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Everything posted by miladinoski

  1. Aye, use Ubuntu. It's good. The last version came out 1 'n 1/2 week ago. Just try the LiveCd and if you don't like it, you don't have to install it. I'm really sorry if this doesn't help, but it'll really upgrade your computing skillz and will make you a lot smarter, now honestly said, after nearly a year of using Ubuntu, I hate Windows.
  2. I still haven't upgraded to Ubuntu 8.10, I hope I'll do that this evening (as I promise the previous 3 ones) because I have so much packages to upgrade and I am capped and no I can't just install from fresh because my laptops bios doesn't support booting from USB and my DVD-rom is broken and the PC can't read the CDs I insert into it, so I'm stuck with upgrading and making the computer more clonky.Btw, I don't really like KDE, I made a tutorial in here for it but I don't use it very regurlarly I use Gnome most of the time.
  3. No you are not stupid, how can you say that? Wow. Just because you don't know something doesn't mean you are stupid! I will clear some things for you if you want. First of all, when you buy a domain for $9.99 you paid it for a year in advance and you OWN that domain and you can use it for your Xisto.com hosted site or any other hosting site. The site will most certainly give you the name of their Name Servers which you'll need to enter in the empty fields in your domain managment page where you enter them and wait for the DNS propagation and then add the domain to your site using their cPanel (this is technical, I don't want to go into details since your question was about something else). If you want the domain to be used for your Xisto hosted site, after you buy the domain you don't have to enter anything in the fields and they will automagically point to Xisto - Web Hosting's nameservers and do the same thing as above. So, all in all, you aren't charged monthly, after you pay for the domain, it's like you paid with your own money and you own the domain for one year. It's yours. You don't lose it. Hope this clears some things up, if not, please write back and I will try to answer.
  4. You said it! GMail will stay forever in beta because it's an ever improving product and will never, ever come out of that phase of it's 'life' Google really redefined the 'beta' word. For more information, read this /. story: https://slashdot.org/story/98/04/10/174240/amd-gains-rights-to-slot-1 Really interesting.
  5. I found Xisto.com by searching for free webhosts on Google and finding it in free-webhosts.com I think and then signing up and looking how good these forums were!
  6. I think that a "Bill Gates Edition" is not impossible. It actually exists and it's a modded Linux to look like Vista and make his friends wonder why his computer never crashes nor does BSoD. :DJokes aside, I think that he might have something like that, but it's highly impossible that he would leave it for someone just to "steal" it from him and publish it on the interwebz.
  7. As some of the people before me said, vBuletin is more mod friendly and IP.B is more user friendly though both of them are commercial software and that doesn't fit me at all. But, because you have licences for both of 'em I suggest you go for vBulletin if it's for more professional site, or with IP Board if it's for more newbie friendly guests. If I didn't have the licences with no doubt I would have chosen phpBB because I feel that I really like it and it's Free Software too.
  8. I hate: People who can't understand what I'm talking to them. I generally want to speak with people on my level of understanding and education People who try to be funny but FAIL miserably When I'm not near a computer with internet for more than 7 days People who eat too much. I mean cmmon you guys, think of how many people and little chilrden starve to death in Africa, though maybe you can't do anything about it, you can't just say you had luck and eat as much as you can get! Sleeping - if sleeping wasn't necessary I wouldn't spend money on Tacos and caffeine for nothing.
  9. Yeah, the front page really needs to get an update, at least to the plans that Xisto+Xisto that now offer, side by side posting and making myCENTs ([offtopic]why are they called 'myCENTs' in Xisto and myCENT in here?[/offtopic]), also all the new offers + free domain offer (for posting ofcourse ) and so on... It really needs a rewriting, adding a DOCTYPE and using small letters for the tags and validating the page too as csp4.0?said before me. Hope this gets done quickly!
  10. Honestly said: *edit* Windows. I don't care about it at all. You'll ask: "But why are you replying to this thread?" and I will reply to them:?Because I want to say that I don't care about that *edit* operating system which has caused me many, many headaches and I was lucky enough to learn about UNIX and switch to it (Linux more specifically but I can't say I hate Apple's Mac or BSD or Solaris. As long as it's Unix based, I'll run it.) Notice from jlhaslip: Even though the Word Censor converts the words, refrain from using this language on the Forum.The Forum caters to all ages groups, and postings should be 'clean'.
  11. miladinoski

    Sims 3

    Ummm.... I really liked Sims 2, I played it on my laptop and I had one expansion which I bought (University) but because I was afraid of the higher DRM schemes in the several last expansions I can honestly say I pirated them, though only for trying them out. If Sims 3 contains a horrifying DRM system (by which EA is infamous) I will definitively not buy it, as I am not a supporter of this bad technology*. Now, I couldn't care less for games, I play them very rarely, some could argue that I stopped playing them, but that is another story. * And no. I will not buy it and pirate it afterwards if I hate the DRM, because it shows that I support DRM by buying that game and the money go to making "better" DRM systems that lock you in your OWN computer.
  12. "Stopping" someone to "steal"? your codes is utterly stupid and not necessarry. If you were smart to design a beatiful website (according to you)* then you should be proud?of people stealing your code because it proves how 1337 your coding sk11lz are! * I say according to you because a website isn't good if it blocks you from using JavaScript in any means. (For example those lame piczo pages which say: "You should contact the site owner if you like pictures!" and is stupid because the pics could be stolen by any means, for example: Disabling JavaScript. Easy as pie in Opera: F12 -> Enable JavaScript (should be unticked) Looking into the source of the website: Ctrl-U Taking a screenshot of the area you want and the crop it, etc. etc. As almost everyone before me said in here, you can't hide the source, you can just obscure it, but it can be look at 100% of the source if you are patient and little skilled
  13. Yeah, I had the same problem as Cat5e! The confirmation mail which I requested on my GMail account never got into the inbox or the spam folder. They are just stupid and a very bad host.Ignore them
  14. Your own! Start up a site, put original content on it, hopefully it'll be popular, put ads (not all over it, ofcourse) and you'll make bucks in a time
  15. How about none? I do not own a console and my brother owned one of the first Nintendo's in my city (it's a small city), but as years have passed it became old (as usual) and I haven't used it for several years. I hate gaming, I think that unless you are playing a game just to pass your time for not more than 1h it's OK, but not ok in the reverse case. I think this is not the topic to discuss this, so I'll leave it as it is.
  16. Yeah, I had that problem too, but for some reason the admins had to reset my hosting (the reason is that the credits wouldn't get smaller because of my ex forum username (white_eagle) which contained a "_") and it was solved by reseting the hosting (which I know you wouldn't want to do). Sorry, but this is a bug in CPanel I guess. You can't change the skin back.
  17. Hmm, yeah, I like the idea a lot, but it could be better if they for an example, made the voice like a cranky teenager girl (who most usually comment on YouTube vids) and to make the effect more dramatical Nope that wouldn't happen 'cause most of the people won't even hit the button. They'll just hit post comment. Oh and another idea, make the "Post Comment" button smaller, something like "Post" and "Audio Preview" to something longer, like "Listen to your comment" so people who are lazy must fight their way to hit the "Post" button because the other button would be bigger
  18. Sorry to bring the possible off-topic in here but I want to make a statement: You are wrong. If everybody didn't make their pages to look good in IE using alternate stylesheets and so on, people would eventually switch to another browser, and that move will make MS think of how are they destroying the web with proprietary functions only included in their browser and not supporting the standards which are set by W3. Stop coding for IE and make people switch from the ugly antique browser. BTW, HyBriD54 you can also find good info on W3.org about web standards.
  19. I think all of you n00bs which still continue to use IE should learn a bit about standards and coding with standards on your mind and how IE breaks them with its rendering which is full of flaws and because of which lots of people must make separate CSS stylesheets for IE6 and IE7 just because they don;t follow the standards whch are set by W3. I mean, yeah, people don't know of nothing when they buy a PC, but continuing to use IE even if you know it's worse than other browser, but continue to use it only because you are used to it is very stupid. You should definitively switch and make MS think of how many people stopped using it's stupid crappy old browser which CSS rendering (of the 7th ver) can be compared with Opera 6 which's first beta came out 5 years ago! Stop using the poorly coded browser. Just STOP!
  20. The name sucks, just change it. Who the hell will know what this forum is mostly centered about if you don't include free web hosting in the title. Yes, you don't have to be fully hosting oriented, but it won't hurt anyone if you make the name something like: Xisto Forums - Free web hosting included, or w/e. Yeah, I know I'm not a good title maker P.S. Change the name.
  21. Get a HTC HD, or better wait for the Android Phone or the gPhone, or w/e they call it, if you want to wait for it, it will be called the T-Mobile G1 and will come out pretty soon in the U.S (October 22) and in early 2009 in UK and other Europe countries. That's my recommendation
  22. Umm, I don't know what special I can say I'm not sad or mad either, but I just want to hear your opinion on the subject, e.g. when should I have it, why should I have it, with whom should I have it, and also please talk about personal experiences too, because they help a lot! Thanks! P.S. As you can see in my profile I am 16 years old and am something similar to a geekoid life-form
  23. To all of you nay-sayers about Google Chrome: Just f-king wait for it to come out of beta and for other OS's, I'm sure it'll be great. Oh, and there is no reason to hate Chrome because it just came out, if you must hate a browser all of your hate should be towards Microsoft's *BLEEP* non-compliant browser - Internet Explorer, which is already 10 years on the market, and it still is the browser which is the least standards compliant! Even Opera 6 has better support for CSS 2 than IE6 (and Opera 6 beta 1 came out 4-5 years ago!).Let's not turn this topic into flamebaits.Bye
  24. First of all, why are you still using WordPress 2.5.1? It has some serious bugs and you are vulnerable if some naughty cracker wants to break your site, believe me he will do that. Here is a great plugin you can install in WordPress (I believe you can do this on your own) for automatical upgrade of WP: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - you'll find more info on the site. It will guide you through the upgrade process and you'll do it extra easily The navigation is good, it does the work it's intended for and the style of the page fits with the content you are writing about. You have a portfolio which is great too if someone wants to hire you. Your site/sidebar only lacks a search field, because it's an essential part of a website and you also need to make the posts/pages more interesting, and by that I mean you need to lose the "?p=192" from your posts' permalinks and replace it with something more interesting, like the date/month when it came out and the name of the post after that, you can change how it looks like in here: http://princesstimes.com/wp-login.php?redirect_to=http%3A%2F%2Fprincesstimes.com%2Fwp-admin%2Foptions-permalink.php&reauth=1 Read more about it here: https://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Permalinks Other than that, your site looks great and the content is great too. P.S. I think I fell in love.
  25. I tried 000webhost.com, their confirmation mail was 2 days late, they don't offer CPanel, and overall because of that, they suck! Even though I must post in here for my hosting days to become bigger, the comunity is nicer, the credits are given INCREDIBLY fair and I overall really like Xisto. If I become mad at some point of my life, I would become a spammer quality contributor like Saint_Michael, and get my (by that time deserved) domain hosting by Xisto. I <3 Xisto!
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