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Everything posted by miladinoski

  1. All you need to do is search Google for "dual boot partitioning" or just get the Ubuntu 8.04 Live CD which has Wubi in it which will allow installing Ubuntu inside Windows so when/if you get tired of linux you can just remove Ubuntu from Add/Remove. Keep in mind that hibernate and some other features won't work and you'll need more Ram for Ubuntu to work smoothly inside Windows. If you want them to have separate parttions then you could just hop the Live CD in the pc, reboot and choose install. When you get to the step with the 3 points: Install on the whole drive, a slider option, and specify your own partitions - which you should have made by yourselve before booting from the cd. I suggest choosing the 2nd option with the slider which will make 3 partitions from the space you specify there. Backup important data 'cause if there is a system failure in the process of partion you'll lose it! Hope this helps!
  2. Yes, I agree with most of you have to say, but I think if the match wasn't fair (I can't watch it - my connection is slow these days) he can do whatever he likes with HIS and if he likes he can toss it in the water or whatever you want to do. I know most of you will dissagree with me but it was a bitter defeat and I have at least a little consideration for what he did. No, he's not ungrateful, imagine you deserved the first place and someone set you up not to get it and you tried SO HARD to get that medal, that medal was your life, you waited for that medal for 4 years, you knew you deserved it and what happens? You get 3rd place. Yeah. Great! The third and fourth place are the worst ones to be, not in terms of popularity but in terms of psychology of your mind, for how little you missed the finals.
  3. First of all please note well that E17 is in beta phase, and can make your computer segfault (which by contrary - WILL NOT ERASE YOUR DATA - your computer will be restored to the statein which it was before it segfaulted), and if you don't want this to happen then don't install this! I'll now tell you how to install OpenGEU when you already have Ubuntu (or Kubuntu and Xubuntu) installed already on your machine. First of all I need to introduce you to OpenGEU, it's a relativelly new Linux distro which uses Enlightenment instead of Gnome or KDE or Xfce and is based on Ubuntu. It is primarily based towards eye-candy lovers who cannot afford (or do not like) a new computer and use Compiz efficiently on it. The great thing about OpenGEU (formerly GEUbuntu, but changed because of evading trademark issues with Canonical) is that it can run on literally�any 2D supported graphics card. It provides fantastic 2D bling-bling that your desktop just�begs to have. It has 2 themes by default, the first one is called Sunshine and the other one is called Moonlight (you can change to this one easily) and ofcourse there are other themes available, but these 2 are the basic ones and the developing and support is most concentrated in these 2. The most amazing thing for me is that the wallpaper can be animated (which can be used to show the time without a widget) and it doesn't hog the processor at all! (As my connection is pretty slow these days, I suggest you to go to the official page, wiki page and Wikipedia page to view some excellent screenshots and leave feedback on the poll and possibly with a reply on this topic). So, in order to install OpenGEU on top of Ubuntu 8.04 (I'll use the beta version of OpenGEU because I don't know if it's possible to downgrade to OpenGEU 7.10 (which is the stable version btw) and frankly said I don't want to try) you need a Ubuntu based system (Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Ubuntu studio etc.) and then you'll need to import the public key to your system, just open up Applications/Utilities/Terminal and copy/paste these simple lines: CONSOLE wget http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ wget http://download.tuxfamily.org/geubuntu/gutsy/geu-key.key sudo apt-key add repo_key.asc sudo apt-key add geu-key.key Now, you need to add the repos in your system, keep the terminal opened and copy/paste this into it: CONSOLE sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list Or if you're using KDE, instead of gedit - type 'kate' (sans the quotes), if you are using Xfce, use 'mousepad' instead of gedit, or if you wish so you could use vi or nano it doesn't matter Now, at the end of the text editor, copy/paste this: deb http://e17.dunnewind.net/ubuntu hardy e17 deb http://download.tuxfamily.org/geubuntu/ hardy/ Leave an empty line at the end. Now you need to update and upgrade the system, copy/paste this lines ONE BY ONE and accept/agree with everything that shows up on the screen by typing y CONSOLE sudo aptitude update sudo aptitude upgrade sudo aptitude install opengeu-desktop Now, in order to finish the installation of OpenGEU, go to Applications/System Tools/OpenGEU - Configuration and there you'll be able to choose the theme and all After you're happy with the settings - just logout from the system and when you're at the login window, press F10 and click "Choose session" and choose Enlightenment as your session. Then type your username and password and choose what to do with the window that shows up later, do you want to make OpenGEU the default (I'm sure you'll make it if you like it) or to make it just for that session (or to cancel). That's all. I think you'll be able to change the themes and wallpapers and settings and stuff by your own, or if you run into a problem, then just PM me, I'll be glad to help you
  4. Definitively table tennis (or ping-pong - no matter how you call it), because it's really fun to play, you don't get tired a lot, you don't have contact with the other player (unless he thorws with the racket towards you ) and I know very well how to play that sport!
  5. And I still have non-working phpMyAdmin too, which makes things bad in Wordpress (on which I run my blog). I submitted a ticket 2 days ago, i still haven't had a response from Nikhil (who usually responds to me on my tickets). The problem I run into when I run phpMyAdmin is the same as the topic starter mentionedI really hope this issue will be resolved sooner, as lots of things aren't working on my blog and I'm not happy about that.I am onwards thankfull to any mod or admin which responds to this.
  6. I hate that peace of junk web-browser, and I don't know what THE HELL were Microsoft's devs thinking when they made it and decided it to be bundled with the OS and not making it nearly good enough as other variants. I can say, yes, I understand that a browser needs to be incorporated into the OS, otherwise how could a man go and surf the web or download other browser? But I can't understand on what crack were the devs when they created IE 4 (and higher browsers, though I suspect that can be told about the upcoming IE 8, but we'll let the time show us what the destiny foretold) and all it's evilness around it. IE 4 included things like the channel bar which put adverts on to the desktop, horrible, horrible and when I say horrible, I mean horrible rendering and the worst thing was that it was a necessary requirement for lots and lots of apps available for Windows at the time which made the continued versions of IE 5, 5.5 and 6.0 reach the peak?of the web-browser share of around 85% in September/November at the year of 2003. Hopefully IE has a constant and steady drop of the share in turn of most notably Firefox on PCs/Macs, Safari on PCs/Macs and handheld devices (iPhone, iPod) and Opera on PCs/Macs and handheld devices (Opera mobile/mini). I also can understand why most of the people still use IE - they don't know about alternatives (yet), but I also can't understand why some people (I know a friend that does this, as do several other people I have spotted on the internet) still use?IE and they?know of other browsers, but still use their favoured browser of choice -- IE. Explaining that it makes the web-devs life harder doesn't matter, my friend says: "If they [web-devs] have problems with the browser not compatible with their site, why not make the site look good in IE and recommend users to use that browser to surf their website", after I explained to him that there are other OS's and other handheld devices that don't run IE, he just blows this stupidity to me: "Then they should switch to Windows and not use other OS's and as for handheld devices they should make Windows and IE too" and after telling him that it [Windows mobile + Pocket IE] exists he just says every phone should run that [Windows + IE] and ignores everything I say after that. That makes me mad, but that's what kind of friend I have: stubborn and stupid... So, my conclusion is, not only IE makes web-devs life harder (no standards propriability), integrates stupid ActiveX and is only available for Windows and thus making it not free in both senses (free beer + free speech), but?it also makes people stupid!! I don't know what should I do, maybe I should not nerve myselve with my friend and continue spreading alternative browsers... Yup, that's what I'll do! P.S. I really, really?hope that IE 8 will be great and not a failure like IE 7.
  7. It's stupid to design your site based on one browser (Firefox let's say). You may use some elements which aren't supported by other browsers and basically block those users. You need to make your site standards compliant, as doing this will make it work in all standards-comatible browsers (Firefox, Opera, Safari, IE8 maybe). I think you shouldn't block IE, but you shouldn't just try too hard and waste valuable time of making cross-propriability between browsers just to make your site IE compatible. You should just put a text somewhere notable on your site and say that if the page doesn't look good in IE then you should switch to another browser. And that's all! I personally couldn't care less if I lose readers just because they are stupid enough not to change their browser to something else than IE. Those users are just making a web-devs life harder and they should be stopped doing that (better yet, MS should be stopped spreading it's non-standards-compatible browser and not make it sooo integrated with the OS, they should throw out the integration - like Safari in Mac and Firefox in Linux does - and try to make their stupid browser more standards compatible instead - also they should lose the ActiveX controls too). I won't continue to rant in here, I will just go to the other place in this forum
  8. I have a 1GB Kingston flash drive, which is relatively new, and a 512 MB AQR flash drive which is 3 years old I had some problems with Linux accessing the Aqr one, but it's fixed now. I plan to buy a 4GB one in the future, but these 2 are suiting me well 'till now, so I don't think I'll switch soon...
  9. Me neither, I don't think that some network would want to lock that phone to a carrier, as it's cheap and an older model, and I don't think it would pay off to them to lock it.
  10. Yes, you can run the same apps (which you can get on the iTunes App Store ) as the iPhone on the iPod touch with the iPod Touch 2.0 Firmware (which is the same firmware on which the iPhone 3G runs on) which is available from Apple for $10 from their Apple Store. Shhh, search Google for the update, you can find it for free!
  11. It's completely OK for you to want to try out the distro (Xandros) that comes with the eeePC, but I wouldn't recommend it. It has proprietary parts and it isn't that much stable as other distros. If you are planning to buy an eeePC than I would recommend you to install eeeXubuntu 7.10 on it, as I heard it's pretty much stable and you can even run compiz on it! One small note: the def. Xubuntu theme for GDM causes X.org to crash - you should change your default GDM theme to something other than the default to prevent that. Please don't get the Win Xp version, don't let the part of the money go to Microsoft and their evil monopoly in lots of parts of the world (maybe not in the US, but here in Europe, and in my country Microsoft makes people stupid, and makes them think dumb things and avoid every single product that does not come from them )
  12. I don't have glasses (I will turn 16 next month) and I totally don't want to wear ones. Look, the thing is I can look perfectly in the distance and see the plates of the cars which few can see, but only with my left eye. The vision with my right eye is blurry, and I can hardly do anything with it, seeing close things is also kinda blurry, but I can't see anything in the distance with it. There are regular yearly "control tests" in my high-school for height, weight, vision and so on... I totally made a fool out of myself when I should have read not the hugest, but the kinda smaller letter wrongly with 2 kids watching as they passed the doctor's exam. They have recommended me to see a specialist so I could get glasses, but as I am kinda a nerd, and putting the glasses would make me look like an idiot and I don't like wearing them and my vision isn't that corrupted (as I said I can see the car's plates from far) so I won't wear them (contact lenses maybe, but glasses NO!).
  13. I am too fascinated by the team of mods on Xisto, they have always been helpful (as I can see in the archive of the posts) they haven't offended anyone, and they are giving their best to keep Xisto as one of the best places where you can get free web hosting with no-ads just for posting in their great forum :)I think they should just keep up the great work and continue making Xisto a great place...
  14. Yes, I have recevied mail often (2-3 in a month) from my good pen-friend from Austraila, 3-4 years ago and it was really fun, not just because of that I had a friend with which I sahred my secrets, but also because my english got very good (as you can see from my posts ) and my love towards learning languages has risen because of him (more languages - means more people understand you - means you can have more loyal and good friends). Unfortunately, I don't know what happened to him, as he sent me a mail and after I responded (but too late - as I was busy, I responded to the letter 3 months after I received it), I guess she thought that it was over because of my late response and she didn't respond to it and it was over :PWell, I haven't had a mail friend these last years, but I have lots of IM and e-mail friends, so it doesn't matter to me that much anymore...
  15. Hahaha, this has to be the funniest topic I have ever read on Xisto forums, hahahaha, I can't stop laughing. He made so lame excuses that even animals could laugh at him. Anyway, what the HELL has the picture to do with the topic he started, that's very stupid. The picture is a proof of his idiocy (or maybe his boredom), that he couldn't do anything but to ruin someone's integrity as a fair admin (I never had problems with BuffaloHelp, he responded to my PMs the next or after 2 days of my message with politeful apology and demanding more details for my problem ) in the eyes of a passer-by (like some newbie/guest who wants to get more information about this forum and the mods and admins in it) and make the member number smaller. But, guess what?? I think you has fail'd badly, and many members have gotten the true meaning of your silly little rant against BH and Xisto. Better luck next time!
  16. Yup, they look pretty good, especially the first one (I'm not fan of light pink colors like the second one) which I think is like painted on a peace of paper and then scanned and enhanced with photoshop Seriously, it's great, and maybe you will have the honor of your sig standing in my signature (just kiddin').How long have you made them, and what apps have you used to make them?
  17. Yes, I have the same problem with disappearing categories of Wordpress. This is connected to phpMyAdmin falling down and not working, and that has happened 6 times for the ~3 weeks I'm hosted here, 'cmmon guys what's so wrong with your servers, phpmyadmin is almost 30% of the time not working and Wordpress's plugins are connected to the mySQL database and when it's not working, they're not working properly either (I can't upload content, I can't auto-upgrade plugins, some plugins don't work, categories dissappear if they have been edited during the downtime of phpmyadmin and they come back after it's fixed). At me, phpMyAdmin is down from yesterday, I submitted a ticket but it still isn't resolved and I am very nerved because of that, I want my site to work at least 90% of the time as it should, I'm facing problems a lot of time I have been here, and I don't know why there are so much problems which disappear and reappear the next day or 2 days after they have been fixed. If phpMyAdmin continues to have such downtime I promise I will find a better host.Yours truthfully,Miladin
  18. The thing you are talking about (seeing an event you have never experienced before and then seeing it with your own eyes and a flash in your brain about what would happen in the micro-future) is called D?j? Vecu (the article at Wikipedia) describes it very nicely, that there are 3 types of D?j? Vu and calling the event you have never experienced before as D?j? Vu is wrong. You (and everyone experiencing it) should be calling it D?j? Vecu (which translated literally translates as "already lived") and according to Wikipedia it's "a common happening to younger people at around 15 to 25 years old". Now, if you let me, I will talk about my common experiences of this foul experience (to me): The worst thing that happened to me in my life was the death of my uncle (by my father's side). It was a really horrible event for my whole family, and it happened the previous winter of 2007. He had an operation which didn't succeed and so on... I won't discuss his death in here (not because that it's hard to me to talk about it - it is, but, because it's not fair towards my aunt et cetera...) but his funeral, for which his body was first brought to his house and the mourning was held, during which his body was laying in the coffin and flowers were brought to that room, I didn't take a look at him while I was entering the room and left the flowers, but when I was coming out of the room I got a quick look of his face. It (his face) was yellow (because that his "yellow" (I think it was called bile or yolk or something like that - I don't know the correct phrase for that part of the humans body, english is not my main language) burst during the operation) and one specific detail freaked me out!!?One or two teeth on his jaw were interestingly misplaced and?that specific detail, I completely remember, maked me feel veery strange, and I had a feeling that I dreamed about it when I was young, or it was an "ordinary" Deja Vecu. Deja vecus have happened to me a lot before and after that event, but that specific event made my day a horror and my whole week a mess... So far, I haven't had a good experience with Deja Vecu's, but I hope that experience will improve or will completely dissapear in the future and I won't remember the death of my uncle
  19. MS Works sucks, and the biggest thing why it blows that much, is because it has its own formats (proprietary ofcourse) - which cannot be read and aren't supported by a lot of office productivity suites. I had Works once on my laptop (when I ran XP on it - my PC had loads of stuff that the OEMs ship with - including licenced Works and OneNote 2003, though the Office 2003 was included it wasn't licenced), and it has a terrible UI, an UI which was so bad that I haven't seen that kind of for years (ah well, maybe in Win 98). So, my point is, stick with OOo it's great, it's free, and the best thing it's open-source, it's format is open-source (no hiding the code in secure safes like MS does) and as I tend to agree with what rvalkass said, I'll be sticking with OpenOffice.org myself, for the reasons mentioned above.
  20. 11. Read a book It doesn't have to be a book about computers and tech (though it can be ofcourse), it could be any book from any writer you like. That's what I call quality time! (But please don't read a pdf book on the monitor or other device, rest your eyes from the monitors a little - read a real book, with a cover )
  21. Don't you think buying expensive mobile phones (such as this), just to show off to your (not)friends, girlfriend/boyfriend, family, and ordinary people makes you look like a cheap a*s *wh*re? If I had money, yeah, I would buy a great phone, maybe the Nokia N95, but the diamond encrusted one? No way! Those money could go to a better place. But, uh, well that's what I think, not what Paris Hilton thinks, y'know?
  22. Just contact Google dude, I have also read about Google closing ((un)intentionally!?!) accounts on a regular manner but I found a guy which contacted them (and explaining that he didn't brake the rules - he posted sponsored wordpress themes which appeared on pr0n sites, and he couldn't do anything to stop that) and they helped him with pleasure after they found out that he couldn't take measures over those websites using his themes.So, my advice is, find the contact link somewhere on the help pages, contact them, and hope for an answer from the giant :)Hope this helps...
  23. I have a Nokia 6300 and I am very satisfied from it. I use Opera Mini to surf the web, and I am quite satisfied from it
  24. I agree with the previous poster, its really hard to compare Windows with Linux. Windows has its positive side (for some), and Ubuntu has its positive side (for others) and they both have their negative sides. But if you used Windows 3-4 years and you aren't that computer savvy (and you don't want to become one) I think its better off with keeping Windows or making some savvy friend install Ubuntu for you (and if you're curious enough, you'll learn this OS too). But for those who are computer savvy, I think it pays off to install Ubuntu and even use it more often than any version of Windows. You'll find that the comunity is huge, every (well OK, not everyone but most of them) user will try to help you get support and help you with your problem. Just see the Ubuntu forums for an example (https://ubuntuforums.org/). When I first booted Ubuntu from the Live CD, my love towards Linux grew that fast, that I decided not to dual-boot but to boot only Ubuntu, and its going great! On the other point, if there is a starter in computers, I think it'll be better off letting him start with both OS's (explaining the difference with simple words) and letting him decide which one is better and he'll use more often . Regards.
  25. Opera Mini is my favorite mobile web browser and it's in it 4.1th version. Get it here http://www.opera.com/ In this newewst version of Opera Mini, the devs from Opera Software ASA offered us lots and lots of addons and new feaures to the bestest mobile browser in the world, like: Find in page - find text in page, with simple pressing on # and then * on the phone's keyboard and then entering the text you are searching for, and the app. will find the text with a speed of a computer browser. It's really useful when you are looking (eg.) for some information on Wikipedia and you can't read huge bases of data. Download and upload files - for me the upload is not that useful function, but howeever in OM 4.1 you can list the folders of your phone, with a simplicity of listing computer folders, and if you are uploading a pic on the internet, you can see the picture as a thumbnail for greater simplicity of finding your picture. (This option can be used only on phones with the JSR-75 java specification). Save it for later - save the page for later - maybe the best feature that ever came out for OM, because of the expensive MB in lots and lots of countries, you can save the page for later, when you'll have a little ammount or no ammount of money, or maybe you'll be out of the reach of the operatior for reminding yourself for something useful you've read before. (This option can be used also only on phones with the JSR-75 java specification). Also we shouldn't forget the really fast loading of the pages, which is because of the upgrade of the servers in Norway (through which the data passes and the servers make the data smaller and send it to your phone - read more on the faq page of Opera Mini), the pages load for 50% faster in comparison with the older version of Opera Mini 4.0 which I could really notice. So, have you used OM, will you use it, and tell me your opinions about it. Cheers!
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