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Everything posted by miladinoski

  1. Yeah, I think surfing the net from your phone is quite secure and quite fast if you ask me (if you use Opera Mini ofcourse). I surf on the internet from my phone in everyday life, I check messages on my mail, check the status of friends on Twitter/Facebook, occasionally visit some forum to see if I received a PM from someone, and I even write to forum threads, why not? I don't see why you shouldn't use a mobile phone to browse the net, especially when you are out of laptop internet access but still have network coverage on your phone. Viruses aren't a problem if you don't download anything directly from your phone but through your pc and then transfer it so you'll have it checked by your antivirus software (if you have one ) and typing addresses is really easy after you adapt to it after a while. Hell, my 50 year old father adapted to OM after using it for a month and he says he loves the mobile internet (btw, if you use OM the sites will open just like on your phone). So, in the end, mobile browsing? Why not?
  2. This is absolutely amazing and it cannot be real, it just couldn't be. Proof? Look at the third picture: What THE HELL are those things on the floor and could a reasonable living being (e.g. a human) actually live in something like that? And if it's real then I suspect that someone lives there constantly, I think that maybe they live somewhere else and go overthere for the weekend or something like that. I can remember that I saw this somewhere on the net (it was submitted on Digg.com I think), and there was a picture of the woman who lived there and she looked fine (though looking doesn't have to be true ).
  3. Most importantly, I have never used steam and I suspect that I'll use it in the future because I don't game. But if I ever want to buy a game from there I want to know, does it include DRM tech. with it?
  4. Yeah, it really scared a dude on a Macedonian forum when I recommended this site as a forum on which he could get free domain name(s) and/or hosting. He said that he doesn't believe this, and that he suspects that Trap17 was infact a "trap" [the sentence has more meaning when the last word is translated ofcourse] and he wasn't kidding. I told him that this site is perfectly safe, but he hasn't responded yet.
  5. Hahahah, this was like the funniest geek post on forums I have ever read, especially the IE, Java and frames parts, they are so [insert censored word here] AWESOME! You need to make more of this [the thing that comes out of peoples' buts], because this is a very cool guide. ps. I need to be careful at this forum so I censor my own words.
  6. Ehh... Sorry for not adding anything to the conversation, except the fact that I am a GNU/Linux user and I never felt the need of an antivirus for almost 2 years now!The feeling is great, and I can agree that AV software hogs up the system, especially when with low ram like I am (512 MB) - nevermind what AV software it is: Avira, AVG or other, all of them hogged up my system, so back in the old days when I used Windows I never used that kind of software, I was just precaucious and formatted the disk every 2nd month
  7. If you didn't add the "thoretically" part I would have thought that you were insane /jk you know Anyway, to don't lose the topic, I've never played an original Steam game (on other pcs, on mine I don't play other games than OpenArena or Wesnoth) mostly because piracy is so wide in my country and almost nobody buys original games. And a question, is Steam bloated with DRM technology?? If I played games I would never buy a DRM filled game.
  8. Dammit, you beat me to it! I visited Xisto forums in Firefox a few times and I wondered why the popup appeared there buut not in Opera. I found the JS file for it in the source but I didn't found (or so do I think) any browser sniffing there. I can see how other users who know the English language less can benefit from this, but Opera has this double-click on word included, and when you double-click on the word, you can search it on any engine you have installed into Opera, translate it in many languages, see the dictionary or encyclopedia entry for it so the guys from Answers.com knew this and they didn't have to implement it for this browser
  9. No, I don't support the idea of transferring myCents too, I just don't see reason why. I agree when you say that now posts aren't deducted daily but on a monthly basis so you have more time to make more quality posts and even leave for a while (like I did) and still have your hosting too! Definitively not a good idea.
  10. And you know why the red text is like that? Because they have to support people like you who don't want to switch browsers because of some stupid reasons. IE is bad because it has a very low support for web standards like html or css. For one example, see the source of this page, and see the comments on the lines 40 to 55 about how a fix is made to fix a stupid rendering bug of IE. If people didn't did this (and do this because it is the most used browser and that's because it's shiped w/ the most used OS) and didn't fix things for IE, I bet you wouldn't use IE now. Stop cringing about how IE is better looking and more efficient (which is NOT) and all that, you can make Firefox and Opera look the same and they offer more than you think they do. If you were a web developer you would hate IE from the bottom of your heart, I bet you would. If you are offended by my post, you have my excuse from the bottom of my heart, but I really have to rant about that loathsome browser.ďż˝ If you want to have more info about why I rant (because I know this clearly doesn't make much for you, you may want to read my rant on IE here
  11. Yeah, just like the title says, has it happened to have a mirror while you dream and to look at it. It has never happened to me, and it freaks me out 'cause I don't know what could I see if I look in it (if I ever dream of one). I have fallen in a lucid dream at my own will before (though I am falling unintentionally much often) and I think that I'll try to do that when the next one occurs. What do you think is my problem is now and how do I solve it (without searching please )? Spoiler below:
  12. Hahahah this is cool, I use 'meh' too much when I am online w/ my friends but the more 'techie' ones are never confused by the word. It's not that I'll use it in technical writing from now on, but it's a pleasure to add it to a dictionary and to recommend a friend to 'look it up' when he doesn't know it :)Btw, I don't watch the Simpsons, or I rarely do, and this is the first time I find out that it was first created there (or was it?).
  13. Yeah we all know that it rules I never, ever saw an offer for a free domain name W/ privacy included for free never in my life. I searched Google for maybe 1 whole month and didn't found anything similar to this - only some scammy looking PTC offers that I was too afraid to try out, or their EULA said that I will receive the occasional promotional mail from their sponsors. I will try?my best to get one free domain and keep it as long as I live
  14. Who hasn't lied on-line tell me? ?I guess probably everyone who has made an on-line life lies just even a bit about what's happening to him or what are his interests etc. I mostly don't keep secrets (as you can see on my profile page on this forum) because I think that if you don't lie, people will trust you more (and that's generally a good thing) and you'll be more respected and if they have at least a little common sense in them they won't lie to you either :angry:I lie only on scammy looking websites looking for my name and address from where I live and give them false details and I guess you won't believe me, but I lie more IRL than on-line and I guess that's why I make more friends on-line than in my real life :lol:As some of you as I have read in here said, if I want to test if a friend lies to strangers, I usually make a false account and give it a false name and then I introduce to my friend and ask him things to see if he'll lie, or sometimes I even use the original account to annoy him and ask him with the "fake" account what is he doing and tell him that: "I am being annoyed by a friend right now, and you?" and see if he'll say bad things about me. Try the strategy, it'll work it's guaranteed :angry:That reminded me, I am lying this whole reply including this sentence
  15. You must make more than 5 posts and wait a few hours before myCENTs are counted to your account. BTW, have a nice time around these forums and good luck with getting mycents Bye
  16. I used to use Thunderbird in the past, but I found out about Opera's M2 mail client and I moved all my (nearly 6 - 5 IMAP and 1 POP accounts) to it, and it feels great honestly said!
  17. I use Opera's M2 mail client, if you are used to GMails view of mail, you'll love it!
  18. I got 110 countries and I gave up 4 minutes before the end which meant I could guess more if I wanted to :lol:I'm cool right?
  19. Cool post, thanks very much cause this cleared many of my questions, but I have another one: I created account on Xisto with the same e-mail address but I haven't posted anything. Will the myCENT's earned in there go to my Xisto - Support.com/billing account??Thanks
  20. I didn't mean to offend you dude, I was just amazed how talented you are :-)

  21. Your domain princesstimes.com has expired Why don't you renew it?
  22. Internet Exploder 8 won't fix anything, it's still the same old crappy browser with less CSS support than Opera 8 and no SVG support. The lame guys at Microsoft are too lazy to do anything about it.
  23. Are you really 13 years old? :)

  24. I have a relatively medium connection if compared to the relative internet speeds in my country, it was faster few week ago, but I guess it's loaded now and it's slower. I'm getting a 3 times faster connection next week. Here you go:
  25. I masturbate regularly, I am 16 years old and it's really really not that bad, it didn't made me a sexual freak, it didn't made me want to rape little children or my female friends, it's not that bad really! I don't know why you guys have anything against it.Yeah, you can become a freak if you do it constantly, but tell me what doesn't get bad if you do it all the time?Sorry that I can't make add anything more to the subject.
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