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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I have used Buzz for several days just to know how it works, but after a while I removed it as I wanted my email to be my email, even though it also use the messenger in gmail to talk to people who are online in google messenger :unsure:so for me the closing of Buzz is not a loss, but as it was said, for people who used to use buzz, it's a pity
  2. Welcome to the forums, nice to see new members
  3. Yes, through CPanel you can not use the email service like it could be used years ago, but instead you can use google apps to have the email service on Xisto from which you can have the email, at first it may look tough to start using it, but when you know what google apps can do on your domain as an email service for FREE, then it's really better than simple CPanel email service.The problem I've got, is that I used to use email with CPanel, when it has disappeared and the email I used to isn't accessible from CPanel, but it is active and I see that it is using more space every year, so I guess it's spam posts ;)I submitted a ticket for it, but later I forgot about it myself and didn't reply with the required information ;)So use Google Apps for your email on Xisto.
  4. I will add an image from last.fm service, which will show what I am currently listening too, but I only use it at home or somewhere else in my laptop, at work I don't use the plugin, but I don't listen so much to music anyway and also it does not include what I am listening on my Walkman or in the car quite a nice service, I like it very much to use it.
  5. I've heard that people tend to buy XBox due to PS3 is using blue ray disks which is much harder to pirate or something like that.
  6. I am using Windows XP and it can be installed quite easy, in my opinion Windows 7 installation is even more easy, you usually don't even need to worry about drivers as it has a lot of drivers to offer and usually it offers the right driver for you and with your permission it can update them.But it depends on the computer, XP windows can also offer a lot of drivers and can also update them through windows update, but usually it can be dangerous and it can ruin your windows environment :)I use XP at work and 7 at home
  7. Quatrux

    7zip Or Rar?

    Here is some info from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAR If you really can create RAR archive on Linux, then maybe the author gave permission, but I never really knew you could do it. Maybe you said, you can unRAR on Linux? For fre you can unRAR on windows too, with the same 7zip.
  8. Quatrux

    hi, there

    Hello David,Welcome to the forums
  9. I remember years ago Safari for Windows used to use MacOS style on Windows and it was really slow and looked horrible as a Win app, but later they've made it look more attractive for windows users, it got a bit better, but still it's not as fast compared to other browsers, but elegant
  10. Quite a nice list of web design tools, on firefox I also have the web developer addon, I can say that I have Firefox installed not only for web design testing, but for web developer addon too, I am quite used to it to check things out with, it's very useful. I also used to use User-agent switcher too, now I don't really care about those things, as usually I have all that done, what depends from browser side. Even though a lot of who use Firebug addon, I don't really use it. Maybe due to I use Opera and it has it's own developer/debug tool called Dragonfly. http://www.opera.com/dragonfly/ I think it's a matter who to what you're used to and what is enough for you. For FTP I use Filezilla too for a lot of years now and in my opinion it's the best what you can get for free Even though I've tried using addons through Firefox to use it as an ftp client, even an irc client I've used GIMP and stil use it sometimes, but in university in master studies, we had a a smester of Photoshop and when I've tried it by doing things I needed to, I've really liked it, I've claimed a copy as a student for free and sometimes play with it, it's really more powerful than GIMP. Nevertheless, I don't really do a lot with graphics anyway. Never tried any other tools from the list I didn't mention.
  11. I think bill gates is more known to the world, as not everybody knows who is Steve Jobs, but usually everyone knows who is bill gates, even though his name is not so active anymore. :unsure:Steve Jobs maybe is much more known in USA.
  12. I have installed Safari on Windows, but I don't really use it, I prefer Opera and Chrome over it, Safari for me personally seems to work slower, the gui itself, maybe if I had a mac and would use it frequently on macos then maybe I would use it more on windows too, because I would be used to it :unsure:I only use Safari for testing purposes, but it's results of working is similar to Chrome as they use the same engine? Or they don't anymore? Didn't really read about it, but the last news I know, Chrome is using Webkit which is also used by Safari.
  13. I remember we were able to edit our posts whenever we wanted, but that's in my opinion isn't very good, as you can remove them later or add something different :unsure:It used to be a short period of time you could edit a post, but as I know it's now ~10 minutes, you can edit your post after publishing it and if you made some mistakes, you have at least 10 minutes to fix them. At first it was quite hard to adopt, but with time I think most of us god used to it, you can always preview your post or reply to see how it looks and when you know you have 10 minutes to fix it, you do it and don't go from your computer to get a snack and come back to fix it
  14. Quatrux

    7zip Or Rar?

    I would use 7zip instead of RAR, because it's freeware, and RAR isn't free as I know, you can install 7zip and only unpack rar files, but not pack them using RAR.Also, to answer another question, it's also good to archive your files in your computer if you don't use them, for example if you have a directory which is 10-500 MB and you have lots of stuff there, lots of files, all of them together take up much more space in your hard drive than lets say one TAR file...I usually make old folders or other directories to TAR archives, TAR doesn't compress so it's really fast to open it and find what you need, if you need one or two files from it.Furthermore, you win not only space, but fragmentation is less a problem too, even though it depends how you use that file, but I wanted to say, that archiving files is not only beneficial for sending it or storing for others to download it, even though when hard drives are so big Today, it doesn't really matter anymore to save several megabytes
  15. Do you know which sound card you have? Maybe Realtek Audio driver doesn't support and is not the right driver for your hardware? Check which sound card you through linux or here is a good link: http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000503.htm Even though this method might not work if the driver is not installed correctly.
  16. What I've heard about SliTaz is that it can run quite well on very old computers, it's like an OS for people having very old computers, even though it's also amazing that it's so small in size, only 30 MB More on Wikipedia about SliTaz: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SliTaz
  17. It's really easy to use a jQuery plugin, if it's a well written one, as it was said, you need to download it, exctract the archive to the js/ folder, for example: mysite/js/jqueryplugin/ and in your html you should include it with the script tag: <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jqueryplugin/plugin.js"></script> Also, if it has css files, you need to include them too, just include the right path: <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="js/jqueryplugin/css/style.css" /> Where it will be stored, you decide, the main thing that the path would be reachable, once everything included you can use the plugin like any javascript code, usually a plugin is a class with it's own methods which you use or a function with parameters.
  18. I personally usually leave it expanded, as I am using a quite wide screen and when it's collapsed, the forum seems to be very big and it's quite hard to read for me as you need to move the head :unsure:That's the reason I leave it expanded, as the forum gets a bit smaller and it's easier to read the text, the posts are more to the right to read and I can read the posts without moving my head ;)With smaller resolutions and smaller screens, I think it would be better to collapse it, but not by default, but by user setting, to store it in a DB.
  19. Heh, nice idea to make something from thing like that ;)So you say that it's impossible to move it with any other equipment? Isn't it worth it to hang over the metal it has for money? It's weight is over 1 ton You could get some money, even though I don't know the prices of metal in your country :DNevertheless, it looks nice with decorations too, very original
  20. As I understand, by default when you install a nginx server, you get a file index.html by default which says Welcome to nginx ;DAnd as on apache by default, if you put index.php file in the same folder, you still see index.html and Welcome to Nginx page as it has higher priority?Don't know about Nginx (Engine X) and 404 or other error pages, but I've just read that even facebook had a glitch which displayed this
  21. Nginx is a webserver which seems to be much better than apache if we compare performance, it seems that Nginx is used by companies like Wordpress, I've read that if you have lots of requests in a seocnd to some kind oif application on your server, Nginx performs much better than apache web server, so I guess you just see it's default pages, before tha you saw default apache pages, now you see some kind of Nginx pages?
  22. I tried and it doesn't seem to be working for Windows 7 version of minesweeper, maybe it has a new trick, but it seems that the new version has this cheat removed from the game
  23. I can add that you need to change the auto increment value only when you finished testing your working software and when you make it public, forget the primary key values, it's not for you, it's for the database, don't care about it, if you want ordered numbers or something like that, you can add an extra column and use it, leave the primary keys, foreign keys alone after the software has gone public, just remember to reset it after your tests, or unit test or etc. before making it public by truncating the database and making the application available for everyone, it's an unique row number and it's a bad practice to make nr. 5 to nr. 2 as it looses it's unique value, why people worry about it? Who cares if the primary key is 451 5489416 154983 15496 or 1 2 3 4, it doesn't make any difference the the application if you code well.
  24. Wordpress works on Xisto, all you need is a mysql database, just upload the files to your ftp, install it and whola! And use the wordpress panel and sometimes ftp or file manager to edit it...Moreover, you need to update wordpress by uploading new files to the same directory, but if you've made modifications to original files, you need to look after them, I usually check the files which were modified by me.
  25. I would like that there would be one universal language which all the people could understand and you can always learn two more languages for other purposes, it would be easy to talk to each other in different countries :DPeople can always learn their mother-tongue and a universal language and one extra language, it's not so hard to know 3 languages, but learning more than 3 languages becomes harder and I doubt everybody could do it, besides I agree that we can't speak the same in all the planet, even if we could, by distance we would differ, even though when distance these days is not as far as it used to be, you can always talk to somebody with a video and audio if you have an Internet connection and in a day you can fly to other side of the planet, if you have enough money :DStill, different languages are good, but one universal wouldn't be bad, English language has become one of the leading languages, I can't imagine programming in any other language than English, unless naming variables and classes and namespaces or structures or etc. in your own language, but that would be a nightmare for somebody else who doesn't know that language
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