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Everything posted by TheDisturbedOne

  1. Wow. I looked on the site and it is very expensive to remove the copyright. I'm sure Xisto makes the money up in ads though.
  2. You made a great decision to go with SMF. Whicih version did you choose? And if you need any help with SMF, you can PM me at the support boards. I use the same username there as I do here.
  3. You probably couldn't do it.As for Leopard, I'm going to get it once Snow Leopard comes out because the price will be lower and Snow Leopard won't work on anything less than an intel processor (as far as I know of) which I don't have. Currently the computer I'm in just barely makes the 10.5 restrictions, so I think 10.5 will be worth it.
  4. For me, it took about 250 posts or so to get it, but I'm sure it could be done in less than 100. You have to go on Xisto - Support.com to order it, once you get $10 saved up you can order it, but you may want to save up some more for hosting.
  5. I prefer using Stufit Expander, as it comes default on a Mac OS X installation. It works well with all files (except rar on the old version) and compresses well too. Is there a difference between the Unarchiver and Stufit?
  6. They aren't the current owners. They started up the site, and now iit is run by a number of people. Hong Kong has the same copyright laws as Sweden...there are none. That is one of the reasons they weren't charged with copyright infringement. Another being because their server didn't have anythiing copyrighted on it, just hashes. TPB has 3 million users, but many more people downloadthe torrents. I'd reckon they'd have about 60 million users if you had to login to download torrents.
  7. I know of a bunch of sites that have great professional Joomla templates for free. A lot of CMS' have templates oin oither sites, and almost none on the official site. For example e107 has aboiut 90 themes on their site. A third party site that I know of has over 500. As for free templates here is another site. http://www.justfreetemplates.com/ I know the owner online, and he has a lot of webmaster tips and SEO tips out there. He also has Joomla templates and Wordpress templates for people who run those softwares.
  8. It would be great if Google were to make a complete guide, but as you said, it would get abused. Everybody would use it as a Bible, and not trust anything that isn't stated in that guide. I'm sure some people who used to work for Google are in the SEO buisness, and are probably making decent money from it, since they know exactly how to SEO correctly.
  9. To tell you the truth, I think some of it is just chance. I made a new site today, and planned on working on it this weekend, and releasing it next weekend. I googled the name of the forum of the heck of it ("[band Name] Fans" and it isn't an underground band or anything like that, semi-well known) and I saw that I was #9! I didn't even put in Meta tags or anything of the like, I just installed it and put on a new skin.So SEO does have a luck element involved.
  10. As for your asking about domain vs subdomain, I think it is just a matter of choosing the best domain. My site had high ranks as a subdomain, then dropped when I first got a domain, but increased about 6 months after I got the domain. I have heard that age of the domain has to do with SEo, and I believe it. I rarely see brand new domains ranked high on Google.As for your index.php?page56 type thing, I really don't think that has anything to do with SEO and ranks in Search Engines. I have seen other people say it before, but I know of a bunch of sites that use that format, and are high on Google.
  11. I made a guide about this in the tutorials section that you might want to check out. As for this specific topic, I would say make some new topics, or add a reply to an old topic. If things get too 'dead' I would highly suggest just making another account and posting around with it. That can really give your site a big boost, as it will look like you aren't the only one posting around and will attract new members. I'd also suggest affiliating with out types of forums that are similar to yours. Good luck!!
  12. I am against the verdict, but thought that eventually the copyright will catch up with them.The owners aren't violating any Swedish copyrights, as shown on their legal page. The Pirate Bay gets numerous emails about copyrighted songs/software, but it is completely legal in Sweden! Plus The Pirate Bay doesn't even host the files, so that's the reason why they weren't charged for copyright infringement. I even think the charge "aiding and abbetting copyright infringement" is a made up charge, to please copyright owners. They are simply handing out hash to another user. So now the developers of BitTorrent will get arrested and thrown in jail now, because their software was aiding copyright infringement? What about owners of ISPs who are allowing people to use their bandwidth to download illegal files? Of course they won't get thrown in jail, but where will the courts draw the line? This all has to be put down on paper, or else every company that has to do with computers will get shut down and thrown in jail!Well we all know what's going to happen now, TPB will move their servers to another country (Nigeria would be a good choice, nothing against Nigerians) and continue what they were doing before. I personally support TPB and file sharing, but I do pay for CDs and pay for software (Dreamweaver for one).This article has reminded me to buy a Pirate bay tee shirt. Maybe they might use the money to pay for the million dollar fine.
  13. Babblefish? haha.000 is a terrible webhost, and I won't go on and on about why.As long as you post enough, you can get unlimited space or whatever fits your needs.
  14. I don't know about the truth to your statement about most boards using it. I know there are a lot of free hosts that use phpBB, but I think there are much more people running vBulletin than phpBB. If not vB + Simple Machines + IPB is a lot more than phpBB.
  15. I was never a big fan of the Sims because at the time Sims was only for Windows, and when they did come out for Mac they were for a higher OS, but I thought it was a good series. The idea of walking around/creating people to interact with each other is great, and it is obviously shown here.
  16. That's what I mean by new I have never bought anything from the Apple store brand new. Infact I'm ordering a "new" iPod Touch from the refurbished section. Apple's prices are outrageous, but buying refurbished helps lower the costOther tips I have found to lower prices? Government Discount if you work for the US or a State government you get a few dollars off Apple products.? Education Discount if you are a teacher at a school or college, same as above, but you usually get more of a discount? Recycling Apple gives you 10% off a (new, not refurbished) iPod. I'm not sure if they do this with computers too, but it is a good deal if you have a broken iPod and want a new iPod.
  17. I have an iMac G3. I think I'm just going through the files that I have and delete a bunch of them. I have about 3GB of site backups, that can just be deleted. I also have a 160GB external hard drive, but unfortunately it only works with 10.3 and above. To tell you the truth, I've been wanting a new Mac, but they cost so much. Ah thanks. Usually I look, but recently even the oldest version of software (BitTorrent to name one) rarely works on my computer.
  18. Thanks for the link, but unfortunately I run Mac OS 10.2. That would be something that I would love to use though!
  19. The iMac that I always use is down to 700MB free, which isn't enought for nearly anything. Any suggestions on how to make some more free space? I don't have any torrents (legal or illegal) that take up space, and my iTunes library is down to 1.6GB. Once I get my iPod Touch I will be moving my entire iTunes library (and a bunch of videos) to the iPod, which will give me 2-3GB free of space.Are there any hidden places where there might be files that could be deleted?Thanks
  20. Does IPB put old versions up for download for free once they are outdated? Or are you talking about free hosts (such as Invisionfree and the like).
  21. How are we supposed to earn money on that site if you have to pay? That site seems to me like a targeted traffic site rather then a Get paid To site.
  22. Yeah, I think youtube would be much better. Most browsers can play those videos. What you can do is using firefox, get the addon "Download helper". Download the video file from another site and then upload it to youtube. I am using an old computer, but youtube works.Or another option is find a FLV player for Joomla (like a BB Code) and link the flv file there. It works perfect for me in e107, and there is no lag (regular embedded youtube videos lag for me).
  23. Can you explain why you chose those two softwares?
  24. This post is 4 years old. If the link doesn't work, the site has closed.
  25. They are now unlimited. It has been like that for about a year or two.
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