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Everything posted by miladinoski

  1. In fact I do believe in them, I saw 4 UFO's once, 2 years ago and they were quite scary. Just a note before I continue, I also agree that they don't have to have a alien origin, don't be so SF occupied dammit It was ~2 years ago and we logged fire with my friends at my village in the near river (it was very close by the village, around 5 mins far from the only shop in it) and we ate baked corn (is this the name of corn heaten on an outside fire? I'm not sure ) and told jokes, you know how it goes.? Suddenly, I heard an airplane noise but it was too loud and we of course looked on the sky and saw a triangle shaped (like this -?/_\ ) plane with green lights on the bottom and which flew pretty lower than usual planes and after one of them passed from the south to the east behind the mountains, 1 minute there was nothing, and again one same 'plane' and 2 more correspondingly after 1 min. When we went to the village to see if anyone else saw the event, only 2 people called that saw planes that were unusal and the other older people just heard the 'regular' plane noise because it was kinda cold and they were inside the shop playing ?cards Nobody spoke of them the next morning and they were forgotten... That's all I have to say about it, if you believe me or don't - it's?your?choice and I don't force you to believe in this. Look, the universe is huge, I am 100000% sure that we are?NOT?alone because it's?too huge for us only to be on our own. I think we had visits from outer space, but they were pretty rare and lower than 1% of the UFO cases were real, and from those we know maybe a few? I didn't believe in UFOs (warn: UFOs not aliens) before I saw them either, so just wait your chance to see one and you'll se that I was right
  2. I don't know if I believe more exactly, my mind tells me that I have never saw them and they are just human imagination me, used to explain things that are out of our control and a meaningful explanation can't be thought of, so we just make up things to make it much easier;?but my soul,?my soul tells me that something like that does exist, though they appear rarely and target fanatics, people with a lot of evil karma who call them and make them angry and/or happy (demons == happy??nah... ) and make them scare people just for the fun of it(!?). I don't thing Buddhism has demons, I never studied it (and I'm too bored to search the intrawebz)?and I think thats a great thing, because if people don't believe in them as my soul says to me, they won't show up. A dream demon? Had no experience but it's better to have an incurable insomnia like a person had - he didn't have the need to sleep, he just napped (I think it was something along those lines), than to deal with something that may or may not exist and make you afraid to do one of the crucial things of living
  3. ....zZZzZzZzZzz...Oh, what? Dreams? Zz.z. Oh, oh... those things... :)Seriously, I don't remember dreaming in B&W never in my life, all of my dreams are coloured and I know that because I once tried to see zZzzz... sleep .zz.Zzz.z what?... oh, I tried to remember things I dreamt about and I could clearly remember what I dreamt had a colour the minute I woke up from the dream...Anyway, to prove my theory, I'm going to try it this evening... *sigh*zzZzzZzzzZZZz
  4. Definitevly NO!? Animals are living beings and if the nature didn't made them enough smart so they can't say if they like something or not and they should have the rights for them to not be used in experiments that are not crucial for humans (like cosmetics, proving unimportant theories etc.) So, in the end, they should not be abused but they can and should be used to test new vaccines or antibiotics.?
  5. I am in trouble because I don't have 3D acceleration after I upgraded to Ubuntu 8.10. I can't build the packages for the proprietary drivers (8.12 and I also tried with 8.11 - the only 2 that support Intrepid) for my ATI Radeon Xpress 200M integrated chip on my laptop, here's what I get when I try to build them (this is the older 8.11 release, but the same happens with the newer one too ): http://pastebin.com/f7991078c? Too long if I try to paste it here, sorry And I also get this when I try to run glxgears and/or anything that demands acceleration (either 2D or 3D):? CONSOLE whiteeagle@whiteeagle-laptop:~$ glxgears glxgears: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory whiteeagle@whiteeagle-laptop:~$ Here is the dir listing of /usr/lib/libGL: CONSOLE whiteeagle@whiteeagle-laptop:~$ ls /usr/lib/libGL*/usr/lib/libGLEW.so.1.4 /usr/lib/libGL.so /usr/lib/libGLU.so.1/usr/lib/libGLEW.so.1.4.0 /usr/lib/libGL.so.1 /usr/lib/libGLU.so.1.3.070200 /usr/lib/libGLEW.so.1.5 /usr/lib/libGLU.a /usr/lib/libGLEW.so.1.5.0 /usr/lib/libGLU.so whiteeagle@whiteeagle-laptop:~$ Thanks very much guys, I hope we'll find a solution
  6. Thanks for the opinions everyone! I need to say that I am thinking of a more complex system now, in which a member with less than lets say 50 posts can't give reputation, to limit how much reputation you can give in a day (I think vBulletin had this) to make the reputation changeable only in a short time - to fix unwanted mistakes but not to switch decisions just because you suddenly don't like the member. I hope it'll be back if it's possible, it helps people decide which people are regular, friendly and fun, and which are spammers and/or haters and [insert some bad thing here]
  7. That's stupid from the admin's side, but people make mistakes, that's what makes them people.A possible solution is to ask for another domain (by the other persons wish) from the admin because he screwed it up and offer it to exchange it with your fs-talkzone.com domain. I don't how honest is the other person, as he doesn't look that honest by that quotation, but you can always try, can't you? :)Cheers.
  8. Great post rvalkass. I knew of programs that can do an incremental backup, but only for WindowsŽ and Apple's Mac OS XŽ which I despise btw and I will definitely try and use it because I rarely do manual backups Anyways, you should write more things like this, I'm happy to be in a forum with many Linux users and geeks Nice addition to rvalkass' post. That's the price you pay for running WindowsŽ
  9. W00T thanks for the info dude, I'll be glad to try it when it comes out, I don't think I'll give up from my beloved Opera but time will show :)
  10. Wow OpaQue thanks! W00T! I was debited with $2 Xisto dollars! Thanks! :)
  11. Still no GNU/Linux support. Next please.
  12. You should definitively go w/ Ubuntu 8.10 because it's the fastest release at me (I know that there were reviews which showed that in fact it was slower) and it has a huge repository of F/LOSS software and it doesn't have viruses! I switched to Ubuntu (and to GNU/Linux in general) 1 year ago, and I am not coming back to Windows, or even worse, buying a Mac
  13. Haha, nice question you have there. Well, I think we eat it because its taste is great, we like watching TV and being lazy in general though I must say that I hate when people put ketchup or mayonnaise on it (or even worse - BOTH) because I think it spoils its beauty
  14. I don't play games a lot, but when I do, I play OpenArena and Wesnoth most often Edit: Oh, I play online games, I play mostly on Kongregate, the place totally kicks *bottom*! You win levels and other stuff, it's really cool! You can find by the username white_eagle there

    Isn't it delicious? :D

  16. Don't sign off your posts buddy :)

  17. How did you like my birthday present on the post for you? :)

  18. So, I noticed that the buttons at the right bottom of the post are gone. Where are they gone [to the admins] and do you want them back [to all of you]? For me, they were pretty good, the trash can icon near a user name above the avatar icon showed that he spammed the topic (in most of the cases) or if they had an informative 'i' it showed that the user is quite the one you could trust.So, I want them back. What are your opinions?
  19. Wow wow wow and again WOW! I love it guys! EDIT: I take that back, too bad the links for my posts/topics on my profile AND search don't work EDIT #2: Why have you removed the unlimited attachment space? Not that I need it a lot but I noticed the change
  20. Happy birthday OpaQue! Keep making this place the best internet forum where you can get free hosting! Here's my story on how OpaQue was born: Long, long time ago when the Internet was never born a newborn child's cry could be heard from miles. It was very unusual as a star was shining just above the place where he was born. Then 17 mysterious men showed up, every one of them carrying a trap, and put them around the house to defend the little child from evil people, people who knew the future and didn't want the change that would happen with OpaQue's arrival. Too bad they didn't know of the traps that the good men placed and captured every single one of the bad ones and they were DED. In honour of this OpaQue made a website which would honor the 17 traps that saved him from certain death, and he named it, ofcourse, Xisto.com. Because OpaQue was a good man, and we all know how good men need to change the way we live, he installed a IP Board discussion software in the forum subdirectory of his site. He had a glorious plan, a plan that will unite all of Linux geeks and all of the other people who wanted free soft... eh.. hosting and don't want to pay a dime... The rest? The rest is history.
  21. That's cool. But if you want Linux on a handheld and you haven't bought anything yet, then I guess you should buy the OpenMoko or maybe the T-Mobile G1 'cause of them are based on Linux natively
  22. I like friendly people like you.

    Rock on ;)

  23. I have the Speed Dial Opera thingy set as the first page I see when I fire up my main browser because you have access to 9 (and it's customisable too, I have 16 right now) most visited web pages only a click away!So because of that, it's much better than a regular home page or about:blank (which doesn't speed up the opening compared to speed dial in Opera btw).
  24. Like every single one before me recommended, you should Google stuff, like let's say: search:free clipart images, search:free vector images or whatever comes into your mind; or you can make your own, you should again Google stuff like search:MS Paint tutorials, if you have bought CorelDraw maybe you should Google search:Corel Draw tutorials or you should really try the F/LOSS alternative to CorelDraw, Inkscape search:inkscape tutorials. [hr=noshade] Also, CreativeCommons search exists too, with it you can search images that you know what copyright they have and you'll have no trouble with breaking somebody's elses copyright protected deeds. [/hr]
  25. I hate you.

    You have such great avatar and profile pic.

    I hate you. :(

    /jk :)

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