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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I think it's quite alright to hibernate, the only bad thing about it might be that hibernation takes extra hard disk space, but with such big hard drives todays I think it's not really a big issue..I usually put my computer to sleep, but it's not the same as hibernation, on hibernation the computer is turned off, while sleeping, some parts of computer/laptop is on. I tried to see how long my laptop can sleep from a 100% battery, it took 48 hours to use all the battery, while on hibernation it the same as turned off..So I suggest, when you need to go somewhere for a minute or at most 1 hour, you can sleep? and wake the laptop, but if you need to go somewhere over an hour, hibernation is quite good, just that if you always hibernate and will use your computer without a full restart or full shutdown, it might start acting weird, well you know Windows? :DSometimes a laptop can wake from hibernation with errors or something like that and you will still need to restart, but that depends on your OS configuration and maybe the laptop it self, drivers and etc. Same with sleep, sometimes my desktop doesn't work after waking up, I need to restart, maybe some part of a computer didn't wake up properly or something like that? :)To tell the truth, hibernation is the same turning off, just that it loads a saved image of your desktop. I suggest to try avoid turning your computer off and on to many times a day, that's why I use sleep, but it's the same case, it's best to turn on your computer work with it for hours and turn off your computer for hours, but if you buy new computer every 1-3 years, it doesn't matter, in my humble opinion ;D
  2. Well, a lot of whom, especially younger people usually smoke regular cigarettes, because of the smoke? So Electric-cigarettes for most of people today is just like a toy I guess.Some smoke quite rarely, but they like taste, so they buy and smoke more expensive cigarettes with some kind of flavor which might be quite sweet for other people who may smell it.I personally hate the smell of regular cigarettes Today, I think simple cigarettes were much better 11 years ago, now most of them stink like burning trash I wonder what kind of "tobacco" they're using in those high factories to produce them, but I guess a lot of depends on materials and company and price.The first post link doesn't work, so I can give a link to wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_cigarette
  3. Nice review, quite simple and informative.Even though I am not a gamer anymore, I used to play a lot with PS1 and a little bit with PS2 with my friends, never even touched a PS3 myself, but seems like PS4 might be something good.So as I understood, those pictures are only imaginary? As I did a google search for images for Sony PS4, I found quite a lot of interesting images
  4. Ar you talking about Xisto? Where you can order your services and etc? I think you can do all that by using Xisto - Support service, you just need to login? https://support.xisto.com/index.php
  5. Welcome to Xisto forums, enjoy your stay here :)We hope you'll enjoy our community ;]
  6. I watched all the James bond movies from 1962 to 1989..The first ones were really good, I liked all the movies with Sean Connery, except the last one with him, I think it was diamonds are forever, no doubt that he was to old at that time for that movie, but still, you need to see it! If you like James Bond.Roger Moore as James Bond was also a really great actor.As I remember I also started watching GoldenEye, but never finished it and I don't think I saw any James Bond movies anymore, nor with Daniel Craig, nor with Pierce Brosnan as James Bond.Moreover, it's quite fun to watch other movies, which are influenced by James Bond!Just found a quite nice wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Bond
  7. You're right, for getting more MyCents, it's best to post on both forums, but you need to use the same email, that the system could recognize you, that you're the same person.. And form this forum you will get paid every 100 MyCents and from Xisto (used to be Xisto) forums you'll get paid every 100 MyCents there, but you won't get paid if you have 50 MyCENTS here and 50 MyCENTS there
  8. I can say that storing energy to a BATTERY is very expensive and it's ROI (Return of Investment) is negative or very small, unless maybe for personal use? But still it's expensive, it depends what you want to to, having a backup? How long it will the battery satisfy you with energy? It's much cheaper to have diesel generator as a backup, more efficient.As I said, it's very expensive to store energy to batteries, it's BEST to put the energy directly to power lines/grids for usage and finding a solution to do it quite cheaply using solar energy maybe is coming quite soon?Nevertheless, it's still a problem in winter for countries with lower temperatures, for example in my country in winter, having a solar collector when usually temperature is between -20 and +2 Celsius and it's often cloudy, such solar collector can give me only ~27 Celsius of heat at my house, so I can use it's heat for lets say floor heating, but not for creating hot water from cold water like I could easily do it at summer time.So at winter I need to use gas or firewood, coal to get hot water and heat.. But it really is good for countries and places without winter as the night time doesn't really matter, due to the hot water is in thermos bottle like storage and it will continue to be hot until morning and you can always use electricity to heat your water if it's very cloudy for several days and you don't get enough heat from your collector.Furthermore, as I know creating electricity from the collector by converting it, it's quite inefficient..
  9. Welcome to the forums, not a lot of new members lately, as I noticed. So it's always good to see somebody new here
  10. I also remember those times with balls , now when I remembered, I really think it was a pain to use it, after I got my first optical mouse, I felt so much better :DNow I have a quite simple laser cordless mouse, which is good, but sometimes I hate that cordless mouse, due to the batteries need to be recharged once a month, sometimes once 2-3 months, depends on the usage and because it's without wires, it usually falls from my desk board on the ground, I remember having optical mouse with a wire, it usually just hang on the table, due to the wire
  11. Quatrux

    Header Error

    Another solution is to start using output buffering, which will send the produced output only the php script stops executing or when you tell it to do it.All you need is to use ob_start() function: http://de1.php.net/manual-lookup.php?pattern=ob_startWithโŒฉ=en&scope=404quickref the combination of ob_* functions, you can make a lot of things quite easily, it lets you control your content and you can start using GZip as a handler for output buffering, but to use it right, I would suggest to read a little bit on this subject - PHP output buffering.
  12. These laws are really funny, but sometimes even very funny laws mean something, it's not always that politics are just idiots, but they are there with a reason to control or stop something? Usually they are stupid, if you ask me, but for example, the law which doesn't let more than 5 woman to live in a house in Ohio I guess is due to stopping that house being a "motel" or "brothel" or how you call it in USA? :DA house becomes a Brothel when more than 5 women live there? maybe it's logical a hotel where for a fee you can girls..
  13. Why would you want to use .plm extension to run php code and not .php? Is there a big difference? One way you could do it is by using mod rewrite and just have an extension in the string you want to, but if you want to execute real files with php, you can easily do it with appending apache conf file, I think it's httpd.conf or you can use .htaccess file and use this line of code: AddType application/x-httpd-php .plm So apache will treat your files having .plm extension as php files.
  14. I also think that solar power could be used much more, even though currently there are quite some problems with it you can find, but I would like to see solar power producing heat, I mean it could make us heat at home, especially for people who live in north side of the world and every winter has snow, it's quite good to use solar power for producing heat, you don't need to convert anything.At summer time, the heat also could be used only for making hot water at your house or other living quarters? Because now, usually hot water is produced by burning gas or oil.Also, why not use solar energy to charge our electrical devices? If I have some solar cells somewhere and some converter I just turn it on, plug my device somewhere and my laptop is charging or any other device, or the device which is used to charge AA batteries could just be charging them using solar energy and I wouldn't require to plug it into my electricity rosette and so on..Due to solar energy fails and gets expensive if you want to store and use energy from the cells as electricity, a better alternative is to use the solar energy heat for heat or to run a generator using water and water vapor same as almost any power plant these days, but what about night time? I read that salty water stays quite hot through the night time to work, but I think it's only a matter of time when methods to use solar energy with good efficiency will be available.
  15. Another way to do it, even though it usually is a less smooth way is to make one string. The rewrite rule could look something like this: <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?mygetkey=$1 [QSA,L]</IfModule> and you would have nice clean URL, but in PHP you could access the string through $_GET['mygetkey']; which would have all the line, for example 'home/category/article/id' but in this case you would need to get your parameters yourself, usually I just create a navigation class which makes everything simple on later usage. Mod rewrite is really powerful, there are plenty ways to do things, just you need to find the solution you need.
  16. In fact those advices gave me quite a big laugh, especially the third one :DI understood those advices as some kind of sense of humor, but I liked it, some of those advices are quite "true" as it's been told :PI could add a real advice, going to the bathhouse or maybe it's called sauna in English, which is quite healthy, it's good to sweat and have some exercise too, like jogging.
  17. Why not start drinking green tea? I really like it and for several years I avoid coke, sprite and other such drinks as I don't find anything good in those, but simple green tea is my drink. If I can't get some green tea, I can just drink water or mineral water :DThe bad thing being a student I guess is time, it's much easier to eat all that fast food and SEMI-food which is quite easy to produce, but sometimes students can't refuse it or just doesn't have the time to make something better.
  18. As I know, Hydrogen Powered cars are powerful, the thing with them is that these kind of cars can explode with a big bum! and the main thing is to make them stable?On youtube, you can search for Hydrogen Powered, Water Powered, Salt Water powered cars and similar, there are plenty of stuff, even though there could be scam videos put by someone too..But as you said, who controls oil, doesn't really want to loose profit.. As I read, Sweden from 2020 has a vision to use these kind of cars and replace gas or fuel.
  19. to Pyost,Yes, it seems that talking about JavaScript being turned off isn't a problem anymore, but for example, why are NoScript addons or widgets so popular? Do people really use them, I mean, what do people see in a website where the browser doesn't execute JavaScript? :PMost sites are so dynamic, that you can't navigate without javascript through the site, even though some sites might work. I agree that the best design is when your site can work with javascript and without javascript it could be usable, you could still see the things you need to use it. :PGalleria is a script and has a lightbox theme, which can be used, I can't remember why I preferred it over lightbox.
  20. Well, current OpenOffice and Microsoft Office versions can save as PDF files, also, you can print any file to PDF using tools like PrimoPDF, you can get it here: http://www.primopdf.com/ If you can print a document with a software, you can print to PDF, as PrimoPDF acts like a printer, but it outputs you a file, it's a Windows versions software, but I bet there are plenty such of type of software which can output a PDF from a print on Linux and Apple.
  21. I used to use NOD32 for a lot of years and it was good for me, it's light and simple..The free solutions which I also tried are AVG, Avast and Avira, it's usually what I just recommend for people/friends, but personally if it's possible I always say that it's quite good to use Microsoft Security Essentials, which as I said before is not in the list.The new version released previous month seems to be better by the reviews, even though I noticed that my system started working a little bit slower, or maybe it's just me or something else that I installed, I am talking about Microsoft Security Essentials. What is good about it, is that it's free for home users who has valid Windows versions and it's light and seems to be working well..At my workplace we use Kaspersky license, but when scanning it really like to use your computer resources and it slows down the system, even though it seems it's the only good solution for big organizations, as Microsoft Security essentials is only good for home users
  22. If I understood correctly what you want, then there are a lot of such scripts, especially using jquery, one them you can try is: "Galleria รข A JavaScript gallery for the Fastidious" You can find it here: https://galleria.io/ Or you can use any you like from this resource, it has a lot of good galleries with examples http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It's not only a gallery, but as a script it can be used on your website images and by it I mean that most of those solutions
  23. To add my two cents,For a lot of people it's quite expensive to buy software, music and movies, as it's really expensive for most people. For enterprise it's cheap, but for example, for teenagers it's a different call. It's quite a big problem and needs to be solved differently, now they just seem to hunt you, give you a fine which sometimes are so huge that I doubt you can ever pay and most people have zero income from using pirated material..Moreover, it usually gives me a laugh how companies count their lost profit for lets say downloaded music, that some album was download 25 000 times, so they lost $250 000, but I think that over 90% wouldn't even buy those albums, same with movies. People won't go to cinema more frequently, as usually most of people go to cinema, who once or twice download a movie from the Internet, but of course a lot of different situations can be in different countries.If it would be impossible to download everything pirated, then I guess a CD or DVD would cost less than $1, then maybe something would change, but their current costs include the expenses, they now the market, they know how much will buy, they give a price and sometimes a software package cost more than all the hardware.Looking at TV, people who make movies, create POP music for which usually these things start as underground music doesn't really care to much about piracy, those people are rich and they don't care as intermediary is who wants money for doing nothing.
  24. Addon domain can use DNS nameservers, it's not a redirect, but you can manage redirect , but there's no point of using it, as that domain will redirect to some other place whenever you enter it, it could be done for temporary purposes, as I know it only adds a htaccess file to where ever it's parked.So there's no difference between parking and using addon domain, except that for most things addon domain has much more capabilities.I think that most of sites aren't hosted directly on the IP address these days, they are managed by DNS, if you can call it that..
  25. For years I am using Opera browser and am quite happy with it. It's my main browser, where I have a lot of opened tabs, but as I usually write everywhere I use Google chrome as my default browser, to open links from IRC or Skype and other programs, so I wouldn't have a lot of trash in Opera and for just viewing the content Chrome seems to be good.I need to use IE at my work too, for sites which only works with IE, but it's not a problem for me, as I don't browse with it but use the program required, so I don't really care how the content is displayed there.
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