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Everything posted by miladinoski

  1. I'm sorry if this is stupid, but, can you explain me what actually is Scientology, is it bad or good? hat are your experiences with it, do you know anyone that is connected to this cult (it's not a religion as I have read on various sites). I need to read a NPoV on this subject (and please don't offer me Wikipedia - because I can't understand anything that says there - the words are on too high-level for me to digest them). Thanks to anyone who offers to help me and explain this subject.
  2. I don't know what should I recommend. I know of only one program which could help you (I don't know how much, but... ). It's called Audacity its open-source and multi-platform (Win, Lin, Mac) and you can grab it here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/audacity/ . I hope this app. will help you, because it helped me a lot in the past making compilations of songs, and taking out the refs. in songs
  3. Nope, I don't believe that will happen in the nearest future. First of all - Internet access isn't spread worldwide (atleast not now) - so that means if I want to use my computer at a place without internet access I couldn't access my OS, and what good is an OS if I can't access the data. Second of all - doesn't an "internet OS" require a browser? And doesn't a browser require a platform?On what platform would that browser stand? And finally third of all - do you think Microsoft will abandon something that is successfull for 23 years? (from 1985 or so). Do you think that it will abandon a product that is used in 90% of all the computers in the world and make them switch to their brand new platform? Those are the 3 things that make me not believe that "Midori" will happen. (BTW, "Midori" means "grean" on Japanese )
  4. Just like Saint_Michael said, when you created your account you entered the details in the form, just go to your post for Free Hosting and you can see what username you asked for your Cpanel and hopefully that'll help you remember your password. If not, make an account (because you may encounter problems in the future) and then submit a ticket at https://support.xisto.com/ containing your problem. I am sure they will help you to get your cpanel details. Cheers
  5. The great thing in IMAP and POP3 is that you can access your mail without seeing any ads, and if you utilise the POP3 feature you can read them when you are offline using a mail client like Outlook, Outlook Express, Mozilla Thunderbird, Mail.app for OS X, Opera's M2 and so on... I'll review the top 4 free services that include free POP3 or IMAP + SMTP services in here (I'll put them in order of features included): GMail (Google Mail in UK and Germany) - Google® Webmail/POP/IMAP/Chat service - https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?service=mail&passive=true&rm=false&continue=https://mail.google.com/mail/&ss=1&scc=1&ltmpl=default&ltmplcache=2&emr=1&osid=1 Lots of pros: Offers continually growing storage (over 6GB), POP and IMAP from any address for free! + SMTP Fast searching, great filtering and sorting offering the best webmail interface around Keyboard shortcuts for the webmail Labs features Available in many languages Starring and color labels Retrieves mail from up to 5 POP accounts and lets you use those (or other) emails from your "From:" line - means you don't have to use another webmail interface ever! A mobile Gmail application which works on almost any phone which has Java on it (I use it on my Nokia 6300) offering the same conversation view like in the webmail! Connecting with Google Calendar and Google chat Rich text formatting and displaying of many attachments (DOC, XLS, PPT, PDF) without downloading the attachment (of course a virus scanner is included) The most fantastic spam filter that catches 99% of the spam (for me - I dunno about the others ). The only cons that I could find are: Rich HTML formatting does not offer inline pics and HTML signatures. // fine for me because I hate HTML mails Not offering unlimited space (like Y! Mail does) E-mail attachments are limited to 20MBs per message Weak IMAP implementation Full IMAP controls now available. GMX Mail - https://www.gmx.com/ The good features: Offers a great webmail interface and free POP and IMAP access + SMTP Retrieving mail from other accounts (WL Mail and Y! Mail) 5 GB storage and 50 megs attachments! (YUM!) All mail is scanned from viruses Drag-n-drop webmail interface Rich HTML mail Vacation auto-reply Address book, calendar and online storage for your files The bad ones are: Cannot label mail or setup smart folders Not supporting encrypted mail Slow learning junk filters No keyboard shortcuts... and a few other small usability things Lavabit - https://lavabit.com/ The features I like: Secure and reliable service with a weak webmail and great POP3/IMAP interfaces + SMTP Quite solid spam protection and virus filter (though the most greatest filters are only available to paid accounts) 1 GBs space for free to 8GBs for paid accounts All connections HTTP/POP/IMAP can be secured with SSL/TLS encryption Mail forwarding Graylisting and DNS black lists There are cons too: I've experienced delay in the delivery of the incoming mail messages when using IMAP with Opera's M2 (and other clients ofcourse too) The web-based interface lacks lots and lots of features Lot of the features which it offers are only offered to paid accounts like automatic mail encryption and so on... Fastmail - https://www.fastmail.com/login/?domain=fastmail.fm The pro features I support: One of fastest webmail interface - extremely flexible web-mail interface Receive mails with IMAP - you can't send with SMTP and the guest account - SMTP is only offered to the paying accounts, though you can use your ISP's SMTP server for sendng mails Lots and lots of email adresses after the '@' in the email adress are available - the shorther ones (with 4-5 letters) though are only available to paying accounts and some only to the highest levels Rich HTML text editor Collecting mail from POP accounts (Hotmail too - but Microsoft® limited WebDAV access to paying MSN accounts - so you have to pay for the WebDAV access of Hotmail) Remote images disabled by default Flexible filters with automatic reply (vacation) responders An amazingly good beta version available! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ There are many cons though: Pretty small online storage of only 10 megs Not supporting encrypted messaging Bandwith limitation (!!?!?) Ads in the webmail interface The webmail interface looks confusing to rookies // not in the aforementioned beta version Lots of features only available to paying accounts - they made the guest account like a trial so you could buy an upgrade (though you can use your guest account as long as you like) - I am saying that because they are restricting a lot of features to free accounts Tags in outgoing emails from the webmail interface (I really hate that - thats why I left yahoo and hotmail as my secondary accounts - they are 10th now ) Well... That's all from me, tell me what do you think about these - reply if you can. Have fun exploring the features!
  6. Yes, I can confirm that Wordpress 2.5.1 is available in my Fantastico and 2.6 was released at July 15th (!?!) and it still isn't updated in Fantastico. It doesn't matter to me, as I don't use Fantastico to make my blog work - I do it manually, but its a lot better if they could update the software so complete newbies could install the latest version of Wordpress instantly in one click. Just hoping that will happen soon
  7. I love my parents, they have always been nice to me, I've always respected them, and they constantly award me by giving me anything I like.Isn't that cool ?
  8. Why have you marked me as spam? You little devil you :)

    I'm not angry.

  9. Ofcourse it is worth upgrading, even if you don't like the new adress bar and other things, you should upgrade for the following three things: + Speed - Yes, it is a lot faster than Firefox 2.x and this for some is the only reason to be worth upgrading + Security - More security means less chances to get falled in a scam or someone stealing your identity + Standards compatiblity - The dream of every web-dev, it means that its more compatible with the new technologies and their pages will look better and better with every release and they could add new features (in sense of new code) which will be supported by the future versions.
  10. The thing I don't like in the new interface is that there isn't a back button, like for an example I go to "View others credits" enter the user name, hit view and after viewing the details, if I want to see another user's credits, I have to click home and repeat the process (which is really really annoying - at least to me). I hope you'll add this improvement. EDIT: The link which stands in the footer of Xisto.com/manage: TheCreditSystem is hacked. I don't know if that page belongs to Xisto or not, but it is hacked.
  11. Even though there was a lot of negative criticism over the new KDE, but over the last time there are mostly positive critics and they encouraged me to try this DE (some of them even told me that KDE4 is better than MS Vista's and even OSX's one!). For those which don't know what is KDE and what should they expect from it, here is the official link from the devs. : https://www.kde.org/announcements/4.1/ With the comming of KDE 4 lots of things changed and lots of new things were added in it, but I'll keep on one productive thing in here, and its called Folder view which I'll explain in short first. We know that the concept of every DE which is orthodox for almost every computer user in the world is to have a panel with a start menu, w/ a list of apps which work, a clock, and having folders and link on top of the desktop. Now, imagen that folder desktop, with all its icons and links to be a field (square) on the desktop background. Something like the first attachment. Every folder shown on the desktop is not just graphics with links to the folders and apps. If you erase a folder in the widget, it erases itself from the file sys. too. So, the changes are real, and all the basic file operations are supported. You can change file names, copy, paste, copy from one Folder view to another one with drag-and-drop (which is a great bling-bling ), and so on and on. Adding widgets is now very easy] (see the other 2 attachments), and the actuall performance of the widgets are stunning , which is a result of the new Plasma technology built into KDE4. In fact, the whole desktop is made from widgets, everything is a widget in the desktop of KDE4, the menus, they panels, the clock, the list of applications! If you don't like this concept of folders, you can get one folder, and make it full-screen. What I like is because of the productivity. You can make more folders and they'll stay on the desktop. One works at the moment, one with finished materials, and the other one with additonal materials to help you get more productive . Will this become an orthodox concept, we'll let the time tell. People are afraid of changes , so even if it becomes, we'll have to walk a looong road for it to pass...
  12. In which one of these 2 do you find yourselves? And do you think that there is a difference between those two? The most often opinion is that it's all about semantics. Coders are those which analyse the written code, solve errors, and type the same lines of code very often. Programmers are allegedly those who "have the brain", those who create stuff. If you ask any expert from a software's house, he'll say to you that for programming you need academic knowledge for complex algorithms and methods of programming, and the coding requires finished high-school and one semester course in programming in some programming language. In the last few years a phenomenon was "discovered" between the programmers - the thing is that they want to create something that is theirs . They are more and more abandoned by the big software houses and they aren't even mentioned on conferences and summits. But, why doesn't it have to be like that, when a huge number of the programmers don't stay in one company, they change companies, take training from the company, and afterwards after working for that company so the company would have earnings from the training of the programmers, they go to another company to get more knowledge. However, lots of the programmers want to get out from their monotone working/coding, which doesn't excite them like it did before. So they change companies, work a few months (eventually a year or so), and step by step, they want to reach some of the software giants, where their ideas could possibly be taken in consideration and after that eventually implemented. Like an addition, I'd like to say that the concept of a programmer should be taken as an "engineer". Either you'll be a programmer, or you'd be a coder - depending on where you work. But, if you are a programmer/engineer and you are already working as a coder, then that's just simply neglecting your gathered knowledge.
  13. How could you possibly recommend Dreamweaver all of you, it is VEEERY pricey and its extremely difficult to use for the begginer. You shouldn't possibly recommend MS FrontPage because it makes the site look allright only in IE (YUK!) and it looks very stupid. You should start learning HTML and CSS and use a simple Text editor w/ syntax highlight and that means NOT NOTEPAD . I recommend Notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ for Win and Gedit for Linux, and I don't know whats available for Mac OR, you could use a CMS like Worpdress (https://wordpress.org/), Movable Type (https://movabletype.org/), Joomla or I don't know, whatever suits you...
  14. It doesn't have to mean that that's a Ubuntu bug, maybe your sound card is fresh and still not *yet* supported, or maybe you didn't install the apropriate drivers, or maybe its a bug in the sound card - what do you know, the possibilites are many, and you need to suply us with the information about your card, distro, how you installed the drivers... You need to be more specific... Cheers
  15. OK, so the hardware is very attractive: GSM/GPRS, GPS, Bluetooth, Wifi, USB (both ways),accelerometers, excellent screen resolution, a CPU powerful enough, all that in a phone-sizeddevice. Yummy.The software part is not ready for the masses yet, and clearly announced as such. There areat least three different software stacks (GTK-based Openmoko 2007.2, QT-based April/Augustsoftware update, and Freesmartphone.org framework-based); I think there's a fourth one(Qtopia-based), and people speak of an hypothetical fifth ("stable hybrid release"). And somehave installed Debian on it, too. I have only tried the OM2007.2 one, which mostly works forme as a phone+GPS (with a few manual tweaks). And the open hardware and software is reallylovely to work with: many things can be controlled through Dbus and/or Gconf, so you can writesmall Python scripts to, for instance, import/export your phone contacts to VCF, or tune thepower saving mode, or whatever. This should be even more so with the generalised move to theFSO stack.All in all, I'm quite pleased with it. It is, to me, the (current) ultimate toy for smuggeeks: rare, versatile, hackable, and (for the smug part) restricted to those elitist bastardswho can handle a command-line for upgrades.If anyone has one, please tell me what do you think about it (or what do you see in the vids and pics of it, if you don't have it)
  16. I love mobile phones, especially Nokias. I own a Nokia 6300 - it isn't anything special, a middle-class mobile phone, but I love every feature in it. So basically my question is, if you have experience with Nokia phones what phone do you find most enjoyable and efficient, and what Nokia would you like to have no matter what Cheers. P.S. Please talk about Nokias only. I hate Sony Ericssons
  17. I'm also a huge Opera fan, I use it exclusively on my Ubuntu installation and while other browsers (FF and IE more specifically) abandon older platforms like Win 95, 98, Mac OS 10.3, Linux with a version of GTK <2 etc Opera supports everything, from Win95 to Mac OS X 10.1 :)I love every feature in it, especially Speed dial and M2 mail client (which includes the great RSS reader) :DCheers for Opera 9.51
  18. What do you generally think about Wordpress and Movable type as blogging platforms. With what platform are you more comfortable with, which one has more options, which one is more newbie friendly?I don't have experience with movable type, but wordpress.org is to me a much better alternative (I use it on my self hosted blog on Xisto).Tell me your experiences. :)Thanks.
  19. Just to add to the subject, IE will die faster as soon as Microsoft stops preloading it right into the system with giving a choice to install other browser, and/or giving a choice to uninstall it once installed. Then IE's share will certainly drop and every web-dev in the world will be happy As for MS IE 6 as a version of Internet Explorer, it will die sooner or later, my expecatitions are next year and I don't agree with electriic ink because the humans are awake and more concered about their browsers from before, IE's share constantly drops in favour of the alternative browsers. If IE goes to 50% share there will be a huge alarm in Microsoft which I think will raise the awareness of the company about their browser product and they will give more into IE making it a worthy browser to use, not just to test in Cheers P.S. I personally when I'll get my Xisto hosting (No ads ) I won't test in IE. I will just recommend Opera/Firefox/Safari and move on.
  20. Ofcourse I would, even if I know that I won't come back. But there is just one demand from me if that would happen, I would like an internet (?) link to the earth whenever I like in the whole trip 'till I exit the solar system (people can dream, can they?). With that I would make a huuuuuuuuuge contribution to the whole world which makes my trip useful to the whole world and even though I will die probably (aliens, boo ) almost every single smart man in the world would know my name. My family would be more than pleased because of that, and I would be more than pleased (from behind the grave ). Cheers
  21. Wow I'm such an idiot, bigger idiot never have never seen... I didn't see the year, I'm terribly sorry :@Thanks for giving me a tip on my idiocracy (or whatever its called)
  22. Sorry for saying this, but, I agree with Saint Michael. Those kinda relationships never work right, and it could turn into something pretty bad for your work. Like an example, you have a really really bad fight, and then she'll want to make revenge for it. Guess what she can do. She can say that you were abandonding your work to flirt with her and you get fired because of that. Just my $.01 Regards P.S. Ofcourse its your decision what to do, I guess you know that, you shouldn't really rely on advices from general folks
  23. Or you could use GNU/Linux like me ;)I'm just kidding, I had experience with Vista and I think its kinda the same OS like XP with just some eye-candy and upgraded progs. Nothing to see there, move along I thought...You should really give a try to some GNU/Linux distro like Ubuntu or SuSE or maybe even Fedora ;)Cheers
  24. I'm sorry if I'm wrong, but the link you gave us gives me a domain squatter. It looks like you sold the domain back, or something (I know its late it was march when you posted this, but shouldn't a domain last for a year?)Cheers
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