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Everything posted by TheDisturbedOne

  1. I have tried those, and must say that I get much better chances of getting indexed/shown on results if you go to the site and submit it. The mass submitters didn't do much for me.
  2. I have used some before, but I must say the font tool is great!!
  3. rpgsearcherz,I'm not blacklisted from Google, and it took me months to get on results. It just takes some time.
  4. It may be possible that phpBB has a MOD for a sitemap, but if they don't a quick Google Search of "make sitemap" should get you to what you need. For the other questions...I have no idea. I don't use phpBB, so I don't even know where to start. Best to go on the support boards for that.
  5. I really don't like the ads all over the place. What you have is overkill. I would suggest only having one or two banners per page, as there are more ads then content on most of your pages. I would also suggest a tanner color scheme, as I don't really like the white.
  6. You really just have to wait and don't give up. It took my site months to get into Google results (MSN was only a matter of days), but once it did, it ranked very high. Link it in your sig in other sites. The more visitors you get, the more likely it is that your site shows up in search results. Maybe you should think of installing a SEO MOD. I have heard that those help, but haven't tried it.Also remember, your site is very small. If there isn't much to index, it won't get indexed. Make lost of forum posts, and it will increase your chances of showing up in results.
  7. I believe the MODs all have to be installed by hand from the mod site. That was the first reason why I didn't go with phpBB.
  8. I'm not completely sure if you can use them, but right click on any image and click on "View Image". Why would you want to look exactly like Xisto? I would go for a unique look if I were you, with a different theme, and completely different look.
  9. I would suggest going on the Invision boards and ask for somebody to make you a script. Unless you are making a reseller account, why would you want to do it anyway? You would have to post a lot on here, and your users would have to post. Why not just have people go here?
  10. His negative is just a glitch in the system, and will subtract from his xisto account. If you contact then via ticket, they will change it though.
  11. Thanks for the info. I should just wait and see, since it doesn't say anything about iPod Touches, but it could be the same deal. I think I won't jailbreak it, just to stay on the safe side. It would really suck if a new firmware bricks the iPod.
  12. I usually just have a high power fan pointing at myself. Air Conditioning costs a lot of money. If I want AC I can go to a mall or the library. Unless it is extremely hot, I'll just use a fan.
  13. I'm getting a 2nd generation iPod Touch. I have heard about various applications on jailbroken iPod Touches that allow a user to download mp3s straight from the internet. I have a very old computer, and later this year will be upgrading. I'm wondering if I should jailbreak so that I can add that app, or just put music on through public computers (library) until I upgrade. I am completely aware that it will void my warranty, that it could get bricked, blah blah blah. If anybody here jailbraked theirs, please post here too.
  14. Ash-Bash, I think you already have it installed on your site :)Maybe not the exact images, but it's the same theme.
  15. Keep in mind you have to register on the Xisto - Support site. You have to use the same email address in order for the credits to roll over.
  16. I actually found no search engines linking directory results to me. I usually stick to relevant links to closely related high PR sites. I have a PR2 right now, but its bound to get better. If wikipedia didn't have nofollow, I would probably have a PR5, at least!
  17. I agree with africa. The site looks too clean, and not like a game clan site. I highly suggest you get a gaming/clan theme for your CMS. The forums look even worse, with the default phpBB theme. Find a gaming theme and install it. If phpBB doesn't have many, I know SMF has a lot. The biggest reason why your site won't get members is the look of the site. Right now I would give it a 3/10, but with a better theme it would be a 10/10!!
  18. You see then once you have 5 posts. Currently you have one post, so you need to post four more time. The will show in your postbit (the thing to the left of your post, that has your username in it) once you have 5 posts.
  19. Also if you are running a guys site you will have to have pictures of women, cars and football stuff on there.
  20. I suggest you go with Yahoo then. I have about 55,000 emails on one account there (not attachments though), and they have yet to yell at me. They claim to give unmetered and unlimited email space, but I'm sure if you were using gigs and gigs of space, they would email you and tell you to quit it
  21. I just use the internal speakers or headphones. One time I hooked the computer up to my guitar amp though. It sounded really cool!
  22. Is the best way to change subdomain to domain through a support ticket? I am still using my subdomain to login, but everything is on my regular domain. I would prefer to have it switched, but don't really care either way .
  23. I really don't like the red. Usually sites either use white, grey, or black for the theme, and I highly suggest you do the same. I suggest you use a Content Management System, as it will make the site look much better, and it will be easier to administrate. The images (mostly the background) doesn't look very good, and the site isn't all the way up.I wish you luck though!
  24. Audacity is the best free one. For $40 or so, you can get Sony Acid, which is a great software. Both work great, but I like Acid a little bit better.
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