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Everything posted by TheDisturbedOne

  1. You may want to fix the ads. In Firefox 2, Mac, the ads show up on top of the content. Other than that, I would suggest a logo and some HTML tutorials. Other than those few things I would give your site an 8/10. Good luck!
  2. It could be possible that the countries who's ships are currently under the pirate's control doesn't want to intervene, or doesn't have the resources to do so. I could see that American ships going through that region having automatic weapons equipped on board, to stop these things from happening.
  3. I think the music videos section is great. Unfortunately I can't view the video because my flash player is so old, but I think the new section looks great.
  4. ORene, a lot of those emails had attachments, so it isn't really the number of emails, it is how big the attachments are. I have an email account with Yahoo that has 60,000 emails, and I bet I only use a gig of space, because most of those are just text emails without attachments.
  5. A lot of website are made and just sit there, the owners don't know about SE. And of course there are sites that don't even need SEO to get traffic, traffic just comes to them (official sites, sites promoted by Yahoo/Google). And of course there is more to SEO then the things posted above. Such as content, RSS feeds and the like.
  6. They will be shown in your post bit (that's the thing to the left of your post) once you have 5 or more posts. The total amount of money earned will be shown as well.
  7. Nice to hear it all went well. The Analytics aren't always 100% correct though. It is where the server is located, not the user. For example my ISP's server is located about 50 miles away, but it gives you a close idea of where the traffic is coming from.
  8. But it takes a heck of a long time. There are tons of popup windows, and for each hour, I'd say I only got about $0.50.
  9. This site isn't one of the advertising sites like Adsense and Bidvertiser. This is a site similar to bux.to or rewards1.com where you do surveys and get a bunch of spam emails in return for a few dollars.
  10. And a lot of those sites you need to earn tons of money to payout, and by the time you get close to the payout, the site closes down.
  11. Which site are you trying to get higher? I could give you some tips.
  12. Do you currently have a domain? If you do, sign up for Google Apps. They are going to have you change your MX records to the gmail site, but that's about it.You can also do it in cPanel if you pay for it.
  13. You can also do this in cPanel provided you pay for it.
  14. If you want unlimited, go with Yahoo. I have about 60,000 messages on my Yahoo email, and they have yet to yell at me for it. GMail is fine too, I like the interface, and there are a lot less ads on Gmail (just a text ad on the top compare to Yahoo's few text ads and about 3 banner ads). I have a hotmail email address or two, but never really liked them.Another nice thing with Google is that you can have your site's (@yourdomain.com) email go to Gmail. I think yahoo does this as well, but I'm not 100% sure.
  15. I noticed that too, but there seems to be a few more features in Analytics then in AWstats.
  16. Are you talking about having the html page sort of like "inside" the php page?
  17. Dreamweaver is screwing up, so I can't look at it now,, but this link might help you. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  18. I used to get these a lot. Can you post the php document here (in the code tags, so that I don't have to download it) so that we can take a look at it?
  19. I've actually found that MSN doesn't rank my site very high and rarely crawls my site. Yahoo's bots are always on my site, and I have the highest rank there. I'd just suggest submitting to all search engines, and then they will rank you however they do. There is no way (that I know of) to increase just your MSN rank, so I guess if you just submit your site it is just up to luck and SEO where you are ranked in searches.
  20. I know there is another way of verifying. Maybe it is changing a record or something along that nature?
  21. I'm very glad that they could rescue him. This captain put his life on the line to save the other sailors. As for what happened, I really think that there has to be some way to control the piracy. These people are taking over tons of ships, and holding the people on there hostage. This isn't the middle ages...and if people are going to do this, they shouldn't be mad if they get hurt or killed doing so. What they did was essentially an act of war, and the government should be able to do anything they deem to do without having other hostage's lives on the line. (Can a mod change the title of this to US Captain Freed? I spelled it wrong and can't edit the title.)
  22. I have come across many people wishing to affiliate with my forum since I have put it up, and since then I have learned to affiliate the right way.A simple link swap can be beneficial. If the other link has traffic, and has potential, a link and banner swap would work. Make sure that the person links to your site in the same, if not better, way then you link. Always make sure that they are ok about where you put it, but if they put the link hidden away in a page never to be found, do the same. If they put the link in the footer of every page, do the same or a little worse if they are ok with it. You want to have a link swap, but you don't want to lose all your traffic!More than just a link swap. This can give your site an even greater boost. Let's say you run a website about cats. You could contact an online pet supply company that specializes in cats to see about affiliation. They could give you a certain percent of the profits from the traffic of your site. You could do a linkswap with them, or you could ask for a set amount of money for a permanent link on your site.(NOTE to mods. This is an exact copy of a post I made on the SMF community forums, under the name TheDisturbedOne.)
  23. It says that my website is worth $550. I highly doubt I could get $55 for it. It just analyzes the Alexa rank, age of the site, backlinks and PageRank. It can give you an idea, but it isn't very accurate. If you want an accurate amount, go to a webmaster forum and ask people to tell you how much they would pay for your site. Not how much it is worth, how much they would pay.
  24. I think that the nav bars are great they way they currently are. I am not a big fan of nav bars on the side, but I think these look great the way they currently are. I think the look and layout of the articles is fine. They are easy to read and look presentable. Speed was a tad bit slow. Are you hosted here or elsewhere? It took about a second or two longer to load then most pages, so you should be fine though. I think you could you a professional banner at the top of the page. The area up there looks very plain the way it currently is. If you are going to add forums, make sure they are active. A forum could bring down the site if it isn't active, but if the forum is active, could really boost traffic. I don't really understand the concept of your site. Is it a personal blog or is it something else. I would give the site a 7/10 right now, but a few minor changes would make it a 9 or a 10.RSS feed is a great thing to have. It helps your SEO a little (submit it to Google, and Google will know when there is new content), and your members can get live updates when you post new content. I highly suggest you keep it! Good luck with the blog!
  25. I believe the way I verified was through uploading a file via FTP. They tell you to make a html file with a certain name and upload it to your main directory. It worked and I was verified in less then 10 minutes. I did the same with Google Analytics.
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