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Everything posted by TheDisturbedOne

  1. Of the Call of Duty games (though I haven't played the new ones) COD3 was the best. The controls for the first two were terrible on PS2, but COD3's controls were great. COD3 has a great storyline, and I never get tired of it. Though anything but easy is really hard, I haven't beaten the game on anything but easy.
  2. The Arcade has very little amount of features compared to Pro. I'd say get the Pro, mainly because of the hard drive. You will find with the Arcade that online play is hard with memory hogging games like Halo and Call of Duty. If you just want to play locally with no music or extra maps, go with Arcade, but if you want to play online, or have additional media, go with Pro.
  3. I live in the United States, and I have mixed feelings about health care. I think a nationalized health care isn't a bad idea, but too many people would take advantage of it. People would go to the hospital for little things, and the government would be stuck with the high hospital bill. Other people would have to get government incentives (ie tax break) to take their kids to get a yearly checkup. If we get universal health care, it better work.
  4. The thing with that is that even if the Pirate Bay and all downloaders were fined, the record companies would still have music the same price, and DVDs would still be the same price...etc. Record companies are out to make money (they don't care about what the music is, just if it will sell), and even if it were to sell a lot, the prices would still be the same. Have you seen any CDs that have hit Platinum more then once cost more then new releases? Most likely not, unless there was a sale. There is another issue that hasn't come up here yet, used CDs/DVDs. If I were to buy a CD and upload the music to iTunes, it would be completely legal, since I still own the CD. Now if I were to sell that CD on eBay for $10, that wouldn't be illegal. Same things with DVDs. But if I were to get the music from a friend that had the CD, it would be illegal. It doesn't make sense. It is just like he is selling me the CD, I upload the music, and I sell it back to him.
  5. A few questions:Does the winner get a 10 year link or a month link on the page?How should the contact page and the other pages be configured? Like the current ones are?
  6. In Sweden, there aren't many copyright laws, so they are protected. I think what they are doing is completely fine. It really amazes me that the prosecution failed to show how BitTorrent works. I figured it out in about 10 minutes.Even if The Pirate Bay does get closed, there will be other sites that people will migrate to. It is kind of what is happening on YouTube, people are learning to move to different sites.
  7. Google did this with Chrome, and some eagle eyes found it. Thank god for these people because I don't have time to look at these.That would be absurd if they were to put the new ones back in place. It's like they own everything about you.
  8. I haven't seen the whole thing, but this is what I will say;1. It may be, but it all depends on Dominican Republican law. Since he brought the drugs to the DR, it is up to them to try and convict him. But even though A-Rod did admit to it, the DR may not have enough evidence to convict A Rod or his "cousin". After all, Phelps said that he smoked weed and there was even a picture, and there wasn't enough evidence for him to go to court over it.2. I saw that part. It is a bunch of crap. Your youth is no reason for this. Also, he is in his 30's, and I think he was in his thirties 6 years ago when he was still doing this. He wants us to believe that in 6 years he has suddenly become mature.3. Psh yeah. That contract was a big mistake. You never sign a baseball player to such a big contract, especially if they are getting big numbers. They are going to either get hurt or busted.4. Didn't see it, but probably was. What a joke.
  9. I think this website looks ok, but there are some minor things you can do to make it look a lot better. The background behind Lo-Fi Version should be changed to a grey color. it would go with the rest of your forum, as nothing else is blue. Change the image for: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It is just one of those things that you forget to do with a style, replacing images that you only see once or twice. Both are blue, and don't go with the grey. Hide unused forums until they need to be used. As a guest, seeing 3 or 4 forums with no posts makes the place seem emptier then it really is. Make those forums admin only, or even member only. I think other then those minor things, the site looks GREAT. The most important thing to remember with gaming forums is to not give up, since there are tons of gaming forum, it may take a while to get many members, but they will eventually come.
  10. According to Alexa, jlhaslip.trap17.com gets the most subdomain traffic. This doesn't take into account people that have domain names, so it may not be very accurate.
  11. This is a long list of things that I have come up with browsing forums for almost 3 years, and running ones for about 2 years. Creating your forum. This is (most of the time) the easiest part of forums. There are various sites that will host your forum for free (with ads, mostly running phpBB). While these aren't the best in the long term, they are a great start. If you have no knowledge of PHP/CSS/HTML, I suggest you start here. Even if you set up a test forum (I have set up tons of these!), it is a great way to learn how a forum functions. If you choose to use web hosting, and host your own forum, you will have the most control over your forum. You will be able to edit the files and add whatever you want to them, and install custom MODs. I highly recommend this, as you control everything about the forum, and aren't tied to a host's ads. If you choose web hosting you will need a forum software. Some of the most popular ones are vBulletin* SMF phpBB IPB* * Paid software Though vBulletin is possibly the most popular forum software out there, I like SMF better. Most vBulletin skins are paid-only, so I would only suggest using vBulletin if you are willing to spend some money. Once you have the software set up, you need to pick a topic of your forum. If you want a big community, you should probably pick a topic that is unique as well as attractive to guests. I have seen MANY gaming forums out there that have closed down, mainly because there are tons of gaming forums already out there. I am not saying "Don't set up a gaming forum", but rather "If you set up a gaming forum, be dedicated to it and make sure you have friends or some other people that can help bring it up". You should also have a theme that is similar to your forum's topic. Also when you are creating a forum, don't make too many catagories for members to post in. On a new forum, this looks really bad. Promoting the forum This is the hardest part (I have found) of running a forum. Members won't just come to your forum, so don't wait for them. The most luck that I have found is going to other websites similar to mine (including the band's official website) and posting around with my website's link in my signature. If you find a site similar to your's that doesn't have a forum or blog system, contact the webmaster and ask if you can affiliate. Affiliation is good, but only if you do it right. Make sure that the site that you wish to affiliate with is close in subject to yours. Just think if you were on a webmaster forum, and you saw an affiliate image of a Rock Music forum, would you click on it? Most likely not, as not all webmasters like rock music. If that image were to be on a rock memorabilia store, it would get many more clicks. Here are some sites that will help you with your forum: Admin Zone - A webmaster forum that can give you tips on managing your forum. Google Analytics - Tells you where your traffic comes from, how many hits you get, and what search terms bring visitors to your forum. A great tool! Search Engine Rankings - See where your forum ranks in Search Engine results. If you need personal help with your forum, post here and I will give you some suggestions.
  12. A quick question, since I have been looking around, and haven't seen an answer. As we get more and more posts, does it get harder to earn MyCents? Recently it seems like its been harder for me to earn.
  13. Kelloggs he will lose. After what happened to Phelps there is no way they won't drop him.
  14. Why don't you just post the link here? Also what site did you set it up on?
  15. Yep, I just saw on the news that he admitted now to using HGH. This is a HUGE hit to the Yankees, but not to their wallet! They could probably break the contract, and A Rod will have to quit baseball. He will lose tons of endorsements, and will probably retire soon.
  16. Yes, but this is about bandwidth that you and I use when we browse the internet. I highly doubt rapidshare is hosted by Comcast.
  17. SMF and TinyPortal and SimplePortal would work well. SMF 2.0 RC 1 has a lot more options that may be closer to a social network then a forum. 1.1.8 is the latest stable release, but it would be easier to start off at RC1. Once it is released for 2.0, this MOD may be of use: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  18. Speaking of HGH, Alex Rodriguez has been in the news because he tested positive for HGH in 2003. I think this explains some of his stats, but I still think he was/is a good baseball player. When he was in Seattle, I remember that he was a really good batter, but there wasn't much hype about him. Once the Yankees picked him up (and even before that, since he was one of the few good players that the Rangers had) his "value" went up, and there was a big hype (especially with girls and women) about him. And he wasn't much better in New York then when he was in Seattle and Texas. I just don't get it...
  19. Yes, I totally agree with you that limiting Bandwidth is completely wrong, but I doubt that most people go over 250GB.
  20. I bet there's a way to do a Cron so that it does something like that, but it might not email you. For forums, SQL backups are the most important (over file backups), since files can always be replaced. I started with an SQL backup, and no file backup, and everything still worked fine. I think most forum software lets you backup without going through cPanel.
  21. The only thing with SMF is that large upgrades take a while, and that MOD authors don't always update the MODs, so you may be stuck forever on an old version. That is unless you want to update it yourself.
  22. Echo,There are a bunch of free agents that will probably be picked up very close to the season's start. I think he may be one of them, but then again, he is one of the older baseball players around. Some of free agents are asking for a ton of money, and I'm guessing that they will be free agents for the rest of the season. There are a bunch that are asking for reasonable money, yet nobody has signed them. I guess time will tell if they get signed or not.
  23. Stairway to heaven backwards IS creepy. This site may help you with other ones, it is the best urban myths site out there. http://www.snopes.com/music/songs/songs.asp
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