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Everything posted by miladinoski

  1. I have already seen that, but no it doesn't help I'm still waiting for a response from Google. Seems to me that I'd have to prove the domain ownership for the Google Apps access to be reseted.
  2. Quake 3, like most of you. Quake 3 with UT were a revolution of their time! I was young when they came out, but I remember quite clearly that my brother made a huge phone bill because he played Quake 3 several times online ('twas 2000 and on dial up) and my father was mad! Ah, the old days. Quake 4? I don't like it. Too much energy in making a graphically perfect game and not doing anything for the actual gameplay part of the game. idSoftware can you remember? Game == gameplay, game != perfect graphics. No matter how middle or low are the graphics and none the less that they can't lower your impression on the game, I think the actual gameplay part of the game is what it matters the most. idSoftware, we want our Quake back! Even us geeks, who don't play games a lot!
  3. Not a tough choice. I have played Unreal 3 or 4 times and I say that I don't like it because the weapons in UT my impression are too easy to play with and more powerful than Quake's so 'cause of this I think UT is quite easier to play and I don't like it.Quake on the other side is a complete 'turn-on', even after almost 10 years after it came out I still play the original on Win98 on my old computer, and its derivatives like Open Arena, Alien Arena, Nexuiz, and so on on this Linux laptop.
  4. I have known about the game (I think it's xbox only), and indeed you have been living under a rock. But maybe it was on your internet connection cable and it only bypassed web pages which contained the word in them Anyway, I don't like FPS games, except Quake (and similar, like Alien and Open Arena) all others are complete stupidity to me.
  5. It's great thanks a lot, but could you remove the .trap17 part now and to make it http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=miladinoski&e=com because I bought the domain 2 days ago and the old one doesn't work? It could be much easier for you because you can make edits to the original (if this isn't the original which I don't believe it is). Thanks dude
  6. I have a problem here. I can't sign up for Google Apps with the domain I own and bought several days ago because it says it's already registered for Google Apps and I can remember that once 2 years ago (I was a n00b then ) and I seem to remember that I entered the exact domain in the box but canceled and closed the window at the confirmation step. Now it comes back to me as I can't register the domain because it says it's already been registered. Try it, go to the sign up page and try to click the admin option and enter miladinoski.com in the box (and hit enter, obviously ) you'll see this: What should I do?? EDIT: I found the password reset page, but I can't reset the password - for some reason the page refreshes when I enter the domain here but the page doesn't do that?if I try that on my other .co.cc domain I have (so it isn't a browser issue). I requested a contact from Google here and waiting for a response. If you can add to this discussion, please do so.
  7. I rule. I followed http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/"</a&gt'>thishttp://forums.xisto.com/ tutorial and I worked it out! Now my TLD is the main one and the subdomain just redirects to it! YUM! Thanks xpress!
  8. Hmm.. My question was not to redirect my subdomain to my main one, because that will make the site unusable as WordPress is a CMS and uses MySQL and the links won't look good. Yes, your method does work but only the main page is called miladinoski.com, while if you click on any post you get links like: http://miladinoski.trap17.com/2008/11/... and not like: http://miladinoski.com/2008/11/.... Hope this clears things up. ps. I know of this: https://codex.wordpress.org/Moving_WordPress but I'm not sure what I should do step by step.
  9. What Secunia has to say about this: http://secunia.com/advisories/33089/ http://blogs.flexerasoftware.com/vulnerability-management/2008/12/internet-explorer-data-binding-0-day-clarifications.html What do I think about this? Simple, I just recommend everyone who is reading this with his IE (and it's his main browser), just switch pal. Internet Explorer is not worth the hassle. Trust me.
  10. So, I received my first free domain (miladinoski.com) from Xisto yesterday and it was activated several hours later (it was my first domain ever! ) and I need to say I am very happy about this. Now I want to get rid of my old sub-domain (miladinoski.trap17.com) so it redirects to the new one, and the one I bought needs to be my main one. If you try entering miladinoski.com in your address bar (or clicking above) you can see that now it just redirects to the sub-domain, because I added it as a parked domain. As I explained, I need to know how can I make the transfer of my blog from the sub-domain to the domain, without losing data of course.? I already submitted a ticket to the 'Xisto - Domains' department yesterday to ask them if they can do this transfer on their own, but I haven't received a reply and strangely enough I didn't even receive a mail as I usually do when I submit a ticket that it has been received and it's going to be reviewed. Do I need to submit it to another department (the Xisto one) or will it get resolved? I really need your help on this! Thanks!?
  11. Wow, thanks man, I finally found something that suits my old computer box and I am very happy that I found something like this Only one question, does this distro use grub or lilo, so I could dual boot it and not lose Win98 because I have lots of applications and games there Oh, and about calling them... Meh, they have on-line support, and I don't want to waste money because I don't have a fixed dial, only a mobile and the rates are pretty much expensive towards their contact number
  12. To the first poster: dude, you are a complete perfectionist. I haven't ever seen someone confessing what they do like you did As for me, I think of myself as a perfectionist when it comes to things like punctuation, posts looking good (if you go to my history you will notice that), trying to explain everything as thorough as I can, reading, sleeping sometimes and several other things I can't think of of right now but I know they exist. When it comes to things like tidiness, cleanness and other things like those, I can't say I'm perfect. In fact, I can say I'm horrendous, for a proof look at the non montaged attached pic.
  13. First of all I need to say that I was thinking of installing Linux on it, but I don't know which distro is fine for it and though I say that I don't expect something like Ubuntu, but honestly said DSL sucks, it's horrid, it looks more horrible than Win 98 and I can't accustom to it (if you have any other suggestions, please write here). Yes, a modem with a leaflet was supplied by my ISP, but it didn't contain a CD and the leaflet contained instructions on how to connect to the internet with Windows? Vistaâ„¢ or Windows? XP but for older version you needed to contact them via phone - which honestly I'm too lazy to do now? Thanks for the link, I have seen it 'cause I found it once but I didn't bookmark it (as I always don't ) and I forgot where I saw the detailed instructions. Meh, I can't transfer it thru CD because the CD drive on this laptop is broken and I can't do it through USB flash because Windows? 98 BSoD's? when I insert it into it (thou I have the drivers installed), I need to go to a c?fe and use a floppy drive... Wish me luck! *crosses fingers*? BSoD? is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp. Well, something along those lines I guess.
  14. BuffaloHELP and others, I need to say that I was debited today when I arrived from school with 4 Xisto dollars and the guy from the staff told me that he talked with OpaQue and he thought that it was resolved and only waited confirmation for me (which of course I sent).I happily used them to buy a TLD
  15. I too bought a domain from Xisto with mycents today, and I am waiting and wondering how long will it take for the order to be seen and confirmed :)
  16. I have an old computer with a 366 mHz processor, 15'' monitor, 64 MBs of RAM, a graphics card w/ 8 MBs of memory, an Ethernet card (it's a Realtek RTL8139(A/B/C/8130 PCI Fast Ethernet NIC), 60 GBs hard disk and Windows 98 SE as the OS. It's still in a good condition as I can play Worms (both Armageddon and World Party) , MDK2, Carmageddon and other several older games on it. Up until now I was on wireless internet on this laptop so I couldn't connect the old computer via WiFi (the experience I got was horrible, I had a modem stick that claimed it supported Win 98 - and although it did, I couldn't connect through it), but now I have a faster broadband connection over PPPoE and I want to connect it to the Internet. I know of several programs (WinPoET, RASPPPOE) that can be used to connect this old OS via PPPoE but I don't know which one I should choose. Also I need to say that somehow a driver was deleted and when I start up the computer it says that a new device, a PCI Communications Device (I guess this somehow?is connected to the Ethernet card) was detected, and I don't know if this will make my computer not wanting to connect to the internet because I lost the drivers CD for the computer, so I need to find the appropriate drivers somewhere on the Internet, I could use help with this too.? Please help me with this problem I'm having, and thanks onwards p.s. I need to say that I know that you'll ask me what browser I'll run on such old hardware, but I already got the answer! Every?Opera version supports Windows from 95 to Vista
  17. Strange... I can bet that I saw the page yesterday and I'm not lying. Maybe the problem is with your hosting company, not with Xisto. If they have a ticket system, try making a ticket or if they have support forums, try reaching the admins there.
  18. I like light simple layouts better, with a logo on the top left, and content on the center or on the right, with a couple of 'gadgets' on the left, not too much (like the WordPress approach I'm used to).
  19. I have xampp installed locally on this laptop and I sometimes test in it, but other times I forget that I have it and I upload it to my hosting through FTP to see how it will work.
  20. It works fine over here, try clearing your cache and cookies and see if it loads. btw, nice forum Edit: Forgot to add, try accessing it from a web proxy like this one, and of course lots of other proxies like this one exist too
  21. I rarely play computer games, and from the online simulator games I only played OGame before and now I'm trying to do something with Hattrick and I guess it's fun, but 2 of my friends are too much addicted to it, so I hope I don't become like them! Footiemanager? I'm hearing it from you for the first time, is it much like Hattrick?
  22. Umm, no, I don't think so. A 'dream' can kill you only if you are half-awake and half-asleep and in middle of that you get a heart attack or burglars break in and kill you or whatever bad thought comes into your mind OR you are a moonwalker and you leave the house and get killed by a vehicle (there was an Unsolved Mysteries episode as I remember with a case like this), get on the roof and fall down and also other bad scenarios that come into mind. Other than that, except get really sweaty, you can't die in a dream A smart man once said - "There is an xkcd for everything."
  23. You can't argue tastes, and because of this I don't believe that having a pet snake is ridiculous but I wouldn't to have one at home, mainly because I'm not a responsible person (and thus it can die easily if it's only left to me - I'm talking about any pet here) and my mum doesn't like them. She says that people who have snakes as pets are weird and insane So, back to the subject, I would never get a snake because I have no time to take care for it, I was planing to get a cat (and she would obviously eat the other pet ) and I'm disgusted by their slimy skin Wait, there are different laws about animals in different states in the US?? I think that's idiotic.
  24. For those who can't see the previous link, just see this one instead, it's the same (I guess): http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ btw, it's really awesome, you must see the song!
  25. I think that there was no need of opening another thread, you could have replied to the newly opened topic hereI faced that problem too, but now as you can see they went to over 300 all of a sudden
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