, some use other webmails and I guess it's not so attractive as facebook, but Google+ might change things as it's really easy to use and is getting popular, maybe it won't be another epic fail? but just fail? :lol:And in my personal opinion, Facebook is really very over rated
  19. Quatrux


    Hello, Urbano, nice to see you on the forums.I hope you'll enjoy posting here and you'll be an active user
  20. I agree, but it's quite hard for youth to not post information about themselves, it's so easy, sometimes you can just google a person and find how he looks, what he does and etc. usually by just knowing the nickname if it's quite unique, or if you know first and last name.
  21. I would be careful to wash your hair with baking soda combined with one to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, as it's quite a bad reaction, I mean it's poisonous a bit... I would rather suggest to wash your hair with nettles in hot water, it's one of the most effective ways, or lemons if you can't find nettles anywhere, even though to much lemons may dry your skin to much... Any way, without using shampoo, your hair, especially for women, won't smell like it usually does using a shampoo. If you don't know what a nettle is than here's a link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nettle
  22. I've installed Firefox4 some time ago, but didn't really use it, just open it to test if the site works with firefox, but with updating of firefox the annoying thing for me always was that message: "this addon is not compatible with this version of firefox"Google chrome versions are also quite frequent and it usually updates it self without even asking and usually the UI doesn't change and nobody sees it? I remember google chrome was Google chrome 5 or 7 now it's Google chrome 12
  23. Welcome to the forums, hope you'll like to post here
  24. People spend to much time on the Internet by clicking the mouse click click clickThose Facebook games all with Ville make people do nothing, but click, that's why internet is bad I've rather read a book or something. :lol:But it's really good for information, true and false information.
  25. What about Microsoft Security Essentials? I am using it over a year now and it's really not annoying to use it and it's free, doesn't seem to be interested in becoming an adware software of some kind. I usually hate the AV which says it's free, but you get a lot of junk from them. And reminders to go advanced to get more features and pay for it, so it's not really free...
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