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Everything posted by miladinoski

  1. I used a search engine that 'pays you off' if you use it, 5-6 months ago for a month or so and it was called Winzy and none of the searches ended up with an Amazon prize. I gave up and I don't believe in the PTS model anymore, though I believe that people that were paid off existed. Too bad that I don't know one personally
  2. There is absolutely no reason to flame either Google or Yahoo! because they are 2 completely great non-evil search engines that need some serious competition, besides the weak Ask or Cuil (Live Search doesn't count, next please!). Google needs competition, as every serious firm needs one. Without competition they could make a monopoly (which by default aren't good at all. see Microsoft). I still use Y! Mail regularly and I used it as my main mail 3 to 2 years ago (though GMail is the default one now) and my father still plays the Y! Games and has set up Yahoo.com as his home-page (even though he understands English very little). I don't hate Yahoo even a bit!
  3. What made me switch to GNU1/Linux? Well, 1 year ago was surfing the Internet and looking for some eye-candy mods to make my Windows installation look prettier and a little like a Mac desktop looked like. I searched and searched and searched, and found lots and lots of non-free commercial software you just had to put your money in to make it prettier, or the ones that were free were too low on features. Anyway, I could only run one of them (for an example - WindowBlinds) so my middle classed laptop (for that time) to don't hog away. Eternally pi*sed off from this problem, I found an answer in what a friend recommended to me and what I was looking on YouTube - the pure eye-candy for your eye, the grand Compiz Fusion from which I was so amazed that it made me want to install Ubuntu right away (I knew that Ubuntu was the easiest to start with) and backed up all my important pics and vids if something bad happens during the dual-boot set-up of the system. But, because my laptop's battery was slowly fading away, using the laptop on a flat surface made the cooler to work very fast and to turn off the laptop 'automagically' everytime it made the 100°C mark (not sure about the exact limit). That happened when I was installing Ubuntu and the installation was at just 10%. This meant Windows was removed and I had to go with pure Ubuntu because I was so SICK from Windows XP that I didn't want to see it's trace any near my laptop's HDD. I started to learn the GNU/Linux ways fast! Only 1 year from what happened, my skills in EVERYTHING with computers are improved if not 100 times. So, don't be afraid. Make the switch. Make the switch to GNU/Linux. 1 - Remember that the GNU counts. See here and here why. And, yes, I must be anal on this matter.
  4. Honestly, what's with the signing out your posts w/ your nickname everytime you post? It's kinda annoying I say :\

  5. Opera is the coolest browser out there. It has incredible speed (and incredible snap back in history because it caches the content of the web-page better than any other browser ever made), it has a M2 client (composing mails in HTML from v.10), an IRC client, Opera Link which syncs your bookmarks with Opera Mini and other Opera browsers on other computers you have, a quick access menu for turning off JS, plugins and other things through F12, separate preferences for different sites, a perfect adblocker - and lots and lots of other hidden and unhidden features you find out while you go through your ways in discovering Opera as the best browser that ever exists. If you run Linux, Opera should be your only choice because it's the best browser for that platform. Also... Why the hell are you mentioning IE? It's the worst piece of software that anyone could ever make. Microsoft has outdone themselves in doing this cough...terrible...cough... software.
  6. I also like the website, but I don't like that you used God as a term to lure people to come to your website. Yes, I know Byethost gives a free subdomain with the isgreat.org TLD so you used that - but it still looks like a misuse of something divine. God doesn't use IE. IE sucks.
  7. Umm... This is an old topic, Chrome has certainly NOT existed when this was made so this must have been made for this post from the unofficial Google blog
  8. It is not dying I can assure you because I had that problem before 4 years (games couldn't be played) and suddenly 2 years ago they could and I was so extra happy back then, but a naughty virus was lying in a CD and I was not expecting it and had to format. I don't know what I am doing wrong
  9. I love the idea of free software! Free software is a matter of freedom and not price. In the history of software only few have shown to be great and still not be free software that is. But, do you want to try really hard and employ several hundred employees just to make a great product (which will rarely come out as one), or hire the whole hacker and OSS community to help you build, translate and add new features to your product? I would certainly use the second approach. Absolutely true. Too bad you (or I) weren't and aren't B. Gates
  10. I'll try to not quote anyone here and just say what I think. Gay people aren't different in anything else than their sexual preference. They aren't animals they are humans who chose another life style than most of the other people did. What did they do wrong to you? What have they made wrong to society so they are in some countries and by some people -- even after we entered the 21st century -- still counted as stupid, laughed at and other bad things that happen to them. Why are some people so conservative? Bikinis were being close to banned because of their 'spoiling of children' and they haven't been banned. All I'm saying here that you shouldn't judge people before you meet them on a more personal level. That's it. also, don't you get that 42ndEndOfTheWorld was sarcastic... much??
  11. I'm diverse! And everything is true! I like using parnthesis a lot, I hate Windows and often tend to frustrate others! Wow
  12. @Eilien Bancroft: Honestly dude, you are completely wrong!? First of all, he's 12! Kids under 15 yrs aren't responsible for their own actions but their parents who misparented them. Take an average 20 year old and give him lots of drugs proportionate to those that were given to the 12 year old. Will he be still on his mind? Second, he was arguing with his grandparents before he killed them because of the drugs he toke. Again, he was 12. You must be from Iran because their goverment hanged 2 kids 15 and 16 publicly because they were gay. Just what I said above but said with other words. He took drugs because he was already adicted to them by HIS PARENTS' fault!
  13. So, I downloaded the app. you told me to I installed it onto my old PC which alerted me that I can make the system unstable so I put that on mind that I should boot into safe mode the next time I run the system. After it removed the files it needed to, it said I needed to reboot, I rebooted and to go into 'Safe mode' I clicked on F8 constantly for the menu to show up, because if I booted into normal mode a BSoD appeared and after hitting any key the icons on the desktop didn't show up. I had DX7 the install file on my system and after the quick install and again rebooting I started MDK2 which I hoped wouldn't hang the system but I was proved wrong If you have any other suggestions except a format and clean install of DX7 (which eitherways I'm not sure that will help) please write them here and I'll try them. Oh, btw, wutske thanks a lot!
  14. Thanks for ruining it for me, dude. So now I'm not a psychopath but someone without logical thinking I'm just kidding, no offense :P
  15. Oh thank you dude, a lot! I'll try to use that and share my experiences here. Also, do you know of any good abandonware games that play on Win98?
  16. When the little lemmings acked when they died maked me so angry that I had to start the level from the beginning and not finish the game because of my perfectionism when I was young So I left Lemmings and started playing Worms and 'twas good
  17. I wonder why Saint Michael isn't replying to this... Is he too afraid to tell the truth? We're behind you SM don't be scared.:)Anyway, I said that she killed her sister because she saw him with her and saw her sister as a potential threat.
  18. Um....Can anyone provide translations to the other words which aren't translated to English I ask humbly? :)You may put them in hide or spoiler tags please
  19. I think you can do that with Audacity but I'm not completely sure about that, so just try it and tell us here
  20. Login to your billing area and submit a ticket there explaining your problem so they should cancel the invoices If in doubts, reply here.
  21. I love football, the real football not what you ignorant Americans call like that. The real football consists of a strategy, stamina, speed, fairness in playing, the excitement that makes you uncomfortable in the best chair or bed in the world and stops your heartbeat. While in the American Football (what is it different from rugby?) you need fat to break someone's bones and crush his defense and it's completely regular?? I'm a passionate soccer lover and I will stay that way until someone makes me believe that another sport is better.
  22. Just a note that on Linux you can hide files and folders (though I don't know that efficient) by adding a dot in front of the name of the file or folder.
  23. Hi, I'm new to this forum as I am a Xisto forum user but unfortunately now it's down so I decided to ask the question overhere as this is a more geek oriented forum. I have an older PII with 366 mHz, 64 MBs of RAM, a S3 Savage 3D graphics card with 8 MBs of memory, 2 hard disks one with 5 GB of space and the other with 30 GBs and a CD-ROM and another CD-RW which my parents bought for my brother back in 1998 and it has been upgraded two or three times from then. It runs Windows 98SE and has been last formatted the last year. I haven't used it for 6-7 months because the mouse didn't work for some reason (garbled characters in system.ini ) and I thought I'd have to format it and was too lazy to do that so I left it out. The thing that bothers me is that DirectX games make the system unresponsive and I have topush the hard reset button every time I could play games like MDK2, NFS4, SoF, DKII and Carmaggedon II, 2 years before perfectly without a single glitch on almost highest settings! I was wondering a lot why I they just stop responding just few secs after running them. Running 'dxdiag' (without the quotes) in Start > Run, choosing the Display tab and clicking on 'Test Direct3D' shows the DirectX cube spinning for a really short time and then making the system not responding to my commands. I think that that's because I have DirectX 8.1 installed and my graphics card supports only up to 7.0a (on which the games above are playable) and I don't know how to remove DirectX without formatting the system (if possible). What do you recommend me to do? I really want to play those games overthere because I have the originals of a few of them and my CD drive on this laptop doesn't work and can't switch it. Should I reformat or there is a tool to remove DirectX so I could hopefully install the 7th version which I have on several CDs. I have the drivers for everything but I'll have to hassle a lot of time to install all of them and to install several programs that I haven't installed on D: (where I have most of my apps lying). The good thing is that formatting will make the system boot faster. Note: Unfortunately I don't have internet access on there because I can't setup a PPPoE connection because of technical reasons.
  24. Mines were transfered just 1 hour ago /me celebrates
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