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Everything posted by miladinoski

  1. Has anyone of you played Dungeon Keeper? It was a RTS game developed by Bullfrog (now combined with EA) and EA Games which was a sequel to DK I and and prequel to the, for bad fortune, unreleased DK III. The player takes the role of a dungeon keeper, a bad guy, creating and defending underground dungeon from good guys - the heroes that want to invade it. There is a campaign and a My Pet Dungeon mode. You are getting gems, which would have been used in the unreleased sequel to reach the surface and rule not only the underground dungeons but also the whole world that the heroes have in control. There are many, many creatures that are under your control and the heroes that the AI controls are direct counterpart to yours. This game is abandonware for the following reasons: You cannot buy this anywhere in the world The makers have abandoned the IP (Dungeon Keeper) The game is over 6 years old Because I'm not allowed to enter the direct link, just visit the forum thread > here < and click the download link. It plays on GNU/Linux w/ WINE perfectly as I've tested it and I'm sure it plays great on Mac machines too. Warning: it's rated M by ESRB. Evil is good.
  2. Sorry dude, I didn't quite catch what you were trying to say to me. How can I add the DNS management when I buy the domain using myCents? Will I have to contact Xisto - Web Hosting every single time when I'll want to make an change? Or they can subtract money from the ones earned with myCents and 'buy' full DNS management by that method? Thanks for your fast response!
  3. So I'm planing to give a domain from here to my friend and I was wondering something. I know that when you buy a domain here you can change the nameservers the first time (and if you leave them blank they just point to ComputingHosts') but I think that full DNS managment is not available for free from Xisto - Domains as I can see from their control panel. You have to pay $.99 which I am unavailable to do right now because I'm a minor. My friend will be using the domain with another hoster so I need to know is there a way DNS management to be bought so he can configure his domain the way he wants, because he may ask for changing the 'A' record (for his blog on Tumblr) for free, or with additional posting here or pointing the domain to a free DNS server (I'm not certain what this is actually I need you to explain that to me) or if he only wants to change the nameservers (was this called CNAME?) will I be able to do that for him more than once eg. can I change the default nameservers I set up for him when I bought the domain for him or not? I'll buy the domain when I make $10 and I'm near that so I need help faster Thanks! I'm really grateful guys
  4. You've got MALE! :) A great joke. I knew this one but in another form, too lazy to type it in now
  5. I'm very bad at managing my time, so I can't advise you because I always end with a big SPLASH I tried RTM1 and I used it only for one day. I tried PostIt notes (like rvalkass suggested) and I used them for a week and they got boring to me and I left them. I tried the traditional approach of writing my timetable on a notebook and that one worked for an hour. I tried turning off the computer and force myself to study and not be distracted. I always found another means of wasting my time invaluably, by: playing games on my mobile, watching TV, listening to music on the radio and putting my head on the pillow (which makes me really lazy), 'reading' an old newspaper I found lying on the table etc... I need advice for how can I promise myself something and fulfill the promises that I do to me, because I always turn attention and fulfill the promises I make to my mom that I'll clean my room, to my friend that I'll come to him the next Friday and so on... I am hardcore when it comes to exams and questioning by the teachers w/ studying a lot the 2 days before the thing happens and being just generally lazy and not doing work in the week before which will significantly lower my chances of making a bad one. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks! 1 -- RememberTheMilk.com
  6. I began to read all the Harry Potter books (except the last one) as they were coming from around 2 years ago and I can say that they stir your imagination quite a lot, and even though I can't say I like them a lot now as I liked them back then, they sure are pretty cool.Too bad the movies were like with too many stupid special effects and the acting was bad for my taste.
  7. Actually, today I installed PunBB and although it's not that advanced as vBulletin or IPB, it's really fast, I mean, blazingly fast and the admin screen is very simple Use it!
  8. I don't believe we'd actually need that much of space in 30 years... Oh, wait! Well, Bill Gates had a similar prediction, so I'll take mine down Hope no one sees this! I'd actually keep my all of pr0n collection overthere!
  9. I rated this 5/5 because I always want to see what other people think about the internet browsers, but what I didn't like that you rated IE with a 7.5/10?? I'll just rate them for my own reasons, cause I don't like to get into the holy browser wars right now Firefox - 7/101 -- I don't want to get into a war for this but I what I don't like the most is stupid and very low customizable interface (without using extensions). Google Chrome - N/A -- because it's not available for GNU/Linux and I don't want to try the Codeweavers2 edition. Opera - 9/10 -- because they constantly change things and it annoys me a lot! But because it's my main browser and I love how it supports standards and copes to the wishes of their users everytime. Safari - 8/10 -- it could have been lower, but because of the rendering engine - WebKit (and other browsers like Midori which are based on it) I forgive them for the dumbed down3 interface. Internet Explorer - 0/10 -- if negative numbers could have been counted I would have used them. Microsoft tries, but fails.4 1. It's Firefox guys, not FireFox - lower case f 2. Because I'd like to run it natively and because Google promises a fast release for Linux. 3. Knock, knock. Who's there? The person who doesn't like Macs. 4. Knock, knock. ... Don't tell me you don't like Microsoft too! Well... actually you are right.
  10. Awww, this sucks. I sent the guy a PM because the server where he uploaded the image is down and as big fool I am I didn't re-upload it nor I did download it to my computer so now I've lost the wonderful sig - but he still doesn't answer I don't know if he'll come back here @ Xisto to see the message, but I know I've learnt a valuable lesson now. To always download the things that people upload for me and never just use the server where they left it
  11. No! Do not delete them. Nevermind that they are old and nobody has replied to them, because for one they are useful for SEO and getting traffic from Google and other search engines and thus making profit towards the ads Xisto puts on the special pages intended for traffic that comes from search engines, and for two they can also be revived by new members and given new life so the debate (if it can still be discussed of course) can rise again Also it the MyCents of older members can drop down, and nobody wants that, right?
  12. Maybe you are looking for XAMPP: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XAMPP I use it regularly to test my scripts locally without bothering with FTP and it's quite good and easy to install even for complete newbies. You can find the instructions here. Have fun
  13. Thanks to everyone for your honest and thorough replies! I need to ask this question that baniboy already answered: Which is healthier and/or more recommended to eat: butter or margarine? Thanks again.
  14. I never said that homosexuals adopting children is okay. I was going to say that I was going to agree with you on this. But then, I thought of thiefs, bandits, murderers, rapists, piromans, corrupted bankers and other bad people adopting (or raising) kids with nobody making noise like you peeps do. They shouldn't have kids either, because if homosexuality is a crime and they shouldn't have kids, neither should the other people who commit crimes. Don't tell me it's a non sequitur because it is. Many kids raised by them also are becoming what they are, but many DON'T so my stance is still. By whose criteria? Did they rape somebody or did they make somebody to be gay? I don't think so. Oh, and since when shouldn't people have free will? Oh, since... when... oh... never. Democracy allows people to have free will (between the borders of the defined morality, of course). I took a bad example. I give up on this one. Will give a new one when I'm going to think of one, maybe tommorow Aw dude, the Devil created the murder. Remember the first murder when Cain killed Abel? This doesn't make that the Devil created homosexuality, but some say it's in the genes of the human and others say that it's by choice. You didn't give me a proof that homosexuality is banned in the bible and you don't have to read between the lines. Since when is homosexuality a crime?? If it's a crime why isn't it punished everywhere in the world? Oh, and since when do you have to allow someone to do whatever they want if they don't do anything to you? Oh, and how can you compare an animal with a human and I can't, didn't you ruin my previous example above with the fact that 'citing animal behaviour as a basis for judging humans' was bad? I don't understand what you were trying to say with this. Please re-explain if you can.
  15. Well?? What is the difference between the 2 of them. What is better for cooking, which one contains more fat and/or cholesterol. Do you eat them greased (is this the right word?) on bread and are they delicious or terrible for your taste? I looked up margarine on Wikipedia, and got this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margarine ...and it's quite confusing to me and looking for a better explanation from you guys.
  16. Wow. Such ignorant people. I don't want to sound harsh or as a flamer and insult you with this reply, but do you know what is freedom of choice? Do you know how badly you are discriminating people who chose a sexual orientation which by your criteria (which you got from your parents/community) is immoral? If God exists and he is all-knowing he would have most certainly known that he was born that way. Nobody made him or her to pick this or that sexual orientation for you people to discriminate against, and for proof of this just see the animals. Homosexual relations exist even between them. Their parents didn't educate them what to pick. You shouldn't hate and bash/flame people because of what they are. They haven't made a crime by having a relation by a same-sex person (of course, they have made a crime if they live in totalitarian states like Iran where two gay kids both under 15 y. were hanged because of their sex orientation!) Now think of this. Please.
  17. Not concerned at all. Just happy because they will most certainly make less games which means less people poison their minds with FPS and other stupid games and not do something productive on the computer You know I'm kidding, right? No? Well now you know edit: Why can't I rate this thread? The stars from which you can do that left from the options drop-down don't show up.
  18. Thanks a lot man! Seems you have some 1337 photoshop skillz hidden somewhere They are great!
  19. Wow! As I can see from the links you provided, it will be a SMASH! Really good graphics and the always working recipe of being a god to someone :)I guess that this will be the bestselled game ever, just like Sims 2 is and Sims 1 were in their own time
  20. A good one :)And what won't you get if you are 58 and single?Laid.
  21. I had this problem too before I switched ISPs and it was really really annoying. I couldn't solve it in any way. I cleared cache, cookies, tried another browser, but I still couldn't stay logged in! I was on a WiFi connection then and I thought I would have to give up Xisto. But to my surprise, my dad told me that we were going to switch out from them and get a broadband ADSL connection (which has a static IP until you reconnect) Try using a proxy, if you can xpress. That's my suggestion.
  22. I solved it through e-mail with the link I gave you. This is resolved for me
  23. You unbelievers. You are such sheeples. I don't know what to say to you. A proof has been made. Planes travel underground and that's the end of the point. You can't prove the roundness in any other way. Nothing else to say to you. You undecided, please do not let the the naysayers lie to you. People are stupid and believe what is said to them first. If you were shown few proofs that the Earth is flat when you had 6 or 7 years you would have been 100% sure in that and you would have turned down the other theories. Don't let them take you! You will believe this theory because it's even believed by the old civilizations?that the Earth is flat. How can you not trust them? They invented maths you know? An awful truth is revealed below, if you don't want to read, DO NOT OPEN! I'm just kidding, to those who don't understand sarcasm.
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