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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I disagree. Although Lumia 900 looks nice, but it lacks ability to customize your environment (Windows Phone is such a pain in the *bottom*), hardware keyboard, storage not extendable, no mass storage mode, hard to get media files into Lumia 900, etc. It doesn't even stand up to very old by todays standard Nokia N900. The screen is bigger, yes, but resolution is the same and touch accuracy is worse (capacitive on Lumia and excellent resistive touch screen on N900).I have now second phone - developer Nokia N950. Although it runs Maemo 6 (or Meego Harmattan, if you prefer) and can tell you that capacitive screen is not useful for touching small objects on web pages. You have to constantly zoom in and out.I might write review of N950, if I can get around to it, as it has superior hardware keyboard, camera to N900, but still, N900 is my main workhorse phone and I hope it doesn't break anytime soon ;]
  2. If you like science fiction added to it, then The Thing (1982) directed by John Carpenter. It is one of the best horror movies!
  3. Note, when you enable PAE, memory operations are going to be a little slower. Also, there is no guarantee, that this will work, especially on Intel chipsets or CPUs or certain BIOS. They have many revisions of chipset/CPU combos where > 4GB is not supported in 32bit mode. On other note, if you have capable hardware, it is better to use Windows7, because it is really more secure than Windows XP with process memory allocation randomization, sandboxes, stack protection, security fixes and allows you to actually use unprivileged user for everyday operations.
  4. I don't have a deep knowledge of how it is in India, but from here it looks like that "fixed marriage" is the culprit of your problem. Family is a sacrifice from woman and man. Family is something created by both adults and it is their choice to do so. Women, of course, have bigger burden (pregnancy, child birth, post-birth time), but it is also a man who keeps everything together. Respect have to go from both sides. It is easier to come to agreement on certain conditions, when it is the case. Children grow not only when woman is at home ;]
  5. In the age of "electronic" money, it might be easier to fake it with other means (various card operations, bank transactions), than to create/use a manufacturing process for paper money.It is illegal and in long term it is better to enhance your knowledge in high value things and open up a business than to steal and get few small injections of money.
  6. Quatrux


    On the other hand all debts are fictional, because money is largely fictional too. Yes, people and governments agreed to use useless paper as a mean to exchange work/products, but in the end, when money will fail, something else will replace it.Just look at the not far history and see how much currency changes, how many countries have defaulted on their debts (Russia, Argentina, etc). External market recovers, because internal market recovers. If you haven't destroyed your land, you can always grow crops, have domestic animals, someone will have to build means of transportation, tools, etc and etc.Of course where is big money, there is political power and control, which won't easily allow you to "escape". Just look at current situation in European Union. On one side you have strong economy (or economies, it depends on your point of view), o n other side you have governments which have cheated and created easy life based on loans. The stronger economy (Germany in this case) has to keep investing/pouring money onto cheaters (Greece in this case), because they want their earlier loans back and put pressure to regulate their finances. This causes political struggle in Greece and rise to power can be done by other politicians that promise better/good liveliness, which in reality can't be supported without more loans. Germany can't let them go, because in the end they might fall too because of this. It would cause a chain reaction for whole south Europe. After Greece it would come time for Spain. Portugal, Italy (they have huge debts), then France and in the end Germany, Scandinavian countries and you can wave good bye to Euro ;]If people are sensible, there will be no war, but then again, you can never tell... As history showed us, everything will repeat once again.What I wanted to tell, is that in the bigger scheme of things, none of this debt business matter.
  7. Nice to hear that, in fact I got myCents update two times in these days, so everything seems to be smooth and working :)Keep up the good work
  8. I had dreams where I could speak or hear in different languages which I know, but usually it's in my mother tongue and as I understand I rarely speak in dreams, usually it's all in the mind, you speak without opening your mouth :DAlso, I remember I had crazy dreams where I could speak/understand languages I never heard and which doesn't even exist, some kind of quack sounds
  9. Yes, but still people are needed to run and take care of all that equipment, it's not like you won't need engineers anymore if the system is working, but calibrating the system and managing it requires quite a lot of personal, just maybe less labor, but anyway, these kind of people who take care of those so called robots usually needs bigger wages/salary than simple workers and you need to constantly update your robots to run your business and all that is resources which isn't unlimited.
  10. I just noticed this, that I posted some posts and it said that they need to be approved by moderators and now I can't know if it was approved or not? Is there any place or a box where I can view those messages and see if they were approved or not? As it's quite strange to wait and remember those topics, the process could be faster though.
  11. I can't really remember if in a dream I saw myself in a mirror, I guess I did, but in most cases I was different and only when I understand that it can't be real and I am dreaming and I try to make something cool in a dream, but as always I don't have a lot of time and I wakeup :DI usually see myself as as third person rather than in a mirror I guess, as I have quite long hair, I saw myself in a dream without hair and so on, with beard even
  12. Artificial intelligence always was an interesting subject, even though all the current artificial intelligence isn't really artificial intelligence, it's just a simple program, there's currently no computer which could work like a brain, a brain can work in parallel of million of neurons, what we have Today is dual core CPU's or Quad core, when we will have CPUs which could emulate the patterns of brain activity, than maybe we could talk about artificial intelligence For now it's only a program full of predicates, usually a knowledge base and rules, which comparing to our brain is really slow on current technology.But from a programmer perspective, having the technology, I think it's possible to program a lot and an artificial intelligence might be smarter than current humans, but as we all know, we don't use all the power of our brain, so I guess we will always be "smarter" than a computer, you can't rely on a computer decision, but if it has all the knowledge gather, it can help you make a decision, most of doctors Today use different expert systems to make their job easier for any average doctor to make a conclusion much easier.So, a computer can be programmed in a way to learn and make decisions, a computer can recognize images, sounds and objects and even smells or taste, but quite primitive, as I know only humans have real intelligence, a bug or a beattle for example has no intelligence, if we talk about real intelligence, but I think a program can be made which could act as a bug or a fish and live, as it's also quite primitive, but you would need to have the knowledge base and rules for it.One of the harder things to implement isn't instincts, as it's quite easy, but the hardest thing and most powerful thing a human has is intuition/presentiment/feeling, lets say when a computer plays chess, it scans all possible moves and uses some kind of rules to not scan all possibilities, a human can sometimes rely on intuition and in most cases he will be right, but that requires knowledge.Also, on this subject, can a computer feeling be the same as human? If programmers wrote a program which is a model of love and happiness, is that computer programmed happiness the same as real happiness? Most would say no, but practically a person is also a program, just really a good one, with one of the best nature algorithms which is looping since the beginning of time and our algorithms of computers are just spinning since the year ~1950, but we have a lot of knowledge, that is why I also think that intuition can be programmed, but it will really be a one hell of a program :DNevertheless, a computer can't have a soul.In addition, I saw some sci-fi movies, where a subject like: can a computer/robot be in love with a human? or can a human love an intelligent robot? The future may tell, but I guess it can, due to Today some people can love a lot of strange things So why not a robot...
  13. My first mobile phone was a SAGEM of somekind, I think it was an Sagem mc912, it was really not a very good phone, but simple.. After some time I got a Nokia 3310 which in my opinion was one of the better phones off all times, because it practically had no problems, no bugs, at least the one I was using and the ones most of my friends had. Sagem mc912: Nokia 3310:
  14. I agree, having the feature to use JSP would be quite good, I only work a little bit with JSP at my workplace as we have some things done with it, even though sometimes I like PHP much more with somekind of a framework, like CakePHP or Zend, it's more made for Web, even isn't very consistent, as it seems PHP has a lot of everything and doesn't have one path how to create evrything, but what do you want, it's open source and free top use
  15. I agree, as for some time I am using Control panel of Windows 7 and XP, and it seems that they're quite similar, but on Windows 7 some things seems to be much easier, but the control panel is quite complex, you can get lost there, in XP it's much more in place. So to conclude, XP control panel navigation is a bit simpler, I think that on Windows 7 the control panel could also be a little more user friendly, as from one place you can go to another from which you can go to the same place, but sometimes when you want to go to a specific option, you need to navigate to find it, even though the better solution is not to navigate at all, but use the Windows 7 feature to use the search box, you'll find everything you need fast in the control panel with the search item, but you need to know what you're searching for
  16. When I installed Firefox some time ago, can't remember which version, it was strange for me that it had a top left corner icon to open the menu like Opera, as I am not firefox user, but seems that all browsers tries to use the best practices or something like that.
  17. I don't see in this topic a suggestion for CodeLobster PHP Edition, I found out about it in some other topic on these forums, so I tried it and it's quite a good alternative for FREE, even though I am using PHP Designer, but CodeLobster PHP Edition has some really neat things I liked about it.Here is a link to it: http://www.codelobster.com/css_editing.html
  18. I am using regex whenever possible in PHP with preg_match and preg_replace functions to test things depending on a pattern. In university I had a class for one semester which included regular expressions, but it had more theory than practice, but at least I learned the purpose of it and where it's widely used, the technology itself is really powerful and PERL strings with regular expressions as I know is one of the best implementation. Anyway whenever you need to test user data or play with strings, usually regular expressions saves a lot of coding rather than using a lot of string functions, you can check with a regular expression if it's an url, email and a lot more, it really can almost do anything what any programming language can do. Here are some examples: // Trim text, same as trim($string) I guess;$string = preg_replace('/^\s+|\s+$/u', '', $string );// Trim empty lines, before that normalize newlines to \n$string = preg_replace('/[ ]+\n/u', "\n", preg_replace('/(\r\n)|(\r)/u', "\n", $string ) );// Normalize new lines, replace 3 and more newlines to two newlines$string = preg_replace('/\n{3,}/u', "\n\n", $string );// Normalize spaces, replace 2 and more spaces to one space character$string = preg_replace('/[ ]{2,}/u', ' ', $string );// Check name of somekind, \pL and \u let you use all letters, even chinesse and arabic alhpabets, \i means case insensitiveif ( !preg_match("/^[\da-z \-\.\pL]+$/iu", $_POST['contact_name'] )){echo 'Name like that is not allowed! You can use A-Za-z or any other unicode character, all digits and a space, minus (-) , dot (.)';}// Check emailif ( !preg_match("/^([a-z0-9._-\pL](\+[a-z0-9\pL])*)+@[a-z0-9.-\pL]+\.[a-z\pL]{2,6}$/iu", $email )){echo 'Not a valid email!';}// Check url, can be http or https or ftpif ( !preg_match('@((ht|f)tps?://([-\w\.]+)+(:\d+)?(/([\w/_\.]*(\?\S+)?)?)?)@', $url )){echo 'Please enter a valid website address';} Regular expressions are really powerful, they can be much more complex and you can even use a callback function with the function preg_replace_callback() which lets you on every pattern match execute your custom or existing function for that match found. The first time I saw regular expressions, it seemed really strange and something I will never learn, but once you get a hang of them, they're very useful, even in Oracle database you can use REGEX as of version 10g as I remember for your SQL statements In addition I can say, that don't overuse regular expressions, even though their powerful, but they are slower, even though if you don't have thousands of requests per second, it usually won't be a problem, but still, use it when necessary. By the way, it's best to write your regular expression on a regular expressions engine which can show you results of the matches, there are plenty of them online, for example: http://www.pagecolumn.com/tool/pregtest.htm http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ;]
  19. Who would have thought that it will become so easy and comfortable? I remember when I was a kid and in movies some people could talk through phone and see their faces, it was like, duuhh, impossible, now everyone can do it easilly with Skype or any other tool and a web camera, even in a street or in a bus station with a smart phone if it has a connection I guess later, we will have printers, 3D printers with which we will be able to print anything, we will need to buy materials, download a 3D plan of something, like sneakers and print them out with a 3D printer and whola, new sneakers, you won't even need businesses from which to buy those sneakers, Today I can say: duh that's impossible, but after 20 years I think it will be possible. I guess those 3D models of sneakers will be available on torrent sites? Even though I don't know, what will be cheaper, to print out your car device or to buy it online It depends on the future super 3D printer I guess
  20. Yordan YES! :)Even if you have a car, it's not as easy to take your desktop to your friend than a laptop, as you need some wiring to do to disconnect it and connect it. :PAlternative is to show your computer screen through Team Viewer
  21. Thanks for the rainymood, it really is quite good, I like the sound of that rain.In addition, when studying I remember I used to like to listen to music, but sometimes I wanted total silence, because I couldn't concentrate.
  22. Yeah, even though democracy isn't perfect, but it seems the best what we have Today, but it's a quite philosophical topic, business and politics are all dirty and in capitalism it seems that business is quite in the politics, corruption and monopoly is what is bad, we need more limpidity, more concurrency, less greed. UTOPIA?
  23. If password is not set on the administrator which is rarely done, you can boot to safe mode and login as administrator, if it's Windows XP and change the password, also maybe you left a hint for the password? Nevertheless there are plenty of tools to hack he password for free if it isn't longer than 14 characters, just google it.Can be done with Linux backtrack Live CD.
  24. Windows 7 and Windows XP are really good, with the latest updates, Vista wasn't for me something really special, I used to use XP, when I bought my laptop it came with Vista, I downgraded to XP, but had problems with some drivers, so I installed Vista, but as I remember it already had service pack 1, so it wasn't so bad, but wasn't special too, once I got Windows 7 Pro, I installed it and feel that it's really a good OS comparing to previous Microsoft OS releases.
  25. Well, you need to read some tutorial, but this can b achieved by mod rewrite if it's an apache server for the nice url's and a MySQL database for making it dynamic, where you store your pages from which you can select data and parse it the way you want to.
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