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Everything posted by miladinoski

  1. Size: 350x150 Theme: Bald Eagle Render: What is render? If that is the theme pic you are thinking of, then something like this: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Render Theme: Render theme? I don't know but I guess it's a bald eagle. :| Color: Blue Text: Yes. I want it to say: white_eagle and http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ with little letters at the bottom? Other effects:?No.
  2. Wha? That was amazing! Yeah I already knew of the last trick w/ the scrollwheel because I noticed it when I ran Windaz® The thing is, why hide these features? What is so important in them so they have to stay hidden from the newbie eye? Why is Microsoft doing that intentionally with every single Windows release? Why is the sky blue?... Among the others these are the questions that interest me the most I must say very cool finds, especially the replacement of the border color, that was the coolest
  3. *important words highlighted* Wait.. Wait, what? If our sole purpose in life is to reproduce what comes next? Imagine, we continue the species, continue - continue and that will continue on to infinity (if we survive everything of course). That's next to no meaning dude. If you wanted to say that you think that life has no divine meaning I may agree with you. See, I have mixed feelings about this. One of it says that there?is?a divine meaning of life, because I am a baptised christian and do believe in God, but the thing is I don't want to accept the bible as a worthy source for why we exist. The other one says that life has no meaning and no creator and we just need to advance more and more 'till we implode from ourselfs ? I know my explanation is not good at all, but that's all I got now
  4. I'll list some great GNU/Linux managers for music for ya:- Rhytmbox- Banshee- Exaile- Amarok- VLC (available for Windows and other OSs too)- Mplayer- Audacious (very similar to Winamp and supports Winamps themes too)- MPD (and it's GUI players - GMPC as the most used one, I can't remember the other ones )- Aren't they enough? Hope you'll enjoy them
  5. I would definitively talk with my deceased uncle who died 1 year ago. I really want to see him again, and I know it's impossible but... He left too early
  6. I am a member of Demonoid for 2 years now and I will give you an invite only if you promise to be nice and have more than 50 posts in this forum so I know I can trust you and you are not just a newbie who will leave Xisto soon :)Write me a PM if you want one.ps. Demonoid definitively isn't what it was before
  7. I know that vid. I have watched it several times before and I can't believe my eyes when I watch it! xD How can possibly a man draw something like that in Paint? This means that if Leonardo Da Vinci lived in the 21st century only God knows what he could have created with all the mighty computer programmes we have now! WOW!
  8. Just a note: french millitary victories does indeed work, you just need to click on the I'm feeling lucky button under Google.com after you enter 'french millitary victories' on the english version of Google.com, not in your localised language! This works guaranteed Hope this cleared some things up
  9. Amazing, it works like a piece of cake in both Opera in Firefox by using the first method with java and script put together: javascriptHave fun
  10. Hmm I use 3 ways listed in the order of how often I use them to access Google's Gmail: IMAP - because I use Opera as my main browser, mail is tightly integrated w/ the browser and I have full control over the mail I recieve and I can read it instantly, unlike some addons for Firefox which only give you the first few lines or just the subject, or much worse only a notify for new mail. I believe this is great because now with the labs feature you can actually turn off receiving mail from All Mail (which is Gmails archived mail) and stop receiving the same mail message twice! This was very, very painfull before but it's good you can tweak it ?now! ? Browser - I use this when I'm not home, or when Opera is not on mostly because I like the management of the mail and the Gmail themes. Nothing more Mobile app - I use it when I'm not home and don't a pc with internet access near me, I use my Nokia's 6300 Opera Mini browser to go to m.gmail.com or better I use the app. which now supports multiple accounts *grin* and it's really?really good.
  11. Hi avtarkaint, we all hope you'll have a nice stay in here and produce quality posts on which we'll all rely on :) Hope you have read the ReadMe before you post in here, and just like Running With Scissors said (and I'll add) you must make more than 5 posts for your myCENTs to be counted on the left of your posts with which you'll earn bucks after you make 100 of them which you can use to buy a domain or hosting.? Rock on!
  12. Well... I am afraid of dying, but not because I would experience a painful death or something, but because I don't like my parents or family to be sad because of my death, I don't want to make them grief for me in any way. I love them and I don't want to cause them pain (who would want, right?). Death makes me freaky, I won't write anything more about it.
  13. Wow, that was quite a news you said there, I had no idea that MS still sold licences of that ancient OS and I wonder who would want to buy one when GNU/Linux exists? Anyways I didn't have the time to get a grip of Win 3.1 on my hands though I can remember playing a game on it at a friend and I remember that windows' could be closed by double clicking on the little minus on the top left of the window, and you can still close windows by that method in every single Windows OS from then! You can see that MS still caters for old users! Good it's gone. Dear god how I hate Windows.
  14. 7-Zip is a free (in both senses) file archiver for Windows as a GUI/CLI and for other OS's it exists as a CLI only (I think it was forked).Either ways, when I was on Windows, I used it and I can surely recommend it. It's better than WinZip and WinRAR and it's free too!
  15. Absolutely! As you can read in my previous posts I made that perfectly clear to them, and they know the consequences if they start to spam or post illegal content
  16. Well, in my personal beliefs - yes, life after that exist. I deeply believe in that, and it doesn't matter that sometimes I lose faith in the Bible (notice the Bible not God - you can't prove that the Bible is 100% unchanged through the years) but that doesn't stop me from believing in that. I know many good people that died (bad ones also) and I just can't believe that no matter what you do here on Earth you won't be rewarded (or punished for that matter) somewhere else. If the universe has a creator I believe that he must created it w/ a good cause and the beings he created should make it better, not worse and they should be rewarded when they finish with their livesďż˝ But, there is also a good great atheists' site - nobeliefs.com My beliefs are mixed, I don't know what to trust anymore (or what not to)...
  17. The thing in the blue is very annoying because I too sometimes click on the header and go to the 'low-fi' version of the forum and find myself confused why I am logged out and why am I seeing this much ads on which I surely am not used to I guess it can be fixed, it's not that painfull fix in the end. The thing in the red... AH.... I had troubles in a forum explaining how all goes, how the previous system is retiring slowly and it doesn't work at all, but they still follow the wrong links and end up reading the FAQs and again asking me how it all goes. You guys seriously need to fix the last one, remove all the links that end up to 'dead' pages to stop the confusion. Nothing more to add, this site rulez
  18. That's weird. Falling off on a scam like that, you must be very, very naive. I didn't reply to any scammer 'till now, but I'll try to see the 419 Baiter site and bait them phishers! Also, there was a story recently where a woman fell for it and lost 200 mil. pounds or somethin' like that. I feel sorry for her
  19. Look, I think you all misunderstood me (or I didn't express myself as I should), what I was trying to say that I told them the first minute I opened the thread that you need to have high quality no warez posts around here which must be properly punctuated and have proper grammar if you want to have a good reputation, and by this knowledge of the English language is a top priority. Also I told them that they shouldn't post many one or two liners because they are considered spam. I got questions about are they really domains or just sub-domains, do they offer hosting too and other questions. I answered them all as best as I could but still didn't got consideration from them. Yes, I understand them that they can't believe me too much because I don't have a free domain w/ you, but if you only look for experiences from people you 'know' you can trust nothing would have existed by now, right? The thing that I don't like is that I showed them a proof and also told him to investigate if he really likes the offer (because I don't get anything from it, I just recommend a terrific site to a broader audience) but he obviously didn't do that. I know that there are lots and lots of scams that try to say that they offer a free domain, but I usually Google for the offer to see personal experiences from real people w/ the domain 'offerer' to see if it's a scam or it's not. BTW, thanks for your sincere replies
  20. This is just too cool I can't wait to make more 'money' to buy meself a domain! Xisto is the best! The fist plan is really great for corporate sites which can amazingly enough be hosted for free!
  21. Well, look. At my country we have an unorganized school system. The gov. has brought a 'computer for every student' in every school, but they don't work in many schools, such as mine. They are left to catch dust, to be kicked around and the cables are being stolen every day even though we signed up for agreements (well, our parents did) to keep them 'healthy' and not break or steal anything. At the other schools, where they are used (they run Edubuntu), vnc and other programs to control what the student sees on the internet, don't work and many of the programs still aren't localised. They were localised by the GNU/Linux community (me included) but the gov. made a bounty (I'm not sure what word is apropriate on English) to a company to make the localisation again. Also, the teachers aren't educated enough and everything is just bleh Nothing anymore to add
  22. Eh... My best recommendation is to go for it. But, if you are too shy to go date her, I recommend you to wait several months and develop self control in front of girls because it would be really nicer if you could speak to her clearly and not blush out every time when she looks in your eyes. :)Also, if she likes you too don't be afraid to kiss her, she won't turn you down... Too bad I still don't have any girl that I like enough to go out with her...
  23. I am active in a forum on Macedonian, and it's name is badijala.com. It's mostly a warez forum but I don't visit it for the warez but for the activity of the forum. So I decided to open up a topic about how cool your free hosting and free domain offers are. Now, they don't want to believe me, they don't even want to sign up and read the rules and other things, just because?I don't have a free domain w/ you folks. This is really nerving me and I want to make enough to 'buy' a free domain from you and shove it up to him so he won't be an unbeliever. I even took echo_of_thunder (sorry dude if I made the wrong approach, but you were fresh in my memory as the last one that I saw that 'bought' a domain from here) for an example and told them to whois the domain to show that the domain is bought from you and he's your member too. Nope, they?still don't believe me. So, my question is, excpept this approach that I want to make, is there any other way to prove that this site offers?the best free hosting around and even gives out free domains? Why are some people so bull headed?
  24. Yeah, you can read PDF's on your phone, especially if you have a Symbian based one. There also exist many other J2me 3rd party apps that you can get and read pdf files easily on your phone. I needed one once and even though I can't remember it's name, I can remember it wasn't free it was a trial app, but that didn't matter 'cause I needed it just for once and not for long. Remember, Google is your friend
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