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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. Nice to hear that Turkey is getting quite modern with information technologies, it's quite a good step forward.I just wonder, is Turkey quite new to IT and moving forward with quite new technology offered today or they've always been in that path? Because in some conferences I've heard that Turkey bought quite a lot of ORACLE ExaData servers, where Poland only bought 1 or 2, due to it's quite expensive, but very powerful ORACLE product. I thought that it has a quite new infrastructure and can buy things like that, in a lot of other countries a lot of systems are working with older and less expensive and less powerful servers, due to some systems are created years ago and it works.
  2. Happy 2012 New Year to you too! And to all the Xisto members.
  3. Happy 2012 New Year!So how was it for you Xisto members? I fired some fireworks, drank some champagne and for me it was quite restful
  4. Very good news! Can't wait for it to start working fluently. Just hope all members will get the credits they earned while the system was tweaking. :)Happy 2012 New Year!
  5. no problem, always am happy to help if I can
  6. Yes, the submited ticket was replied and my logs have come clean and my invoice was paid by xisto staff in some way and somehow I will need to pay that "loan" by using MyCENTS from Xisto whenever the system will be tweaked, so everything is fine from my side, thanks for the help
  7. I used to watch Simpsons and whenever I see it on TV and have time I still watch it, but I didn't see all the episodes as there are so much of them. Family guy is something like that, but with more vulgarity, I also like to watch it, but not all episodes are funny anymore, so much seasons and they're out of ideas, it's funny only sometimes and the line is always the same.
  8. I used to play this game, sometimes when I want to relax I just turn on Age of Empires, a random map and play it, but the last time I've done it was almost a year ago as it's quite monotonic if you play a lot of it.
  9. I feel sorry for smokers when I understood how simple cigarettes are made in lets say Europe countries there tobacco is not as good as in some other countries/territories like USA and Havana and etc. and that tobacco is quite poor quality which is grown in Europe in lets say Poland, which export a lot of tobacco these days.Worst is that simple cigarettes are not even made from that tobacco, it's just an imitation, a cigarette is made out of cellulose which is soaked in a liquid or something like that of that poor tobacco, they add acetone for it to burn better and other materials and make that cellulose look like tobacco and you smoke it, I always thought that in a cigarette those brown things are tobacco, but it seems it's cellulose soaked in a tobacco liquid.So do you want to smoke anymore simple cigarettes? I don't unless it's really a good tobacco from Havana or something like that
  10. All I can add is that circle and wheel for that same reason is really an interesting invention or creation, because as I know where is nothing round in nature and it was created by human mind, so it's really a good invention the Wheel :DIf you ask me, there can't be a perfect line or circle, but with current technology it can look quite like perfect circle and with quite high accuracy.
  11. Merry Christmas and a happy new year for everyone who celebrates it too ;)I was a bit away, but New Year is still coming! Even though Christmas is over, it still feels like holidays
  12. Quatrux

    Cron Job

    Go to CPanel of your hosting and in the menu Advanced you can see a section called Cron jobs, push on it.Set when you want it to work, the period of time, by common settings you will understand how it works. The command run by the cron job must be a valid command.So here are some methods which could work:wget -O /dev/null http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ >/dev/nullGET http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ > /dev/nullor just put the document root path to file and it should work as you may not have the permissions to run some commands:/home/YOURUSER/public_html/cron.php
  13. Oh, when you could try this website service:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I know it works with CSS, so maybe it not enough, or maybe it works with images too, don't really know, but I guess it extracts colors from html and css documents and creates a palette.Just browse that site down a little and you'll see you can enter the webpage, but for my trying it doesn't include images.
  14. Welcome back to the forums, yeah a lot have changed since Xisto times, the name and the design as I remember of these forums changed twice and both times for the better
  15. I fully agree, games are fun then you play them for entertainment or with the goal to finish it, some kind of a story or strategy, but those games which are designed for people to get addicted by growing their level and clicking and staying online as much as you can can really become a waste of time, especially those online facebook games from Zynga and similar, which is a total waste of time and money :DBut strategy games or games with good storyline and similar is just for entertainment and relaxation, the main thing just to not get addicted. There are not a lot of people who get addicted to reading books.
  16. Yes, I think I also dream in sequels, I remember some dreams where I was in action and I also remember dreaming after a year or more the same dream, but continued further So it really can happen, but I don't really think about it or care to much if it's a sequel, it's just interesting as I don't remember a lot of my dreams, because I start to think about other things once I wake up :DIn addition, I usually have repeating dreams, which is also funny as if you understand it, you can act a little bit differently, but that also happens quite rarely.
  17. Beautiful in Lithuanian language is pronounced "gražus" or "puikus" or "nuostabus", but it can't be a name and it doesn't mean anything more than beautiful, fine, good, nice, pretty and etc. there are a lot of synonyms for these words.
  18. To add more, I think that some blogs may act as forums, because a blog post can be the first post on a forum and the comments in that article can be like replies in a forum, depends on the design, but a forum in my opinion is like a better discussion about some topic.Also, articles can be categorized similar like a forum, just a forum has much more features than a simple Blog. So as I said and some of you said, I think both will be active in the future or maybe something better will emerge? :DA moderator can control the content of a forum where comments sometimes are useless, even though you can moderate comments too, but it's not the same as a reply.
  19. As most I think I would spend them talking with people about the good and bad? :]But I rather not know that I have 24 hours left to live ;[
  20. It would be good to make more money from that million, like start some kind of a business or something like that, to invest with minimal risk, because easy comes easy goes, if you buy a car, house and etc. fro that million, you will need money to keep that house and car :DEven though today it seems that million dollars isn't a lot at all, but for me it would be enough
  21. You mean a website like this: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ have a lot of pages? you can push Next next to see more swatches.Or you have a picture and want to create a pallete from it? when you could use:http://www.degraeve.com/color-palette/ also here are some firefox plugins you might be interesting in: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/palette-grabber/ https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/colorzilla/ https://www.sitepoint.com/firefox-add-ons-for-designers/
  22. Usually when you require a lot of power from your notebook and the temperature of CPU or motherboard or graphics card reaches some kind of critical point it just turns off, it's like a protection.Usually the temperature gets high if you use a lot of resources like watching a high definition movie or playing a game which requires a lot of resources, one of the methods to avoid is to vacuum clean your computer, because dust is really a good sweater for your CPU :DYou need to remove the dust with a vacuum cleaner or a vacuum cleaner which can blow air, just clean your computer from dust and your computer temperature will be cool. It happened to me several times and all you need is watch your computer temperature, usually once in a year or twice in a year to clean your notebook from dust is enough, depends how much dust you have in the place you work or play with your computer, but it really helps.When my laptop is not cleaned from dust, the temperatures can be 50-80 Celsius high, when I clean it, it is just 20-40, so dust is really a problem for your laptop. Usually it's just enough to vacuum clean your computer or blow air into it, but if it's not enough, you can open the keyboard to see more holes to vacuum clean o disassemble it from bottom, depends which kind of laptop you have.
  23. When I need to use a proxy, I usually use google translate with an url and english to english, but it's not an anonymous proxy, but for anonymousFor anonymous browsing somewhere I use hide my *bottom* which you can use too if it's not a blocked proxy: https://www.hidemyass.com/
  24. In my country and in my city which is the capital we only have one KFC as I know and several MC Donalds and more Hesburgers, but those fast food restaurants can't beat cheep pizzas and kebabs in my country as there are pizzerias and a kebab, french fries stores on a lot of corners :DI was in KFC once and it's not as cheap as a cheap pizza, but it's quite tasty and interesting chicken food
  25. I also like VirtualBox, even though it was bought by ORACLE, it still seems to work pretty well. It's good that it's free and VMWare is not free, you need to pay for it.I personally use VirtualBox on Windows 7, I run XP on it for testing purposes where you can do a lot of junk stuff and if you ruin something, I just use the backup of that XP to make it what it was in the beginning, I mean when I first installed XP on virtualbox as a separate OS, I did everything like I use it and made a backup and whenever I get a virus or ruin something, I just restore from that backup and it really useful, especially to not mess up my main Windows 7 installation.I also tried different operating systems with it, just to see how it works, from various Linux distros to Amiga like OS like AROS which can easily be run from VirtualBox :)The benefit of virtualization is that you don't need to dual boot! But of course you need a computer with good specifications to run it.Also, in another topic I've read a little about KVM which is as I understand is Kernel-based Virtual Machine and didn't really try it myself, but here is a link to wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel-based_Virtual_Machine if somebody is interesting.
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