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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I mainly use 7 zip file manager, it extracts everything I need and it's free, usually has no problems, at least I can't remember any, it can extract RAR archives, but it cannot compress files to RAR, because it's not available for free, but usually gzip or 7zip is better or almost the same as rar, so I don't really have any problems using it, it's interface is simple and lightweight, it's fast, I don't need any other archive software ;)Even though I used to use WinRAR to create RAR archives, but eventually I got pissed with the trial popup and I just don't create RAR archives anymore and that's the story
  2. I am using Microsoft Security Essentials for over a year now and it protected me from quite some problems, for FREE and for home users it's really great, if you don't execute the viruses yourself and know how to protect yourself at least by not opening emails with viruses It's ok, as it detects quite a lot of viruses and etc.For me, it's the best antivirus which is available for free, but at my workplace we used to use ESET NOD32 and ESET Smart Security, but for some time now a lot of whom needs to use Kaspersky, as I know because it's cheaper for our organization, but working people needs to use it and the admins of those computers can control their computers using Kaspersky features, but it's quite not cheap to use NOD32 or Kaspersky, NOD32 is good and light, Kaspersky is quite resource hungry.To conclude, Microsoft Security Essentials is really good for home users and because it's FREE! And it works, even though it's from Microsoft, I think they've understood that security of their OS is a priority thing, due to viruses globally make a lot of problems worldwide, when a lot of computers spreads the viruses.
  3. In your post you see your username in the left side, above your avatar, click on it and go to your profile by pushing "View Member Profile" and there you will be able to see your posts and topics, I think you'll find it, by pushing on POSTS and TOPICS.You also of course can do it with any member you want Not only with yourself.
  4. I wish there was an universal charger, not just for laptops, but for most devices, as I have lots of devices and for every device you have a charger, for a laptop, for several phones if they're different brand or models with different chargers, it's a pain to have all of them ;)Even a projector which can be charged has it's own charger, it would be much more convenient to have universal charges, maybe some time in the future? Even though for now it seems to be quite a problem, due to different standards and etc. Even TV seems to be universal and can automatically recognize a lot of things, but it doesn't always work, depending on the country.
  5. Well, I think Microsoft has plans with Skype, especially on smartphones and etc.But as it was said, if it will crash a lot, won't work as good as it does now or alternatives, if it will be not a free service, people will find other alternatives, even though Skype seems to be like Facebook, it has millions of users, even though other chat and video calling services are out there, there are plenty of social networks too, but with less number of users...It's a pain, when Skype does not work for a day I usually am connected with my colleagues with Skype at work, who sit in a different office.
  6. It's the first time I heard of Skydrive, maybe I've heard it before, but never really thought what it is, it's something like GMail drive, but as I know GMail drive is illegal.. But anyway, I didn't need this kind of services before, but for some time I am just using Dropbox, it's easy to use and I guess it works the same as Skydrive? Or am I wrong? https://www.dropbox.com/ I am using it and have almost 3 GB of space and it's free and I think I am using only half of it, it's really good and comfortable to use for files which you frequently use and modify, you don't need to have an USB key or something like that and bring it with you and copy/replace/create files whenever something changes and can work at work with those files, at home on one computer at home with the laptop and maybe even on your smartphone, as files will be synchronized and you will see the latest files everywhere, it's really convenient. Skydrive seems to offer much more, even 25 GB, but is it really the same as DropBox? Can anyone confirm me this as I don't really like to register with Microsoft services, even though I am using Skype, but Microsoft bought it I don't really want to use it anymore
  7. Well yes, it's best to not post in obvious SPAM topics and reply to SPAM posts, due to they are removed (including your posts) and you loose your MyCENTS, that's why you need to report a SPAM post, but not to reply to it, if you want to report it of course.Also, all the posts which are removed because it's useless or nonsense by moderators as I know you really loose the mycents you gathered, for example, you posted a post and copied the text from another source and didn't quote it, the moderator usually quotes it for you and gives you a warning of somekind, that way you loose your mycents from that post you got by copying and pasting, I can't really confirm, but maybe you even loose more than you got? Don't really know, I usually try to quote and give a link to the source of the text.
  8. Well, one the the weirdest thing I've eaten was green ketchup, it was so strange to eat it, it's taste was like ketchup, it's smell was like ketchup, but it was green I remember it was really strange to use it in my meal :DI usually don't eat dishes wish I don't really like, even though I never tasted them and don't know how they taste, like frog legs, snails and etc. I don't really want to eat that, it would also be strange for me, even though some of my friends said it's quite delicious :DFor example, I don't really understand how in Sweden as I remember they really like to eat rotten fish, it's a delicacy there? I would vomit/puke by seeing it, as I don't really like fish
  9. Well, in html4 you can use <b> <i> tags and etc. but I personally use xhtml for most of things and use the <strong> tag to make my html document, but still in the CSS file I just write what a strong tag means and how ti needs to show it, in xhtml as I know <b> tag is deprecated and not valid, but ion html5 it's a valid tag again, so you can use it without problems..the tags in HTML document displays your markup and use CSS how you want to display that html document, as it's much better to use <strong> and later in CSS classify the strong tag how you want it to be displayed in your layout rather than using <span class="bold"> or <div class="bold"> and in the CSS file .bold {font-weight:bold}
  10. I think here is a good link which might help you to write such programs in C++https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081012031554AApY0dO:)
  11. In my opinion, there always were natural disasters, you only live for lets say 20-40 years and say it seems that there are more and more activity, but I think that if you take a period of lets say 50 000 years, you would find some kind of a pattern. Sun activity is different and it's difference is not in a year or two, but much longer...For example, when dinosaurs lived millions of years ago and if you would appear there with a time machine, you would die, as oxygen consecration in the air was so small you would choke to death, as all the oxygen was used by animals and plants and there were lots of CO2 (much much more when Today) which is good for plants at day, but at night they use the same oxygen.For example, when Vikings ruled in Europe and in North sea spanning the late 8th to 11th centuries, the island which is now called Greenland was GREEN, I mean you could live there normally and not like Today, but it wasn't a problem then.Another factor that information Today is seconds away from you, something happens in the other side of the world, you know about it, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes always were there and will continue to be..Also, there are much more population Today, there is a reason people didn't live in places which is now being populated, due to people knew something can happen there. For example, I see a place, it's plains, nobody lives there and never lived, there were no city from ancient times, so as nothing happened here in the recent 25 years, I will build a new city, yes, a good place, but accidentally after another 25 years it's a flood which destroyed the city...If it wasn't for the new city and it would be simple plains with no population, you wouldn't call it a disaster, nature is like that, think of your self like you would be an ant and your life span as an ant is 90 days or 1 year, so 25 years for them is at least 50 generations and in 50 of our generations a lot can happen...I saw a documentary film about the Black sea in Europe, it used to be much smaller in ancient times, deep in the coast areas there are lots of evidence of people living, camps and tools and etc. Today everything is 100 meters and deeper under the sea, as I understood it could be due to the melting of the last ice age, more rivers flown...In conclusion, natural disasters are always there and you can't blame only people for it, like a lot of whom wants to TAX that and get income for nothing, but being environment friendly is always good, but seems a lot of people think like: "I don't care about what will happen after me, I will be dead"...
  12. Are you talking about Skunny Karts? 1993 game? It's sort of cartoon characters racing
  13. I finished Bachelor studies at university, I finished Engineering Informatics with a specialization of Information Technologies :)Currently am studying at the same university in my country, I hope I am going to get a Master's degree next year, I ma studying to become a master of Information Systems Software Engineering It's really quite interesting and quite hard, by finishing that kind of studies I will become an IS analytic, but of course it requires a lot of practice and maybe in 10 years I will become one
  14. The best diagrammer for me is the one I use and it's free and very convenient, with it it seems you can draw almost anything:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ programmed in Java and is very easy to use, with the properties you can almost do anything, as I need to draw lots of diagrammers, it's the best I found for free.For database diagramming and exporting it to sql for different DB systems I use Powerdesigner at my workplace, it costs a lot, but it's really good for drawing data models which you can transform to physical.
  15. If I would need to choose from the list, I like techminds
  16. Are you talking about Body Blows Galactic? I used to play it either https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_Blows_Galactic But it's an Amiga game as I remember, did it really work on Windows 3.1? or DOS? Amiga computer version http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Oh, you're right, I just found a DOS version, but it seems to be not as good as Amiga version, gfx and sound is a bit worse. Moreover, it seems that it's Body Blows and not Body Blows Galactic like I used to play in on an Amiga http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  17. Are you really sure that Wampserver starts the services normally and without errors? Maybe httpd server is offline or something? can you see: file info.php with code: <?phpphp_info();?> ? or it just shows text? maybe PHP is not loaded as a module for some reason? Because if you see html and not php then it means the httpd servers seems to work, but PHP doesn't work, or something? I think we need more information, look at wampserver logs for apahce, php and mysql.
  18. For me the best editor is PHP Designer 7, it used to be free, but now it's a commercial product, but it's quite cheap, especially for students, it has lots of fancy and useful features, it's quite easy to get used to it, but it's as I know works only Windows... You can read more about it and download a free trial here: http://www.mpsoftware.dk/phpdesigner.php Also, if searching for a free Editor, you can always use Notepad++ or Notepad2, both are free and light I recently found out about Programmer's Notepad, tried it and it's quite good, you can get it here: http://www.pnotepad.org/ Also, here is a good list of editors for PHP and HTML: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_PHP_editors Oh, I almost forgot, you can always use Eclipse for PHP, if you like Eclipse environment, even though it's best for Java, the PHP Eclipse IDE is quite good and best of all it's FREE! http://www.eclipse.org/pdt/ So, there are plenty of editors, but my favorite is PHP Designer, comparing features and prices, it's a real IDE for PHP, the other are more just text editors with some useful features and I don't really use WYSWYG editors
  19. I woke up Today and it's not the end of the world as it was on the news, I also was a skeptic about this story Here is the link to the guy who failed two times now to predict the end of the world, don't know, maybe I could get famous if I told that the end of the world will be on august 21? or something http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold_Camping So it's another beautiful day for me, as it's already 21 May
  20. I am not really planning to buy any games yet, as not waiting for any, I remember I really waited for Starcraft 2 to be released :DBut anyway, here is a good list of upcoming games:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_video_games_in_developmentThat list includes Diablo III and I think a lot of gamers around the world are waiting for DIABLO III
  21. Well, I think that the best games of 2010 could include:1) Sid Mayer's Civilization 52) Dead Rising 23) Split Second4) Medal of Honorand of course, the game everyone waited for!4) Starcraft 2 - Wings of Liberty
  22. I think one of the main things is to make that people would like to be coming back to the site, to have an addiction or something, that they would want to come back and maybe even better if they would advertise it to their friends and etc. because it's useful for them?So if it's an Internet shop, you need to sell something good and with an appropriate price, if it's a game, you need to make it interesting that it wouldn't get boring, if it's a Blog, the content should be interested and etc. That the customer/user would remember the site and would like to come back for more.
  23. I agree! I hate those captcha'as which even people can't read, but it's good that usually most of them can be refreshed until it's readable and all the content doesn't need to be refreshed.. Most of captchas nowadays accept lowercase symbols and uppercase, I mean they don't care which case you use, usually it's just in the code: $input = strtolower($input); They always make it lowercase or uppercase, depends on the code. But if it requires the right case, then THAT CAPTCHA is even more annoying!
  24. Well, here are my results: at a server in my country (Lithuania): at a server in Europe (Berlin): at a server in USA (Baltimore): As a lot of websites I am interested are stored in USA data centers, this is the speed I usually browse, but sites and etc. which are stored closer to my country, like Europe, the speed is quite good and if sharing something in my country, it's really fast I only pay 20$ USD a month for the connection, even though, by what they tell me, I suppose to have more speed
  25. I played Freeciv a lot and sometimes still do, it's best to play with human players than AI, even though it's quite hard as most of have one tactic, to build more cities and build settlers and research the republic, then research steam engine and whenever you get ironclad, you stop researching, make tax 90% 10% luxury (depends) and build ironclads with some transporter and horsemen and WAR! You don't need to build anything, except settlers in the beginning, oh yea, you need to build barracks for units to be veterans..Playing with AI or with newbies, you can always choose a different tactic though..It's the first time I hear about C-Evo, I played Freecol and play Freeciv, but never tried C-Evo, it seems that C-Evo has a good AI, but it's later release is 2008, where Freeciv last updated 2011 Feb as it's an active community and it's available on a lot of platforms, including Amiga.To add, I used to play colonization and Freecol looks promising http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freecol
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