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Everything posted by miladinoski

  1. Did that actually happen? Or you are working for Microsoft and telling us their support service is great? jk To add to the subject, how can they be not helpful? You buy your products from them, why shouldn't they service you? Just try contacting them if you want to erase Windows, and see how badly they would react and ask you why do you want to remove it (just a probability, but it can happen just like with AOL). Escape from Microsoft, migrate to GNU/Linux
  2. Please be more specific, don't ruin these wonderful forums which have a high Google page-rank Make the move. End of point.
  3. I use Totem (the default media player that comes with Ubuntu), VLC and Boxee when I want to watch several online shows if you want an invite for boxee just PM me
  4. Bleh, you should know that secretly all employees in Microsoft secretly admire Linux and I bet on it God knows what will happen if Steve Balmer the monkey-dancer finds out btw, http://www.killrates.com/ ps. Nothing to add to the subject, not running Windows and never will, thou when I ran Win. I used the free edition of AdAware, nothing else...
  5. I guess Bill Gates was highly confused and nerved after GM released that! :)The truth hurts, y'know?
  6. That my friend was a good joke.Reading from Macedonia
  7. That's awesome! Haha, I already knew this one, but it's still funny! Spoiler below: It will look like the English man was drunk and drove the car too fast, which makes him guilty
  8. Zdravo, ja sam iz Makedonije i isto koristim GNU/Linux :)

    Drago mi je :)

  9. Also you should always know that after 3-4 incorrect attempts at the password (logging at cPanel, FTP, SSH Hyou can get IP banned, and the only thing you should do is submit a support ticket to xisto telling your IP address and telling them the situation you have there. ps. I know your problem was different, but still this is worthy of mentioning
  10. I tend to forget my dreams these past months for some reason I don't know and I that makes me happy because I don't remember when I have had a nightmare, phew I have one scary ?dream to tell: I was dreaming about a regular school day and my mom went to her regular job at the time and while she was walking towards me and I don't know how to explain how the roads were set-up but a car was going into the direction in which IRL they were going in the opposite and as she was coming to me the car suddenly drove a lot faster and hit my mum who fell dead on the city road. I for some reason was wearing flowers with me, and when I saw her they fell on the sidewalk. That was so unbelievably real that I woke up immediately, it was very hot and I almost peed my pants.I was and still am very, very frightened by that place and I see it everyday, and when my mum goes out I am afraid of her death Dreams are simply your wishes and your fears, I don't see something more than that.
  11. Happy birthday truefusion! May everything you wish to come true. With the help of God make true successes in life and may you have the luck of working what you most wish to work :) Also continue with your great moderation and make this forum spam and fool proof!
  12. Nevermind everyone I solved it by removing the nVidia drivers, and reseting to mesa, and after that I installed the ATI drivers 'the Ubuntu way' rebooted, reverted to a working backup of xorg.conf which I used in the past, running aticonfig --initial and rebooting.Now I get this when I run fglrxinfo in terminal: CONSOLE whiteeagle@whiteeagle-laptop:~$ fglrxinfodisplay: :0.0??screen: 0OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.OpenGL renderer string: ATI Radeon Xpress SeriesOpenGL version string: 2.1.8201 Releasewhiteeagle@whiteeagle-laptop:~$As is to me, this question is resolved. Thanks rvalkass, a lot!
  13. Have you noticed that mostly geeks (the biggest Internet users) and newbies (the smallest Internet users) use Opera because it's good for both of them? Those who hate Opera are usually those in the middle, who demand features - features - features (and don't use them that much - I know as I was one of them), and they can't see that Opera has all of them hidden beneath the surface I am 100% sure that Opera is the best browser (the fastest, most feature full, with the best look) on the GNU/Linux platform and I won't switch it for anything. Opera is fast on Windows too but it should be used on regular and slower machines, but for now I think Chrome is the fastest on fast machines w/ fast connections and on the Mac it's Safari which should be used if you like speed and OmniWeb if you like the look, speed and features, and Opera if you like everything!
  14. I'm down too, I posted ~17 new posts today and I haven't been credited, Xisto dollars even were deducted from my account! Now I have $6.69 even though I am certain I had $7.00 as I can see on Xisto - Support.com/billing and here I can see I have Earned:$11.63 and I had $10 before those ~17 posts so more than $1.50 isn't added to my account and I was planning of buying a domain soon @Quatrux: I can assure you I am not spamming, it's just a bug with OpaQue's PHP script I guess.
  15. I agree with networker, adding a two point shot will make them goals pretty much useless and we don't want that do we? Imposing a new rule? I guess I wouldn't add anything new to football (it's football not soccer - I don't care about that silly game you call American "football" it's rugby) but I'll tighten the foul rules and I'll give a rule for a 2nd bad foul attack to be immediately punished with a yellow card and never forgiven.
  16. You turned out to be the lucky guy after all! :)If the domain registar finds out that the domain is bought with a stolen card they could take legal action over the man who took your domain name
  17. This doesn't affect me because I'm not on Windows (nor I will ever be) and I use Opera as my main browser (which has it's own User JS which is better than Greasemonkey), so I'm fine and I'll always be
  18. So old and yet so funny! I know another version where at the end God said: or
  19. Haha, it's too highly idiotic for a man who is claimed by many to bee the smartest man on earth (or was) to say something like that. I mean just think, isn't the technology in the world advancing? Wasn't the tech. advancing then? If it was and still is, what possibly could have made him think like that? Any smart man wouldn't have even thought of that, and he even said it. His predictions are junk! Perhaps he isn't that smart as they say he is, or is he? ps. As I always say, you should never be surprised by what Microsoft or it's employees do.
  20. I see a lot of experienced runners in here Anyway, I want to learn the same thing as Unknown_99 because I ran only for fun sometimes in the past and these last months (~10) I ran only for when I needed to, and didn't run because I wanted to have fun or recreation or fresh air or w/e. This computer caught me with it's claws and it's hard for him to let me go Advices? When should I run, how and how long? I know where to, though, there is a lot of nature where I live, in a small town
  21. I actually never had a kiss before, I even wrote here about how I feel about it. I don't know, I guess it will come by the ages or when I meet the one that is designed for me In my country, many kids on my age even have sex regularly and I didn't even kiss before, that makes me unconformable but that is what I have to pay for being a little shyer than the others in the past.
  22. Thanks rvalkass for your kind response, I will gladly see the offered solutions, as I really am bothered by this problem because I can't play a single game or run Google Earth I asked the same question as here on Phoronix forums and I did recieve 2 repsonses but their solving methods didn't work for my bad. I am now actually looking at the Solution B from here and I will post my experiences here later. Thanks again
  23. Meh. Astrology. I don't believe astrology, but everyone has their right to believe in what they want to and express their feelings about, this isn't Soviet Russia anymore Back to the subject, astrology is meaningless, it's sole sense is for people to have fun reading their near 'destinies' because it's really cool to see if something really?will happen in the future. I do read horoscope sometimes rarely, just for fun, to see 'how my planets are aligned' and to laugh in what things some people believe. We could talk and talk and it will just lead to the same thing: people want to predict the future, it puzzles them more than anything that exists on this world. They want to know what will happen with their tiny lives which by some weird coincidence are moved by how the stars are aligned (the stars which may not exist as we see them, as we see in the past as you know - our lives are controlled by dead stars?); I mean, just think about it for a second, and I'll take a wild guess by what comes into your minds, you think it's the [thing that comes out from the bottom when you have a big nature call], right? Astrology is little like science fiction, very interesting for some, for some very boring and for some,?real stuff.
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